• Arm Strengthening Exercises For Paintball

    Paintball is an active sport. When you play a game at AC Paintball, you can expect to do a lot of running, diving, and other movements, all while carrying a marker. You may notice that after a while, your arm gets tired of holding your gun up. This can affect your ability to aim and do other activities that paintball requires.

    The best way to make sure you can play the game to the best of your ability is to make sure you are prepared. One way to prepare yourself is to strengthen your arms so they don’t get tired so quickly. To help you do so,  AC Paintball is here to help with these great arm-strengthening exercises!

    Remember to Stretch Before Any Workout

    Before you start any exercise, it is important to remember to stretch. In this case, you will want to pay extra attention to stretching your upper back, shoulders, and wrists. Don’t forget to stretch other main muscle groups, though. Also, make sure you are properly hydrated.

    Push-Ups and Planks

    Many paintball players like to incorporate planks and push-ups into their workout because they strengthen many areas at once. In one movement a push-up engages your chest, shoulders, triceps, hips, and abdominals. Strengthening all of these parts can greatly help you do a variety of movements that paintball includes. It can help with holding different positions while trying to aim as well as running across the AC Paintball field.


    Pull-ups help strengthen your upper back, shoulders, forearms, and biceps. Strengthening these areas will aid you in carrying and holding up your marker for long periods of time. If your AC Paintball game requires you to crawl, you may also find crawling easier if you use pull-ups in your regular workout.


    Weightlifting is a classic way that many athletes use to strengthen their back, shoulder, and arm muscles. There are a variety of movements you can use to strengthen all of the muscles in your arms. Even if you don’t own dumbbells, you can likely find some objects around your home that you can lift instead.  

    Medicine Balls and Resistance Bands

    Like weights, there are many different exercises you can do with medicine balls or resistance bands. These tools will help you strengthen more than just your arms; they will help you strengthen your legs and core as well.

    Some exercise you can do with the medicine ball is throwing it, lifting it in various ways, or moving it back and forth across your body while you sit on the floor with your legs raised. With the resistance band, you can attach it to something and pull, or try doing some yoga poses with it.

    Create an Exercise Plan To Motivate You

    Finally, create an exercise plan that you can use on a regular basis. Doing so will help you maintain focus so you can keep yourself motivated. If you want to, you can focus on different areas of your body on each different day of the week.

    Another technique that will help you stay motivated is finding a way to track your progress. For instance, you can keep a mark for how far you can throw a medicine ball. Over time you will find that your arms don’t get tired as quickly and will help you perform better during your AC Paintball game. This will keep you motivated to keep improving so you can become a better paintball player.

    Test Your Skills

    Ready to test your arm strength and other paintball skills? Schedule a game at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey today! You can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883.