• Different AC Paintball Bunkers and How to Use Them

    Paintball would be a different game without bunkers. You wouldn’t have to think about hiding or plan your movements strategically. It would just be a big open field with players shooting at each other. The setup and layout of bunkers on the AC Paintball field can help determine what game you should play. Bunkers come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. Each one has different uses, advantages, and disadvantages.

    10658860_496608440479653_4244368542241473132_oAt AC Paintball we put thought into the layout of our fields. We carefully select and place each bunker where it can be most useful. Studying the layout of the field before the game will help you create a plan of action. You can choose which path you want to take and where your snipers should hide out. Use the bunkers strategically and you can improve your chances of winning.

    Cylinders and Trees

    AC Paintball’s cylinders are tall and narrow. This is one of the most common types of bunkers. They can be found at almost any paintball facility in southern New Jersey. Cylinders are good for keeping you covered in a straight standing position. They are tall so that you don’t have to worry about attacks from above. You can peek and shoot out to the side and then quickly take cover again.

    You do have to worry about your side and back, though. This is why most cylinders are placed near the back or outer edge. When placed in the middle, your opponents can easily flank you from the back and sides.

    Lay-down Cylinders and Military Drop Tank Bunkers

    Lay-down cylinders are long and the low to the ground.  AC Paintball typically uses this type of bunker along the fence or in the middle as a divider. This allows players to easily crawl from one place to another.  Since most players focus their point-of-view slightly higher, this is a stealthy way to move around.  You may even be able to move onto your opponent’s side without getting caught. However, if someone does spot you from above, you will become an easy target.


    hiddenshotYou can find both large and small spools on our Williamstown fields. They provide excellent cover as they are both tall and wide. You can safely stand behind tall spools or kneel behind short ones. Their rounded edges make them easy to peek around without exposing yourself too much. They are a useful tool when playing a game with checkpoints.


    Another common bunker is the barrel. You can usually find them in sets of two or three at AC Paintball. They share a similar shape with cylinders, but they are shorter and wider. You can safely couch behind one to hide from fire and pop up to shoot at your opponents. Be careful with this approach, though, you leave your entire top half exposed at the back and side. If you aren’t paying close attention, an opponent can take you out in an instant.


    Cones are one of AC Paintball’s smallest bunkers. Thus, they are usually not a player’s first choice when looking for shelter. Yet, they are useful for bunker-hopping. They can offer good protection when crouching as they are wide at the bottom. When standing, they are also easy to peak around.


    Many paintball fields in New Jersey have their own unique bunkers. We have a pentagon made of military drop tank bunkers that are stacked together. This is the largest bunker you will find at AC Paintball. Unlike other bunkers, it can shelter a group of people.  You can safely stand within it or crouch to look out the opening between the stacked drop tank bunkers. It is a useful shelter for defend-the-castle or hostage games.

  • How to Improve Your Paintball Aim and Accuracy

    target-practice-65647_960_720There is nothing like the feeling of hitting your target in one shot. It makes you feel powerful and skilled. The more accurate your aim is the more paintballs you can save and the more helpful you can be to your team. When your aim is good, you can conserve your paintballs. With the money you save on ammo, you can soon afford an extra session at AC Paintball in Williamstown, New Jersey.

    Accuracy is one of the most important skills a paintball player needs. If you can’t hit your target, you will have difficulty eliminating your opponents. Check out AC Paintball’s aiming tips so you can contribute more to your team’s victory.


    The best way to improve any skill is to practice. Go to a shooting range or find another safe place to practice. You can also practice by playing more games at AC Paintball. Start with a stationary target and an average distance. Once you get good with that, you can try shooting at different angles and distances. After a while, you can try moving targets.

    You may not notice increased ability right away, but it you keep practicing you will get better. Your teammates likely will too.

    Choose the Right Marker

    On the day of your AC Paintball game, the first thing you need to do is choose the right marker. Different guns shoot differently. Some are more accurate, shoot more rapidly, or shoot further. You will want to choose the marker that will compliment your skills. This will help you succeed in your position.

    Typically longer and slimmer barrels are more accurate. You will also want to make sure the paintballs fit well in the barrel. Keep in mind that guns with attachments, may make heavier. This can hinder your ability to run and hold up the gun for a long time.  More weight can also make it difficult to distribute weight. This can affect your accuracy.

    If you are renting a gun from AC Paintball, you have two choices. These are the Tippmann Custom 98 Marker, and the Valken V-Tac SW-1 Marker. Both are fairly matched in accuracy, but the Tippman has more of a recoil. This can affect your accuracy when firing multiple shots in a row.

    Test Your Marker Before the Game

    tippmann paintball markerBefore you start your AC Paintball game, you will want to test your marker. Make sure that it is clean. Dirt in the barrel can change the direction and speed of the paintball.

    You can also test how your marker fires. Find a safe place to fire with no people around. Then pick a target and fire at it. Watch where it goes. If it doesn’t fly completely straight, adjust your aim and try again. Keep testing until you figure out how to adjust your aim so that each shot is more accurate.

    Align Your Marker with Your View

    Another helpful technique for aiming is to line up your marker with your eyes. When you don’t center the gun with your body, it is more difficult to judge angles. By centering it, you can help ensure the paintball flies where you want it to go. Be careful, though, if your marker recoils a lot it may fly back toward your face. Although you are wearing a mask, you still don’t want to hit yourself in the face.

    If parts of your marker block your view, tilt it slightly to the side so you can see. Try to keep it as centered as possible.

    Have Patience and Relax

    Some AC Paintball players get so excited that they forget to take the time to aim. If an opponent jumps out, your first instinct is to start shooting in their general direction. Whether they see you right away or not, the sound of your shooting will alert them of your position. Then they will start firing back at you. If they are an accurate shooter, you will be out of the game.

    It only takes a few extra seconds to aim. You just need to have patience and keep your focus. If you have dozens of thoughts cluttering your mind, it will be difficult to hit your target. You might be surprised just how much a little extra attention can improve your accuracy.

    paintball-1477263_960_720Check Your Posture

    In any sport, coaches teach players the proper positions and movements to shoot accurately. In a paintball game, posture will affect your aim. If you are in an awkward position, it can be difficult to angle your gun and fire straight. The best posture is with your chest and toes pointed toward your target. Center your gun with your body.

    Moving Targets

    During an AC Paintball game, players are always on the move. Your target won’t always be standing still. A common technique for moving targets it to lead them. Judge your target’s speed and keep your gun pointed ahead of them. Predict where your opponent will be when you pull the trigger. Then figure out how long it will take the paintball to reach your target. Combine your calculations and fire at just the right moment.

    Hitting a moving target will take plenty of practice. However, if you master this skill, you will become a valuable player.

  • 5 Tips to Improve Your Paintball Game

    There are simsideshotple ways to improve your paintball game without spending tons of money or time. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned paintball player, use the following tips to increase the chances of winning your next paintball game.

    1. Choose the Proper Equipment

    Make sure you choose the proper equipment for your height and body type. If it is too bulky or heavy for you to carry, it will drag you down on the field. If it is too lightweight, it might not provide enough coverage.

    2. Practice Aiming Off the Field

    Even if you can’t practice shooting targets at home, you can still perfect your aim. Wear your mask and tape a laser pointer to the barrel of the paintball gun marker. The laser pointer will help you estimate where the paintball would hit if you fired. Walk or run around as you would in a real game and practice aiming at targets. Aim the laser at a target in your house or backyard. Practice keeping the laser pointed at the target as you walk, jog, and run. You will develop a steady aim as you practice.

    3. Increase the Firing Rate of Your Gun

    If your gun seems to be firing too slowly, it is possible to increase the firing rate. Use your middle and index fingers to pull the trigger slowly at first, then gradually pull faster and faster. This technique is called “walking the trigger.”

    4. Walk the Field and Strategize

    Walk around the field before game play to get a feel for it. Learn the angles, bunkers, and places to hide. If your teammates are with you, use this time to think of an appropriate strategy for this field. A good strategy can win against a superior team with poor organization.

    5. Focus on Teamwork

    Remember, paintball is a team sport. Solid teamwork and communication will win you more games than a focus on individual glory. Shout or use radios to let your teammates know where opposing players are and to coordinate attacks. Always cover your teammates when they need to reload so they won’t get hit in the meantime.