• Ways to Get Pumped Up for Your Paintball Game

    When you feel better, you perform better. That’s just how it goes. The more driven you are, the more successful you will be. When you play a game at AC Paintball in Atlantic City, New Jersey, you want to go in excited and ready to win. You also want the rest of your team to be on the same page. To help you prepare for your next AC Paintball game, we have compiled this list of seven ways to get both yourself and your team pumped up. 

    Get Good Rest the Night Before

    If you want to be energetic, you need to get good sleep. Be sure to go to bed early the night before your AC Paintball game so you can get enough rest. Most people require 7-9 hours of sleep to perform their best. Find something to help you relax the night before such as drinking tea, taking a bath, or simply watching a movie. Warmth and low energy activities will help you calm down before bed. When you get good sleep,  you will wake up full of energy and ready to play your best. 

    Eat a Good Breakfast

    Once you wake up, you will want to have a good breakfast. This will also help ensure you have enough energy to play well. If you aren’t sure what to eat, check out this AC Paintball blog: https://acpaintball.com/2016/09/27/what-to-eat-before-and-after-a-paintball-game/. You may also want to bring some snacks to refuel between AC Paintball games. 


    Just as important as food, you will also want to drink plenty of water. Doing so will help your body function properly so you can play at your maximum potential. Staying hydrated is crucial, especially on a hot day in southern New Jersey. Be sure to bring a water bottle with you to AC Paintball. 

    Find the Perfect Playlist

    Music has a significant effect on your mood. If you need to boost your mental excitement, create the perfect playlist to listen to on your way to AC Paintball. Good pump-up songs are energetic, have a fast-moving beat, and inspiring lyrics. If you want to get the rest of your team pumped up as well, have them listen to your playlist with you. You can even let them request songs to help you build your playlist. This way everyone gets to listen to a song they like. 

    Warm Up Your Muscles

    Once you get to AC Paintball, you will want to warm up your muscles. This way, you can help avoid injuries during your game. Be sure to stretch as well as doing light activities such as jogging. Taking a jog around the AC Paintball field can also help you get an idea of what to expect. You can figure out where are the bunkers are and form a tentative strategy. 

    Strategize with Your Teammates

    Having a great plan for success can also help you get pumped up. If you don’t have a plan you have to waste time figuring out where to go and what to do. When you know this information beforehand, you can simply put your plan into action. You will get things done faster, which will motivate you to go even further. With this in mind, it is a good idea to strategize with your teammates before your AC Paintball game. 

    Have a Positive Attitude

    Finally, it is important to have a positive attitude. Being optimistic helps you achieve your goals faster. If something gets in your way, you just need a new solution or a new perspective. Once you find it, you will be well on your way to winning your AC Paintball game in Atlantic City, New Jersey. 

  • Warming Up for a Paintball Game at AC Paintball

    Paintball is one of the most active sports there is and whenever you plan on exercising, it is a good idea to warm up. Almost every athlete in any sport has some sort of warm up routine. A good routine gets your blood pumping and prepares your muscles for strenuous activity.

    At AC Paintball in southern New Jersey, most of our passes are for 3-4 hours. Even with long breaks, a day at AC Paintball will give you a full body workout. It is always a good idea to complete some light movements to prepare your muscles for working hard. A good routine can get your mind and body ready to play paintball. When you warm up properly, you will have an easier time moving around. You will play to your full potential and be more successful.


    Eating & Drinking

    The night before a game, you will want to stock up on carbohydrates and add a small amount of protein. This will give you the energy to play long games of paintball. It’s better not to eat a lot, if anything, right before the game. Doing so may make you feel sluggish. If you do feel the need to eat something the before the game, try to do so at least three hours beforehand. Make sure it is light and doesn’t weigh you down. Some athletes like to drink protein shakes before a game.

    Also, be sure to hydrate and drink lots of fluids. Water helps regulate your body temperature and lubricates your joints. All of AC Paintball’s fields are outdoors and in New Jersey summers are hot. If you aren’t properly hydrated, you won’t be able to perform to the best of your ability. Dehydration can also cause cramps or make you feel dizzy.

    Start Light

    When warming up, you should start out light. Start with simple dynamic exercises, and then gradually increase your range of movement. Start by jogging for a lap or two around one of the AC Paintball’s courses. If you don’t want to run a lap, you can just find a large open area and jog back and forth. After that, start stretching your muscles and joints out a bit more. You can do some high knees, kickbacks, arm swings, lunges, and calf raises. Do each for about a quarter of a lap.

    Knee Highs – While stepping, bring up your knees up as high as you can.

    Butt Kicks – Make running motion while bringing you heal up to your glutes.

    Kickbacks – Get on your hands and knees with back flat. Extend one leg out behind you and hold for a few seconds.

    Arm Swings – Swing your arms in circles and alternate directions.

    Lunges – Step out far and lower your hips until both legs are at a 90-degree angle.

    Calf Raises – Standing normally, go up on your toes, and hold for a few seconds. Then return to normal standing position.


    Get Your Blood Pumping

    Now it’s time for more vigorous activity. At this point, you can start sprinting. If you want to, you can alternate between sprinting and jogging. This way, you don’t wear yourself out before the game even begins. After that, you can do some more intense maneuvers such as squats, jumping jacks, side shuffles, grapevines, skips, and suicides.  Complete about 10 – 20 reps for each.

    Squats – Start with legs about shoulder length apart and make a sitting motion.

    Jumping Jacks – Jump while moving your legs in and out and arms up and down.

    Side Shuffles – Make choppy, lateral steps while moving sideways.

    Grapevines – Run sideways while moving your legs in a crisscross pattern.

    Skips – Jump while lifting knees high, moving forward.

    Suicides – Sprint back and forth increasing your distance each time. Each time you reach a specific distance, touch the ground.


    If you feel stiff or have been injured recently, you may want to add stretching to your warm up routine. Many argue that stretching hasn’t been proven to reduce injury or flexibility. Yet, static stretches can help in a variety of ways.  Stretching helps alleviate cramps, improve your muscle elasticity, and increase your range of motion. It can also make you feel more flexible with more control over your body. If you are nervous, it can also be therapeutic and help you calm down.  You can stretch both before and after your game at AC Paintball.