• 5 Ways Paintball Can Benefit Students

    When it comes to sports, there are a variety of benefits you can gain from practicing and playing them, especially for students. This includes paintball. Paintball is a sport that can improve your health, brain, personal skills, and more. It is a complex yet extremely fun game. It will get your heart pounding, your blood flowing, and your brain thinking. 

    Below you will find five benefits that paintball can provide for students. Then, if paintball sounds like something you would like to try, you can schedule a game at AC Paintball in Atlantic City, New Jersey. 

    Brainpower and Critical Thinking

    A student’s main goal is to expand their mind and improve their brain function. This includes skills such as problem-solving, decision making, and formulating plans. Paintball involves all of these skills and gives you a chance to flex your brain muscles in a fun and exciting environment. 

    Before your AC Paintball game even begins, you will need to formulate a plan. If this plan doesn’t work out, you will need to do some problem-solving and decision making to help your team gain an advantage so they can win. You will also need to do so quickly. If you take too much time, your opponent can take advantage of the situation and win before you have much of a chance. With all of this in mind, it can help students think more quickly, learn to solve problems and become better test-takers. 

    On top of this, all of the running and activity increases blood flow to the brain. This allows the brain to make more connections which in turn improves your overall brain power. 

    Stay Healthy

    Reading and studying are important skills. However, if you spend too much time sitting around while doing so, it can take a toll on your health.  Playing paintball at AC Paintball regularly provides you with a chance to do something healthy while you take a break from your studies. 

    Between running, crouching, jumping, crawling, carrying your marker and more, paintball will provide you with a full-body workout. If you are new to paintball you may be sore for a little bit, but once you get used to the activities, paintball will help keep you healthy and fit. 

    Personal Skills

    Paintball is a team sport. This means you need to know how to get along with and work with others if you want to be successful. This is also an essential skill for school as well as the real world. AC Paintball is a great place to practice these skills because there is a variety of different people to play with and you get to do something you enjoy rather than working on a project you don’t have much interest in. 

    At AC Paintball in southern New Jersey, we keep the focus on friendly play. It is a great place to make friends and to interact with new people. After a few games, you are sure to build your social and personal skills. 


    When it comes to being successful in school and in real life, you need confidence. You need to know that you have the ability to accomplish your goals if you continue to work at them. 

    Confidence is a common struggle for many students. However, playing paintball can help students gain confidence. Most players aren’t the best when they first start out, yet if they keep practicing they continue to improve and get better. When students see themselves succeed in paintball, it can show them that they can be successful at school too if they are willing to work hard. 


    If you want to be successful at school and life, you also need a certain level of discipline. You need to know how to follow the rules and how to control yourself even when things don’t go your way. 

    Paintball requires the same discipline. You need to follow the rules of the game and you need to learn to let it go if things don’t go the way you want them to. However, again, at AC Paintball you are in a fun and enjoyable environment which can make learning to do so a bit easier. Then you can transfer your skills to school so you can be successful in both areas. 

    Schedule a Game at AC Paintball Today!

    If you are a student and want to reap the benefits of playing paintball, schedule a game at AC Paintball in Atlantic City, New Jersey today. You can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon. 

  • Encouraging Others to Play Paintball with You

    When it comes to your favorite hobbies and activities, it is always nice to have a friend or family member to enjoy it with. It gives you a chance to connect and bond over something that brings you joy. If playing at AC Paintball is your thing, you may be looking to find friends to play with. Below you will find some tips from AC Paintball to get people to join you.

    Give Them Reasons To Play

    Firstly, it is a good idea to provide reasons why you think they should play paintball. They will want to know how playing paintball at AC Paintball will benefit them. Below are just a few reasons that you can use.


    Paintball is a sport where you have to rely on your teammates. You have to have their back and they have to have yours if your entire team wants to be successful. With this in mind, paintball is a great way to make friends and build relationships. Chances are if you can trust someone to be your teammate, you can also trust them to be a friend that will have your back when life gets rough.


    Paintball is also a great way to stay healthy. Whether you are looking to lose weight or build up muscle, paintball is a great way to do so. Running around the field is great cardio, carrying a gun and squatting builds your muscles, and being out in nature can help you relax. There are countless health benefits when it comes to paintball.


    One of the biggest reasons people visit AC Paintball is because it is fun. You get to test both your mental and physical skills. You get to just run around and have a great time with your friends and family. You can make great memories that you will be telling for years to come.

    How To Encourage Them

    It is important to know how to encourage them to play. If you don’t show that you want them to play, they likely won’t be interested. If you push them too hard they might feel like you are trying to control them and make them upset. You have to find the right balance.

    Don’t Push Them Too Hard

    Sometimes it’s difficult to determine how hard to push someone. You want to push them to better themselves or try new things, but you don’t want to upset them. It is a good idea to point out different benefits and reasons that you think they should play. However, if they seem stern about their position, you should stop.

    Show Them What You Enjoy About the Game

    Good moods are contagious. Chances are if you show your friend why you love paintball, they will love it too. If you enjoy a particular game, take them to AC Paintball and play it. Give them your best tips so they can improve faster. Overall, make sure their first few paintball experiences are good ones.

    Compliment or Congratulate Them

    If people feel like they are good at something, they will want to do it more. Therefore, complimenting or pointing out when your friend does something well, will encourage them. Don’t overdo it, however, because doing so may make the compliment feel insincere.

    Visit AC Paintball Near Atlantic City For Practice

    Finally, if your friend has enough interest in playing with you, bring them to AC Paintball in southern New Jersey so they can practice. AC Paintball offers a friendly atmosphere with 6 different fields to choose from. If you would like to schedule a game, you can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. Alternatively, you can also call AC Paintball at   609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you!

  • 5 Ways Playing Paintball Can Change Your Life

    When people consider playing a sport, paintball is typically not one of the first ones they consider. Most people consider the sports offered at their school or ones that are popular on television, such as soccer, basketball, and football.

    Paintball is a very thrilling and different sport. Deciding to join a paintball team can change your life in many ways. There are many positive benefits paintball has to offer. Here are just a few of these benefits that AC Paintball near Atlantic City has noticed in our paintball players.

    Get In Shape

    One of the first things you may notice when playing paintball is that you get a full body workout. Paintball works a variety of muscles, that not all the other sports do. It takes a lot of endurance to play paintball.

    Playing paintball can help you lose weight, build muslces, and work on your cardio. All of these improvements will lead to a healthier lifestyle. Once your body gets used to it, you may find yourself more energetic than usual and more confident too.

    Learn To  Formulate Plans and Strategize

    Planning is an important life skill. When you know how to formulate a good plan, you can be more successful in pretty much anything you try to do. It can help you figure out the best itinerary for your day, help you give a presentation at work, and help you reach your self-improvement goals.

    Playing paintball in southern New Jersey can help you learn planning skills that you can apply to other everyday activities. If you want to win your AC Paintball game, you have to get into your opponents head and figure out how you can beat them. To accomplish this you have to be crafty. You may also need to formulate multiple backup plans. With so much planning, you will eventually learn what does work and what doesn’t. Before you know it you will find yourself being more successful both on and off the AC Paintball field.

    Learn To Think Under Pressure

    It is very difficult to think under pressure. It is a skill few people are able to master. When emotions run high, it is easy to lose your focus. When you are playing an AC Paintball game, however, you have to learn quickly to think under pressure. If you don’t make the right decision and make it quickly, there is a high chance you will get eliminated.

    The game of paintball is full of decisions. You have to decide where to go, who to target, when to shoot, and much more. If you play at AC Paintball regularly, you will learn to make good decisions more quickly. This can help you make better quick decisions in your everyday life as well.

    Relieve Stress

    Sports are great stress relievers. By moving around you can burn off pent up stress and energy. This will help you feel better in the long run. Playing a few games at AC Paintball near Atlantic City can help you clear your head so that you can focus on other important tasks that you need to take care off.

    Paintball also has the added bonus of often being played outside. Nature has a calming factor that helps us relax. Choose one of AC Paintball’s woodsball fields for a more natural setting.

    Build Social Skills and Friendships

    Social skills are yet another important skill you need in your everyday life. Think of all the people you encounter during the day. You have your family, friends, coworkers, cashiers, neighbors, and more. Not everyone will think the same way you do and it is important to learn how to get along with people even if you don’t see eye to eye. Paintball is a great way to practice your social skills.

    In an AC Paintball game, if your team can’t work together, they will have a hard time trying to win. Even if your teammate has a different plan you have to work together with everyone to figure out what strategy your team will use. Therefore, playing paintball is a great way to practice cooperation and social skills. It is also a great way to make friends and build relationships!

    Schedule an AC Paintball Game Now!

    Ready to change your life and reap the benefits of paintball? Contact AC Paintball to schedule a game now! You can do so through our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883.

  • 9 Physical Benefits of Paintball

    It’s important to take good care of your body. Doing so will help you feel better, be happier, and live longer. Part of taking care of your body means being active. There are many ways to accomplish this. You can play a sport, go to the gym, or just take a walk with your dog. No matter what you do, it is important to stick with it. Otherwise, you will lose the benefits. Therefore, it is important to choose activities you enjoy.

    If you are a thrill-seeker who wants a highly active and exciting hobby, playing paintball at AC Paintball near Atlantic City may be for you! There are a variety of physical benefits you can receive from playing paintball on a regular basis. Playing paintball involves a lot of exercise, especially if you play on one of AC Paintball’s wooded fields. All of this exercise offers a variety of overall health benefits.

    Strengthens Your Heart

    Exercise causes your heart to work harder. When your heart works harder on a regular basis, it will become stronger. Strengthening your heart can also help prevent heart disease.

    Strengthens Your Lungs

    When you run, you breathe more heavily. Working your lungs helps increase their capacity and efficiency. If you aren’t used to exercising, you may find that paintball makes you lose your breath easily, but if you keep practicing at AC Paintball, you will eventually find it easier to breathe.  

    Strengthens Your Bones

    Increased bone density also comes along with frequent exercise. When your bones are stronger, they won’t break as easily if you fall or get hit hard. Dense bones also mean you are less likely to develop osteoporosis.  

    Clears Your Arteries

    Plenty of exercise also helps clear your arteries. It reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol and fats in your blood, which leads to the body working more efficiently. When your arteries are clogged, you can experience symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, weakness, dizziness, nausea, or sweating. Playing paintball at AC Paintball on a regular basis can help make sure you avoid these issues.

    Reduces Your Blood Sugar Levels

    If diabetes runs in your family, playing paintball at AC Paintball may help decrease your chances of developing it too. Exercise triggers your muscles to take up more glucose to use as energy leaving less in your bloodstream. It is important not to let your blood sugar levels get too high or too low as it can lead to a variety of dangerous issues.

    Regulates Your Blood Pressure

    Exercise improves the flexibility of your blood vessel walls and therefore helps regulate blood pressure. Like blood sugar levels, it is important to make sure your blood pressure doesn’t go too high or too low. You may not always experience symptoms if your blood pressure is off, yet it can lead to serious problems. Therefore, exercise through paintball or other activities is important.

    Build Muscle

    Almost everyone wants muscles. Muscles allow you to do more and make you look good. Paintball is one of the best muscle building sports as it gives you a full body workout. During an AC Paintball game, you will use almost every part of your body. If you play often over enough time, you will begin to see yourself getting stronger and more toned.

    Improve Flexibility

    In many instances, playing paintball will involve more than just running. You may also have to jump, crouch, crawl, etc. With this in mind, you should always stretch before your AC Paintball game begins. If you stretch before every game, eventually your overall flexibility will improve as well.

    Lose Weight

    All this activity is sure to burn plenty of calories. Therefore, playing paintball regularly may help you lose some weight. Going to the gym or walking can get boring after a while because it is the same experience over and over. With paintball, however, every game is different. You will have so much fun, you may not even think of playing paintball as a weight loss program. It will just become your hobby.

  • Health Benefits of Playing Paintball

    If you are have been using the same workout plan for a while and are looking for a new way to get your body moving, playing paintball at AC Paintball may be your answer. Paintball is an active sport that involves a lot of sprinting, dodging, crawling, and diving all while holding up your marker. Playing at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey regularly can keep you healthy in a variety of ways. You can give your body a full workout, all while having fun with your family and friends.


    Improves Strength

    Paintball helps build commonly targeted muscles in the legs, arms, and core. Often times players have so much fun that they don’t even realize that they are actually working out. When you go to the gym to work out, you tend to focus only on one area at a time, but when you live your daily life, your muscles do not work in isolation; they work together. Paintball works your entire body at the same time and is an efficient way to build more of your muscles.

    Here are some ways playing paintball works your muscles:

    • Arms – Holding up a marker to aim for a long period of time will work your arm muscles such as biceps, triceps, and shoulders.
    • Legs – Paintball involves a lot of running, squatting, crouching and crawling which will work your leg muscles such as quads, glutes, hamstrings, and calves.
    • Core Muscles – With a full body workout, your core will play a large role in helping balance and move the rest of your body. Strengthening your core can help you in your daily life as well. It can help with bending, lifting, twisting or carrying items. Other improvements include better posture, a healthier back, and better balance.

    Improves Endurance

    Typical workouts can be short because we tend to focus on the repetitive motion and get bored. With paintball, however, players concentrate on hitting their target, strategizing, and not getting hit. Therefore, they can exercise for a longer period of time without even realizing that they are working out. This can lead to working out longer and improving your endurance.

    paintball bachelorette

    Gets Your Heart Going

    Paintball gets your adrenaline pumping and your heart pounding. Every time you exercise to get your heart going, you are improving your stamina. With better stamina your body can work more intensely without the need for a break. Improved endurance and stamina will make you feel healthier and allow you to do work longer and more easily during your daily routine. AC Paintball offers 1-Year Membership which can save you money in the long run if you wish to play paintball regularly.

    Helps Weight Loss

    Weight loss is another possibility when you play paintball regularly. After a long day at AC Paintball, you will likely want to go to sleep early which will improve your sleep cycle and metabolism. With a higher metabolism, you will burn more calories. This will also reduce the risk of heart diseases, blood pressure problems and depression.

    Reduces Stress

    Playing paintball gives you a chance to vent and release your frustration. The endorphins released during intense play can calm you down and eliminate stress. Strategizing will also give you a new focus that will take your mind off of whatever other problems you may have.

    Being outdoors will also boost your mood and allow you to take in some fresh air. Studies have shown that nature can improve mental health by reducing stress and depression as well as boosting positivity. If you have been feeling down or stuck indoors lately, a trip to AC Paintball in southern New Jersey could be the boost you need to make you happy and healthy again.