Improving Your Reaction Time

You’re playing an intense game of woodsball when your eyes meet your opponent’s. You both know what is about to happen, but you don’t know what the outcome will be, yet. That all depends on who has a better reaction time. In this situation, the fastest trigger finger wins. If you’re equally matched, you may both be eliminated. Reaction time is an important skill when playing at AC Paintball. You need to train your reflexes to beat your opponents and avoid getting hit.

So how do you improve your reaction time? There are a variety of drills, hobbies, and skills you can practice.

rubiks-cube-157058_960_720Improve Your Mental Speed

The reaction process starts in your brain. First, your brain gathers information through your senses. You make look for movement on the AC Paintball field, or listen for markers firing. Then it will analyze the facts. You realize you are in danger of elimination. Finally, it sends signals to the rest of your body to help you navigate the situation. You run away or shoot to defend yourself. The stronger and healthier your brain is, the faster this process takes place.


Training your brain with different daily challenges will improve your thinking speed. Regularly doing crosswords, Sudoku, Rubik’s cubes, etc. can enhance your cognitive abilities. While exercising keeps your body in shape, solving problems will keep your brain healthy.

Video Games

Some video games may also help. Classic games like Frogger, Pong, or Pinball can train your brain to focus on many moving pieces at once. Strategy-based games and shooter games also train you to be alert and ready to take action. While using these training tactics, you can track your progress with a reaction test. There are many apps and websites out there that can help you gauge your abilities.

Improve Your Agility

Once you get your brain up to speed, you need to make sure your body is ready to do the work. Now is the time to combine your mental skills with some physical challenges. Choose drills that require coordination and specific instructions. This will help you prepare for anything when playing on an AC Paintball field.

Ball Drills

Ball drills are a great way to learn to adjust to your surroundings. Grab a partner and play a game of catch. Have the partner vary the speed and direction so that you never know what kind of throw is coming. You will have to judge where the ball is going quickly and adjust your position accordingly. Once you get good with that, mix it up. Find a wall and stand facing it. Have your partner stand behind you and throw the ball at the wall. Once again, you will try to catch the ball.  However, it will be more difficult because you cannot see which way your partner is facing.


Clock and Foot Movement Drills

Playing paintball puts your entire body to work. Not only do you need to be coordinated enough to aim your marker, but you need to be able to know how to move your feet as well. Try doing some stepping drills that prompt you to keep specific rhythms with your feet. You can use a stepping stool, jump rope, ladder, or even play Dance Dance Revolution. Just choose a specific pattern and keep practicing.

Another drill you can try is setting up four objects around you. Place each one a few feet in front of you at the front, back, and sides. Have an AC Paintball buddy give you different random directions for each object. For instance, pick up the object in from of you, step on the object to your left, or do three spins at the object behind you. Once you get good, you can make the directions more creative. You can make up code words for each direction to make you think more. This drill will help you practice interpreting, analyzing, and executing.

Practice Awareness and Try to Predict Your Opponents Moves

Even if you don’t have the best reaction speed, there are other ways to get ready to defend yourself. One of those options is practicing awareness. Minimize distractions and prioritize your goals. Listen closely for your AC Paintball opponents. If you hear something you can prepare to aim or dodge ahead of time. Once you play for a while, you will begin to notice your opponent’s tendencies. Then you will be able to predict their actions and learn to counteract their moves.

Schedule a Game at AC Paintball

Now is the time to put all your skills together. Plan a game at AC Paintball’s facility in Williamstown, New Jersey. The more you play, the better you will get. Every game you play will build your knowledge and skills. You can schedule a game here:

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