• Tips to Help You Pull Yourself Out of a Paintball Funk

    Funks happen to pretty much every paintball player eventually. You struggle to hit your targets, you can’t think clearly, you don’t have the same amount of energy, and you keep making silly mistakes. Funks can occur for a variety of reasons. You may not have gotten enough sleep the night before, you could be distracted by some outside source, or you may just lack confidence.

    Funks can be difficult to get out of. Mistakes just pile up and things begin to look hopeless. It’s important to remember that everyone has their bad days, though. Also, no matter how bad of a funk you may be in, you can always pull yourself out of it one way or another. To help you do so, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey has compiled this list of tips and tricks.

    Learn From Your Mistakes

    Funks begin when you let your mistakes pile up and weigh on your mind. It is perfectly fine to make mistakes. Making mistakes is how you learn. However, you also need to learn from these mistakes if you want to improve as a paintball player. For instance, if you keep getting eliminated when you poke your head out from a bunker to look where you are shooting, then you need to find a different position and strategy for shooting. As long as you continue to learn from your mistakes, you have no reason to worry.

    Change Your Focus

    Sometimes funks occur because you focus on the wrong ideas. Maybe something upset you before you arrived at AC Paintball, or maybe a certain player is bothering you. When you are at AC Paintball, your primary focus should be on having fun and respecting other paintball players. After that, your goal may be to win the game. This is a fairly vague goal that you likely can’t accomplish on your own. If you get eliminated early on, you may feel like you failed and put yourself in a funk for your next game. Instead, you should try to redefine success.

    If you were able to help your team in any way before you were eliminated, you were still successful. Maybe you took out a player or two, or maybe you contributed a good idea to your team’s strategy. Even if you get eliminated early, you can still cheer on your team and keep them motivated. Even just a small positive gesture can help you be successful in helping your team win the AC Paintball game.

    Look at the Game Objectively

    It is fairly easy to get caught up in the details of any goal. If you are a perfectionist, even the smallest mistake can drive you crazy. When this happens, a good strategy is to try and look at things objectively. While single small mistake can affect the outcome of an AC Paintball game, it doesn’t mean that your mistake necessarily cost your team the game.

    There are a lot of different factors that affect the outcome of a game. If more factors are in favor of your team, you will likely win. However, if more factors are in your opponents’ favor, you may lose. Either way, it is important to not solely blame yourself for a loss. Look at the game objectively. There were likely many other factors out of your control that also contributed to the outcome of the game. Looking at the bigger picture can help you move on and keep you out of a funk for your next AC Paintball game.

    Talk To A Friend

    Sometimes you just need a good support system to pull you out of a funk. If you realize you are in a funk, try talking to a friend, family member, or even an AC Paintball staff member. A few kind words or a bit of advice may be all you need to get back on track. When you hang onto negative thoughts and keep replaying them in your mind, your thoughts can weigh you down and cause you to make more mistakes. By talking to someone, you can get your negative thoughts out so you can move on and focus on the positive.

    Try a Different Strategy

    If the strategy you are using doesn’t seem to be working the way you want it to, maybe it is time to change your strategy. Maybe you wait to try to get close to your targets to ensure you get your shot, but you end up getting eliminated instead. Maybe try shooting from more of a distance or improving your stealth in some way. Think about what your strengths are figure out how you can use those strengths to gain an advantage and be more successful.

    Take a Short Break

    If all else fails, you may just need to step away from the situations that are stressing you out and take some time to cool off. You can try some breathing exercises or just eat a healthy snack. AC Paintball games can move fast. When so much happens so quickly, it can get frustrating. Taking a break allows you to slow down. When you take a minute or two to slow down, you can organize your thoughts and form a new and improved plan of attack.