• Being Successful in Paintball: Finding and Keeping Your Confidence

    What is the key to success when playing a game at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey? You can argue and debate which factors have the biggest impact on the outcome of a paintball game for hours. However,  one factor that almost every player can agree to greatly affects your AC Paintball game is your level of confidence.

    Every player has had both good days and bad days. Some days you can hit your opponents in one or two shots every time, and other days it seems like you couldn’t hit someone standing 10 feet in front of you. The difference between these two situations highly depends on your mindset. Are you focused and do you believe you can win the game? Or are you overthinking every mistake and giving up on your paintball goals? To help you find and keep your confidence, AC Paintball has compiled this brief list of tips and advice.

    Believe In Yourself

    When it comes to any goal you have in life or in paintball, the first step you have to take in achieving that goal is to believe that you can. If you don’t believe you can achieve your goals, you likely won’t. If you don’t believe in yourself, you will only hold yourself back. 

    Where would we be today if the great minds of the past didn’t believe they could do the amazing things they set out to accomplish? Where will we be in the future if we don’t believe in ourselves now? If you want to be a great paintball player or great in any other way, you first have to believe that you can.

    Don’t Let Criticism Hold You Down

    When you believe in yourself, you will teach others to believe in you too. However, not everyone you come across will feel the same. You may eventually run into someone who doesn’t believe in you. They may try to drag you down, but you have to fight to keep your dreams alive. It can be difficult to ignore naysayers. Cruel words can stick in your mind for days and weigh on your shoulders. Yet, you have to work past them, if you want to be successful. If anything, use cruel words as motivation to work harder and prove people wrong. In most cases, people who put you down, do so because they lack confidence themselves. 

    One method that can help you get past criticism is keeping more positive thoughts in your head. When someone says something negative to you, it will run through your mind over and over again. You will hear their voice replay in your head and relive the pain of their harsh words over and over again. You need to find a way to stop reliving the painful moments if you want to move on. Try finding a positive mantra to focus on. Choose something meaningful to you that can overpower any harsh words someone says to you.


    You may not have all of the skills and knowledge you need to achieve your goals right away, but that doesn’t mean you can’t. With enough practice, you can gain everything you need to become a great paintball player at AC Paintball.

    If you want some practice, you can do so at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey. You can play as a group with friends on Saturdays. If it works out, you can schedule games regularly. You can view available dates and times and schedule an AC Paintball game here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/.

    Figure Out Why You Lack Confidence

    It can be difficult to keep up your confidence all the time. There may be tough times where you aren’t successful and may cause you to think you can’t achieve your goals. However, you can pull out of your doubts, if you figure out why you have them.

    If you had a bad day at AC Paintball, figure out why. Were you unable to focus due to lack of sleep? Is there a certain aspect you forgot to pay attention to? When you figure out why you had a bad day or made mistakes, you can correct those mistakes and get back on track to achieving your goals.

    Practice Both Things You Are Good At and Things You Need to Work On

    If you have a long string of mistakes or bad days, it can make a slump more difficult to pull out of. Another tactic that can help you reclaim your confidence is by practicing the things you are good at along with the skills you need to work on. If you continue to not perform as well as you hope, it can drain your confidence. You may feel like you are untalented.  However, if you also practice something you are good at, you will remind yourself that you are indeed talented and successful.

    Success is addictive. When we succeed, we crave more feelings of accomplishment. Therefore, when you see yourself succeed in one aspect, you can motivate yourself to become successful in other aspects. If you use this strategy to motivate yourself, you may end up finding yourself being more successful than you ever dreamed.

  • Paintball Mental Tips: Be More Daring and Bold

    “Fortune favors the audacious.” – Desiderius Erasmus

    silhouette-936715_960_720Paintball is a sport where the bold and daring thrive. Playing it safe may keep you in the game, but you won’t make much progress. To win an AC Paintball game you and your teammates need to take some risks. If you wait too long to make a decision, you may miss your chance at a making a game-winning move.

    Yet, it is easy to get caught up in playing it safe. With most sports, a good defense can be your best offense. The same can be true for paintball, but you should never neglect offense. If you want to be more daring with your paintball game, check out these helpful mental tips from AC Paintball!

    Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

    You may hear the phrase “step out of your comfort zone” over and over again, but the message rings true. To improve yourself and reach your goals, you will have to test yourself and push your boundaries. It can be scary to face a new challenge that you don’t know how to overcome. If you keep trying, though, the new task will become easier. Along the way, you will learn tips and tricks that help you succeed.

    You may just want to hide away in the woods away from the action. It may be safer there, but you will not see as much action. Next time you play at AC Paintball, try to be more adventurous. Take a position closer to the action. If you think you can’t do something, try to anyway. You may just prove yourself wrong and learn that you are stronger than you think.

    Don’t Be Afraid of Looking Foolish

    A common concern many new AC Paintball players have is looking foolish. If you don’t fully know what you are doing, you may fear people thinking less of you. To be bold, you need to rise above this fear. Everyone has their own quirks that can look foolish, especially when they first start out. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or tips. The AC Paintball staff and many other players are happy to help. If you keep learning from your experiences you will continue to improve. With enough practice, you may become a role model for other players.

    paintball-1961040_960_720Hang Out with Other People Who are Bold and Audacious

    People tend to pick up habits of those they hang out with. They want to fit in and thus mimic certain characteristics or features. If you want to be more confident and adventurous, hang out with more people who are like that. You are likely to meet plenty of outgoing and audacious players at AC Paintball. All you have to do is start a few conversations. Soon enough, you will make paintball friends to inspire and support you.

    Fake It Till You Make It

    Another common trick you may have heard of is called “fake it till you make it.” Many people use this tactic to change their habits and become more successful. Pay attention to your body language. Do you stand with a powerful posture or do you close yourself off? If you feel shy, try to spread out and make yourself bigger. This can help trick your brain to be more confident. Don’t forget to smile and be friendly. This will attract more people to you. Pretty soon you may find yourself a happier person with more success.

    Claim Your Goals

    Finally, you will want to set goals, make a plan, and stick to that plan. Stop doubting yourself and overthinking your decisions. This takes away time that you could be eliminating enemies or capturing the flag. AC Paintball is a place for friends and family to have fun. Don’t let others distract you or get to you with negative comments. Focus on your goal and claiming your prize.