• Best Strategies For Protect the President or VIP

    If you are tired of playing basic speedball or woodsball at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey, one alternative game you should try is Protect the President. This paintball game is also referred to as VIP to some. This is a great game to play if you have a person of honor such as a birthday boy, bride, or boss. Check out the explanation and tips below to learn more.

    How To Play

    In this game, a president is chosen. Players on the president’s team have to protect him or her while the other team, referred to as “terrorists,” try to hit the president. The president’s team is often smaller than the “terrorists” team to make the game challenging.

    If the president’s team can keep the VIP safe for five minutes, then they win. On the other hand, if the “terrorists” are able to hit the president within the allotted time, then they win. Elimination works the same way as in normal paintball. However, you can change up any rules as you please.

    Tips For President’s Team

    If you are on the president’s team, you are in for a challenge. Be sure to take heed of these tips!

    Make Sure You Have Plenty of Ammo

    Before you even begin your AC Paintball game near Atlantic City, you want to make sure you are prepared. You are sure to use a lot of ammo trying to protect the VIP. Be sure to stock up. You may also want to consider becoming an AC Paintball club member to get a discount on paintballs.

    Pay Close Attention To the President

    In any paintball game, one of the most important aspects is that you pay attention. Losing focus can mean the difference between winning and losing. In a Protect the President game, it is crucial that you stay on guard and protect the VIP from your opponents. Otherwise, your team can quickly lose the game.

    Keep Moving

    If you stay in one spot too long, your opponents can surround you and quickly eliminate your teammates or even the president. This is why it is important to keep moving. Use the bunkers wisely, and keep your opponents chasing you. This is one of the best ways to ensure survival.

    Know When to Use Rapid Shooting

    Paintball isn’t just a physical game; it is largely a mental game as well. There are many important decisions you have to make. One of these is when to shoot. In an AC Paintball Protect the President game, it is important to know when to shoot rapidly and when to take your time. For instance, if you are under an ambush, shooting rapidly is your best defense. If you only have one person shooting at you, however, you will want to take more time to aim to ensure you hit your target.

    Tips for “Terrorists”

    Being on the “terrorists” team is extremely fun, and slightly easier than being on the president’s team. However, this doesn’t mean you can slack off. You still have to pay close attention to the game.

    Have A Plan

    The first step to being successful is to have a good plan. Make sure the rest of your team is in on the plan as well. If everyone is scrambling to do what they think is right, it can get messy quickly. On the other hand, if everyone knows where they are supposed to go and what they are supposed to do, you greatly improve your chances of winning your VIP AC Paintball game.

    Try to Ambush the President

    One good strategy to try is to form an ambush. Organize your team in a way that you can corner the President’s team. If you manage to do so, you can easily win your AC Paintball Protect the President game.

    Always Watch for Openings

    Just like the President’s team has to watch out for your team, your team needs to watch out for openings. You never know when a chance will open up for you to target the President. If and when this happens, you will want to take advantage of it.

    Take Chances

    You will also need to take a chance every not and then. The VIP team will be on alert most of the time. If you play it safe too often, you will likely get nowhere. Like Wayne Gretzky said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

    Schedule a Protect the President Game at AC Paintball Now!

    Ready to schedule a Protect the President game? You can do so on AC Paintball’s website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883. Good luck!

  • 7 Tips for Being a Team Player

    action-2277292_960_720It is easy to get caught up in ourselves every now and then. You have to make the right life choices to reach your dreams. However, when it comes to paintball, you have to shift your focus to the needs of your team. Everyone on your team wants to win the game. To do so, everyone has to do their part. You have to be a team player. To help you help your team, AC Paintball has compiled this list of great tips to help you show good sportsmanship and be a good team player.

    Participate and Use Your Strengths to Benefit Your Team

    Contributing is the first step to being a team player. If you are just going to stand around or do your own thing, there is not much point in being there. If your team give you a role to play, do it.

    Your team is counting on you. When your team is creating a strategy, let everyone know what your strengths are and what position you would like to play. If everyone brings their strengths to the table, you will form a better team and greatly improve your chances of achieving victory at AC Paintball.

    Listen and Communicate

    When you have many people in charge of multiple tasks, you need to have a good communication system. When you start your AC Paintball game, you won’t know what your opponent’s strategy will be. If they start to take control of the game, your team may have to switch strategies. When doing so, you need to make sure everyone knows the new plan. Be sure to listen to other players and adjust accordingly. If you notice something your opponents are doing that you believe your team should be aware of, speak up!

    Be Flexible

    While you can suggest to your team what role you think you would be good at, you can’t always pick and choose every detail of your AC Paintball game. You may have to take your teammates preferences and strengths into consideration as well. You need to be flexible.

    If your team’s numbers are dwindling late game, you will have to step in and take up other roles, so be prepared. When practicing your paintball skills at AC Paintball, don’t just focus on one aspect, try to practice multiple skills so you can become a more valuable player.

    Support and Respect Other Players

    When most people think of a team player, they think of someone who supports and shows respect to other players. There are many ways to do this. They include:

    • Providing tips to other players.
    • Warning players of opponents in their area.
    • Providing backup when a teammate needs it.  
    • Sharing a bunker if a teammate needs cover.
    • Complimenting other players when they do something good.
    • Lift teammates spirits if they make a mistake.

    Team players make other players feel like they are important. If other players smile and seem happy when you are around, you are likely doing a good job.

    Don’t Be a Showoff

    paintball-2220450_960_720You may end up being one of the most experienced players at AC Paintball. While you should bring your strengths to help your team, you shouldn’t make your teammates feel inferior in the process. Be sure to share the spotlight. You can do tricks and take out players, but make sure you give your teammates a turn to shine as well. When a teammate does well, cheer them on.

    Don’t Give Up On Other Players

    There is always a chance you may end up on a team with someone who becomes disinterested in being a team player. They may just want to have things their way. If you want to be a team player, don’t just complain about them or forget about them. Try to find some way to inspire them to participate.

    Find out what they want to do and try to incorporate that element into your AC Paintball game. If they still don’t want to participate, you can let them be, but try to make them feel like they are still part of your team. People are often willing to do more when they feel appreciated.

    Go Above and Beyond

    The best way to stand out is to go above and beyond expectations. If you think of a way to help your team or make their AC Paintball game more fun, do it. You can bring snacks for everyone, suggest making team t-shirts, or make awards for everyone. Overall, think about your team and how you can help make everyone have a good time.

  • Types of Paintball Players and How to Play with Them

    paintball-girl-1748134_960_720Although paintball players all share a love for paintball, they can differ in many ways. AC Paintball has seen various types of paintball players throughout years of business. Everyone has different personalities, skills, and preferences. It is interesting to meet different characters and see how they interact. Yet, sometimes players can have difficulty working together.

    Learning about each player can make your team stronger. Figure out how each person can contribute to the group. Then give them responsibilities that suit their nature. Below are some common types of paintball players you may find at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey.

    The Lone Wolf

    The lone wolf is can be a bit of an introvert who doesn’t like being in large groups. They don’t care for giving or receiving countless commands, either. They prefer to be on their own and do their own thing. This player will enjoy playing on a wooded field like AC Paintball’s Blue Thunder Woods Field. In large fields, they can find their own spot away from constant interaction.

    If you have a lone wolf on your team, give them a goal that they can complete on their own. They can be a sniper or take care of a completely separate goal. Don’t underestimate a lone wolf, though, they may just surprise you and be the key to victory.

    The Heavy Shooter

    When a heavy shooter plays at AC Paintball, you can tell by the end of the day. They buy the most paintballs and often like to customize their markers. Heavy shooters tend to like to be in the middle of the action, taking out as many opponents as they can.

    When you have a heavy shooter on your team, you will want to put them in charge of ambushes or defense. They are sure to protect your team and help dwindle down your opponent’s numbers.

    The Sharpshooter

    The sharpshooter has amazing focus and can hit targets that the average player can’t. If a single opponent is causing trouble, count on your sharpshooter to take them out. They know what they are doing and typically upgrade their markers for improved accuracy. Their equipment is usually heavier, so don’t give them a job that involves too much running.

    Like the lone wolf, sharpshooters make good snipers for your AC Paintball team. You may also want to consider using them as a mid-player so that you can move them around as you need.

    runner-580055_960_720The Roadrunner

    The roadrunner is the fastest player on your team. If they get into trouble, they are most likely to get away. You will want a roadrunner on your team whenever you are playing a game like Capture-the-Flag. Their equipment and uniform should be light to ease movement. They should also wear appropriate shoes for running.

    Roadrunners make good frontmen when playing at AC Paintball. They can move into your opponent’s territory early and find traps to warn the rest of your team. You will also want to put them in charge of objectives that involve a lot of running.

    The Professional

    Professionals have plenty of experience and have been playing for years. You can count on them to do their job and help the rest of the team perform theirs. You can look to the pro for tips and advice. You will want to professional at your side while you are planning a strategy.

    Professionals can be helpful anywhere. If they are supportive, you may want to put them in a group so they can help out other players.

    The Motivator

    The motivator is your biggest team player. No matter what their skill level, they will always support and help the team. They will volunteer for risky jobs, sacrifice themselves, and share their ammo. These players can make excellent captains for your team. Even if they aren’t the best player on the team, they can be crucial in keeping your team energized.

    Motivators work well in groups when playing at AC Paintball. Depending on how you split up your team, you can put them midfield or in the back.

    New or Timid Players

    Although no one will admit to being timid, there is likely to find some on your team. It may be their first time playing at AC Paintball. They might just need a chance to get used to the sport. These players work well as your defense. More adventurous and seasoned players typically go for offensive positions. Yet, forgetting about defense can be a fatal flaw.

    If you play VIP/President, Defend-the-Castle, or Capture-the-Flag, have these players protect your zone. Give them plenty of tips and support. With some time and practice, they may become one of your best players.


  • Team Tips for Playing Woodsball at AC Paintball

    Paintball is a team sport and for your team to win, each individual player needs to contribute. They need to fulfill their roll, stick to the plan, and be a good teammate. In some cases, a single player can affect the outcome of the game. They could be the difference between winning and losing. Everyone wants to win. AC Paintball in Williamstown, southern New Jersey offers these tips to help your team.

    Playing paintball in the woods is different than playing speedball. The terrain is different and calls for different team strategies. Before playing at AC Paintball, you should plan a strategy with your team members. This will help your team be successful and have fun while playing Woodsball at AC Paintball.


    Plan Movement Strategies and Positions

    Careful movements are a crucial aspect of Woodsball. With dead leaves and sticks all over the ground, each step can be noisy. There are also different paths to use. You should discuss movement strategies with your team before arriving at AC Paintball. Assign positions and plan where each player should go. Some teams like to use a leap-frog type movement to move forward through the course. Others separate into groups and head off in different directions.

    You should have both a proactive and a reactive strategy. It is a good idea to keep your plans simple. Complicated plans can also confuse your teammates and create chaos. Most plans can change the minute the first shot is fired anyway. You never know what strategy your opponent will use and you will need to adjust accordingly.

    Create a Communication System

    AC Paintball’s wooded courses are larger than our speedball courses. It is a good idea to buy Walkie-Talkies or Headsets to communicate with each other. Otherwise, you will have to yell across the field to converse with your teammate. This will give away your positions and could make you lose your voice by the end of the day.

    If you don’t have Walkie-Talkies to use, you may want to find another form of communication to use. If you stay close enough to see each other, you can use hand or body motions. Most of the time, you will want to keep as quiet as possible. You should move and execute noisier plans while others are making noise.

    Plan a Strategy for Cover and Backing Each Other Up

    If you don’t have a strategy for backing each other up, you will likely struggle to reach your goals. Typically, teams have a single person or group that heads off the mission. This person handles completing tasks and finding the enemy. If this person doesn’t have players to cover them, it makes it much more difficult to succeed.

    You should plan what each player should do if someone gets caught in an ambush. Figure out an exit strategy and who will be responsible for defense. You may also want to plan to make distracting noises at important points.  Also, figure out who will take up the roles of eliminated players.



    A paintball team is like a machine. If a single part doesn’t work, the entire system can experience problems. As a teammate, you should always come into a game with a good attitude and be ready to listen to others ideas. If you have an opinion you should definitely voice it, but don’t cause a fight. A fight can throw your team’s chemistry off. Be ready to help each other out and give each other tips.

    If your team has a plan, you shouldn’t deviate just because you think you know better. Doing so can throw everyone else off their tasks and cause the team to struggle. If you do see a reason to change the plan, though, make sure everyone knows and is on the same page.

    If you want to play at AC Paintball many times, you may also want to consider specializing in positions. Doing so will narrow the focus of each player’s role. Then each player will become more skillful in their responsibilities. This will help the entire team will improve. If you want to learn more about each position, read AC Paintball’s blog about choosing team roles. Follow this link:  https://acpaintball.com/2016/07/12/choosing-roles-for-your-paintball-team/.

    Think Outside the Box

    A common downfall for teams is being too predictable. If you use the same strategy each game, your opponent will soon learn how to beat you. Thus, it is a good idea to think outside the box. Do some research and learn some ways to trick your opponents and throw them off their guard.

    When your team comes into a firefight, don’t just stand in one place and continue to shoot at each other. This can get boring after a while. Instead, come up with an idea to flank the other team. Have a few players run off and sneak up behind your opponents. This will make for a much more interesting game at AC Paintball.