• Converting Your Friends to Paintball From Another Sport

    If you have recently become interested in paintball, you may be looking to get some of your other friends interested in paintball as well. This way you always have a group to count on and visit AC Paintball in southern New Jersey with. The friends you are trying to convert may have never played paintball before. However, they may have accumulated other athletic skills from other sports they have played. This AC Paintball blog will help you help them accustom themselves to the paintball world and adapt their old skills to a new game.

    Figure Out Similarities Between Paintball and Their Sport

    If your friends have never played before, the best place to start is by explaining a bit about paintball to them. Let them know what you learned your first few times playing.

    Then try and help them understand the game. Think about the sport they already play and see if there are any similarities that transfer well to paintball. For instance, in volleyball players watch where a hitter is facing to judge where they will hit the ball. This same principle can be applied to paintball when aiming and trying to avoid getting hit. Another example is sports like soccer, football, and basketball. You need to be aware of where each player is on the court. This is also true in paintball.

    Show Them How Paintball Can Help Them

    While you may find many similarities that translate from their sport to paintball, you may also find multiple differences. It might take a little while to adjust to these differences, but you and your friends will gain new skills that you will find helpful for other sports and daily activities.

    For example, paintball is a game that involves a lot of strategizing and fast decision making. You have to think about the layout of the AC Paintball field, where all of the players are, and your goal. Then you have to make the right choices so you can reach your goal and win the AC Paintball game. Therefore, the decision-making and planning skills you use in paintball can translate into other sports and real life to help you achieve your goals.

    This is just one instance of how practicing paintball at AC Paintball can help you in life and with your daily pursuits. The more you play, the more skills you will learn. Teaching your friends about what they can gain from playing paintball will motivate them to join you.

    Show Them Why You Love Paintball

    There are instances where friends are very different from in other, but in most cases, you became friends because you have a lot in common. Therefore, if there is something you love about paintball, there is a good chance that that aspect will interest your friend too.

    While you are playing with your friend at AC Paintball, be sure to highlight the reasons you love paintball. Your passion may rub off on them so they learn to love the sport too.

    Let Them Play a Position That Involves Skills They Already Have

    In many cases, people learn to love doing activities they are good at. If you put your friend in a position that they can excel in, it improves the chances of them enjoying paintball. Think back to what similarities you found between paintball and the other sports you and your friends have played. If you think the skills your friend already has will translate well to a certain paintball position, start them out in that role. Having your teammates in roles they are good at will also help you win your AC Paintball game.

    Give Them Your Best Tips

    If you have been playing at AC Paintball for a while, you have likely learned what does work and what does not work. You may have a variety of tips and tricks you can share with your friend. If you do share these tips with your friend, you will likely improve their confidence as a player so they can play better. When they play better, they will likely have more fun and want to join you on your next AC Paintball adventure.

    Make Sure You Take Them To a Place With a Friendly Atmosphere

    There are many places you can take your friend to play paintball. If you want them to have fun, you should choose a field with a friendly atmosphere. A friendly atmosphere is one of the main goals AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey strives for. If you would like to schedule a game, you can do so through our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/ or by calling 609-561-3883.