• Ways to Get Pumped Up for Your Paintball Game

    When you feel better, you perform better. That’s just how it goes. The more driven you are, the more successful you will be. When you play a game at AC Paintball in Atlantic City, New Jersey, you want to go in excited and ready to win. You also want the rest of your team to be on the same page. To help you prepare for your next AC Paintball game, we have compiled this list of seven ways to get both yourself and your team pumped up. 

    Get Good Rest the Night Before

    If you want to be energetic, you need to get good sleep. Be sure to go to bed early the night before your AC Paintball game so you can get enough rest. Most people require 7-9 hours of sleep to perform their best. Find something to help you relax the night before such as drinking tea, taking a bath, or simply watching a movie. Warmth and low energy activities will help you calm down before bed. When you get good sleep,  you will wake up full of energy and ready to play your best. 

    Eat a Good Breakfast

    Once you wake up, you will want to have a good breakfast. This will also help ensure you have enough energy to play well. If you aren’t sure what to eat, check out this AC Paintball blog: https://acpaintball.com/2016/09/27/what-to-eat-before-and-after-a-paintball-game/. You may also want to bring some snacks to refuel between AC Paintball games. 


    Just as important as food, you will also want to drink plenty of water. Doing so will help your body function properly so you can play at your maximum potential. Staying hydrated is crucial, especially on a hot day in southern New Jersey. Be sure to bring a water bottle with you to AC Paintball. 

    Find the Perfect Playlist

    Music has a significant effect on your mood. If you need to boost your mental excitement, create the perfect playlist to listen to on your way to AC Paintball. Good pump-up songs are energetic, have a fast-moving beat, and inspiring lyrics. If you want to get the rest of your team pumped up as well, have them listen to your playlist with you. You can even let them request songs to help you build your playlist. This way everyone gets to listen to a song they like. 

    Warm Up Your Muscles

    Once you get to AC Paintball, you will want to warm up your muscles. This way, you can help avoid injuries during your game. Be sure to stretch as well as doing light activities such as jogging. Taking a jog around the AC Paintball field can also help you get an idea of what to expect. You can figure out where are the bunkers are and form a tentative strategy. 

    Strategize with Your Teammates

    Having a great plan for success can also help you get pumped up. If you don’t have a plan you have to waste time figuring out where to go and what to do. When you know this information beforehand, you can simply put your plan into action. You will get things done faster, which will motivate you to go even further. With this in mind, it is a good idea to strategize with your teammates before your AC Paintball game. 

    Have a Positive Attitude

    Finally, it is important to have a positive attitude. Being optimistic helps you achieve your goals faster. If something gets in your way, you just need a new solution or a new perspective. Once you find it, you will be well on your way to winning your AC Paintball game in Atlantic City, New Jersey. 

  • 7 Tips For Practicing Paintball at AC Paintball

    No matter what sport you play, every athlete needs to practice. Practice provides you with a chance to make mistakes and learn new techniques without the pressure of an actual game. However, when you practice, you should still push yourself and use effective drills so you can improve faster. To help you do so, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is here with some tips and advice. The harder and more often you practice, the faster you will improve. 

    Research Ways To Improve

    There are a variety of ways you can improve your skills. Paintball is a complex sport that requires you to be talented in a variety of areas. Before you arrive at AC Paintball it is a good idea to decide what skills you want to work on and research drills you can use to accomplish your goals. By doing so, you can use your time both efficiently and effectively. 

    Practice Both Alone and With Others

    When it comes to paintball, there are some skills that you should practice alone and others that you need to practice with a team. For instance, aiming, muscle power, and posture are all things you should work on individually. Meanwhile, strategy, communication, and positioning are tactics that require group chemistry. By working both alone and with others on your skills, you can become a better AC Paintball player overall. 

    Treat Practice Like A Real Game

    While practice generally doesn’t involve the same pressure as a game, treating your practice as a real game can help put you in the right mindset. It is good to have fun at practice. However, if you goof around too much, you won’t get everything you can out of your AC Paintball practice. 

    Try New Techniques

    In paintball, there is always something new to learn and practice is the time to try it out. Whether you have a new gun, new strategy, or a new trick, practice is the time to work on it. Players rarely perform complicated tricks perfectly the first few times they attempt it. It is not the best idea to attempt a trick you have never tried before during a game. However, if you continue to work on it in practice, you can get good enough to nail your new trick at your next AC Paintball game.  

    Work On Details that Affect Your Game

    Sometimes in practice, we can fall into the trap of simply performing the same routine of drills over and over again. When this happens, you stay good at the skills you are already good at. However, you don’t improve on the skills you don’t work on. 

    During your AC Paintball game, it is a good idea to analyze and pay attention to aspects that you need to work on. Once you know this, you can figure out how to improve those skills so you can improve your overall game. For instance, if you get tired quickly, you may need to work on your strength and stamina. If you miss your target too often, work on aiming and focus. By improving your worse skills, you can become a more consistent paintball player. 

    Don’t Get Discouraged

    If you aren’t excelling with new trick and techniques quickly, it can be easy to get discouraged. However, if you stop, you will never get better. Find something to keep you motivated and simply keep practicing. You will eventually get better and become an asset to your AC Paintball team. 

    Have Fun

    Finally, it is most important to have fun. Having fun will motivate you to continue improving and playing the game. Make sure you are practicing with people you get along with and focus on how good you can become. 

    If you are ready to schedule an AC Paintball session so you can practice with your friends or family, visit AC Paintball’s website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you at our Williamstown, New Jersey location.