There have been a lot of exciting developments around AC Paintball lately. We’ve been working really hard to get the fields up and running asap. We ‘ve actually been motivated by the large amount of interest from local residents and student groups. We had a feeling that fun and creative paintball would be well received around here but have been really pleased and surprised by the sheer amount of support.
If you are one of the individuals who has reached out to us or even played at AC – we thank you!
Our fields have been opened to a select few groups to help us test out the environment and move forward in creating a polished experience. One of the most exciting developments for our fields is an influx of military grade gear bunkers. These make outstanding obstacles because they are durable, curved in shape (providing gaps for shooting and surveying), and highly mobile. That means the possibilities for their use are endless.
Here are two images of the hauling process as we were bringing in the first batch of bunkers:

These suckers can stack, move, and take a beating…exactly the kind of barriers we want on our fields.
AC Paintball is not at full launch yet, but we are getting closer and closer. We are always looking for feedback and interest, so if you have any questions about fields, gear, pricing, etc feel free to reach out to us. You can also subscribe to our site and be kept updated on field development as well as receive some great discounts and deals (use the simple form in the sidebar to your right).
More to come!