• Tips to Bring Intermediate Players Up to a Professional Level

    At AC Paintball in near Atlantic City, New Jersey we welcome players of all levels of experience. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you are sure to enjoy playing on one of our six unique fields. We enjoy watching our players have fun and improve their skills. We have witnessed many players go from beginners to intermediate players and some even to a pro-level. If this is something you are looking to accomplish, check out these tips from AC Paintball. 

    Invest In Your Own Marker and Gear

    If you are just a beginner, it doesn’t make much sense to buy your own equipment. If you end up not liking paintball, you waste your money. When you are a beginner, it makes more sense to rent equipment from AC Paintball. 

    However, if you are intermediate and have been playing for a significant amount of time, you may want to invest in equipment that is better suited to you. Maybe you enjoy playing a certain position and want to have a marker that can improve your performance. If you are an intermediate player looking to step up your game, getting better gear is a good first step. 

    Learn How Properly Maintain Your Gear

    If you are going to get your own gear, it only makes sense that you learn how to properly maintain it. At AC Paintball we maintain all of the rental gear, so that is something you don’t have to worry about. However, if you invest your money in higher-quality equipment, you will want it to last as long as possible. This way, you can get your money’s worth. With this in mind, you should do some research or have a professional teach you how to care for your marker and other equipment. 

    Learn Advanced Tricks

    On top of improving your gear, you can also improve your own skills. You can learn some more advanced tricks that most beginners can’t do. This includes skills such as shooting with both hands or shooting different trick shots. The more things you know how to do, the more valuable player you become. However, it is also important to do these things well. Be sure to work on consistency before the number of skills.

    Know How To Adjust

    You never know that the weather will be like the day you visit AC Paintball in southern New Jersey. The weather can significantly impact your game. For instance, the sun can wear you out faster, wind can affect your aim, and rain can make it slipperier and difficult to see. A true professional paintball player knows how to adjust their game to various circumstances so be sure to work on this skill. 

    Resolve Bad Habits

    Almost every athlete has some bad habits early on in their sports career. They may have poor timing, poor posture, not know how to position themselves, etc. If you still have any bad habits as a paintball player, be sure to resolve them so your game can improve. Work on skills such as pulling the trigger at the right time, posture, aiming, positioning, and decision-making. 

    Build Endurance

    Paintball is an intense sport that can wear you out quickly. If you are new to paintball and get worn out quickly, this can affect your playing ability late game. If the AC Paintball game is neck and neck, you don’t want to lose simply because you don’t have the energy. Therefore, it makes sense to work on your cardio and endurance so you can be at your best throughout the entire game. 

    Create New Strategies 

    Many beginners stick to basic strategies. It allows them to improve basic skills so they can keep up with everyone else. However, if you are playing against seasoned professionals, you are going to have to step up your strategy. If you can learn to be tricky and outplay your opponents mentally, you will become more successful overall. 

    Learn How to Be a Good Leader

    Finally, most professional paintball players know how to be a good leader. They know how to be a good team player, they set a good example and are someone other players can look up to. If you want to be recognized as a professional, become one of the most respectable players on the AC Paintball field. 

    Become a Pro By Practicing at AC Paintball

    Ready to become a professional? Visit AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey to work on your skills. You can schedule a visit here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/ or by calling 609-561-3883.

  • Who Is Better at Paintball: Adults or Kids?

    Whenever you play some sort of team sport, having a little competition between kids and adults is always fun. Both children and adults have different advantages of skills and personality traits. It is interesting to see how their features contribute to a friendly game of paintball and affect the outcome. While both parties have decent advantages over the other, it is difficult to tell who has more of an advantage. 


    When it comes to paintball, adults have some very useful advantages. Depending on the AC Paintball game, these advantages can help them be more successful. 

    More Experience

    Adults have been around longer than children. This means they have more experience and have had more time to cultivate their skills. However, it depends on what they have focused on. If they have practiced talents such as aim, strategy, decision-making, and observing, then they will likely have an advantage that can tip the scales in their favor. 

    Endurance and Strength

    Adults have more endurance and are generally stronger. Many children use a lot of their energy right away and then crash later. Adults have learned to conserve energy for later. This can prove to be effective if you choose to play a Adults vs. Kids game later in your southern New Jersey AC Paintball session.

    They also have more strength which allows them to perform more tricky stunts and also contributes to their endurance. If your arms start getting tired, it can affect your aim, which affects your performance. 

    More Patience

    While paintball is a fast-paced game, it still requires patience. For instance, if you can wait for your target to get into the right position you want, you have a better chance of eliminating them. Therefore, if you have more patience, it can be a virtue during an AC Paintball game. Adults generally have more patience than children. Therefore, this trait can give them an edge. 


    While adults have some pretty great advantages, kids also have a few tricks up their sleeves. It is worth noting that a child must be 10 years old or older to play at AC Paintball. Here are just a few traits and abilities that can help kids win an AC Paintball game against adults. 

    More Energy

    paintball birthday eventKids are full of energy and energy is key during an AC Paintball game. The more energy you have, the better you can perform and the better you perform, the better chance you have at winning. While it was mentioned above that adults are good at conserving energy, kids generally have more energy overall. This can pay off big during an AC Paintball game near Atlantic City. 

    Faster and Smaller Target

    On top of energy, kids are also faster and a smaller target. When you are a fast-moving and small target, you are harder to hit accurately. When you don’t get hit, you stay in the AC Paintball game. When you have more people still on your team, you can gain an advantage over your opponents and likely come out on top. 

    They Know How to Have Fun

    Finally, kids know how to have more fun than adults. When you know how to have fun, you are the real winner no matter if you win or lose the AC Paintball game. Playing with kids makes the AC Paintball game more fun for everyone. 

    Schedule a Game at AC Paintball to Find Out! 

    Curious to know if you or your favorite kids would win an Adult vs. Kids AC paintball game? Schedule a future game so you can find out! You can do so by visiting our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. Alternatively, you can also call AC Paintball at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon. 

  • What Makes a Paintball Player Great?

    When it comes to hobbies, passions, or jobs, everyone wants to be great. They want to be good at what they do so that they can feel a sense of purpose and belonging. If paintball is one of your passions, you likely want to be one of the best players on your AC Paintball team, but what makes a paintball player great? What makes other players look up to and respect another paintball player? There are many different aspects that contribute to the making of a great paintball player. Here a just a few. 


    To do any sort of task well, you need a certain amount of skill. For instance, if you want to play paintball well, you need good aim and timing so you can hit your targets. Most people aren’t the best shots the first time they play at AC Paintball, but if you keep practicing, you will get better. Then, before you know it you will be one of the best on your AC Paintball team. 

    To practice, you can visit AC Paintball regularly or you can just practice your aim at home with your own marker if you have one, or even by simply throwing a ball at a target. Pretty much anything that involves aiming and timing, can help you improve your paintball skills. Being skilled at specific tasks is at the base of any person who is considered great in their profession. 


    During an AC Paintball game in Atlantic City, NJ, having the right equipment is important. The quality of your equipment can affect your overall game. For instance, if you are playing a sniper and your marker doesn’t shoot far accurately, then you will likely struggle to hit your targets. 

    While good skills, such as knowing how to adjust your aim, can make up for poor equipment, having quality equipment from the start can help you be more successful overall. Check out this AC Paintball blog to help you learn what to look for in a paintball marker: https://acpaintball.com/2017/12/18/choosing-a-paintball-marker-that-complements-your-style/. You can find this and many other helpful blogs on AC Paintball’s website. 


    On top of skills and equipment, a great paintball player also has brains. They know how to get into their opponents’ heads and create a plan for success. They know how to make a tentative plan, but also how to make smart decisions to change the plan if things don’t go exactly as expected. 

    In many AC Paintball games, the team that wins is the one that has the best strategy. Therefore, you may find it advantageous to study up on good paintball strategies. You can find may strategy tips and tricks throughout AC Paintball’s blogs. Here is just one you may find helpful: https://acpaintball.com/2017/08/23/aspects-to-consider-when-creating-a-strategy-for-an-ac-paintball-game/


    You could have plenty of skill, the best equipment, and the best strategy, but if you don’t have a positive attitude your game will suffer. Paintball is a team sport. If the team can’t work together, it will be difficult for them to win the AC Paintball game. With this in mind, it is important that you come to AC Paintball in a good mood and ready to support your team. Figure out what gets you positively pumped up and do it before you arrive. 

    Strength and Endurance

    Finally, a great player needs strength and endurance. Paintball is a very physical sport and AC Paintball sessions are 3-4 hours long. If you tire yourself out in the first few games, you won’t be as useful to your team in the later games. With this in mind, if you want to play paintball regularly and you want to be a great player, you should continue to work on your endurance and your strength. 

    You can find many blogs throughout AC Paintball’s website to help you build up your muscles and increase your endurance. Here is just one: https://acpaintball.com/2019/06/09/how-to-build-up-your-core-muscles-for-paintball/.

    Put Yourself to the Test at AC Paintball in Atlantic City

    Are you ready to see just how great of a paintball player you can be? Schedule a game at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey now! You can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call AC Paintball at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon!

  • 7 Tips For Practicing Paintball at AC Paintball

    No matter what sport you play, every athlete needs to practice. Practice provides you with a chance to make mistakes and learn new techniques without the pressure of an actual game. However, when you practice, you should still push yourself and use effective drills so you can improve faster. To help you do so, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is here with some tips and advice. The harder and more often you practice, the faster you will improve. 

    Research Ways To Improve

    There are a variety of ways you can improve your skills. Paintball is a complex sport that requires you to be talented in a variety of areas. Before you arrive at AC Paintball it is a good idea to decide what skills you want to work on and research drills you can use to accomplish your goals. By doing so, you can use your time both efficiently and effectively. 

    Practice Both Alone and With Others

    When it comes to paintball, there are some skills that you should practice alone and others that you need to practice with a team. For instance, aiming, muscle power, and posture are all things you should work on individually. Meanwhile, strategy, communication, and positioning are tactics that require group chemistry. By working both alone and with others on your skills, you can become a better AC Paintball player overall. 

    Treat Practice Like A Real Game

    While practice generally doesn’t involve the same pressure as a game, treating your practice as a real game can help put you in the right mindset. It is good to have fun at practice. However, if you goof around too much, you won’t get everything you can out of your AC Paintball practice. 

    Try New Techniques

    In paintball, there is always something new to learn and practice is the time to try it out. Whether you have a new gun, new strategy, or a new trick, practice is the time to work on it. Players rarely perform complicated tricks perfectly the first few times they attempt it. It is not the best idea to attempt a trick you have never tried before during a game. However, if you continue to work on it in practice, you can get good enough to nail your new trick at your next AC Paintball game.  

    Work On Details that Affect Your Game

    Sometimes in practice, we can fall into the trap of simply performing the same routine of drills over and over again. When this happens, you stay good at the skills you are already good at. However, you don’t improve on the skills you don’t work on. 

    During your AC Paintball game, it is a good idea to analyze and pay attention to aspects that you need to work on. Once you know this, you can figure out how to improve those skills so you can improve your overall game. For instance, if you get tired quickly, you may need to work on your strength and stamina. If you miss your target too often, work on aiming and focus. By improving your worse skills, you can become a more consistent paintball player. 

    Don’t Get Discouraged

    If you aren’t excelling with new trick and techniques quickly, it can be easy to get discouraged. However, if you stop, you will never get better. Find something to keep you motivated and simply keep practicing. You will eventually get better and become an asset to your AC Paintball team. 

    Have Fun

    Finally, it is most important to have fun. Having fun will motivate you to continue improving and playing the game. Make sure you are practicing with people you get along with and focus on how good you can become. 

    If you are ready to schedule an AC Paintball session so you can practice with your friends or family, visit AC Paintball’s website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you at our Williamstown, New Jersey location.

  • The Importance of Learning to Shoot Off-Handed

    If you want to be the best paintball player you can be, it is important to always look for new ways to improve and get better. From beginner to the average player, you should work on mastering skills such as aiming, strategizing, moving around, and being stealthy. Once you have a good grip on these skills, however, you can start to practice and learn more tricky skills. One skill that many AC Paintball players find useful is the ability to shoot with both hands.

    When you are just starting out on your paintball journey, using your dominant hand helps more easily and quickly adjust to the game. However, once you play at AC Paintball for a while, you may begin to realize that using the same hand all the time gets difficult in certain situations. Soon enough, you may decide you want to train your non-dominant hand to do everything your dominant hand can do with the same ease and ability.  If this is your case, AC Paintball is here to help!

    Shoot Faster and More Consistently

    You’ve likely gotten good at shooting and aiming quickly and consistently with your dominant hand. Unfortunately, if a certain situation calls for you to try and shoot with your non-dominant hand, you may be shaky and take a few extra seconds to aim. If you are up against a skillful player at AC Paintball, those few extra seconds can lead to you getting eliminated without getting a shot off at your opponent. On the other hand, if you are talented with both hands, you can easily adapt to the situation and help ensure you eliminate your target before they eliminate you.

    Stay Covered

    If you are right-handed, it is easy to shoot from the right side of the bunker while staying mostly covered. However, if you can only use your right hand and have to shoot from the left side of the bunker, you will have to expose more of your body in doing so. Then you give your AC Paintball opponent a bigger target and chance elimination. Having the ability to use your left hand in this type of situation will allow you to accurately target your opponent while still staying mostly covered. Then you have a better chance of staying in your AC Paintball game.

    Keep Arms Getting Tired

    If you are your paintball group plays a lot of intense games, your arms can get pretty tired by the end of your AC Paintball session. This fact is especially true if you are only good at using one arm. When you learn to use both hands, you can switch back and forth so your arm doesn’t get tired as quickly.

    Think More Efficiently

    Think about the last time you tried to use your non-dominant hand for daily activities that your dominant hand does with ease. You likely had to concentrate a lot more and may have been a bit shaky.

    Now imagine an AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey if you have to concentrate that hard to use your non-dominant hand. Thinking about using your non-dominant hand properly will likely be the only thing you will be able to concentrate on. You may end up neglecting other things you should be focusing on such as field awareness and strategy. Brain power is yet another reason why it is important to learn to use your non-dominant hand.

    Practice Using Your Left Hand In Your Free Time

    It may take a little while to get used to using your non-dominant hand. You have to train your brain to judge distance with that hand and how to make certain movements. The best way to do this is to just practice doing everyday tasks with your non-dominant hand. You can try eating, throwing things, challenging yourself to complete different movements and more. Then, once you get good at everyday tasks, you can test yourself by practicing with an actual marker at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey.

    Become a More Effective Player

    Overall, learning how to use and shoot with your non-dominant hand expands your abilities. This makes you a more effective player. However, this is just one way you can improve your paintball skills. You can find more ways to improve your game by reading AC Paintball’s blogs: https://acpaintball.com/blog/.

  • How Paintball Can Help You Improve At Other Sports

    runner-808932_960_720When you play a sport for a school or club, you may only focus on developing skills that are important to that sport. This is a smart strategy when starting out because you can prioritize practicing the skills you need the most. However, if you have been playing for many years, you may find more improvement by practicing other sports.

    Although every sport calls for a basic level of athleticism, every sport works differently. You use different muscles and develop some slightly different set of skills. For example, soccer focuses on your feet, while handball focuses more on your arms.

    Even though sports focus on different aspects, trying a different sport can improve your ability to play your own sport. Paintball has many different skill improvement areas to offer. When practicing paintball at AC Paintball, you can help develop a variety of skills found below.

    Running and Moving

    Many sports like outdoor volleyball, hockey, and running require the ability to navigate tricky terrain. If you want to improve your ability to move fast while watching where you step, playing Woodsball is great practice. AC Paintball has three main Woodsball fields to offer: the Black Ops Pentagon Woods Field, the Blue Thunder Woods Fields, and the Red Dawn Woods Field. You never know where there will be fallen branch or a rock that you may step on. You have to watch where you step but still move fast and quietly.

    Paintball also allows you to practice skills like diving, sliding and rolling. If your opponent is shooting at you, you may need to utilize these tricks to get out of the way. Learning these skills can be useful for athletes playing sports like baseball and football.


    exercise-841167_960_720Almost every sport calls for a certain level of conditioning. Whether your game lasts a long time or you have to play many games, being able to endure is important. Paintball is a great sport to play if you want to build endurance. All AC Paintball’s fields are outside and exposed to New Jersey weather, so you will be exposed to the elements and weather. When you are exposed to harsher conditions than normal, playing in normal conditions becomes easier.

    Paintball also works all your muscles. Carrying a gun builds up the muscles in your arms. Running, jumping, and bending in various ways builds your leg and core muscles. By strengthening new muscles you may find increased ability with your skills. You can enhance your skills as an athlete and perform better.


    Good aim is needed in sports like basketball, soccer, and hockey. You need to be able to aim for the basket or goal, usually while moving. With paintball, aiming is one of the most important skills you need, if not the most important. If you can’t aim well, you can’t eliminate your opponents and will likely be taken out yourself when they retaliate. There are many times when you have to aim while running. You have to constantly be judging your target’s speed and adjust the angle of your marker accordingly. At AC Paintball you can improve your aiming skills while having some fun.

    Decision Making

    Every athlete needs good decision-making skills. You need to know when to move, where to move, when to pass, and who to pass to. The list of decisions goes on. In paintball, decision-making is a critical skill. A bad decision can result in the elimination of you or a teammate. With this in mind, there is more pressure to make that right decision than in other sports. Playing paintball can help you learn to make good decisions under pressure. This is an important skill to have when your team is down with only a few minutes left.

    Team Communication

    When you play a team sport, communication is crucial. If your teammates don’t know your plans and you don’t know theirs, you can end up making preventable mistakes. You could collide or miss a pass. In paintball communication skills can be the difference between winning and losing. If you don’t tell your team where you are, what your plans are or that you need backup, you will likely run into trouble.

    Paintball forces players to count on one another. Scheduling a few games at AC Paintball is a great way to teach your team to communicate and bring them together. To book a game, follow this link: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/.