• Tips For Choosing People For Your Paintball Team

    One of the main tasks you have to take care of before starting your AC Paintball game near Atlantic City, New Jersey is creating teams. There are a variety of ways to do so. You can do boys vs. girls, children vs. adults, one family vs. another family, or one department vs. another department, etc.

    If you want a more mixed and even teams, however, you can take turns choosing teammates. To help you build your team when using this method, AC Paintball has compiled some tips for choosing your teammates.

    Keeping Things Fair Without Insulting Anyone

    This method of choosing teams is one of the best ways of keeping the teams fair and even. However, if you are concerned about people getting hurt based on what order they are chosen, you can choose teams in secret. Then you can simply read off the teams in alphabetical order to let each player know what team they are on.

    People Who Work Well Together

    One of the most important aspects of a team is the team’s ability to work together. If your team is focused on fighting amongst themselves, they likely won’t be as successful at defeating your opponents. On the other hand, if your team is able to get along and support each other, you will likely much better during your AC Paintball game.

    One way to make sure your team will work well together is by choosing people you know are friends. If you don’t know how well everyone gets along with each other, try to choose players who have a similar way of thinking. This can help avoid arguments that distract your team from their goal. Having friends together can also help make sure everyone has more fun at AC Paintball as people tend to have more fun when they are with people they like.

    Skill Level

    While having a team that gets along is important, friendship doesn’t necessarily win an AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey. You also have to have players with good skills on your team. It’s a good idea to pay attention to this aspect first when building a team as most team captains will strategically pick the most skilled and experienced players first.

    If you don’t know everyone’s paintball skill level, a good strategy is to go for players you seem athletic and smart. Even if they don’t have paintball experience, they likely have other sports knowledge and experience they can use to help lead your team to victory.

    Specific Skills

    While you generally want to choose skilled players, you may also want to pay attention to specific skills your team needs. Every player has different skills that can benefit an AC Paintball team. Here are just a few important skills you will want to ensure you have on your team.


    Every team needs good leadership. You need someone to keep everyone inspired, organized, and playing at their best potential. For this roll choose someone relatively outgoing and positive.


    During an AC Paintball game, your strategy can change pretty quickly based on what your opponents do. To help your entire team adjust and work together, you need a good communicator to relay messages. Find someone who is a concise and clear speaker to help your team achieve victory.


    Fast runners can be extremely important depending on what game you play at AC Paintball. For instance, if you play capture-the-flag, you need someone who can get into your opponents base, steal the flag, and get out of there. If you know someone is a good runner, adding them to your team could mean the difference between winning and losing.  

    Good Aim

    The main point of paintball is to eliminate your opponents before you get eliminated. To accomplish this, you need players with good aim. You may not be able to tell who has good aim just by looking at them, but if you know other details about the person, it can help you guess how good their skills are. For instance, if they play sports or go hunting often, they likely have good aim. Be sure to add plenty of people with good aim to your AC Paintball team.

    Don’t Underestimate Anyone

    Finally, don’t underestimate anyone. Just because someone is younger or lacks paintball experience, doesn’t mean they won’t benefit your team. Every single player can contribute some sort of skill that gives your AC Paintball team an advantage. Then, with everyone working together, your team can be more successful.

  • Tips for Building a Successful Paintball Team

    ac paintball ready to rollCreating a paintball team is a great way to socialize on a regular basis. Not only does it keep you healthy, but it keeps you happy as well. If you’re thinking about creating your own paintball team, there are a variety of aspects to think about. If the task seems overwhelming, fear not, because AC Paintball is here to help. With these helpful tips, you can build a successful paintball team and have fun with your friends.

    Finding Teammates

    The first step to creating a paintball team is to gather teammates. Usually, when you decide you want to build a paintball team, you may just have a friend or two ready to join you. If this is the case, you will have to do some recruiting to build your team.

    When adding people, try to find players that already have or are willing to buy their own equipment. This shows commitment to your team. If you are thinking about adding someone new to paintball, they can rent AC Paintball’s equipment to give it a try. This way they won’t be wasting money if they decide not to play.

    You will also want to make sure that everyone plays well together. Before you invite them to join your team, give them a test run. See if they have good chemistry and mesh with the rest of your team. It is a good idea to add people with a variety of different skills. You will want a good mix of different playing styles to balance your team. This way you will always have someone to call on when you need a specific skill to carry out your plans and win the game.

    Organizing Your Team

    sideshotNext, you will need to organize your team. You need to decide what your group is going to be about and what your goals are. Do you want to compete professionally or are you just looking to have fun? After that, you will need to create a schedule. Find out when everyone is available. Then figure out what dates and times will allow the majority of your team to attend. Have some substitute players ready on call in case some of your teammates can’t make it. You may also want to consider making team shirts or uniforms.

    Choosing Roles and Responsibilities

    Your team will also have to choose roles and responsibilities. Try playing a few games at AC Paintball to assess everyone’s skills. Once you learn what everyone is good at, start assigning roles. Fast runners make good frontmen. Accurate shooters make good snipers. Players who are heavy-shooters make good backmen and defensive players. Well-rounded players make for a good infantry. You may also want to think about what strategies are best to use with the players you have.


    Once your team is organized and have their positions, you can practice at AC Paintball. Practice is the best way to specialize in your position and learn to work with your new teammates. The ability to communicate well and work with your team is a valuable skill in paintball. If you know what to expect from one another, you will better know how to adjust your game to each situation.

    Another good way to bring your team closer is to get together outside of AC Paintball. There are plenty of fun places to go in southern New Jersey. You can go out to eat, try a different sport, or just hang out at someone’s house. The more you get to know one another, the more you will learn to trust each other. The more you practice with each other, the more successful you will become.