Tips and Strategies for a Bomb-the-Base AC Paintball Game

Among the many different games you can play during your trip to AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is bomb-the-base. Bomb-the-base is a fun game that takes capture-the-flag and twists it into a new game. Instead of trying to capture a flag, each team starts off with a “bomb” and has to take it to a specific location. This position can be a neutral territory if you wish or somewhere within the opposing team’s base. 

This type of twist calls for a somewhat different strategy as well as different skills. To help you make the right choices for your bomb-the-base AC Paintball game, check out these helpful tips below. 

Choose Fast Teammates

One of the first things you have to do before you start your AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey is to choose your teams. If you are a captain, you are going to want to choose some of the fastest players. While in some games you may want to focus on having accurate shooters first, in bomb-the-base it is critical to have someone you can get to your opponent’s base quickly and without getting hit. Once you have a couple of good runners, then you can focus on accurate shooters for defensive purposes. 

Choose a Fast Acting Strategy but Don’t Forget Defense

In an AC Paintball bomb-the-base game, the team that usually wins is the one with the best fast-acting strategy. You need to gain an advantage on your opponents before they gain the advantage. With this in mind, it is important to choose your strategy carefully. Your goal is to get your runner to the opponent’s base safely in the shortest time possible. Your strategy may vary based on your team’s skills/ but it is important to stay focused on this goal so you can accomplish it. 

It is also important to note that while creating a fast-acting offensive strategy is important, you should not forget about defense either. If you forget about defense, your opponents are almost sure to reach your base before you reach theirs. While a great offense can consistently win games, poor defense can also lose the game.

Make Sure Every Player Knows their Role

In every AC Paintball game, it is important that every single player knows their role. This is especially true in bomb-the-base. For instance, if a single player playing defense is supposed to cover a certain area, but wanders off, they leave that area open for opponents to sneak in. Then, before you know it, your opponents can win. Before your AC Paintball game begins, make sure everyone knows where they are supposed to go and what they are supposed to do. 

Make Quick Decisions

As mentioned above, the fastest-acting team generally wins an AC Paintball bomb-the-base game. Along with a good strategy, you also need to make quick decisions well. If your original strategy isn’t working gas planned, you will need to come up with plan B quickly. It is a good idea to have a plan B discussed before your game even begins. That way each player knows what to do and your team can adapt seamlessly. 

Use Some Decoys

One of the best strategies in an AC Paintball game is decoys and deception. For a bomb-the-base game, you can have certain players pretend to have the “bomb” to distract your opponents from the real “bomb carrier.” You may even want to have your best player be the decoy as your opponents will likely assume that the best player will carry the “bomb.” You will also want to try to think of other deceptions to try to throw your opponents off their game even more. 

Schedule a Game

Ready to schedule an AC Paintball game so you can play bomb-the-base? You can do so on our website here: Alternatively, you can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon! 

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