• Paintball Tips and Strategies for Capture-the-Flag

    golf-1468162_960_720What are the keys to winning a capture-the-flag game? AC Paintball has witnessed a variety of different strategies throughout its years of operation. Some strategies work, while others fall just short of victory. If you want to win your next game, AC Paintball is here to help. Check out these useful plans and tricks, so you can outwit your opponents!

    Rules and Planning

    When playing any game, it is important that everyone knows and understands the rules. Capture-the-flag rules often change. Depending on where you are playing and who you are playing with. Make sure everyone is on the same page before you start.

    After everyone knows the rules, each AC Paintball team can begin planning their strategies. Most teams like to split up into three separate groups. The front or runners are in charge of scoping out the flag and your opponents ambushes. The middle group covers the front and tries to eliminate a majority of your opponents. The back defends your flag and territory.

    Traveling Strategy

    Although you split up into three groups, you should try to avoid traveling in those groups. It can make it easier for your opponents to hit someone and dwindle down your team. At the same time, you should not travel alone. It can make it easier for an opponent to sneak up on you. For the best protection, AC Paintball recommends traveling in pairs.

    Traveling in pairs will also help you cover more of the field. Make sure that about one-third of the pairs run up the middle while the other two-thirds flank on the sides. Also, be sure to come up with a communication strategy. If you are playing on one of AC Paintball’s larger fields, you don’t want to be yelling. It will give away your position.

    The Flag

    paintball forest pathwaySince your flag is the most important object in this game, you will want to protect it any way possible. Walk around AC Paintball’s field before the so that you can find the perfect spot to hide your flag. If the opposing team is watching you hide your flag, have a few different players pretend to hide the flag as. This will help distract your opponents.

    During the game, don’t focus your defense around the flag. This is a dead giveaway to the location of your flag. You will want your opponents to have to find it first. This way your team has more time to find their flag.

    Don’t Waste Time

    In AC Paintball elimination games, the goal is to stay in the game the longest. In capture-the-flag, there is a different time constraint. You need to be quick and complete your objective before the opposing team reaches your flag. When the game starts, don’t wait around. Run straight into the game and get to where you are going. If you wait, you will lessen your chances of getting to the flag first. You have to be daring and fearless.

    Thin the Enemy’s Numbers First

    When your enemy is at full strength, it is difficult to make it across the field. By taking out many opponents at the start, you can make capturing the flag much easier. If the flag carrier doesn’t have as many people shooting at them, they are more likely to make it back to home base.

    Don’t Forget to Protect Your Flag

    williamstown nj paintballOne mistake you should avoid making is forgetting to protect your flag. It is possible to get so focused on reaching their opponent’s flag, that some teams neglect their own. Before they know it, the other team has their flag and is heading back to home base.

    Defensive players need to be smart and alert. If you sense an opponent near your flag, but can’t see them, you can try to scare them with heavy fire. This may help hold them off so that your team has more time to capture the flag.

    Capturing the Flag

    The task of actually capturing the flag is one of the trickiest parts of the game. Just like your team, your opponents will be highly guarding their flag. One strategy is to have the runner and a small backup group stealth around the enemy’s boundary. Have the protectors take out as much of the enemy’s defense as possible.

    The runner needs to be watchful and aware at this point. If they see an opportunity they should take it. They may not see another one. When choosing a runner make sure they are fast and bold.

    Moving Back to Base

    How large are your enemy’s numbers? If they are low, you can take a chance and try darting back across the AC Paintball field. If there are still too many, you will have to try a different tactic. Have the group scatter and continue to take out opponents. Some can also pretend to have the flag to throw of adversaries. The flag can also be passed between teammate to add more confusion.

    If you can outwit your opponents, you can make it back to your home base victorious! Then you can gear up for your next game at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey.