• Tips for Being Unpredictable and Tricking Your Opponents

    black-and-white-1283234_960_720Sometimes, the difference between winning and losing can be determined by one factor. This factor is unpredictability. Many historical sporting events, competitions, and wars throughout history have ended with surprising outcomes. Every season, sport-experts make predictions about power rankings and who will win. Yet, no matter how much they compile statistics, they still make errors. Unforeseen events can change history in an instant.

    Mastering the art of deception can be a useful trait when playing at AC Paintball. It can help any player gain control over the outcome of the game. Paintball is one of the most strategic sports out there. When you think outside the box, you can take advantage of more opportunities. When your team’s chances look bleak, you can turn the game around.

    Deceptive Movement

    Location plays an important role in paintball. To eliminate someone, a player has to know where their target is. If your opponent can’t find you they can’t eliminate you. Deceptive movement is extremely helpful for frontmen at AC Paintball. If you can create a show that distracts your opponent, you can sneak into their zone.  Then you can more easily complete your objective. These tactics are difficult to use on a speedball field. Yet, they can be very useful in AC Paintball’s wooded fields.

    Using Teammates

    There are a few tactics you can use to trick your opponents when it comes to location. The first involves working with your teammates to create a distraction. When you need to move, signal your teammates to create noise or a distraction. When the enemy is preoccupied with shooting at your teammates, you can sneak in. Then you can capture the flag, rescue a hostage, etc.

    When You Are Alone

    If you don’t have teammates nearby, there are still some ways to fool your opponents. You can throw a stick or tree into a tree or bush to create sound away from your position. While the enemy is distracted by the sound, you can move where you need to. When possible, be sure to try and cover up and evidence of your whereabouts. Try not to leave footprints or a trail for your opponents to follow.

    Use Deceptive Codes

    paintball-1449870_960_720Using code words is a great way to communicate orders without giving away plans to your opponent. Codes can be even more deceptive if you make one order sound like it means something out. Take Iceland and Greenland, for example. Iceland is green with a nice climate while Greenland is covered in ice. Many believe the Nordics mixed up the names to mislead rivals who were trying to invade their land.

    Your team can use the same tactic. Pick a landmark on an AC Paintball field and use it as a code word that means something else. If your opponent is spying nearby, they will overhear your conversation. They may think they understand your plans and report the information back to their team. Then their team will create a plan to try and win. Meanwhile, your team can assume where your opponent will be and create a strategy to win the game.

    Changing Your Strategy

    Many teams who play weekly practice the same strategy over and over. It can help improve the game by knowing what to expect from your teammates. When you use this tactic, it can help build team chemistry, but it also makes your team predictable. If you send the same team members to the same places each time, your opponent will notice. Then they will eventually figure out how to win every time.

    Your team can use this to your advantage, though. If you use the same strategy for a few games, but then change your tactics, you can throw off the other team. This tactic can also be distracting. When you use this tactic, you teach your opponent’s not to underestimate you. It can make them a bit fearful, and throw them off their guard.

    soldier-160419_960_720Talk to No One

    Defensive strategies can also trick your opponents. When playing at AC Paintball, it can be terrifying when you are alone and a group of enemies come near. You have to be extra quiet to avoid them noticing you. Yet, one tactic actually involves making noise. If you are alone, pretend you aren’t. Create a conversation that sounds like you are talking to a teammate.

    This may cause the enemy to see the situation as more of a threat. If it sounds like more than one person is nearby, they may not be as quick to ambush you. Walkie-talkies can also be useful in this case. You can leave an extra Walkie-talkie in a strategic spot.  When appropriate you can talk into it to make your opponent thinks there is a player there. Then, while they head toward the sound, you can sneak up on them. This approach can be useful to snipers at AC Paintball.

    Be Fair

    AC Paintball focuses on fun, friendly, and fair paintball. We encourage participants to agree upon rules before beginning play in Williamstown, New Jersey. Some players prefer games without any tricks. Also, be sure to review AC Paintballs rules and regulations at the following link: https://acpaintball.com/ac-paintball-rules-and-regulations/. If you are ready to test to strategy and trickery skills, you can schedule a game here:  https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/.