How To Build Up Your Core Muscles For Paintball
If you’re looking to improve your strength and endurance for your next AC Paintball game, one of the most important muscle sections to focus on is your core. When your core muscles are weak, you experience fatigue more quickly, are more prone to injuries, and likely have poor posture. However, if you take the time to improve your core, you will find yourself able to play longer, perform better, and feel better too.
AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is here to help you accomplish this feat with a list of exercises that can help you improve your core. Don’t forget to stretch and drink plenty of water!

Planks are one of the best exercises you can do to engage your abs and strengthen your core. To begin planking, start by lying belly-down on the floor. Then raise your body off the ground using your elbows and lower part of your arms as support. Keep your body and straight as possible and hold the position. It is a good idea to start off with planking for about 30 seconds to a minute. As your core gets stronger, challenge yourself to hold the position longer.
You can also modify your plank if you wish by lifting up and arm and/or a leg while performing the plank. You can also perform a side plank by starting on your side and holding yourself up with one arm while the other arm is lifted up towards the ceiling. The final position should look like a letter T that fell sideways.
Bridges are pretty much the opposite of planks. Instead of facing the floor, you face upward. To perform a bridge, lay down flat on your back. Then lift your knees up. Finally, pick your butt up off the floor until your body is straight. Hold this position until you reach your time goal. Then lay back down and relax. Don’t forget to breathe.

Another useful exercise that will engage your core is crunches. To perform crunches, start by laying back down on the floor and your knees up. It is helpful to put weights on your ankles or to have someone hold your feet down. Next, cross your arms over your chest. Finally, use your core to pull your head up and toward your knees. Then slowly lay back down. Repeat these steps until you reach your goal. A good goal to start with is 50 reps. Then gradually increase this number as you improve.
Abdominal Presses
There are multiple versions of abdominal presses. Abdominal presses start with you lying flat on your back. Then you bring your knees up toward your chest. This is where the variations come in. You can use just one leg at a time or both. You can also alternate which hand each knee touches. Trying different variations help you strengthen different core muscles.
Superman is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. To perform the superman exercise, start by lying belly down on the floor. Then lift your arms and feet off of the floor and hold it for whichever period of time you prefer. The position should look like Superman’s flying position. Don’t forget to breathe.
Torso Twists

Like planks and abdominal presses, torso twists also have many variations. A torso twist starts with you standing feet apart with your hands at your side. The basic movement involves you twisting your torso to one side or the other. You can simply do that, or you can add elements. For instance, you can twist to one side while lifting up your knee to tap, you can hold a weight while twisting, or you can even twist while sitting down. As long as you feel your muscles working in the ab area, it is helping you strengthen your core.
Test Your Skills At AC Paintball in Southern New Jersey!
Ready to test out if strengthening your core muscles helped your paintball game? Schedule a game at AC Paintball near Atlantic City now! You can do so by visiting AC Paintball’s website here: You can also call AC Paintball at 609-561-3883.
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