• 9 Tips for Playing a Runner

    Being a runner is an important job in any AC Paintball game. You are basically in charge of leading your team into your opponents’ territory. If you are playing a game like capture-the-flag or center-flag-push, you also have to sneak into a heavily guarded territory. With this in mind, there are many factors to think about and many aspects to pay attention to. To help you do so, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey has compiled this list of tips and tricks.

    Plan Ahead

    With a bit of planning, playing a runner can be very rewarding. It is a position that gets a lot of attention as you will likely be the one capturing the flag, or starting the action on your opponents’ territory.

    Planning to play this position starts before you even leave your home. Choosing the right clothing can greatly benefit you during your AC Paintball game. By wearing camouflage or dark clothing, you can help blend in with your surroundings so your opponent can’t spot you as easily. You will also want to make sure your outfit is not noisy. Wearing sneakers that are light can also help you run more easily.

    Then, once you make it to AC Paintball, you will also want to pay close attention when your team forms their strategy. Know where you are supposed to go and what your team expects you to do. When you and everyone else is on the same page, you will have a much better chance of winning your AC Paintball game.

    Work On Speed and  Endurance

    The keys to being a successful runner are speed and endurance. If you know you want to play a runner for your upcoming AC Paintball game, practice running, and agility. The better you get, the bigger asset you will be to your team. It is also a good idea to practice running on uneven terrain. This will help teach you to watch where you step while still running as fast as you can.

    Avoid Paths and the Center of The Field

    Without planning you may subconsciously want to run along the paths. The terrain is likely more even there and you are used to following paths every day. However, your opponents will likely be expecting you to do so and may wait along the paths for you to come by. Then you are an easy target as you are out in the open.

    Instead, try going along the outside of the field or where there is more coverage. Just don’t use the same path every single AC Paintball game. If your opponents catch on, you will likely get eliminated quickly.

    Keep Moving

    Your position is called the runner. Therefore, it only makes sense that you should keep moving. This is a good tip for almost any position. If you stay in one place for too long, your opponents can surround you an eliminate you. As a runner, you should be on the move a majority of the time.

    Stay Aware

    If you are a runner, you will likely be a big target for your opponents. During a capture-the-flag game, you will be the player with the most power to win the AC Paintball game for your team. With this in mind, you have to be very aware. Before you make a big move, make sure you are in the clear. Listen for rustling and scan the field close to the ground. Knowing when it is safe to move and when it is not is critical to playing a runner.

    Avoid Attracting Attention

    Along with staying aware, you will also want to try and stay out of your opponents’ awareness. Doing so will allow you to go to where you want to go and do what you need to do. Some tips to help you accomplish this include, taking routes with few opponents, staying low to the ground, wearing camouflage, and only firing your paintball gun when you absolutely have to.

    Bring Back Up

    It is difficult to accomplish everything a runner needs to do alone. Therefore, you should bring backup. Have some teammates follow you somewhat nearby. This way they can get to you quickly and help if you get ambushed. Just don’t have them travel too close to you as you won’t be able to stealth as easily.

    It is also a good idea to have a plan for one of these backups to take your place if you get eliminated. This way your team can easily regroup and continue your AC Paintball game without having to formulate a new plan.

    Make Good Choices

    Choices are important during an AC Paintball game. The choices you make can determine whether you stay in the game or not. They can determine if you accomplish your goals, or even if your team wins the game.

    As a runner, you should be bold, yet careful at the same time. If you are too careful, you will run out of time as your opponents will eliminate your teammates or capture the flag before you. On the other hand, if you are too bold, you could expose yourself and get eliminated too quickly.


    Finally, once you have used these tips and won your AC Paintball game, don’t forget to celebrate with your team. Winning a paintball game is no small accomplishment and you should take the time to recognize your hard work. Celebrating is also a great way to bond with your team.

  • Tips for Playing a Frontman at AC Paintball

    paintballFrontmen, also known as pointmen, are an important component to any AC Paintball game. They are the leaders who charge ahead and scope out ambushes, targets, etc. If you want your team to be successful, you need to learn how to be a capable player. After all, a team is only as good as its weakest player. Every player should know their position, practice, and prepare appropriately. Check out these tips, then put your skills to the test at our facility in Williamstown, New Jersey.

    Plan Your Strategy Ahead of Time

    The start of the game is not the time to be figuring out a plan, especially for frontmen. You need to plan a strategy beforehand. When the game starts the runner should be aggressive and move onto the opponent’s side quickly. You need to complete your objectives and learn important information for your team. Use AC Paintball’s bunkers or trees for protection as you work your way across the field.

    Be Daring, but Patient

    As an AC Paintball frontman, you need to find the right balance between being bold and being patient. You need to be willing to take chances, so you can complete your objectives. At the same time, you need to have some patience. If you don’t take some time to analyze the situation, you may get caught off guard. You won’t be much help to your team if you get eliminated from the game. You also can’t be afraid to get hit.

    Be Aware and Ready to Run

    Since you are ahead of the rest of your team, you need to be aware. You don’t have anyone in front of you to warn you of ambushes, snipers, and traps. You need to listen carefully and be ready to run. If you hear firing you need to have quick reflexes to get out of the way.

    When not playing on AC Paintball’s fields, you should condition your body. Lift weights and stretch thoroughly so you have the strength and flexibility to squat, crouch, and dodge. You should also practice cardio and balance to help you run faster.

    Communicate Well With Your Team

    No matter what sport you are playing, every team needs a good communication system. Whether you use walkie-talkies or hand signals, you need some way to tell your team your plans. As a frontman, you need to warn the midfield and backfield about the other team’s positioning. When they know important facts ahead of time, they can prepare to take out dangerous opponents. They can also better protect you and each other.

    paintball-1282158_960_720Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Backup

    Almost everyone wants to be a hero. If you win the game for your team you can expect praise and glory. Yet, you don’t want to become a show-off. Other players want to feel useful too. Even if you are the best player on your team, don’t be afraid to ask for backup. Another player just might save you from elimination.

    Carry a Light Gun

    Every AC Paintball player needs to choose their marker wisely. Every gun has different features that work well with different players and positions. As a frontman, you will want to choose a light gun. Since you are a player that is always on the move, you can’t have extra attachments weighing you down. You can also plan on not needing as many paintballs as the average player.

    Be a Good Leader

    Frontmen are usually one of the most experienced players. They need to be intelligent and know how to predict the other team’s moves. You need to know what to expect and how to strategize. Pointman may be the captain or just a fast runner, but no matter what they need to support their team. They need to be good leaders. Encouraging your teammates gives them purpose. When people have a specific role to play, they tend to have more fun and perform better.