• How to Effectively Cool Down After an AC Paintball Game

    silhouette-1788908_960_720What is your routine after playing an intense game at AC Paintball? How do you return your body to a restful state? A cool down is an important part of any paintball game that is sometimes overlooked by players. After playing a tiring game of paintball, it is tempting to just sit down on a bench and try to catch your breath. Yet, taking a few extra minutes to gradually return your body to a restful state is healthier.

    If you don’t know how to effectively calm down after a game, it is time to learn. AC Paintball is here to help.

    Importance of a Cool-Down


    A proper cool down benefits your body in a variety of ways. It gives your heart a chance to adjust to the level of exercise. When playing at AC Paintball your heart rate rises. Between the excitement and exercise, it may beat anywhere from 75-200 bpm (beats per minute). The number will vary depending on your health and age. The average resting heart rate is 60-100 bpm. If you go from a high rate to a low rate too quickly, you may experience dizziness due to the reduced level of work.

    Blood Circulation

    A gradual cool down also helps keep your blood circulating. As you play, your muscles use nutrients and oxygen. These nutrients will need to be replenished so you can continue to play more AC Paintball games. Your body transports more nutrients to your muscles through your blood stream. Therefore, it is important to keep your blood circulating after exercise.


    When you use your muscles to exercise, they become warm. This is the ideal time to stretch them because it is easier for the muscles to be moved around. Stretching your muscles regularly will improve your range of motion. The more flexible you are, the better you can move during your next AC Paintball game.

    Easy Exercise

    Start your cool down routine with some easy exercise. Make sure that the level of activity is somewhere between intense and resting. Jogging in place or taking a few laps around an AC Paintball field is one of the best options. You can also try some dynamic stretches that gently move your body. Gradually slow down your pace and don’t forget to breathe.

    jog-1005897_960_720Static Stretching

    Once you lower your heart rate, you will want to do some static stretches. This will keep your muscles from getting stiff. Unlike dynamic stretches, your body stays in one place while you hold a certain position. Stretch everything! Paintball uses your whole body, so make sure your stretching routine is through. You may want to put some extra focus on your legs, back, and shoulders as they are usually worked the most.

    Try to hold each stretch for 20 – 30 seconds, but don’t strain yourself too much. Pushing yourself too hard risks injury. Again, don’t forget to breathe.


    As you breathe and sweat, your body loses water. When you are finished playing, you will need to replenish your fluid and electrolyte deficit. You don’t want to get dehydrated. Water is your best option, but some athletes also use sports drinks or even chocolate milk. Don’t drink too much all at once. Be sure to consistently drink enough over the next two days after your AC Paintball visit, though.


    Finally, you need to recover the energy and nutrients your body used to help you play. After the game, find your favorite southern New Jersey restaurant and order something healthy. Something packed with protein will help replenish your energy and keep your muscles strong. This includes beef, chicken, and fish/sushi. Other healthy options include whole-grains, fruits, vegetables, yogurt, and nuts/seeds.

    With proper care and attention, your body will be ready to go again, so you can play another game at AC Paintball!