• How To Build Up Your Core Muscles For Paintball

    If you’re looking to improve your strength and endurance for your next AC Paintball game, one of the most important muscle sections to focus on is your core. When your core muscles are weak, you experience fatigue more quickly, are more prone to injuries, and likely have poor posture. However, if you take the time to improve your core, you will find yourself able to play longer, perform better, and feel better too.

    AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is here to help you accomplish this feat with a list of exercises that can help you improve your core. Don’t forget to stretch and drink plenty of water!


    Planks are one of the best exercises you can do to engage your abs and strengthen your core. To begin planking, start by lying belly-down on the floor. Then raise your body off the ground using your elbows and lower part of your arms as support. Keep your body and straight as possible and hold the position. It is a good idea to start off with planking for about 30 seconds to a minute. As your core gets stronger, challenge yourself to hold the position longer.

    You can also modify your plank if you wish by lifting up and arm and/or a leg while performing the plank. You can also perform a side plank by starting on your side and holding yourself up with one arm while the other arm is lifted up towards the ceiling. The final position should look like a letter T that fell sideways.


    Bridges are pretty much the opposite of planks. Instead of facing the floor, you face upward. To perform a bridge, lay down flat on your back. Then lift your knees up. Finally, pick your butt up off the floor until your body is straight. Hold this position until you reach your time goal. Then lay back down and relax. Don’t forget to breathe.


    Another useful exercise that will engage your core is crunches. To perform crunches, start by laying back down on the floor and your knees up. It is helpful to put weights on your ankles or to have someone hold your feet down. Next, cross your arms over your chest. Finally, use your core to pull your head up and toward your knees. Then slowly lay back down. Repeat these steps until you reach your goal. A good goal to start with is 50 reps. Then gradually increase this number as you improve.

    Abdominal Presses

    There are multiple versions of abdominal presses. Abdominal presses start with you lying flat on your back. Then you bring your knees up toward your chest. This is where the variations come in. You can use just one leg at a time or both. You can also alternate which hand each knee touches.  Trying different variations help you strengthen different core muscles.


    Superman is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. To perform the superman exercise, start by lying belly down on the floor. Then lift your arms and feet off of the floor and hold it for whichever period of time you prefer. The position should look like Superman’s flying position. Don’t forget to breathe.

    Torso Twists

    Like planks and abdominal presses, torso twists also have many variations. A torso twist starts with you standing feet apart with your hands at your side. The basic movement involves you twisting your torso to one side or the other. You can simply do that, or you can add elements. For instance, you can twist to one side while lifting up your knee to tap, you can hold a weight while twisting, or you can even twist while sitting down. As long as you feel your muscles working in the ab area, it is helping you strengthen your core.

    Test Your Skills At AC Paintball in Southern New Jersey!

    Ready to test out if strengthening your core muscles helped your paintball game? Schedule a game at AC Paintball near Atlantic City now! You can do so by visiting AC Paintball’s website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call AC Paintball at 609-561-3883.

  • Tips for Dealing with Conflict on the Paintball Field

    Everyone at AC Paintball is different. Although we are all bonded by an interest in paintball, we have different strengths, different skill levels, different styles, and most of all, different styles of thinking. With this in mind, there is always a chance, however small, that you will end up in conflict with another player. You may eventually meet players that you don’t agree with and end up in an argument.

    These types of situations can be stressful. It can be difficult trying to navigate a disagreement. However, it is not impossible. To help you get through any conflict you may encounter at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey, we have compiled this list of tips below.

    Don’t Respond Angrily

    Don’t fight fire with fire. If you do, everyone will get burnt. You’ve likely heard this saying countless times before. That is because it holds true in a majority of cases. If you disagree with another AC Paintball player, one of the worst ways you can respond is with anger. It will only make the other player angrier. It can be difficult to stay calm when you feel you have been wronged, but if you can manage to do so, the outcome of the conflict will be much better.

    Try to Understand

    Along with avoiding anger, you should also avoid demanding compliance. Just because you think something should be done a certain way, doesn’t mean everyone else agrees. Instead, try to listen and understand the situation from their point of view.

    Try to Find A Compromise

    Once you understand where the other player is coming from, try to figure out a compromise where you can both get what you want, at least partially. Be flexible and willing to negotiate. However, it’s still important to stand up for yourself. Try to find the right balance between the two.

    Kill Them With Kindness

    Another possible tactic is to kill them with kindness. Express to the other AC Paintball player that you don’t want to fight and that you want to resolve the issue as simply as possible. Apologize if you feel it will help. Kindness tends to be contagious. With a little luck, you can end up solving the issue with as little stress as possible.

    Get Help from Others

    If you and the other player can’t find a way to work things out on your own, look to other players for an outsiders opinion. Try to choose someone who doesn’t have connections with either of you. When you are upset, your emotions can cloud your thinking. An outsider who isn’t emotionally attached can give you a more logical solution to your problem.

    If all else fails, you can also go to an AC Paintball referee. They have judged dozens to hundreds of games and may have experienced a similar issue in the past. They can provide an official ruling or at least use their expertise to try to help you work through the problem.

    Let It Go

    Finally, don’t let the conflict ruin your day. Playing paintball at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is supposed to be a fun experience. Our goal is to provide thrilling, safe, and friendly fun to your friends and family.

    Although some issue just can’t be avoided, try to recognize that the issues won’t last forever. You can find a way to work through it. Try to ignore them if you feel the conflict is not worth it. If that doesn’t work, you can move to the other end of the Paintball field or move to a completely different AC Paintball field. Few people enjoy fighting with others, but once the problem has resolved don’t forget to give yourself credit for making it through a tough situation.

  • 7 Tips For Moving During an AC Paintball Game

    Paintball is a game where you are constantly on the move. If you stay in the same place for too long, you are likely to be hit and eliminated by an opponent. To stay in your AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey, you have to be smart and have a decent idea what you are doing.

    Whether you are fairly new to the game or are just looking to improve your paintball moving skills, AC Paintball is here to help. Below you will find nine tips for moving during your next AC Paintball game.

    Be Quick, But Careful

    The quicker you move, the more difficult it will be for your opponents to hit you. It is always more difficult to hit a moving target. You should move as quickly as you can, but still be careful and watch where you step. If you fall, you can get hurt and you will give your opponent an even better chance of eliminating you.

    Hop From Bunker To Bunker

    Bunkers are there to help you stay covered. Use them wisely. Bunkers are always laid out with some sort of strategy in mind. If you study the AC Paintball field, you will likely see a path you can use to get to the other side of the field by hopping from bunker to bunker. It is a good idea to take a walk around the AC Paintball field and think about strategy before the game.

    Stay Low to the Ground

    Generally, when people scan a field for movement, they naturally keep their focus at eye level. With this in mind, staying low and close to the ground can benefit you when moving across the field. Whether you crouch or crawl, you can be more stealthy and go undetected more often.

    However, keep in mind that staying close to the ground will likely slow you down. It is a good idea to stay high when you have to go far and fast, but stay low when you only have a short distance to go.

    Watch Where You Step

    Part of being stealthy involves being quiet. If you are playing on one of AC Paintball’s wooded fields, there are a lot of trees and plants around. If it is fall, there will also be many dead leaves on the ground. If you step on a dead leaf or brush up against a branch, your opponents will likely hear you and be able to find you more easily. Be smart about which paths you take while playing and do your best to avoid stepping on dead leaves.

    Don’t Run In a Straight Line

    Even if you are a moving target for your opponents, if you run in a straight line, your opponents can judge where you will be in a few seconds. If you zig-zag back and forth as you run instead, it becomes more difficult for your opponents to judge where you will be. However, once again, this technique can slow down your movement, so you have to use your best judgment as to when to use this technique.

    Practice Balance and Flexibility

    Some of AC Paintball’s fields involve uneven terrain. When navigating uneven terrain, it is important to keep your balance. It is a good idea to work on your balance while at home. Practicing flexibility can also be helpful as you may need to move or stand in different ways during your AC Paintball game. By improving your balance and flexibility, you can become a better overall paintball player.

    Practice Walking in the Mud

    Sometimes it rains at AC Paintball and the fields get muddy. This means you need to take extra care when moving and watch each step. If you feel so inclined, you can practice walking in the mud next time it rains at your house. Doing so may end up giving you an advantage over your opponents at your next AC Paintball game as you will be better adapted to those environmental conditions.

  • Paintball for Introverts

    alone-21279_960_720Contrary to popular belief, not all introverts are shy. An introvert is someone who prefers spending time alone. Being social can drain introvert’s energy and wear them out. Some introverts are shy, though. They experience anxiety when trying to talk to people they don’t know well. Simply saying hello can stress them out.

    Our society seems to prefer extroverts as they are more likely and willing to take command when you need a leader. Yet, introverts can be good leaders too. Introverts are great listeners and are smart because they spend a lot of time thinking. As an introvert, however, it is important to learn how to be more extroverted from time to time. Playing paintball at AC Paintball is a great way to do this.

    Paintball is a social sport. Without good communication, it is difficult to be successful. With the right team, paintball can help any introvert learn how to come out of their shell. Playing paintball at AC Paintball can give introverts communication skills, confidence, and friends.

    Paintball Provides a Common Interest and Conversation Topics

    The hardest part of communication for most introverts is approaching someone new.  It can be difficult for them to find a conversation topic. Some introverts get anxious when having to do this. They worry about the other person judging them and looking stupid.

    Playing paintball at AC Paintball can help quell some of these fears. If you are talking to someone at AC Paintball, chances are they are from southern New Jersey and interested in paintball. You can start a conversation by asking them where they are from and how they became interested in paintball. Their answers may spark even more conversation and soon you may find that opening up paid off.

    Paintball Can Lead to Making Friends

    paintball-1282158_960_720Conversation leads to friendship. Some introverts have trouble making friends. But having a common interest makes things easier. If you talk for a while and have a lot in common, you may end up finding a new friend. Once you make a few good friends, you will have a support system. You may find that if you promise to have your friends back, they will have yours. Every good team player supports their teammates and helps out however they can.

    If you find friends, playing paintball at AC Paintball can become your favorite hobby. If you are new to the game, try to avoid playing with hard-core professionals who put too much pressure on you. If you experience any problems with any players, talk to an employee at AC Paintball. We promote safe and friendly paintball and will try to help you however we can.

    To start out you should try to find players who just play for fun. They can be new players or experienced players as long as they don’t give you a hard time. If they are experienced, they may also be able to give you tips to improve your game. With enough good friends, you may create a regular group for playing at AC Paintball. You may even get together outside of AC Paintball.

    Paintball Improves Interpersonal Communication

    To be successful in paintball, your team needs to communicate well. When your teammates are depending on you, you may find it in yourself to be more outgoing. You won’t want to let your team down, so you will do what you have to do to help them succeed.

    Once you learn to be more vocal, you will learn how to communicate better. When playing on an AC Paintball field, you will need to make sure your teammates understand you. You will learn to be more clear and concise with what you say. There will also be times when you need to be fairly quiet. To make sure your teammates get the message, you will learn to better enunciate your words.

    Soon, you will be able to use your improved communication skills in other aspects of your life. You may find it easier to talk on the phone, give speeches and talk to people you don’t know well. You may become a better talker and become more social in general.

    Paintball Improves Confidence

    With improved communication skills and a good support system, you will become more confident. If you play paintball long enough, you may also gain some muscles and look healthier as well.  When you help out your teammates, they will be thankful. This can help make you feel important and give you some self-worth.  Confidence will make you feel better and help you go far in life.

    pintball-918086_960_720At first, it may be difficult, but don’t worry about being unskilled or bringing your team down. Most players aren’t experts at the start. Yet, with practice and dedication, you will improve with each game. It’s important to stay positive. An AC Paintball experience should be fun and not stressful.

    If you feel like you’re not good, learn to shake it off and laugh at your mistakes. You may not be able to take out half of your opponents, but you can keep your team’s spirits up by having a good attitude. You may lose at times, but if you do, lose with style. Don’t get down or be a sore loser. The more you stay positive, the better time you will have. If you stick with it, you may eventually become a team leader and help other introverts learn to love the game.