• Tips and Strategies for a Bomb-the-Base AC Paintball Game

    Among the many different games you can play during your trip to AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is bomb-the-base. Bomb-the-base is a fun game that takes capture-the-flag and twists it into a new game. Instead of trying to capture a flag, each team starts off with a “bomb” and has to take it to a specific location. This position can be a neutral territory if you wish or somewhere within the opposing team’s base. 

    This type of twist calls for a somewhat different strategy as well as different skills. To help you make the right choices for your bomb-the-base AC Paintball game, check out these helpful tips below. 

    Choose Fast Teammates

    One of the first things you have to do before you start your AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey is to choose your teams. If you are a captain, you are going to want to choose some of the fastest players. While in some games you may want to focus on having accurate shooters first, in bomb-the-base it is critical to have someone you can get to your opponent’s base quickly and without getting hit. Once you have a couple of good runners, then you can focus on accurate shooters for defensive purposes. 

    Choose a Fast Acting Strategy but Don’t Forget Defense

    In an AC Paintball bomb-the-base game, the team that usually wins is the one with the best fast-acting strategy. You need to gain an advantage on your opponents before they gain the advantage. With this in mind, it is important to choose your strategy carefully. Your goal is to get your runner to the opponent’s base safely in the shortest time possible. Your strategy may vary based on your team’s skills/ but it is important to stay focused on this goal so you can accomplish it. 

    It is also important to note that while creating a fast-acting offensive strategy is important, you should not forget about defense either. If you forget about defense, your opponents are almost sure to reach your base before you reach theirs. While a great offense can consistently win games, poor defense can also lose the game.

    Make Sure Every Player Knows their Role

    In every AC Paintball game, it is important that every single player knows their role. This is especially true in bomb-the-base. For instance, if a single player playing defense is supposed to cover a certain area, but wanders off, they leave that area open for opponents to sneak in. Then, before you know it, your opponents can win. Before your AC Paintball game begins, make sure everyone knows where they are supposed to go and what they are supposed to do. 

    Make Quick Decisions

    As mentioned above, the fastest-acting team generally wins an AC Paintball bomb-the-base game. Along with a good strategy, you also need to make quick decisions well. If your original strategy isn’t working gas planned, you will need to come up with plan B quickly. It is a good idea to have a plan B discussed before your game even begins. That way each player knows what to do and your team can adapt seamlessly. 

    Use Some Decoys

    One of the best strategies in an AC Paintball game is decoys and deception. For a bomb-the-base game, you can have certain players pretend to have the “bomb” to distract your opponents from the real “bomb carrier.” You may even want to have your best player be the decoy as your opponents will likely assume that the best player will carry the “bomb.” You will also want to try to think of other deceptions to try to throw your opponents off their game even more. 

    Schedule a Game

    Ready to schedule an AC Paintball game so you can play bomb-the-base? You can do so on our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. Alternatively, you can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon! 

  • Adjusting Your AC Paintball Game to the Number of Players

    Every single AC Paintball game is different. That is one of the elements that make playing so much fun. You never know what to expect. There are many different aspects that can affect the outcome of an AC Paintball game. This includes weather, which field you choose, what game you play, who’s playing, and more. 

    With this in mind, it is good to know how to adjust to each of these elements so you can have more success during your game. One of the biggest elements is the number of players. Check out these tips below to learn how to adjust your game based on team size. 

    Field Choice

    One of the first decisions you will have to make after arriving at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is what field your group is going to play on. We have six different fields to choose from. Some are large, and some are smaller. 

    Large Team

    If you have a large team of about 20 people or more, you will want to choose a larger field. AC Paintball’s larger fields include the Blue Thunder Woods Field and the Black Ops Pentagon Woods Field. Even if your group has 100 people, AC Paintball can accommodate you. 

    Medium Team

    Medium-sized teams of 5-20 people are easy to accommodate. You can choose just about any field. If you choose a large field, the game just may take a bit longer. On the other hand, if you choose a smaller field, you will have a more intense game as players will run into each other fairly quickly. Choose a field that best suits the pace you want your AC Paintball game to be. 

    Small Team

    If you have a small team of about 5 people or less, one of AC Paintball’s smallest fields might be your best option. This includes the Hyperball Field and the Speedball Tournament field. Even if you have a small group, you may be able to join other groups at AC Paintball to make for a longer, more interesting game. 


    The next aspect to think about positions or roles. The number of people you have in charge of certain things will affect the outcome of your game. 

    Large Team

    If you have a large group, you have a lot of people to work with. This means instead of having one or two people in charge of specific responsibilities, you can group people off. A good basic plan for a large team is to have a couple of frontmen or runners, a handful of snipers and then have a majority of your team play middleman/cavalry or backmen. Be sure to have a handful of people in charge of communication as well. This will help your team be more successful. 

    It is worth noting that having large groups of people traveling together makes a larger target for your opponents. However, you still may want teammates nearby to back you up. Traveling in groups of two or three might be your best bet. 

    Medium Team

    For a medium team, you can keep about the same ratios. However, you may not have quite enough people to travel in groups. Based on what game you play, decide if it would be more helpful to travel in small groups or alone. In a medium-sized group, it is a good idea to have about 2-3 people in charge of communication. When all of your team is on the same page, you can be more successful. 

    Small Team

    In a small team, you can’t really group people to be in charge of certain things. It is generally better for each person to simply seek out opponents and defend themselves on their own. This isn’t to say that teammates shouldn’t back each other up. Small teams just generally have quicker interactions that don’t call for a large overall strategy as large team games do. 


    Finally, you will need to adjust your strategy. The game you decide to play will also affect this, but the size of your team will give you a general idea of who you have to work with. 

    Large Team

    Larger teams generally involve more strategizing as you have many people and you need to get them all to work together if you want to win the AC paintball game. Some strategies you may want to consider include ambushes, sacrificing players to help achieve your higher goal, and keeping most of your team on the outer edges of the field rather than the center. 

    Medium Team

    Medium team strategies can be very similar to large teams, however, you may not want to sacrifice players for the good of the team as often. Communication is important to keep tabs on how many teammates are still in the game. Knowing this can help you adjust your strategy accordingly.

    Small Team

    Finally, with small teams, keeping your teammates in the game is generally important as a single player can make more of a difference. Therefore, you will likely not want to sacrifice any players for the good of the team. Instead, you will want to back each other up so your team can gain the advantage. 

    Schedule an AC Paintball Game Now!

    Ready to book a game at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey? You can schedule a game through our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon!

  • 9 Fun Outdoor Activities Near Atlantic City For the Sports Enthusiast

    It’s summertime and if you are a sports enthusiast, you are likely looking for some fun outdoor activities to take part in. Whether you live in Atlantic City or are planning a trip there, you can find plenty of things to do. You can enjoy some time with your family or friends and be active at the same time. Just don’t forget to stay hydrated and wear sunscreen. Check out these nine fun Atlantic City summertime activities from AC Paintball. 


    If you are looking for a thrill and aren’t afraid of heights, parasailing is the perfect choice for you. You can get a bird’s eye view of the beach and feel the breeze blow through your hair. Parasailing is relaxing and makes for great pictures that you can share with your friends. 


    If you want to closer to the ground, but still want thrills and the wind blowing through your hair, windsurfing is the choice for you. Windsurfing may seem tricky, but it is fairly easy to learn. It’s just a matter of finding your balance and figuring out how to adjust your sail in the wind. 

    Surfing and Boogie Boarding

    Surfing and boogie boarding is one of the most common activities you may spot on the beaches of Atlantic City. It is affordable, easy to learn, and great exercise. You can work on your balance, endurance, coordination, and tone your muscles all while having fun. 

    Jet Skiing

    Like surfing, jet skiing can help you improve your balance, coordination, and endurance. However, you go a bit faster and have more control over where you go rather than just going where a wave takes you. Once you get the hang of it, it is a great way to relax and let yourself be free. 


    If you prefer to be on land, there are also plenty of options for you. Volleyball is a popular beach sport that is fun to both watch and play. If you prefer to watch, you can look for a professional tournament to attend. On the other hand, if you prefer to play, you can bring a ball to the Atlantic City beach to practice your skills. 


    If you prefer to use your feet instead of your hands, soccer is yet another great sport to try in southern New Jersey. You may play soccer on the grass regularly, but sand brings a new challenge. Like switching between woodsball and speedball in paintball, you have to learn to adapt your game to a different turf. If you are lucky, you may even find a beach soccer tournament to compete in with your friends. 


    Frisbee is a classic beach activity and, like paintball, there are many different ways to play. You can create whatever rules you want, and challenge yourself. With frisbee, you can play with just two players or as many as you can find. This makes frisbee a great way to make friends during your visit to Atlantic City. 


    For those who want to stay off of both the water and the beach, you can try a bike ride along the boardwalk instead. You can stop at your favorite restaurants along the way to grab a bite to eat or you can stop at some of the shops to buy souvenirs for your family. Bike riding is great for cardio and relaxing at the same time, especially when you have a beautiful view of the beach. 


    Finally, if you want one of the most thrilling land sports in Atlantic City, you can visit AC Paintball. Paintball will give you a full-body workout and get your heart beating. You can run around and release all of your stress all while having fun with your friends. AC Paintball has six different fields for you to play on. If you would like to schedule an AC Paintball game, you can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call AC Paintball at 609-561-3883.

    If you are looking to have the best summer ever, Atlantic City is a great place to do so. There are dozens of activities to choose from, making it a vacation that everyone can enjoy. It is the perfect place to bring your family and to make memories that will last a lifetime. 

  • Tips For Choosing People For Your Paintball Team

    One of the main tasks you have to take care of before starting your AC Paintball game near Atlantic City, New Jersey is creating teams. There are a variety of ways to do so. You can do boys vs. girls, children vs. adults, one family vs. another family, or one department vs. another department, etc.

    If you want a more mixed and even teams, however, you can take turns choosing teammates. To help you build your team when using this method, AC Paintball has compiled some tips for choosing your teammates.

    Keeping Things Fair Without Insulting Anyone

    This method of choosing teams is one of the best ways of keeping the teams fair and even. However, if you are concerned about people getting hurt based on what order they are chosen, you can choose teams in secret. Then you can simply read off the teams in alphabetical order to let each player know what team they are on.

    People Who Work Well Together

    One of the most important aspects of a team is the team’s ability to work together. If your team is focused on fighting amongst themselves, they likely won’t be as successful at defeating your opponents. On the other hand, if your team is able to get along and support each other, you will likely much better during your AC Paintball game.

    One way to make sure your team will work well together is by choosing people you know are friends. If you don’t know how well everyone gets along with each other, try to choose players who have a similar way of thinking. This can help avoid arguments that distract your team from their goal. Having friends together can also help make sure everyone has more fun at AC Paintball as people tend to have more fun when they are with people they like.

    Skill Level

    While having a team that gets along is important, friendship doesn’t necessarily win an AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey. You also have to have players with good skills on your team. It’s a good idea to pay attention to this aspect first when building a team as most team captains will strategically pick the most skilled and experienced players first.

    If you don’t know everyone’s paintball skill level, a good strategy is to go for players you seem athletic and smart. Even if they don’t have paintball experience, they likely have other sports knowledge and experience they can use to help lead your team to victory.

    Specific Skills

    While you generally want to choose skilled players, you may also want to pay attention to specific skills your team needs. Every player has different skills that can benefit an AC Paintball team. Here are just a few important skills you will want to ensure you have on your team.


    Every team needs good leadership. You need someone to keep everyone inspired, organized, and playing at their best potential. For this roll choose someone relatively outgoing and positive.


    During an AC Paintball game, your strategy can change pretty quickly based on what your opponents do. To help your entire team adjust and work together, you need a good communicator to relay messages. Find someone who is a concise and clear speaker to help your team achieve victory.


    Fast runners can be extremely important depending on what game you play at AC Paintball. For instance, if you play capture-the-flag, you need someone who can get into your opponents base, steal the flag, and get out of there. If you know someone is a good runner, adding them to your team could mean the difference between winning and losing.  

    Good Aim

    The main point of paintball is to eliminate your opponents before you get eliminated. To accomplish this, you need players with good aim. You may not be able to tell who has good aim just by looking at them, but if you know other details about the person, it can help you guess how good their skills are. For instance, if they play sports or go hunting often, they likely have good aim. Be sure to add plenty of people with good aim to your AC Paintball team.

    Don’t Underestimate Anyone

    Finally, don’t underestimate anyone. Just because someone is younger or lacks paintball experience, doesn’t mean they won’t benefit your team. Every single player can contribute some sort of skill that gives your AC Paintball team an advantage. Then, with everyone working together, your team can be more successful.

  • Tips for a Hostile Takeover Paintball Game

    There are a variety of different Paintball game types you can play at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey. One of these games is called Hostile Takeover. Hostile Takeover is a type of attack-and-defend game. Unlike defend-the-castle, however, it involves multiple targets instead of just one. These targets are usually certain areas or bunkers.

    During the game, each AC Paintball team tries to take control of these territories. Each target is assigned a certain amount of points. Whichever team controls the territory at the end of the game, earns the points assigned to that target. Whichever team collects the most points wins the game. Hostile Takeover can seem more complicated than other types of paintball games. With this in mind, AC Paintball has compiled these tips and strategies for you.

    Plan Ahead

    Every paintball game should begin with a good plan. If you neglect to plan, you may end up scrambling at the beginning of the game. Meanwhile, your opponents may be gaining an advantage and making it more difficult for you to win the game. Start every AC Paintball game with a plan, but also be ready to adapt that plan as needed.

    Choosing Roles

    Part of your planning should include who is in charge of what roles. Some people should be in charge of defending the targets you already control. For this role, choose players who are very observant with good aim. Other players will be in charge of gaining new targets. For this role, you should choose your fastest and stealthiest players. It is also a good idea to have some flexible middlemen who can adapt and change roles as needed.

    Have Heavier Defense For Your Highest Point Territory

    Having the most points at the end of the game is what gains you victory. With this in mind, gaining and keeping high point territories will help you win. Therefore, you should place your best defense at your highest point targets.

    Spread Your Team Out

    However, you should also think about the location of each target. Both teams may try to focus targets near the middle of the AC Paintball field. Meanwhile, territories near the corners or sides of the AC Paintball field may not see as much action and will be easier to keep.

    It may work best for you to have your team spread out and collect small territories first. Then focus on high point important targets toward the end of the game. It’s important to take all variables into consideration when formulating a strategy.

    Pay Attention

    There is a lot of information to pay attention to in a Hostile Takeover game. First of all, you have to pay attention to the basics of every paintball game. You have to try to eliminate while not being eliminated yourself.

    On top of this, you will also want to pay attention to who controls which forts. This will affect your strategy throughout the game. For instance, if there isn’t much time left and your team doesn’t control many targets, you will want to focus on the high point targets.


    It’s nearly impossible to pay attention to all of the game factors on your own. With this in mind, communicating with your team becomes very important. Your AC Paintball team needs to be able to communicate quickly, quietly, and effectively.

    One way to accomplish this is to have one or two players in charge of communication. Alternatively, you can create a system for spreading important information amongst your team. Hand signals and Walker-Talkies are also helpful.

    Think Fast and Adjust to Your Opponent

    When you are in a Hostile Takeover AC Paintball game, you are on the clock and need to think fast. Once you receive new information from a teammate you need to adjust your strategy to gain more control over the game.

    With this in mind, it is helpful to have backup plans prepared at the beginning of the game. This way everyone knows what each other will do in certain events and knows how they should react.

  • Offensive Tips for Paintball

    In any sport, there are who main parts of the game; there is offense and there is defense. Offense focuses on achieving a goal so your team can win the game, while defense focuses on stopping the opponent from achieving their goal. In this AC Paintball blog, you will find some useful offensive tips that can help you and your team win your AC Paintball game. If you are interested in defensive tips instead, check out this AC Paintball blog: “Defensive Tips for Paintball.”

    Choose Your Equipment and Outfit Wisely

    The first step to playing offense effectively is to choose the right equipment. In many cases, playing offense involves a lot of running. With this in mind, it is important to choose light-weight equipment. Lightweight equipment may not have the same power as other guns, but having heavier equipment will weigh you down and impede your ability to run.

    You will also want to choose light clothing for the same reason. It is also a good idea to make sure your clothing doesn’t make much noise as you run. This will help you be stealthy if you have to sneak somewhere to capture a flag or surprise an opponent.

    Divide and Conquer, Use Flanking

    Next, you will want to start thinking about strategy. One popular strategy for playing offense is divide and conquer. If your entire team stays together, it becomes easy for your opponents to simply shoot at your group and start eliminating players. On the other hand, if you split up, your opponents have to find you first and can only take out a few at a time, if any at all.

    Flanking is another useful tactic you can use. It involves splitting up and surrounding your AC Paintball opponent on either side. By using flanking you can catch your opponents off guard and disorient their focus so you can close in around them.

    Set Up Ambushes

    Ambushing is another popular tactic you can use while playing offense at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey. Ambushing involves you and a few of your teammates hiding in an area and waiting for an opponent to come by. Then when they do come by, you come out from hiding and go all out to eliminate them.

    Ambushes are a good way to eliminate dangerous opponents and to induce a bit of fear in the other team. However, ambushes do make a lot of noise. Therefore, you should make sure to only use them at an appropriate time.

    Hit and Run

    If you are playing offense, you will be doing a lot of shooting at your opponents. Firing your marker will grab the attention of everyone in the area. When this happens, there is a good likelihood that your opponents will start firing back at you.

    If you stick around, you could likely be hit and eliminated from the game. Therefore, it is a good idea to run away after you have fired your gun. As you do so, try to run in a zig-zag pattern. If you run in a straight line, it will be easier for your opponents to predict your position and hit you when they fire back.

    Don’t Just Use the Spray and Pray Method

    Firing rapidly looks really fun, but it’s not the best tactic for playing offense. It typically only works as a last defensive resort when you get ambushed. The spray and pray shooting method wastes paintballs and gives away your position. In most cases, you are better off taking the extra time to aim and just fire one shot, or a few more if you happen to miss. This is especially true for snipers whose job is to stay hidden and take out important opponents.

    Take Chances

    In defense, playing it safe is usually a good idea, but when you play offense, taking chances is a better strategy. While you still want to make smart choices, taking risky chances is often how AC Paintball games are won. As Wayne Gretzky once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

    You are in a race against your opponents to accomplish your goal. This means you have to act fast. Be sure to have a plan going into your AC PAintball game and try to get a head start against your opponents. After that, if you see a chance to give your team the upper hand or win the game, take it. Just make sure there is not a large chance of your plan backfiring and putting your team in a difficult spot. Good luck and have fun!

  • Tips and Strategies for an Attack and Defend Game

    Looking for a new paintball game to try? Attack and defend games are a popular alternative to more traditional paintball games. Most attack and defend games involve some sort of castle or fort. One team tries to defend the fort while the other team attacks it.

    The game is won when either the defending team eliminates all of the attacking team or when the attacking team takes over the castle or fort. Usually, this is accomplished by raising a new flag or being in control when the time has expired. You can make the rules and winning-conditions whatever you want!

    AC Paintball’s Black Ops Pentagon field is the perfect choice for an attack and defend game. It can accommodate large groups of us to 100 players and is a popular field choice among AC Paintball players in southern New Jersey. If an attack and defend game sounds fun to you, check out some of these tips below.


    Pay Attention

    When playing defense for an attack and defend game, being aware of your surroundings is extremely important. If you let your guard down for even a few seconds you could be eliminated or even lose control of the castle. Make sure you come to AC Paintball with a good night’s rest and a proper breakfast.

    Know When To Sacrifice Yourself

    Paintball is a game that forces you to make many quick decisions. Just one decision made by one player can affect the outcome of the entire game. In an attack and defend came one decision you may have to make is determining if you should sacrifice yourself. If you spot an opponent far away, it is probably not a good idea to sacrifice your position to try and eliminate them. On the other hand, if an opponent is about to take the fort, it is a good idea to sacrifice yourself so the rest of your team can stay in control of the fort.

    Spread Out

    If your team stays in one place, your opponents can easily close in around you and bombard you with shots. Then they can easily win the game. Prevent this from happening by spreading out and covering more of the field. Have some of your teammates play offensively out on the field while others stay back and carefully defend your fort.

    Play Aggressively

    If your job is to defend the fort, and you are one of the last ones in like, you will need to play more aggressively to ensure your opponents do not take the castle. This does not mean be rude or attempt to hurt others, though. It means that you just may want to take more shots to improve your chances of eliminating your opponents. If you are defending the fort, make sure you have plenty of ammo before you start your AC Paintball game.


    Power in Numbers

    In paintball, numbers can mean a lot. When you have two or more players surrounding one, the side with more players is more likely to win. Keep this in mind when creating a strategy. As soon as the game starts, get your team moving toward the fort or castle. Travel in groups of two or three to gain an advantage over single players and have back up if someone is under fire.

    Have Decoys

    Once your AC Paintball game starts, the defending team will be on guard keeping a close watch on your team. With this in mind, it will be difficult to get past them to steal the fort. One of your best counter strategies will be to have decoys. Have some of your teammates try to distract the defending team. If they manage to do so, the rest of your team can jump in and try to take the fort.

    Take Advantage of Respawning

    For many attack and defend AC Paintball games, teams have agreed to use a respawning rule. This means that for the first five minutes or so, players can re-enter the game after being eliminated just by going back to start. Usually, it is just the attacking team that is allowed to respawn, but you can choose to do both if you wish. If you do enact this rule, use it to your advantage. Take more chances since the consequences won’t be as bad.

    Take Chances

    Even if your AC Paintball game doesn’t involve respawning, you should still take chances. If you don’t take chances, you likely won’t win the game. To win the game, you have to play with confidence, believe in your plan, and play your best. When you do, you will have a better chance of being victorious.

  • Paintball Stealth Tips

    Your first goal when playing paintball should be to avoid getting hit. To accomplish this goal, you need to know how to be stealthy. It is important to know how to hide and how to move so you can stay in the game as well as sneak up on opponents.

    Ensuring both you and your team know how to be stealthy can make a big difference during your AC Paintball game. If everyone knows how to be stealthy you can keep more of your team in the game for longer. When your team has more players in the than your opponents, you have a better chance of winning the game. Be sure to share these tips with your teammates before your AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey!

    Rule #1: Stay Quiet

    The first rule of stealth is to stay quiet. Noise alerts your opponents and helps them figure out where you are. If you don’t know where they are, this will give them the advantage.

    There are many aspects to think about when it comes to being quiet. You should figure out how to move quietly. You should figure out how to communicate with your team without talking loudly. You should also make sure your equipment is quiet.

    Moving Around

    Roll Your Foot On the Ground

    It is difficult to move in complete silence, but there are many ways you can lessen the amount of noise you make. If your foot hits the ground hard, it will make a loud thump. However, if you move slowly and roll your foot on the outer edge while you walk, it will make less noise. Make sure your heel touches the ground first.  

    What If I Do Make Noise?

    There will likely be times when you step on a leaf or brush up against foliage and make noise. If this does happen to you while playing at AC Paintball, it is important to know how to recover. The first step is to figure out if any of your opponents have noticed you. If they do and start shooting, you can either shoot back or run. If no one notices you, it may be better to slowly and quietly take better cover. When there is no foliage or bunkers available, move closer to the ground.

    AC Paintball’s Woodsball Fields

    If you choose to play on one of AC Paintball’s woodsball fields, it will be more difficult to stay quiet. There will likely be dead leaves on the ground and other foliage that will make noise. When moving, try to choose pathways that have fewer leaves or trees. You don’t want to accidentally run into something and give your position away.


    It can be tough to communicate with others while trying to be stealthy. You can’t yell across the field or clap to get their attention. Instead, you will have to use quieter methods. For instance, you can use hand signals or Walkie-Talkies. If it is convenient, you can also have some designated messengers to spread messages around the field. Be sure to create a communication plan before your AC Paintball game begins. This way everyone knows what they are doing.

    Adjust to the Weather

    Yet another aspect you should take into consideration when you need to be stealthy is the weather. If it rains, the ground will be slippery and make it difficult to move. In this case, it is a good idea to move slowly. However, rain also makes noise that can distract from any sounds you may make. Be sure to think about the weather before your AC Paintball game. Then figure out what advantages you can take and what disadvantages the weather conditions may pose.

    Choose the Right Gear

    The wrong clothing can be a nightmare when trying to be stealthy at AC Paintball. If your clothing makes noise when you walk, it will be easy for your opponents to target you.

    It is also important to wear clothing that is easy to move in. Sneakers or combat boots are best for running through AC Paintball’s fields. You will also want to wear an outfit that is easy to move in. Jean can be restrictive or dig into you when you try to move into different positions. Camouflage or dark colored clothing is also a good choice when playing Woodsball. Bright colors will make you stand out more.

    Choosing When to Take Action


    Finally, you should know when to take action and when to stay put. Mastering this skill requires practice and experience, but there are some tips to provide. For instance, you will want to think about how far away a target is before shooting. If you want to improve your chances of hitting your target, be patient and wait for them to get closer to you.


    Another example would be judging numbers. How many of your teammates are nearby and how many opponents are in the area. There is strength in numbers. You will want to consider this fact before you may a move.

    Take Chances

    There will definitely some instances where you will find it better to stay put. However, if you don’t take chances, you may not get anything accomplished. Try to stay on the move and bounce from bunker to bunker. This will help you avoid getting cornered with nowhere to go. You can find more tips throughout AC Paintball’s blog.

  • 9 Tips to Eliminate As Many Opponents As Possible

    The point of nearly all AC Paintball games is to eliminate all members of the opposing team. Therefore, the faster you can eliminate more players, the better advantage you will have. So, how do you eliminate as many players as you can as fast as you can? AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is here with nine tips to help you accomplish this task.

    Take Your Time to Aim

    The first step to eliminating your opponents is being able to hit them. To do so, you need to aim your marker right. When you are in the heat of the moment, it can be easy to get caught up in the excitement and try to aim and shoot your gun as quickly as possible. However, if you take an extra second or two or aim your marker more accurately, you may find that you greatly improve your chances of hitting your opponent.

    It is also a good idea to test your gun before your AC Paintball game. This way, if it favors one side or shoots differently, you can adjust your aim.

    Fire In Bursts When Appropriate

    There are times during your AC Paintball game when shooting in bursts is not a good idea because it will give away your position. However, there are times when it is appropriate to shoot in bursts. For instance, if your opponents are on the move, firing many shots will improve your chances of hitting them. If your opponents ambush you, firing multiple shots can also help protect you or at least take a few opponents out with you.

    Also, not all paintballs break upon impact, so firing more shots will help ensure your hit counts.

    Shoot At Anything Your Opponent Has Exposed

    You don’t have to hit your opponent straight in the chest to eliminate them. Be on the lookout for arms, feet, or other body parts sticking out from behind the bunkers. If they unknowingly leave even a small part of themselves exposed, it’s your opportunity to take advantage of.

    Learn To Move and Shoot At the Same Time

    There will be times at AC Paintball where you may have to chase your opponent. Therefore, being able to aim and shoot while moving is a useful skill to have. By practicing and mastering this skill, you can improve your ability to eliminate your opponents no matter what the situation is. The key is to learn how to continually adjust your aim based on both your and your target’s speed.

    Always Look For Advantages

    Try to continually look for other ideas and perspectives. You never know when you will find a useful idea or strategy that you can take advantage of. Maybe you will find a good spot to hide or learn important information about your opponent’s strategy. Always be aware and think outside the box.

    Learn To Predict Your Opponent’s Moves

    Once you play enough games at AC Paintball, you may start to notice that you can better predict what your opponent will do and where they will move. When you know where they will move, you can figure out how to corner them and eliminate them. Think about what their goals and strengths are. Figure out what you would do in their position. Chances are what you would do is similar to what they are planning to do. Use this thinking to your advantage.

    Set Up Ambushes or Use Pinching

    There is strength in numbers. If you can communicate well with your team, you can set up ambushes to eliminate your opponent’s most dangerous players. You can also use a technique called pinching where each teammate takes a different side of a bunker that an opponent is behind. Your opponent will have fewer places to run to and you can increase you can more easily eliminate them, or at least trap them.

    If You Keep Missing, Move On

    There may be times where you are having an off day and just can’t seem to hit your target. If you keep missing, move on and find a new target or another way to contribute to a game. If you dwell on something too long, it will only get worse. Refocus and get your game back.

    Make Sure You Have Enough Ammo

    Finally, make sure you have enough ammo to last your entire AC Paintball game. If you run out of ammo, you have nothing to eliminate your opponents with. Be sure to check how many paintballs you have before each game and ensure all of your equipment is working properly. Then you can go out and help lead your team to victory!

  • Defense Tips for Paintball

    USMC-06477In many sports, offense gets the glory. In hockey and soccer fans admire the player who scores the most goals. In basketball, they admire the player who makes the most baskets. In volleyball, the hitters who get the most kills get all of the attention. In paintball, it is typically the player who eliminates the most opponents.

    While offensive positions are more fun and get the glory, defensive positions are just as important, if not more. The quality of your team’s defense can be the difference between winning and losing. Therefore, you will want to build the best defense possible. To help you improve your defense, AC Paintball in southern New Jersey has compiled these tips.

    Be Patient

    If you are playing defense during a game like capture-the-flag or defend-the-castle, one strategy you may use is hiding somewhere near the object you are defending. This may be in the bushes or behind a nearby bunker. Then you can create a surprise attack on any opponent who enters the area.

    When you use this strategy, it can be tempting to go toward your opponent and attack your opponent before they get closer. Yet, if you do so, you may give your position away to them and they may hit you and get to your flag. Therefore, when using this strategy, you need to be patient and wait for your opponents to come to you.

    Take Quick Peeks

    hiding-1209131_960_720Even if you are playing an offensive position at AC Paintball, you will need to know how to be defensive at times. One tip both offensive and defensive players can use is to take quick peeks. If you poke your head out of a bunker or from behind a tree for too long, your opponents will likely shoot at you. Don’t give them that chance. Only keep your head out for a few seconds.

    If you need to see home, peak out again, but do so from another spot. If you stay in the same spot, your opponents will expect you to keep peeking from the same spot and be ready to pull the trigger right away.

    Keep Your Profile As Small As Possible

    The larger the target, the easier it is to hit. If you can keep your profile as small as possible, you can make it more difficult for your opponents to hit you. When shooting from behind an AC Paintball bunker, figure out which angle will leave as little of your body exposed as possible. Each bunker is a little different, so try out different positions and shooting angles.

    Stay on the Move

    If you stay in the same spot for too long, your opponents will likely surround you and give you no place to run to. Therefore, hoping from bunker to bunker can keep you safer during your AC Paintball game. It is also more difficult to hit a moving target than it is to hit a stationary target.

    Bonus tip: Try to scope out the AC Paintball field before your game and figure out how you can move from bunker to bunker. This will help you make faster decisions during your game.

    Have Enough Players on Defense

    When you ask your teammates what position they want to play, chances are, many players will want to play offense. However, if most of your players are playing offense, lack of defense can become your team’s weakness. If your opponents figure this out, they can quickly take advantage of this fact and take control of the game.

    Plan out how many people you need on defense ahead of time so you can make sure it is covered. It may also be helpful to have certain players lined up to take over for defensive players who get eliminated.

    Have Your Team Spread Out

    DSC06586If your team travels in large groups, you become a bigger target. Your opponents will have a decent chance of eliminating someone simply by aiming toward the group. This can also become a weakness for your team. Instead, tell your team to spread out across the AC Paintball field. This will allow you to cover more ground and keep more of your teammates in the game for longer.

    Help Cover Teammates Under Fire

    A team that is united is stronger than a group of individuals who just happen to be playing together. As a team, you need to watch each other’s back and help each other when someone is in need. If you notice a teammate getting ambushed, try to cover them. You may put yourself in danger, but you will also give your teammate a better chance of staying in the game.

    Also, be sure to communicate. If someone plans on running in to capture the flag, follow them and help watch out for snipers. If they are able to reach the flag and take it safely back to your team’s base, you will be part of your team’s victory.

    Visit AC Paintball to Try Out Your Defense Skills

    Ready to try out some of these defensive tips? Book an AC Paintball game now! Just follow this link: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. We look forward to seeing you soon!