• Paintball Markers for Beginners

    Beginning anything new is exciting, however, it can also be overwhelming. You have a lot of knowledge to gain, skills to master, and muscles to train. This is especially true for paintball. When starting to play paintball at AC Paintball, one of the first decisions you have to make is which marker you want to use.

    AC Paintball Options

    With dozens to hundreds of options, this task can seem difficult. Luckily, AC Paintball in southern New Jersey has made it easy for you by only offering two options. This includes the Tippmann Custom 98 and the Valken V-Tac SW-1. Both of these paintball guns are great options for beginners. They are reliable and can do what you need them to do without being too complex.

    What to Consider When Buying Your Own Gun

    If you prefer to buy your own paintball gun to play at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey here are some important aspects to think about.

    How Often You Will Play

    Even if you are new to paintball, you probably have some idea about how often you intend on playing. If your friend who plays often asked you to join their team, you will likely play often. In this case, you will likely want to invest in a higher-end paintball marker. This way you can keep up with other experienced players that you may be facing.

    On the other hand, if you only plan on playing a couple times, you may want to settle for a marker that is just good enough for you to keep up with everyone else. A fairly simple marker can also allow you to focus primarily on your AC Paintball game rather than worrying about how to use your gun.

    Your Budget

    When making any sort of purchase, it is always a good idea to set a budget. Doing so can help you stay focused on your goal. It can be fairly easy to get caught up in fancy paintball guns and end up spending more than you wanted. If you have a budget in mind, you can narrow your options and make the paintball gun buying process simpler.


    There are three different types of paintball guns. These include pump, mechanically operated, and electro-pneumatic. Pumps require manual operation and have a slower firing rate.  Mechanically operated guns are the most common as they are simple to use and fairly effective. Electro-pneumatic markers are the most effective but are more tricky to operate. For the most part, you will likely want to use the same type that your teammates and opponents are using to keep your AC Paintball game fair and even.

    Your Paintball Interests

    As a beginner, you will likely want to try out different roles and games to figure out what you like. However, you may also already have an idea what role you want to play and what games you prefer. If this is your case, you should get a gun that can help you excel at what you need to do. For example, if you want to be a sniper, you should get a marker that can shoot far accurately. If you like playing in the woods, consider a camouflaged gun. By choosing a marker that complements your role, you can be more successful during your AC Paintball game.

    AC Paintball Regulations

    If you are going to buy your own paintball marker, you want to ensure that you are going to be able to use it during your AC Paintball game. At AC Paintball our marker limit is 280fps. The maker also cannot be fully automatic.


    Finally, you will want to consider the marker’s reputation. Do some research and find out what markers experienced paintball player recommend. If many players like a certain gun, there is a good chance that you would like it a lot too.

    Safety Tips

    One of the most important aspects to know when playing paintball is how to play safely. It is important to follow the rules to ensure that no one gets hurt. Here are some brief tips.

    • Never point your marker at someone’s face who doesn’t have a mask on.
    • Never point your gun at anyone that is not part of the game.
    • If it is raining, keep your gun dry.
    • Test your maker before your AC Paintball game to make sure it is working.
    • If you have your own gun, make sure it is clean and properly maintained.
    • If you have any questions or concerns about your marker, ask them before the game.

    Before your AC Paintball game, you will watch a safety video with more information. Be sure to follow the rule and have a fun time.

    Tips for Playing

    Finally, once you have chosen your marker and learned how to use it safely, it is time to use it effectively. Here are some tips on how to do so.

    • Test your marker before your game. Learn how it shoots so you can adjust your aim during your game.
    • Take your time to aim. While it can be fun to fire rapidly at random, taking an extra second or two to aim more accurately will be more effective.
    • Work on building up your arm muscles so your arms don’t get tired and affect your game.
    • Keep your gun as dry as possible when it’s raining to keep a good grip.
    • Make sure you have enough paintballs before the game begins.
    • Continue to learn and adapt to your marker.

    Being a beginner can be intimidating, but once you learn the basics you are sure to have a great time playing at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey.

  • 5 Paintball Timing Tips

    If you want to eliminate as many opponents as possible, the first thing you need to focus on is aiming. Timing can be just as important, especially when many of your opponents are moving. You need both accurate aiming and precise timing to consistently hit your target. So how do you achieve good timing skills? The best answer is practice. However, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is here to help with some additional tips for timing and deciding when to pull the trigger.

    Be Aware Of Your Surroundings

    One of the first things you should concern yourself with when judging the timing of your shot is your surroundings. Field awareness is an important aspect of any AC Paintball game. You should know where your opponents are as well as your teammates. This helps you strategize and make smart decisions.

    You need to think about your target. Ask yourself some of these important questions.

    • Are you currently aiming at an opponent or teammate?
    • How close is your target?
    • What direction are they moving?
    • Is anyone or anything in your way?

    By answering these questions, you can help determine if you should shoot, where to aim, and how to time your shot.

    Think About Team Strategy

    Not only should you be aware of the AC Paintball field, but you should also think about how your timing affects your team’s strategy. If your team is trying to gain ground quickly, you may want to take more chances and take more shots quickly. However, if they have a more thoughtful plan, you will want to be more patient with your shots. Wait for your target to come closer to you so you have a better chance of hitting them.

    And Individual Strategy

    You will also want to think about whether you will give away your position or not. While one half of paintball is eliminating opponents, the other half is avoiding getting hit. Making sound alerts everyone on the AC Paintball field and tells them where you are, especially when it is a loud gunshot. If there is an opponent in your area and you don’t want them to turn and fire on you, you may want to wait to take your shot. If they pass you and you want to hit them as they are walking away, take your time to aim and make sure you make your shot.

    Moving Targets

    When it comes to moving targets, knowing how to time your shot right takes a bit more skill. You need to be able to analyze many aspects at once. You have to figure out how long it will take the paintball to reach the distance at which your target is standing.  You have to figure out where your target will be when the paintball reached that point. Then you need to pull the trigger at precisely the right time.

    One way you can make hitting targets easier is by learning to predict your opponent’s moves. Think about what you would do in their situation and then try to figure out how you can gain the upper hand. Be ready to adjust your plan quickly though, just in case they don’t do exactly what you expect.

    Practice, Practice, Practice

    When you are ready to test and improve your timing skills, schedule a game at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey. You can do so by following this link: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call 609-561-3883. We are happy to provide a safe and friendly atmosphere for you and your friends to practice your skills and just have fun. Be sure to check out AC Paintball’s blog for more paintball tips or talk to a member of the AC Paintball staff if you have any additional questions.

  • The Importance of Learning to Shoot Off-Handed

    If you want to be the best paintball player you can be, it is important to always look for new ways to improve and get better. From beginner to the average player, you should work on mastering skills such as aiming, strategizing, moving around, and being stealthy. Once you have a good grip on these skills, however, you can start to practice and learn more tricky skills. One skill that many AC Paintball players find useful is the ability to shoot with both hands.

    When you are just starting out on your paintball journey, using your dominant hand helps more easily and quickly adjust to the game. However, once you play at AC Paintball for a while, you may begin to realize that using the same hand all the time gets difficult in certain situations. Soon enough, you may decide you want to train your non-dominant hand to do everything your dominant hand can do with the same ease and ability.  If this is your case, AC Paintball is here to help!

    Shoot Faster and More Consistently

    You’ve likely gotten good at shooting and aiming quickly and consistently with your dominant hand. Unfortunately, if a certain situation calls for you to try and shoot with your non-dominant hand, you may be shaky and take a few extra seconds to aim. If you are up against a skillful player at AC Paintball, those few extra seconds can lead to you getting eliminated without getting a shot off at your opponent. On the other hand, if you are talented with both hands, you can easily adapt to the situation and help ensure you eliminate your target before they eliminate you.

    Stay Covered

    If you are right-handed, it is easy to shoot from the right side of the bunker while staying mostly covered. However, if you can only use your right hand and have to shoot from the left side of the bunker, you will have to expose more of your body in doing so. Then you give your AC Paintball opponent a bigger target and chance elimination. Having the ability to use your left hand in this type of situation will allow you to accurately target your opponent while still staying mostly covered. Then you have a better chance of staying in your AC Paintball game.

    Keep Arms Getting Tired

    If you are your paintball group plays a lot of intense games, your arms can get pretty tired by the end of your AC Paintball session. This fact is especially true if you are only good at using one arm. When you learn to use both hands, you can switch back and forth so your arm doesn’t get tired as quickly.

    Think More Efficiently

    Think about the last time you tried to use your non-dominant hand for daily activities that your dominant hand does with ease. You likely had to concentrate a lot more and may have been a bit shaky.

    Now imagine an AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey if you have to concentrate that hard to use your non-dominant hand. Thinking about using your non-dominant hand properly will likely be the only thing you will be able to concentrate on. You may end up neglecting other things you should be focusing on such as field awareness and strategy. Brain power is yet another reason why it is important to learn to use your non-dominant hand.

    Practice Using Your Left Hand In Your Free Time

    It may take a little while to get used to using your non-dominant hand. You have to train your brain to judge distance with that hand and how to make certain movements. The best way to do this is to just practice doing everyday tasks with your non-dominant hand. You can try eating, throwing things, challenging yourself to complete different movements and more. Then, once you get good at everyday tasks, you can test yourself by practicing with an actual marker at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey.

    Become a More Effective Player

    Overall, learning how to use and shoot with your non-dominant hand expands your abilities. This makes you a more effective player. However, this is just one way you can improve your paintball skills. You can find more ways to improve your game by reading AC Paintball’s blogs: https://acpaintball.com/blog/.

  • Deciding When To Shoot and When Not To Shoot

    1200px-USMC-100806-M-8289C-012Paintball is a game of strategy and decision-making. You have to be constantly analyzing your surroundings and constantly thinking about your next move. One of the most important skills you will need is knowing when to shoot and when not to shoot. Taking a shot at the wrong time can make things harder for you and your team. Yet, not taking a shot when you have the chance can bug you for the rest of your game.

    No AC Paintball game or situation is ever the same. You have to judge each shooting chance individually. This may sound difficult, but AC Paintball is here to help with some questions you can ask yourself to help determine whether or not you should shoot.

    What Are Your Chances of Hitting Your Target?

    The first aspect you will want to consider when deciding if you should shoot is your chance of hitting your target. In this case, you need to think about your skills, the distance between you and the target, and what obstacles are in your way. If you are far away with some obstacles in the way, you may want to wait and get a bit closer, unless you are very confident in your skills. On the other hand, if you have a clear shot, you will want to take it while you can.

    Will You Give Away Your Position?

    If you are playing on one of AC Paintball’s woodsball courses, hiding and stealth become a more important aspect of the game. In this case, you will want to choose your shots more carefully, especially if you are a sniper.

    Consider your team’s strategy and observe what else is happening in the area. If you have an important role and will give away your position, you will likely want to wait. Yet if successfully eliminating your target will give your team an advantage, you may want to take the shot, even if you end up getting eliminated yourself.

    paintball-1139966_960_720How Many Are in the Area?

    Numbers are definitely something to consider in an AC Paintball game. If you are one person shooting at a group, you will likely get shot back at and get eliminated. However, if you are in a group and have more teammates around than your target opponent, you will likely want to take the shot.

    Before the game, your team should think carefully about traveling in numbers. It can be advantageous to have some backup, but the larger the group, the bigger the target. In many cases traveling in small groups of two and three is the best choice.

    How Important Is the Player You Are Shooting At?

    With all of the previous questions taken into consideration, you will also want to judge the importance of your target player. If your target player isn’t much of a threat and other conditions tell you not to shoot, it is likely better to wait. On the other hand, if the target player is important or making it difficult for your team to win, you may want to take the chance and shoot at them.

    How Much Ammo Do You Have?

    This aspect may seem like a given but is still worth mentioning. You should always keep an eye on how much ammo you have left. You don’t want to get caught in the middle of an AC Paintball game without a way to defend yourself. Before the game starts, make sure you know how much ammo you have and plan your shooting strategy accordingly.

    Make Your Decision Quickly

    While there are many aspects to consider before shooting, you need to make your decision quickly. You may not be able to consider all of these at the moment you need to decide, but with some practice, you will improve. Learn to trust your instincts and do what you feel is best at the moment.

    Another helpful technique is to imagine and decide what you would do in various situations before the game even starts. This way, when you notice a similar situation during an AC Paintball game, you already know what you want to do.

  • AC Paintball’s Tips for Shooting

    paintball-1278899_960_720One of the most important skills you will use during an AC Paintball game is shooting. If you can’t hit your target, you won’t be able to eliminate your opponents or defend yourself. Becoming an accurate shooter can make you more valuable to your team. With this in mind, there are multiple aspects to think about when trying to improve your shooting skills. AC Paintball is here to help with these tips and aspects to think about when practicing and improving your skills.

    Choose the Right Marker

    The first step to making sure your shooting is accurate, is to choose the right marker. Every gun is a bit different. Some can shoot farther while others can rapid fire faster than others. They also come in different styles, weights, shapes, and more. When trying to choose the right gun for you, you should consider your skills, position, and the game you are playing.

    AC Paintball rents two different markers, the Tippmann Custom 98 Marker, and the Valken V-Tac SW-1 Marker. You can find a comparison of the two here: https://acpaintball.com/2016/04/28/tippmann-custom-marker-vs-valken-marker/. You can also find tips for choosing the right marker for different types of games in AC Paintball’s blog. By learning to choose the right gun, you can improve your ability to eliminate opponents and contribute to your team.

    When and How Often

    The next thing you should determine is when to shoot and how often. While firing your marker is fun, you don’t want to waste ammo. Firing your gun at the wrong time can also give away your position. When on the AC Paintball fields, try to be aware of who is around and what your team’s strategy needs you to do.

    The amount you should shoot depends on your position and in-game situation. For instance, if you are a sniper trying to take your one opponent, you may only want to fire one or two shots. However, if you are part of the infantry defending a frontman against multiple opponents, you will want to fire rapidly. You will need to analyze each situation individually and fire the amount you find appropriate. The more you practice at AC Paintball, the better you will get at making the right decisions quickly.


    sideshotHaving the right posture can help improve your aim. During an AC Paintball game, your posture may be slightly different depending on if and where you are trying to hide and if you need to be ready to move quickly. For the most part, though, you should be in a comfortable position, facing forward as much as possible, and with your marker close to the center of your body. While certain situations may call for you to shoot in a different position, this posture will typically provide the best results.


    Once you have decent posture, you can aim your marker. Before you start your AC Paintball game, it is a good idea to take a couple practice shots. This way you can get a feel for your marker and learn how to adjust your aim for the game. To determine approximately where your paintball will go, look along the top of the barrel.

    During the game, try to observe how your gun is positioned and where the paintball goes. Try to continually learn and adjust so you can improve your overall accuracy.

    Adjusting to Elements

    The different types of southern New Jersey weather can also affect your ability to shoot accurately. For instance, rain can dissolve the outer coating of the paintball which causes it to leave the barrel and fly differently. Cold weather can also cause the velocity of the paintball to fluctuate. When the weather is affecting your shooting, it is important to take extra care when adjusting your aim.

    For more tips on adjusting your game to weather conditions, check out this AC Paintball blog: https://acpaintball.com/2017/02/20/adapting-your-paintball-game-to-the-weather/.


    Once you determine what shooting aspects you want to work on, all that is left to do is practice. AC Paintball offers five different courses you can practice on. This includes both Woodsball and Speedball courses. If you would like to schedule a game, you can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You may also want to consider signing up for AC Paintball’s yearly membership. This way you can save on paintballs as you practice.