• 5 Ways Paintball Can Benefit Students

    When it comes to sports, there are a variety of benefits you can gain from practicing and playing them, especially for students. This includes paintball. Paintball is a sport that can improve your health, brain, personal skills, and more. It is a complex yet extremely fun game. It will get your heart pounding, your blood flowing, and your brain thinking. 

    Below you will find five benefits that paintball can provide for students. Then, if paintball sounds like something you would like to try, you can schedule a game at AC Paintball in Atlantic City, New Jersey. 

    Brainpower and Critical Thinking

    A student’s main goal is to expand their mind and improve their brain function. This includes skills such as problem-solving, decision making, and formulating plans. Paintball involves all of these skills and gives you a chance to flex your brain muscles in a fun and exciting environment. 

    Before your AC Paintball game even begins, you will need to formulate a plan. If this plan doesn’t work out, you will need to do some problem-solving and decision making to help your team gain an advantage so they can win. You will also need to do so quickly. If you take too much time, your opponent can take advantage of the situation and win before you have much of a chance. With all of this in mind, it can help students think more quickly, learn to solve problems and become better test-takers. 

    On top of this, all of the running and activity increases blood flow to the brain. This allows the brain to make more connections which in turn improves your overall brain power. 

    Stay Healthy

    Reading and studying are important skills. However, if you spend too much time sitting around while doing so, it can take a toll on your health.  Playing paintball at AC Paintball regularly provides you with a chance to do something healthy while you take a break from your studies. 

    Between running, crouching, jumping, crawling, carrying your marker and more, paintball will provide you with a full-body workout. If you are new to paintball you may be sore for a little bit, but once you get used to the activities, paintball will help keep you healthy and fit. 

    Personal Skills

    Paintball is a team sport. This means you need to know how to get along with and work with others if you want to be successful. This is also an essential skill for school as well as the real world. AC Paintball is a great place to practice these skills because there is a variety of different people to play with and you get to do something you enjoy rather than working on a project you don’t have much interest in. 

    At AC Paintball in southern New Jersey, we keep the focus on friendly play. It is a great place to make friends and to interact with new people. After a few games, you are sure to build your social and personal skills. 


    When it comes to being successful in school and in real life, you need confidence. You need to know that you have the ability to accomplish your goals if you continue to work at them. 

    Confidence is a common struggle for many students. However, playing paintball can help students gain confidence. Most players aren’t the best when they first start out, yet if they keep practicing they continue to improve and get better. When students see themselves succeed in paintball, it can show them that they can be successful at school too if they are willing to work hard. 


    If you want to be successful at school and life, you also need a certain level of discipline. You need to know how to follow the rules and how to control yourself even when things don’t go your way. 

    Paintball requires the same discipline. You need to follow the rules of the game and you need to learn to let it go if things don’t go the way you want them to. However, again, at AC Paintball you are in a fun and enjoyable environment which can make learning to do so a bit easier. Then you can transfer your skills to school so you can be successful in both areas. 

    Schedule a Game at AC Paintball Today!

    If you are a student and want to reap the benefits of playing paintball, schedule a game at AC Paintball in Atlantic City, New Jersey today. You can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon. 

  • Ways Paintball Can Build Character and Help You Grow as a Person

    Sports are an important part of our society. While paintball may seem like just a fun game, it also has an ability to teach us and help us grow. When you are on a paintball team, you are part of something bigger than yourself. Everything you do can affect the rest of your team. This responsibility can push you to be a more remarkable person. Read on to learn more, then schedule a game at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey so you can work on your skills. 

    Working With Others

    Being able to work well with others is an important life skill. There are many times in life where you may have to work in a group. Sometimes you know the people well, and other times you don’t. Sometimes you get along with your teammates well and other times you don’t. Paintball is the same way and is a great way to practice your social skills and ability to work well with others. 

    During an AC Paintball game, you will have to rely on your team as well as back up your teammates. This is a great way to learn to trust others and take responsibility for yourself. 

    Keep Healthy

    When you are healthy, you will feel better and when you feel better, you will feel happier in general. Playing paintball at AC Paintball on a regular basis can help you accomplish this. Between running, carrying a marker, jumping, crouching, squatting, and more, paintball will give you a full-body workout. It’s sure to keep your heart healthy and your muscles strong. 

    Thinking Quickly

    In life, you will have to make countless decisions. With some, you will have the time to carefully think things through and weigh your options. With others, you will only have a few seconds. Paintball can help you learn to make good decisions quickly. Games are fast-paced and the decisions you make can either help your team immensely or get you eliminated from the game. Playing games at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is a great way to simulate the pressure of real-life situations and learn to make quick decisions. 


    Life isn’t always easy, and neither is paintball. However, if you learn to persevere, things will get better. Things don’t always go the way you want them to during an AC Paintball game. Your opponents may have a great lead, but that doesn’t mean that you should just give up. If you come up with a plan and keep pushing forward, you may be able to find a way to turn the game around. The same is true in life. By learning to persevere in AC Paintball games, you can learn to persevere in life and be more successful. 

    Learn to Let Go  

    Part of persevering is learning to get-go. Even if you try your hardest, things may not turn out how you want them to. If you dwell on them, the disappointment can ruin other games and opportunities for you. However, if you learn from them and leave your disappointment in the past, you can grow. This skill is difficult to master, but once you learn to let go, you can become more successful. 

    Stress Relief

    Paintball can also help you relieve stress in a healthy way. All of the running involved can help you burn off negative energy and being out in nature can help relax you. Having fun with your friends and family will also help you feel better, so schedule a game at AC Paintball today! You can do so through AC Paintball’s website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon!