• Preventing Friendly Fire

    Friendly fire is a mistake in paintball when one player hits his own teammate. Sometimes a player gets too excited and pulls the trigger too early. Other times a player may just be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Friendly fire can happen to any team, but there are precautions you can take to help avoid this type of accident. That is why AC Paintball in southern New Jersey has created this list of tips for you and your team.

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    When playing at AC Paintball, good communication can be the difference between winning and losing. When everyone knows what each other’s intentions, it is easier to avoid collisions and mistakes. You should let your teammates know where you are, what direction you are shooting, and if you are deviating from your plans. This way, your teammates can adjust their plans to yours.

    One reason teams typically avoid a lot of communication is because they don’t want to give away their position to the enemy. There are tricks to avoid having to yell across the field, though. One way is to plan everything before the game begins. If you plan positions beforehand, it decreases the need for yelling across the field. You may also want to consider using walking talkies.

    Stick to the Plan

    If your team plans positions beforehand, you should stick to that plan throughout the entire game. When everyone knows what to expect from each other, your team will be more successful. There are times, however, where you may need to change your position or strategy. If you do so, be sure to let the rest of your team know.

    Unexpected moves can cause accidents. When your team is already running low on remaining players, it could cost them the game. If your team is ahead, it could also become a turning point that takes your team out of the lead. Either way, sticking to the plan, can prevent detrimental accidents and help your team win the game.

    Clearly Differentiate the Teams

    Another good way to prevent friendly fire is to clearly differentiate between the teams. Before you meet at AC Paintball, tell all your teammates to wear the same color. If you wish to change teams throughout the day, bring swappable bandanas to tie to your uniform. Throughout the game, always be sure that your team marking is visible. If your team cannot tell that you are part of their team, they may end up hitting you by accident.

    female paintball player

    Stay Focused

    Distractions are everywhere when you play at AC paintball. When people are running around the fields and making a lot of loud noises, it can be easy to lose focus.  You may want to shoot at anything that moves.  To prevent hitting your own teammates, however, you need to pay attention and watch who you are aiming at. Here are some tips to stay focused.

    • Make sure you get good sleep the night before the game.
    • Clear your mind or meditate before the game.
    • Keep a song or mantra in your head.
    • Concentrate on looking for team markings.
    • Continually scan the field and know where the players are.

    The more you practice, the more you will improve. When your focus improves, your game and confidence will improve as well.

    Keep Your Fingers Off of the Trigger

    If you worry about getting too trigger happy, you may want to try keeping your fingers off the trigger. It may take a little more time to shoot, but it will give you a split second longer to think about who your gun is aimed at. It could mean the difference between shooting a friend or an enemy.

    AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is happy to provide paintball advice and tips to all players. We also invite you and your friends to practice on one of our exciting courses.  If you would like to book a game, please follow this link: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/.