• Reasons to Choose AC Paintball’s Hyperball Field

    new jersey hyperball paintball fieldAC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey currently has six great paintball fields for you and your friends to play on. Each of these fields is unique and have different aspects to offer your paintball group. If you are planning a visit to AC Paintball sometime soon, one aspect you will want to think about is what field you want to play on.

    The best way to choose a field is to consider what your preferences are and what game you want to play. If the statements below resonate with you, AC Paintball’s Hyperball Field would likely be a good space for you to play on.

    You Have a Small Group

    How many people are you planning to play with at AC Paintball? The Hyperball Field is our smallest field. This means it is the perfect field for small groups. If you have less than 10 players this field can easily accommodate you.

    If you only have a few people, but choose a large field, the games can take a while to play. You have to run around and find people before you can eliminate them. This can make the game slow and boring. If you have a small group, opt for a smaller field instead.

    You Want a Fast-Paced Game

    In paintball, the smaller the field is, the faster the plays are. When players are in close quarters, it is more difficult to hide from your opponents and simultaneously easier to eliminate your opponents. This means you have to make decisions and movements very quickly. On AC Paintball’s Hyperball field, taking too long to do anything, often means elimination.

    If you want a fast-moving game, the Hyperball field is for you. A game on this field is sure to get your heart beating fast and your adrenaline pumping. It is one of the most exciting AC Paintball games you can get.  If you are a fast thinker, this field can also combine with your talents to give you an advantage and help you achieve victory.

    You Like a Challenge

    When the field is small and the game is fast, you are in for a challenge. This type of game will take a lot of strategic thinking. It is best to formulate a plan before your AC Paintball game even begins. This way you can make decisions more easily during the game.

    Paintball may seem like a highly physical game to many people in it is, but many people underestimate the mentality of the game. You have to make many thoughtful decisions quickly and while under pressure. If you are the type of person who likes a challenge, playing on AC Paintball’s Hyperball Field can test your mental strength and strategical capabilities.

    You Want to Play a Game with a Center Point

    There are a variety of different paintball games you can play at AC Paintball. Each one has a different setup and different objectives. If you and your friends want to play a game that requires a center point, such as capture-the-flag or defend-the-castle, AC Paintball’s Hyperball Field is a great option. This field has a triangle made of bunkers in the center, which makes for the perfect center point. Outside of the center point, there are also a variety of other bunkers so you can make your approach safely.

    You Like Both Natural and Artificial Bunkers

    There are two main types of paintball fields. These are speedball fields and woodsball fields. Speedball fields tend to be small and often are covered with more artificial bunkers. Woodsball fields are typically large and use mainly natural trees, bushes, and rocks as bunkers. AC Paintball’s Hyperball field is on the small side like a speedball field and does offer some artificial bunkers, but it also has natural elements as well. If you like a mix of speedball and woodsball, the Hyperball field is for you.

  • Paintball Markers for Beginners

    Beginning anything new is exciting, however, it can also be overwhelming. You have a lot of knowledge to gain, skills to master, and muscles to train. This is especially true for paintball. When starting to play paintball at AC Paintball, one of the first decisions you have to make is which marker you want to use.

    AC Paintball Options

    With dozens to hundreds of options, this task can seem difficult. Luckily, AC Paintball in southern New Jersey has made it easy for you by only offering two options. This includes the Tippmann Custom 98 and the Valken V-Tac SW-1. Both of these paintball guns are great options for beginners. They are reliable and can do what you need them to do without being too complex.

    What to Consider When Buying Your Own Gun

    If you prefer to buy your own paintball gun to play at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey here are some important aspects to think about.

    How Often You Will Play

    Even if you are new to paintball, you probably have some idea about how often you intend on playing. If your friend who plays often asked you to join their team, you will likely play often. In this case, you will likely want to invest in a higher-end paintball marker. This way you can keep up with other experienced players that you may be facing.

    On the other hand, if you only plan on playing a couple times, you may want to settle for a marker that is just good enough for you to keep up with everyone else. A fairly simple marker can also allow you to focus primarily on your AC Paintball game rather than worrying about how to use your gun.

    Your Budget

    When making any sort of purchase, it is always a good idea to set a budget. Doing so can help you stay focused on your goal. It can be fairly easy to get caught up in fancy paintball guns and end up spending more than you wanted. If you have a budget in mind, you can narrow your options and make the paintball gun buying process simpler.


    There are three different types of paintball guns. These include pump, mechanically operated, and electro-pneumatic. Pumps require manual operation and have a slower firing rate.  Mechanically operated guns are the most common as they are simple to use and fairly effective. Electro-pneumatic markers are the most effective but are more tricky to operate. For the most part, you will likely want to use the same type that your teammates and opponents are using to keep your AC Paintball game fair and even.

    Your Paintball Interests

    As a beginner, you will likely want to try out different roles and games to figure out what you like. However, you may also already have an idea what role you want to play and what games you prefer. If this is your case, you should get a gun that can help you excel at what you need to do. For example, if you want to be a sniper, you should get a marker that can shoot far accurately. If you like playing in the woods, consider a camouflaged gun. By choosing a marker that complements your role, you can be more successful during your AC Paintball game.

    AC Paintball Regulations

    If you are going to buy your own paintball marker, you want to ensure that you are going to be able to use it during your AC Paintball game. At AC Paintball our marker limit is 280fps. The maker also cannot be fully automatic.


    Finally, you will want to consider the marker’s reputation. Do some research and find out what markers experienced paintball player recommend. If many players like a certain gun, there is a good chance that you would like it a lot too.

    Safety Tips

    One of the most important aspects to know when playing paintball is how to play safely. It is important to follow the rules to ensure that no one gets hurt. Here are some brief tips.

    • Never point your marker at someone’s face who doesn’t have a mask on.
    • Never point your gun at anyone that is not part of the game.
    • If it is raining, keep your gun dry.
    • Test your maker before your AC Paintball game to make sure it is working.
    • If you have your own gun, make sure it is clean and properly maintained.
    • If you have any questions or concerns about your marker, ask them before the game.

    Before your AC Paintball game, you will watch a safety video with more information. Be sure to follow the rule and have a fun time.

    Tips for Playing

    Finally, once you have chosen your marker and learned how to use it safely, it is time to use it effectively. Here are some tips on how to do so.

    • Test your marker before your game. Learn how it shoots so you can adjust your aim during your game.
    • Take your time to aim. While it can be fun to fire rapidly at random, taking an extra second or two to aim more accurately will be more effective.
    • Work on building up your arm muscles so your arms don’t get tired and affect your game.
    • Keep your gun as dry as possible when it’s raining to keep a good grip.
    • Make sure you have enough paintballs before the game begins.
    • Continue to learn and adapt to your marker.

    Being a beginner can be intimidating, but once you learn the basics you are sure to have a great time playing at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey.

  • Reasons To Choose a Scenario Game

    When playing paintball, there are three main types of games you can play. Speedball is the most traditional and the type played in tournaments. Woodsball is played in the woods and can involve different rules and objectives. The last game type is scenario paintball. This game type typically based on a historical event, movie, book, or video game and follows a storyline.

    There are many reasons to choose to play a scenario game when you visit AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey. Below are just a few. If you would like to book a game at AC Paintball so you and your group can play a scenario game, you can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. Alternatively, you can also call 609-561-3883.

    You Enjoy Planning

    Some people are just planners. They enjoy planning for events, parties, schedules and more. Scenario games are a great paintball game type for someone who likes hosting and planning events. There are many details that go into an AC Paintball scenario game. You can create costumes and props, write storylines, formulate objectives. The possibilities are endless!

    AC Paintball also has multiple playing fields for you to choose from so you can set the right mood for your paintball group. If you want a fast game, you can choose the Hyperball Field. If you have a large group or need a lot of room, the Blue Thunder Woods Field can accommodate you.

    Getting Creative

    Within the planning, you can really have a chance to express your creativity. As mentioned before, you can create costumes, props, stories and more. Planning an AC Paintball scenario game is kind of like producing a play. By choosing and creating the right costumes and props you can really make the story come to life and create a memorable experience.

    Objective Driven Game

    Some AC paintball games can get very competitive. You have various personalities, skill levels, and ages all coming together. If you want to lower the level of intense competition, playing a scenario game can help you do so.

    In an AC Paintball speedball game, the players who have more experience and athleticism typically win the game. In a scenario game, however, these variables become less of a factor. Rather than playing as themselves and taking everything personally, they play as a character and know that the events are happening to the character rather than themselves. There is less pressure to be the best player.

    Longer AC Paintball Game

    AC Paintball games can be short if you play speedball. If you prefer a longer game, a scenario game may be best for you. Depending on the storyline and what events need to happen, your game could last for hours.

    If you do choose to play a long scenario game at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey, be sure you are properly prepared. Bring plenty of water. Some players bring multiple bottles. You will also want to make sure you are fully stocked up on ammunition. If you join AC Paintball’s club you can save on paintballs. It is definitely worth it if you play here often.

    Make Your Game Stand Out

    Most players who visit AC Paintball typically go for a speedball game or a woodsball game. If you play paintball a lot, these are probably the games you play. However, if you chose a scenario game you can stand out a bit more.

    In a normal game you may only really remember something if it was funny, clever, or out of the ordinary. A scenario game is itself out-of-the-ordinary and memorable. People will remember the uniforms, props, and story. They will likely go home and tell all their friends and family members about it. Overall, an AC Paintball scenario game is a great way to stand out and make memories with your friends, family, or teammates.

  • Reasons Why Paintball Should Become More Popular

    If you want to play a sport, there are many different ones to choose from. Some sports are more popular than others. For instance, soccer, basketball, and football can be found at a majority of schools across the country.

    However, some sports such as paintball can be difficult to find a place to play. If you live in the southern New Jersey area, AC Paintball will happily host your next paintball game. There are many benefits of paintball and many reasons it should become more popular. Here are just a few.

    It’s Not As Dangerous as Most People Think

    One of the biggest reasons why paintball isn’t more popular is because people see it as dangerous. Many people just see players firing paintballs at other players at high speeds and think there is more of a likelihood of someone getting hurt.

    However, sports like soccer, basketball, and football host more serious injuries than paintball. You may get some bruises or welts more often in paintball, but you can help prevent this with padding. You will also bruise less once you build up your muscle tissue.


    Paintball is one of the most active sports. During an AC Paintball game, you can expect to do lots of running along with crawling, crouching, jumping, and more. On top of that, you will be carrying a gun the entire time.

    Playing paintball at AC Paintball will give you a full body workout. It will get your heart beating all while building your muscles. If you are looking to get or stay healthy, paintball can help.

    Good Stress Reliever

    Not only will paintball help you stay healthy physically, but it will help you stay mentally fit as well. Playing games at AC Paintball is a great way to relieve stress. All of the physical activity allows you to get your energy out while being outside helps you forget your troubles and relax.

    Teaches a Lot of Useful Skills

    One of the greatest benefits of all sports is that they teach athletes valuable skills that they can use both in their sport and in their everyday lives.

    In paintball, some of these skills include planning, decision-making, perseverance, teamwork, sportsmanship and many more. Check out AC Paintball’s blog to learn more about what lessons paintball can teach you: https://acpaintball.com/2016/10/31/life-lessons-values-and-skills-you-can-learn.

    Good For Team-Building

    Paintball is also a fantastic team-building activity that most teams and companies don’t think about. If you have a group of people you want to help bond, paintball is a useful and fun way to do so. While you can just choose a common activity like building a tower, creating some sort of project, or playing a simple game, paintball has a lot more to offer.

    To win an AC Paintball team, your entire team needs to work together. For instance, if someone is under fire, the other players need to step in and help defend them. This teaches teammates to both depend on and defend each other. This also helps teach your group how each individual thinks, what each person’s strengths are, and how the entire team can work together to be successful.

    Make Friends

    Everyone wants friends and sports are a great way to make friends. There are plenty of things to talk about as there is a lot of action during a game. This is especially true for paintball.

    If everyone is playing the same sport, you also know that you have at least one thing in common. You can start a conversation about paintball and soon learn you have many other things in common as well. Before you know it you become friends. This fact, combined with the team-building aspects of paintball, you can make plenty of friends fairly quickly.

    Make Paintball More Popular

    If you agree that paintball should be more popular, why not schedule a game at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey. Bring your friends! To schedule an AC Paintball game, visit this link: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call AC Paintball at 609-561-3883.

  • Tips to Help You Pull Yourself Out of a Paintball Funk

    Funks happen to pretty much every paintball player eventually. You struggle to hit your targets, you can’t think clearly, you don’t have the same amount of energy, and you keep making silly mistakes. Funks can occur for a variety of reasons. You may not have gotten enough sleep the night before, you could be distracted by some outside source, or you may just lack confidence.

    Funks can be difficult to get out of. Mistakes just pile up and things begin to look hopeless. It’s important to remember that everyone has their bad days, though. Also, no matter how bad of a funk you may be in, you can always pull yourself out of it one way or another. To help you do so, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey has compiled this list of tips and tricks.

    Learn From Your Mistakes

    Funks begin when you let your mistakes pile up and weigh on your mind. It is perfectly fine to make mistakes. Making mistakes is how you learn. However, you also need to learn from these mistakes if you want to improve as a paintball player. For instance, if you keep getting eliminated when you poke your head out from a bunker to look where you are shooting, then you need to find a different position and strategy for shooting. As long as you continue to learn from your mistakes, you have no reason to worry.

    Change Your Focus

    Sometimes funks occur because you focus on the wrong ideas. Maybe something upset you before you arrived at AC Paintball, or maybe a certain player is bothering you. When you are at AC Paintball, your primary focus should be on having fun and respecting other paintball players. After that, your goal may be to win the game. This is a fairly vague goal that you likely can’t accomplish on your own. If you get eliminated early on, you may feel like you failed and put yourself in a funk for your next game. Instead, you should try to redefine success.

    If you were able to help your team in any way before you were eliminated, you were still successful. Maybe you took out a player or two, or maybe you contributed a good idea to your team’s strategy. Even if you get eliminated early, you can still cheer on your team and keep them motivated. Even just a small positive gesture can help you be successful in helping your team win the AC Paintball game.

    Look at the Game Objectively

    It is fairly easy to get caught up in the details of any goal. If you are a perfectionist, even the smallest mistake can drive you crazy. When this happens, a good strategy is to try and look at things objectively. While single small mistake can affect the outcome of an AC Paintball game, it doesn’t mean that your mistake necessarily cost your team the game.

    There are a lot of different factors that affect the outcome of a game. If more factors are in favor of your team, you will likely win. However, if more factors are in your opponents’ favor, you may lose. Either way, it is important to not solely blame yourself for a loss. Look at the game objectively. There were likely many other factors out of your control that also contributed to the outcome of the game. Looking at the bigger picture can help you move on and keep you out of a funk for your next AC Paintball game.

    Talk To A Friend

    Sometimes you just need a good support system to pull you out of a funk. If you realize you are in a funk, try talking to a friend, family member, or even an AC Paintball staff member. A few kind words or a bit of advice may be all you need to get back on track. When you hang onto negative thoughts and keep replaying them in your mind, your thoughts can weigh you down and cause you to make more mistakes. By talking to someone, you can get your negative thoughts out so you can move on and focus on the positive.

    Try a Different Strategy

    If the strategy you are using doesn’t seem to be working the way you want it to, maybe it is time to change your strategy. Maybe you wait to try to get close to your targets to ensure you get your shot, but you end up getting eliminated instead. Maybe try shooting from more of a distance or improving your stealth in some way. Think about what your strengths are figure out how you can use those strengths to gain an advantage and be more successful.

    Take a Short Break

    If all else fails, you may just need to step away from the situations that are stressing you out and take some time to cool off. You can try some breathing exercises or just eat a healthy snack. AC Paintball games can move fast. When so much happens so quickly, it can get frustrating. Taking a break allows you to slow down. When you take a minute or two to slow down, you can organize your thoughts and form a new and improved plan of attack.

  • Why Sports Like Paintball Are Important For Our Youth

    paintball birthday eventMany people have tried playing a sport at some point in their life. While some people may not consider themselves naturally “sporty”, they can still learn to become skilled in their sport. It is best to start playing a sport fairly young as this is when the brain and motor skills are developing. When you start young you can develop good habits early that will help you be successful throughout your life.

    Paintball is a sport that requires a lot of physical activity and mental strength. It is a sport that can challenge you in a variety of ways and help you grow as a person. If this sounds like a sport you and your child would like to try, and you live in southern New Jersey, head over to AC Paintball to give it a try. We accept children 10 and up.

    Healthy Life Style

    Playing paintball or other active sports can help children develop healthy lifestyle habits. Playing at AC Paintball is great cardio work that keeps your heart healthy. It also helps strengthen your muscles and keep you in good shape. Not only that, but it is great stress relief. It allows you to release energy in a healthy way and gives you a chance to forget about daily stresses.

    Make Them Well-Rounded

    Focusing on school and getting a good education is very important, but it is also important to have balance. Sports like paintball allow children to have time to play while still learning valuable life skills. Many colleges also look for well-rounded students when choosing which students to accept to their university. Many students even receive scholarships for playing sports at their college. Therefore, playing paintball at AC Paintball can help your children become multi-talented and successful.

    Teaches Important Life Lessons and Builds Character

    There are countless life lessons paintball has to teach its players. Here are just a few.

    Responsibility When you play a team sport, the rest of your team counts on you to do your part to help win the AC Paintball game. This helps teach players to take their role seriously and do what they are expected to do.

    Teamwork and Leadership There are many times in life you will end up having to work with other people. Some you may like and other’s you may not. Paintball teams can be the same way. Children have to learn to work with and get along with everyone.

    Decision-making Decision-making is an important life skill. Life brings many difficult choices that require smart decisions if you want to be successful. Paintball is a great way to build decision-making skills as each choice you make during the game can affect the outcome of your AC Paintball game.

    Make Friends

    Paintball is a social sport. If your team doesn’t know how to communicate well, you likely won’t win your AC Paintball game. With this in mind, you will end up talking to a lot of people. You are bound to make some great friends. These friends can be your support system and help you succeed even more. Even if you don’t make any close friends at AC Paintball, you can still learn to be friendly and sociable. Networking like this can take you far in life if you get good at this skill.

    It’s Fun!

    Finally, one of the best reasons for kids to play sports like paintball is because it’s fun. Childhood is a time to have fun and without too many worries. By allowing your children to have fun playing at AC Paintball you can help them have a happy and memorable childhood. You can schedule a game through our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call AC Paintball at 609-561-3883.

  • Tips For Making Your AC Paintball Birthday Party Memorable

    If you are looking to make your next birthday party memorable, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is one of the best venues you can choose. Paintball is not an activity that most people choose for a birthday party. Most people stay at home, go out to dinner, or choose another more mild activity. Paintball, on the other hand, is a thrilling and unique activity that can really make your birthday memorable.

    Even once you choose paintball, there are even more ways you can customize your AC Paintball experience to make your birthday party even more memorable. Find out how below!

    Invite the Right People

    The people you invite can make or break the party. You want to invite people who are friendly and will get along well. Think back to the best parties you’ve been to. Did you enjoy it simply because of the activities or because you enjoyed the company of the people around you? When inviting people, try to choose guests who already know each other or friends you think would get along well together. Don’t forget to introduce people to each other early on during your AC Paintball party!

    Dress Up

    Dressing up is yet another way to make your day more memorable. There are many different options. Some AC Paintball players dress in all white and allow the paintballs to turn them into a work of art. Some people dress up as their favorite characters. Others have worn fancy outfits just for the fun of it. Even something as simple as personalized T-shirts can make your AC Paintball party more memorable.

    Just make sure both you and your guests are comfortable and can move easily. If you don’t play paintball often, getting hit can sting a bit. In this case, you may want to wear more layers or padding to cushion the blow when getting hit.

    Choose Interesting Games

    Another way to excite your AC Paintball party guests is to choose different games. If you and most of your guests have played paintball before, playing speedball or capture-the-flag can become old news. By choosing or creating an uncommon game, you can catch your guests’ interest and give them something to talk about once your party is over.

    Add Special Touches

    While many details are often lost in people’s recollection of parties, having a few special touches helps make your party unique like you. Here are just a few ideas.


    While you can’t do much to decorate the AC Paintball field, there are a few ways you can add decorative touches to your birthday party. Even a simple bouquet of balloons can add more of a celebratory feel to your event.

    Cake and Food

    Playing paintball burns many calories. You and your guests are bound to get hungry by the end of your AC Paintball session. Having a cake or other refreshments can keep your guests full and happy.


    Favors are a common tradition at any party. Why not have some that your guests can earn. You can give trophies or medals for various accomplishments such as MVP, best aim, team spirit, etc. You can even come up with some funny ones if you want.

    Keep the Party Going

    AC Paintball sessions typically only last for a certain period of time. Not everyone may be ready for the party to end at the end of your session. Therefore, you can set up a place to go afterward. There are plenty of great restaurants and other activities near Atlantic City, New Jersey.

    Make Sure You Have Fun

    Finally, make sure you have fun. Chances are, if you don’t have fun, your guests won’t either. Before your party, do some planning and figure out what would make your AC Paintball birthday party great for you. Then try to include those elements. Talk to AC Paintball’s staff if you have any requests or ideas you are unsure about. Then, once your party date comes, just smile and have the time of your life.

  • 7 Tips for Stalking and Sneaking Up On Your Paintball Opponents

    During an AC Paintball game, everyone is on edge. They are trying to be aware of their surroundings and hit you before you hit them. With this in mind, the ability to be stealthy is a very helpful skill. You want to be able to sneak up on your opponents and hit them with a paintball before they even get a chance to react.

    To help you accomplish this AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey has some tips for tracking, stalking, and sneaking up on your opponents.

    Wear the Right Clothing

    The clothing you wear can either help you blend in with your surroundings or it can make you stand out like a sore thumb. By planning ahead before you leave your house, you can improve your ability to be stealthy. Wear something camouflage or dark colored to help you hide in AC Paintball’s wooded fields. Avoid bright colored clothing.

    Also, make sure that the material your outfit is made of doesn’t make too much noise when you move. It also helps to have tighter fitting clothing to avoid getting your clothing get caught on a tree branch.

    Being Quiet is Key

    The most important part of being stealthy is being quiet. If you make noise, your target is going to notice that you are there and likely start firing at you. There are many aspects that can make you noisy. As mentioned above, it’s important to have quiet clothing. You should also avoid talking if you can. Instead, you can use body language an hand signals to communicate with your team.

    The most difficult struggle will likely be dead leaves, branches and other foliage around you, especially if you play on one of AC Paintball’s wooded fields. Be sure to watch where you are going and where you step.

    Stay Where You Are Well Covered

    The better you are covered, the less likely you are to be seen. If possible, choose to hide behind thicker foliage or behind bigger bunkers if you are playing on one of AC Paintball’s speedball fields. If you need to poke out from behind a bunker to shoot, do so quickly and figure out which position keeps the majority of your body covered.

    Don’t Stay In the Same Place for Too Long

    Whether you are trying to avoid getting hit or trying to eliminate your important it’s always important to stay on the move. Your target will likely be moving, so you should try to move with them, as long as you can do so safely. Stay at a distance that is close enough for you to shoot accurately, but far enough away that your target doesn’t get suspicious.

    Move Slowly

    Moving slowly can help you be quiet and help you remain unseen. Rather than putting all of your foot down at one time, try to roll your foot along the ground. Make your movements flow with ease while you move into a new position. Only use more sudden movements when shooting or when you need to escape from someone shooting at you.

    Try to Predict What They Will Do

    If you can get into your opponents head, you can gain a helpful advantage. Think about where you would go and what you would do if you were in their situation. Then figure out a plan that allows you to sneak up on them. If you are a couple games into your day at AC Paintball, you may even start to notice certain players’ habits that you can use to your advantage.

    Be Patient, Take Your Time to Aim, and Shoot At the Right Time

    Stealth finds the perfect balance between being patient and being quick and spontaneous at the right time. If you can find this balance, you will become a more valuable paintball player. A good time to shoot is when your target isn’t looking in your direction or seems distracted by something else. If you choose the right time, you will successfully eliminate your opponent and be one step closer to winning your AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey.

  • Being Successful in Paintball: Finding and Keeping Your Confidence

    What is the key to success when playing a game at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey? You can argue and debate which factors have the biggest impact on the outcome of a paintball game for hours. However,  one factor that almost every player can agree to greatly affects your AC Paintball game is your level of confidence.

    Every player has had both good days and bad days. Some days you can hit your opponents in one or two shots every time, and other days it seems like you couldn’t hit someone standing 10 feet in front of you. The difference between these two situations highly depends on your mindset. Are you focused and do you believe you can win the game? Or are you overthinking every mistake and giving up on your paintball goals? To help you find and keep your confidence, AC Paintball has compiled this brief list of tips and advice.

    Believe In Yourself

    When it comes to any goal you have in life or in paintball, the first step you have to take in achieving that goal is to believe that you can. If you don’t believe you can achieve your goals, you likely won’t. If you don’t believe in yourself, you will only hold yourself back. 

    Where would we be today if the great minds of the past didn’t believe they could do the amazing things they set out to accomplish? Where will we be in the future if we don’t believe in ourselves now? If you want to be a great paintball player or great in any other way, you first have to believe that you can.

    Don’t Let Criticism Hold You Down

    When you believe in yourself, you will teach others to believe in you too. However, not everyone you come across will feel the same. You may eventually run into someone who doesn’t believe in you. They may try to drag you down, but you have to fight to keep your dreams alive. It can be difficult to ignore naysayers. Cruel words can stick in your mind for days and weigh on your shoulders. Yet, you have to work past them, if you want to be successful. If anything, use cruel words as motivation to work harder and prove people wrong. In most cases, people who put you down, do so because they lack confidence themselves. 

    One method that can help you get past criticism is keeping more positive thoughts in your head. When someone says something negative to you, it will run through your mind over and over again. You will hear their voice replay in your head and relive the pain of their harsh words over and over again. You need to find a way to stop reliving the painful moments if you want to move on. Try finding a positive mantra to focus on. Choose something meaningful to you that can overpower any harsh words someone says to you.


    You may not have all of the skills and knowledge you need to achieve your goals right away, but that doesn’t mean you can’t. With enough practice, you can gain everything you need to become a great paintball player at AC Paintball.

    If you want some practice, you can do so at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey. You can play as a group with friends on Saturdays. If it works out, you can schedule games regularly. You can view available dates and times and schedule an AC Paintball game here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/.

    Figure Out Why You Lack Confidence

    It can be difficult to keep up your confidence all the time. There may be tough times where you aren’t successful and may cause you to think you can’t achieve your goals. However, you can pull out of your doubts, if you figure out why you have them.

    If you had a bad day at AC Paintball, figure out why. Were you unable to focus due to lack of sleep? Is there a certain aspect you forgot to pay attention to? When you figure out why you had a bad day or made mistakes, you can correct those mistakes and get back on track to achieving your goals.

    Practice Both Things You Are Good At and Things You Need to Work On

    If you have a long string of mistakes or bad days, it can make a slump more difficult to pull out of. Another tactic that can help you reclaim your confidence is by practicing the things you are good at along with the skills you need to work on. If you continue to not perform as well as you hope, it can drain your confidence. You may feel like you are untalented.  However, if you also practice something you are good at, you will remind yourself that you are indeed talented and successful.

    Success is addictive. When we succeed, we crave more feelings of accomplishment. Therefore, when you see yourself succeed in one aspect, you can motivate yourself to become successful in other aspects. If you use this strategy to motivate yourself, you may end up finding yourself being more successful than you ever dreamed.

  • Leg Strengthening Exercises for Paintball

    When you play paintball, you will use almost every muscle in your body, if not all. This means that it is a good idea to work on strengthening all parts of your body when you are not playing at AC Paintball, so you can perform better during your game. While winning a paintball game takes more than just strength, having good strength and the ability to endure can greatly assist you during a game.

    Your leg muscles are some of the most important muscles you will use during an AC Paintball game near Atlantic City, New Jersey. To help you build up your legs, we have compiled this short list of some exercises you can try to help you get ready for your next paintball game. Just don’t forget to stretch well and properly hydrate!


    One of the best ways to make sure your muscles are ready is to practice the exact same movements you will be using during your game. During an AC Paintball game, the main way you will be using your leg muscles is for running. You will constantly be on the move. While running is one of the most common and easiest exercises, it provides a variety of benefits. It uses all of your leg muscles and helps boost your cardio. If you want to do more than just run, though, you can embellish your run by doing high knees or butt kicks. 


    Like running, stairs use all of your leg muscles but increases the difficulty. When you run, it may take a while for you to feel the burn, but if you try the stairs, it will happen a lot more quickly. You can simply walk up and down the stairs in your home, at the park, or use a stepper climber if you have access to one. You can even pretend you are Rocky Balboa climbing the stairs of the Philadelphia Art Museum and celebrate like him once you finish your workout.


    Like stairs, squats can get tiring pretty quickly. Squats involve moving into a sitting position and moving back to a standing position without using a chair. It works mainly your hamstrings and glutes but works many other muscles as well. One of the keys to making sure you get a good workout is to go slowly as you move up and down. If you move quickly, it won’t work your muscles as hard.


    A lunge is where you walk, but put one leg almost to the ground like you are going to propose to your loved one. Your knee should not touch the ground, though. Afterward, you return to a standing position. Then do the same with the opposite leg and continue moving forward alternating which knee goes down.

    This mainly works your inner thigh, hamstrings, and calves. Like squats, one of the keys to making sure you get the most out of this exercise is to move slowly and hold your position when you are in the almost kneeling position.

    Leg Raises

    Leg raises are where you slowly raise your leg up high and hold it there for a few seconds.  Then you slowly let your leg down. This can be done in a variety of different positions. You can choose to do a few reps with one leg, then do the same with the other leg, or you can alternate legs after each leg raise.  Leg raises mainly work your thighs and inner leg.

    Calf Raises

    Your ankles and calves are also important muscles to strengthen. When your calves and ankles are strong, you can jump better and start off with more power when trying to sprint. One of the best ways to strengthen your calves and ankles is with calf raises. Calf raises are pretty much just slowly going up on your tippy toes, then slowly coming back down over and over again. They are simple to do but can get tiring quickly.

    Wall Sits

    Like squats, wall sits involve moving into the sitting position. However, with wall sits you lean against the wall and stay in the sitting position longer. Start out by just doing a wall sit for a minute or two. If this is easy for you, start sitting for a longer period of time. While most of the exercises on this list focus mainly on strength, wall sits help build your endurance.

    Once you feel your legs are ready, head to AC Paintball’s website to schedule a game. You can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call AC Paintball at 609-561-3883. With stronger legs, you are sure to play your best and help your team be more successful.