• 6 Tips To Help You Better Fulfill Your Role In an AC Paintball Scenario Game

    An AC Paintball scenario paintball game can be very different from a speedball or woodsball game. Scenario games have a different set of expectations, rules, and guidelines. For some, it can be a little tricky to adjust to this types of game. You have to change your mindset and focus on different aspects of paintball. If you are planning on playing a scenario paintball game at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey, check out these tips to help you better fulfill your role.

    Know the Overall Storyline

    Not every single AC Paintball scenario paintball game has a specific storyline, but a majority of them do. You should know the reason why the two teams are fighting each other. Also, if there is a specific timeline of events, you should know when each event is supposed to occur as well. By knowing why you are there, what your motivation is, and the sequence of events, you can help your AC Paintball scenario game run smoothly.

    Make sure the rest of your AC Paintball team knows these aspects as well. You may find it helpful to print out a timeline and other guidelines to hand out to all of the players.

    Know Your Characters Role

    While every player should know the overarching timeline, it is also important to know individual timelines. An individual’s actions can change the overall outcome of the AC Paintball scenario game. If there is something specific you are in charge of, make sure you understand what you are supposed to do and that you have everything you need to accomplish your task.

    Know The AC Paintball Field

    As shown above, it is important to keep an AC Paintball scenario game flowing smoothly. Another way you can help accomplish this is by knowing the field. You should have a tentative plan of where you will go once the game starts and where you will move throughout the game.

    Walk around the AC Paintball field before your game begins so you know where everything is. While you walk, you can formulate a game plan that will help you fulfill your role.

    Make Sure Your Equipment is Working and You Have Enough Ammo

    Like knowing the field, it is also important to know your equipment and make sure it is working properly. Take a few test shots before the game begins so you know how your marker shoots. Also, make sure you have enough ammo to last the entire game. There are few things worse than running out of ammo mid-game.

    Come Out of Your Shell

    Paintball is a social sport. While you may be able to get away with being shy in a speedball or woodsball game, it is more difficult to do in a scenario game. You might have a specific role that requires you to interact with the other players. Don’t be afraid to be a bit more daring and outgoing. Everyone else is at AC Paintball to have fun and make friends. Most players will likely be happy to interact with you.

    Practicing your improvisation skills can also be helpful. Being able to think on your feet and solve problems quickly is a helpful skill to have in any paintball game.

    Add Some Details to Make Your Game More Authentic

    Before you arrive at AC Paintball, think about extra details that could make your game more authentic. Whether you wear a special outfit or bring extra props, these additional details can help you tell a story. You can work on talking in a specific accent or research the terminology of your character. Adding these elements can make your AC Paintball scenario game more fun and memorable.

  • Tips for Playing Scenario Paintball

    There are a variety of paintball games you can play at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey. You may choose to play a traditional speedball game or make things a bit more challenging with a Woodsball game. If you really feel creative, though, scenario paintball may be the game type for you. In a scenario game, you can take your game to the next level in a variety of ways. You can make the game whatever you want it to be by adding a storyline, character interactions, and special challenges. The possibilities are endless.


    AC Paintball has different fields to help accommodate almost any scenario game you want to play. AC Paintball’s wooded fields are perfect for medieval, civil war, or fantasy game scenarios. The Pentagon Field is great for games that need one large base such as a castle or fort.  No matter what game or field you choose, be sure to follow AC Paintball’s scenario paintball tips.

    Plan and Follow the Story Line

    The main point of any scenario paintball game is the story. Typically, each player chooses a character to play and fulfills their role. You can reenact a pre-existing story or create your own story and characters. Scenario paintball can take a lot of planning. Be sure to plan with everyone before meeting at AC Paintball. You should strategize and make sure everyone knows the storyline.

    When you are playing at AC Paintball be sure to know your character and the story. This way you can make sure that you don’t make many mistakes. You can play your part to the best of your ability and help make sure everyone has a great time.

    Practice and Get In Shape Before Battle

    After you have your character and know the storyline, be sure to practice. Normal paintball already has plenty of components to learn. If you are new to paintball and try to add a storyline, it can be difficult to focus on so many aspects at once. You should study your character and responsibilities before you play at AC Paintball.  This will help you avoid difficulties. You will know your character inside out so you can focus more on hitting your targets.

    You may also want to consider getting in better shape. Paintball is a highly active sport. Being in shape will allow you to perform to your best potential on the day of the game. You won’t get tired as quickly, which will help you focus on the storyline rather than your body aching. Getting in shape will also help you feel good and play well.

    Know the Your Equipment and the Terrain

    sideshotIf you want to practice playing paintball, you can do so at AC Paintball a few days before the event. You can learn how to work the equipment and navigate the Williamstown, New Jersey terrain. Knowing how to play the game will allow you to focus on the storyline and your responsibilities. The better you can adapt to your surroundings, the more successful you will be. When you know your surroundings, you don’t need to think as hard to figure out where you need to go. It is also easier to avoid tripping and running into obstacles.

    Pay Attention and Communicate

    In every AC Paintball game, you need to pay attention. When you are playing scenario paintball you need to do so even more. It is helpful to know where everyone is and what they are doing. You should know where both your teammates and your opponents are. Some scenarios call for players to be in certain places at certain times. If you play this type of scenario, it is important to listen and watch for signals. Your team needs to have good communication so that the storyline can flow.

    Have Fun

    The most important aspect of playing paintball is to have fun. At AC Paintball, we want all our customers to enjoy their scenario paintball experience. We encourage friendly and safe paintball. Wearing costumes or bringing props can also make your experience more fun. It will make your story more accurate and authentic. Just be sure that all props are safe and will not injure any players. If you follow the rules, playing paintball at AC Paintball is sure to become one of your best memories. If you would like to book a game, follow this link: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/.