• 5 Tips to Improve Your Cardio and Boost Your Endurance for Paintball

    Paintball is a physical sport. Between running around, crouching, carrying your marker, crawling and more, you can get worn out pretty quickly. With this in mind, you should work on your cardio so you can boost your endurance and be more successful. AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is here to help you do so with these five tips.

    Perform High-intensity Workouts at Frequent Intervals

    Cardio is all about getting your heart beating. Exercise helps lower your resting heart rate as well as blood pressure, which allows it to work more efficiently. When your heart is working efficiently, it doesn’t have to work as hard, which also means that you can be active for a longer period of time without getting tired. Thus, you improve your endurance. 

    Performing high-intensity workouts at frequent intervals is one of the best ways to strengthen your heart. Push yourself for a few minutes, then take a break with a more simple workout like jogging. Then push yourself again. A good place to start is by doing about 4-5 intense workouts. As your endurance increases, increase the intensity by exercising for a longer period of time. Also, don’t forget to stretch, warm-up, and cool down. 

    Add Some Resistance and Strength Training

    When people think of cardio, they often think of exercises such as running, jump roping, and other agility exercises. However, doing some strength and resistance exercises will also benefit you for your next AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey. You can lift weights, use resistance bands, use a medicine ball or just work on holding certain positions. 

    As mentioned above, you should start off by doing a few sets of intense exercises with less intense breaks in between and gradually push yourself more and more. With strength and resistance training, you can do so by adding more sets, more repetitions, or more resistance. 


    Plyometrics is yet another type of exercise that can help you boost your cardio. It involves explosive movements that work your muscles by quickly lengthening and shortening them. It gets your blood pumping while improving your power and speed. 

    This can be extremely useful during an AC Paintball game as it involves many quick movements that call for a lot of strength and power. The longer you can endure these types of movements, the better you can perform during your next AC Paintball game. 

    Mix Up Your Workout

    If you want to play paintball regularly, one goal you will want to focus on is building your overall strength and endurance. While some sports use certain body parts more often, paintball is a sport where you use every part of your body. With this in mind, it is a good idea to mix up your workouts. Don’t use the same routine for every day of the week. Instead, mix it up. This will help you in the long run as you improve your overall cardio and endurance. 

    Stay Motivated and Track Your Progress

    Finally, it is important to stay motivated. If you can stay motivated, you will continue to improve and become the best paintball player you can be. One way to stay motivated it to track your progress. When it comes to cardio and exercise, it can be difficult to see how far you’ve come. Yet if you set measurable goals and track your progress, it can help you be inspired to keep going. 

    When it comes to cardio you can track how much your heart rate has dropped, how long you can run without getting tired, or how many repetitions you can do of a certain exercise. If you keep up the hard work, before you know it you may find yourself surpassing your goals. 

    Test Your Cardio at AC Paintball

    Ready to test your cardio at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey? Schedule a game here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/ or call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon! 

  • Determining How Many Paintballs to Buy

    paintball_packWhen you play at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey, you need working equipment and plenty of ammo. If you run out of paintballs mid-game, you lose your ability to defend yourself. You also won’t be able to take out your opponents. This situation is a disadvantage to not only you but to your team as well.

    Your options will be slim. You will either have to find a friend to borrow from or eliminate yourself from the game. If you choose to borrow, you also waste time finding a friend and reloading your gun. This gives plenty of time for your opponents to take you out of the game anyway.

    Don’t let this situation happen to you. Make sure you have the ammo you need and check your equipment ahead of time. If you are new to paintball, you may not know how many paintballs you will need. There are many variables to take into consideration. AC Paintball is here to help. We have created this guide to help you figure out just how much ammo you will need for playing at AC Paintball.

    Average Usage

    The average paintball player uses approximately 200 paintballs per hour of play. You can adjust this number depending on your mood and level of competitiveness. If you need to get out some aggressions, you can estimate to add about 100 more. If you want to relax more and just have fun, you can subtract 100. Most of AC Paintball’s packages include three to four hours of playtime. You also get 200 paintballs and most of the equipment you will need. If you think you will need more than 200 paintballs, you can buy more separately. You can the pricings below.

    • 200 Paintballs: $9.95
    • 500 Paintballs: $19.95
    • 2000 Paintball Case: $49.95 (Available to AC Paintball Club Members ONLY)
    • 2000 Paintball Case: $65.42 (without ACPaintball Club Membership)

    How Often Do You Like to Shoot?

    Are you an aggressive player or a relaxed player? When it comes to paintball there are two different shooting methods. Some players use the “spray and pray” method where they continuously fire paintballs. They do not take much time to aim and just point in their opponent’s general direction. This tactic will call for more paintballs. You may want to add about 100 paintballs to your total.

    Other paintball players are patient and take the time to aim. They make sure they hit their target and conserve paintballs. This approach does not need as many paintballs. You may only need about 100 paintballs. Both methods can be effective depending on your skills and preferences.

    green paintballs

    What Position Are You Playing?

    The position you play affects how often you will need to shoot. If you choose to be a Backman or being part of the infantry, you can plan on shooting a lot. These players handle ambushes and defend their teammates. Frontmen and Snipers, on the other hand, will not need as many paintballs. They are in charge of completing the mission and taking out specific targets.

    What Game Are You Playing?

    The game you choose to play can also affect how many paintballs you will need. It might not affect the number as much as much as your mood and preferences, though. In scenario games, the scenario you choose will determine how many paintballs you need. If you choose a scenario with a lot of shooting action, you will need more paintballs. Yet, if you choose a scenario with more story and less action, you may not need as many. Usually, players report needing more paintballs on average when playing scenario paintball.

    Most woodsball players report using an average of 200 paintballs. Take into consideration, however, that AC Paintball’s wooded fields are our largest fields. This means that you may end up doing more running and less shooting. You might be able to get away with just 150 paintballs. AC Paintball’s speedball courses are on the smaller side and see more shooting action. Most players report using an average of 200 paintballs, but you may want to carry more, just in case.

    Are You On a Budget?

    When you play paintball, there are many pieces of equipment you need to rent. At AC Paintball, most of the equipment is already included in the paintball package. After you buy a package, you may have to budget the rest of your money. In this case, you will want to be conservative with your shooting. You may want to consider splitting a pack of paintballs and the cost with a friend. If you are low on ammo, another option is to create your own mini game that does not need many paintballs.


    How Long Are You Planning on Playing?

    If you choose AC Paintball’s morning paintball package you get three hours of playtime. This means you will need approximately 600 paintballs. If you choose AC Paintball’s afternoon package, you get four hours of play time. This means you will need approximately 800 paintballs. Don’t forget to take the other variables into consideration, though.

    You will also want to take breaks into consideration. You likely won’t play for 3-4 hours straight. AC Paintball recommends taking short breaks to rest and refuel. You should take breaks into consideration when planning how many paintballs you will need. If you plan on taking a half hour break, you can plan to take about 100 paintballs off of your total.

    Do You Still Have Paintballs Left?

    If you still have paintballs left at the end of the day, you can always save them for your next visit you AC Paintball in Williamstown, New Jersey. You can bring your friends and save with one of AC Paintball’s group packages. You can also try a different field or game and have a new exciting paintball experience.