Things Every AC Paintball Player Should Know

Every hobby, sport, and activity has a certain level of basic knowledge that every participant should know. They are the very first things you learn when you decide to try something new. In paintball, there are many facts and skills to learn before you even play your first game. To help you figure out what you need to know, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey has compiled this guide.
What to Wear and Bring
Before you even leave for AC Paintball, you need to know what to wear and what to bring. Playing paintball can take a lot out of you, so it is important to be prepared.
In general, you will want to wear light, comfortable clothing and sneakers. You will want to bring healthy snacks, water, and a towel to dry off. If you would like more ideas of what to bring to make your AC Paintball experience more enjoyable, check out our more detailed blogs below.
The better you prepare, the better your AC Paintball experience will be.
The first thing you should know once you do arrive at AC Paintball are the rules. Every sport has a set of rules to help ensure safety and fairness for its players. Paintball has many basic rules as well as additional rules that change based on what game you decide to play. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the referee before your AC Paintball game begins.
AC Paintball also has rules specific to our facility. You can review them here: Following these rules will help ensure safety and fun for all players.
How To Use and Maintain Equipment
Once you know the rules, you need to learn how to use your equipment. This means putting your mask on properly, loading your paintball marker, and shooting your marker. This information will be explained before your game by a knowledgable member of the AC Paintball staff. Be sure to pay close attention.
If you decide to buy your own paintball marker, you will also have to learn how to maintain it. This way it will work properly and last longer. You should know how to clean it and replace parts. You should be able to find this information in the owner’s manual. If you don’t have the manual, take it to a professional for help.

Every sport has its own lingo. To an outsider it may seem like the players are speaking an entirely different language. For instance, to the average person “Dorito” is a chip, but to a paintball player, it can also mean a triangular bunker. Another example is the “dead box” which refers to the area where eliminated players are sent.
If you don’t know the lingo, the game can seem confusing. By brushing up on the slang before your AC Paintball game, you can more easily understand the messages the other players are trying to convey.
Basic Strategies
You don’t want to get into your AC Paintball game and just stand there. You want to have some idea of what to do so you aren’t the first player eliminated. Therefore, it is a good idea to do some research or ask experienced players for advice. Here are some basic tips most AC Paintball players know:
- Keep moving.
- Stay quiet.
- Keep a low profile.
- Use the bunkers.
- Avoid paths.
- Take time to aim (unless if you are being ambushed).
- Keep your view low when scanning the field.
There are plenty of strategies to learn. The more you play at AC Paintball the more you will learn and the better you will get.
How To Communicate
Finally, you should know how to communicate. Paintball is a team sport. This means that each person has to work together to pull off a greater plan. This can be difficult to do in paintball as the field is large, but you want to be quiet so you don’t give away positions. The best way to get around this is to plan well before your AC Paintball game starts, come up with hand signals, and designate a messenger. By employing these tactics, you will likely be more successful during your AC Paintball game.
Ready to Employ These Tactics? Schedule and AC Paintball Game Now!
If you’ve done all your research and are ready to get on the AC Paintball field, schedule a game now! You can do so here: We look forward to seeing you soon!