• 7 Reasons to Choose Woodsball

    When it comes to paintball, most players have a preference of playing with speedball or woodsball. Both can be fun games, but if you have certain preferences, you may like one of the other better.

    AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey has three main woodsball fields, including the Black Ops Pentagon Woods Field, the Blue Thunder Woods Field, and the Red Dawn Woods Field. Below are some reasons to choose one of these fields to play a woodsball game.

    You Have a Large Group

    Woodsball fields are larger and therefore can accommodate more players. There is plenty of space to spread out and move around. Speedball courses are smaller and work better for smaller groups.

    You Want Your Game To Last Longer

    With a larger field, your AC Paintball games will last longer. When there are more people and everyone is spread out, it takes longer to eliminate everyone and win the game. Speedball games are over more quickly as there are fewer people and everyone is confined to a smaller space.

    You Want a Different Field Design

    Since Speedball fields are smaller, many of them have a similar design. Woodsball fields typically have more variety. They have different bunkers, layouts or even some kind of fort or castle. If you want a game that hosts more diversity, Woodsball is the game for you.

    You Want a More Strategy Based Game

    Variety in the field layout, more people, means more strategy. When every field is different you need to think about the layout and think about how you can gain an advantage over your opponents. Before your AC Paintball game, it is a good idea to take a walk around the field to see where everything is located. Think about who you have on your team and what their skills are and how you can combine all of this knowledge to win your game.

    Some great strategy-based games you can play on a woodsball field include capture-the-flag, center-flag-push, defend the castle, and VIP or protect the president games. Each one of these games calls for a different strategy. If you are the type of person who likes to think and likes a challenge, a Woodsball game may be the best choice for you.

    You Wore Camouflage to AC Paintball

    What did you wear to your AC Paintball game? If you wore bright colors, you may want to opt for a Speedball game where it doesn’t matter if you stick out as much.

    On the other hand, if you wore dark colors or camouflage, take advantage of the situation and opt for a woodsball game. Camouflage and dark colors help you blend in with the wooded surroundings. If your opponents make the mistake of wearing bright colors for a woodsball match, you can gain the upper hand and take them out more easily.

    You Have a Marker the Shoots Distances Accurately

    Different paintball markers are better suited for different fields. Markers that can shoot rapidly while still being accurate are best for speedball games. However, if your marker is better with shooting distances accurately, you may want to choose a woodsball game instead. Due to the fact that the field is larger, having a paintball gun that shoots distances well can give you an advantage.

    AC Paintball in southern New Jersey offers two types of paintball markers for rental. The Tippman Custom 98 Marker and the Valken V-Tac SW-1 both have an effective range of 150+ feet. Either model would make a great choice for your woodsball game. However, if you have a personal paintball gun and want to improve its distance, you can buy specialized equipment. Look for a longer barrel to help achieve more distance and accuracy.

    You Enjoy Nature and the Woods

    If you’ve had a tough week, playing a paintball game in the woods can help you relax and distress. Nature is healing properties that can put you more at ease and help you forget about your troubles. If you would like to schedule an AC Paintball woodsball game you can do so through our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/.