• Morning Paintball vs. Afternoon Paintball

    woods-445264_960_720When you schedule a game at AC Paintball, one factor you should consider is what time of the day you are going to play. AC Paintball has two main packages to choose from. We offer a morning session which lets you play as much as you want between 9 AM and 12 PM. Your other option is to play in the afternoon from 12 PM until 4 PM. Morning and afternoon can differ in a variety of ways. There are many factors to consider before you decide which package to use.

    Are You an Early Bird or Night Owl?

    What time of the day are you most energetic? Paintball is a rigorous sport that requires a lot of energy. You are constantly running, dodging, and squatting all while carrying your equipment. Your mind must be alert and ready to solve problems. Thus, you should consider what time of day you are most alert when selecting an AC Paintball package.

    When are you able to get up? If you typically wake up early, the morning package may be your best option. If you stay up late and wake up late, the afternoon package may be more suited to your lifestyle. Don’t forget to consider the rest of your teammates, as well. Find out which AC Paintball package they prefer. If you can’t decide, put it to a vote or consider other factors.

    How Long Do You Want to Play?

    AC Paintball’s morning package offers three hours of playing time. The afternoon package offers four. Before you pick your package, you should think about your stamina and how long you would like to play.

    The physical activity involved with paintball can seem overwhelming to some players at first. If you or teammates are not used to paintball, consider the morning package. With one less hour of playtime, new players may not get quite so overwhelmed. It allows them to get used to paintball in smaller increments.

    If you are the type of person who never wants the fun to end, the afternoon package may be your best option. This AC Paintball package gives you an extra hour of play time to have fun with your friends. You can fit in an extra game or two if you want to try different games or teams.


    With the extra hour, AC Paintball’s afternoon package is ten dollars extra. However, you still get the same amount of ammo as the morning package. You will want to consider how much shooting you plan on doing. If you don’t shoot often, you may be able to get away with only the ammo included in the package.

    Heavy shooters will want to buy more ammo. AC Paintball also sells extra ammo on site. You may also want to consider AC Paintball membership. Members can buy cases at a reduced price. You can find more info here: https://acpaintball.com/ac-paintball-pricing-guide/.

    AC Paintball recommends always making sure you have enough ammo. You don’t want to get caught mid-game without being able to defend yourself.

    Consider the Weather

    Another variable to consider is the weather. Do you like playing in the cooler or warmer temperatures? You should also consider what season it is. Southern New Jersey is hot and humid in spring and summer. Fall and winter in Williamstown are windy and brisk.

    If you are looking for cooler temperatures, you should choose the morning package. You can get your games in before it gets too hot. Yet, players seeking warmer temperatures will want the afternoon package. By noon the sun typically reaches its highest point and warms the air.

    Whichever time slot you choose, be sure to dress appropriately. You will want to protect yourself from the elements so that you can focus on the game. Bring sunscreen in the summer and coats in cooler seasons.

    Other Plans?

    There are many fun activities to explore in southern New Jersey. If you have other plans, be sure to take them into consideration. Schedule your AC Paintball game at the opposite time frame of your other plans.

    Paintball can even boost your mind before or after your other activities. A morning game can get your blood flowing so that you’re ready to take on the rest of the day. An afternoon game can help you de-stress after a long day’s work. You can take out your aggression in a safe environment with family and friends by your side.

    Ready to Play?

    Ready to schedule your game at AC Paintball? You can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/.