Is Paintball For My Child?

Paintball is an intense sport that isn’t for everyone. Whether your child wants to play on their own or was invited to an AC Paintball party, it is important to think about if they can handle playing. You don’t want them to run into any issues, get hurt, or get into a conflict with the other players. Below are seven questions you can ask yourself to help you determine if paintball is right for your child.

Are They Old Enough To Play?

The first thing you will want to check is whether or not your child is old enough. At AC Paintball our age limit is ten and up. It is also worth noting that minors will need their safety waiver signed by a parent, guardian, or temporary guardian with legal responsibility for the child.

Do They Take Well To New Experiences?

Next, you will want to think about how your child typically reacts to new experiences. Do they take to them like a duck in water or are they more on the skittish side? As stated before, paintball is an intense sport. If your child gets intimidated by new experiences, playing at AC Paintball may be too much for them.

Think about other intense experiences they have tried. Have they ridden roller coasters or enjoyed a fireworks show? Were they okay with it? Thinking about past experiences is one of the best ways to determine if your child will be okay with paintball.

Are They Outgoing?

Not only is paintball highly stimulating, but it also requires a great deal of communication. Teammates have to constantly talk to each other and communicate their plans. If your child is more on the shy side, they may struggle with this aspect, but it is not a make-or-break quality. If your child is shy, playing paintball may help them learn to be more outgoing.

Do They Get Hurt Easily?

During a game, paintballs fly at players at high speeds. Getting hit with a paintball does sting, especially if your muscle tissue is weak where you get hit. A paintball can also bruise the skin or cause welts. Some children are more tolerant of getting hit than others. Talk to your child and make sure they understand everything involved.

If you and your child decide to go forward with the paintball game, there are some extra measures you can take to help prevent your child from getting hurt. Have them wear extra padding or layers of clothing and make sure all of their equipment is fitted properly.

Can They Understand and Follow the Rules?

Following the rules is very important in ensuring your child and the rest of the party does not get hurt. Ask yourself if your child is a good listener and if they can follow the rules. Before they arrive at AC Paintball, make it clear to them that it is important to listen to the AC Paintball staff and refs. This will help make sure their day goes well without issues.

Are They Observant?

Playing paintball also takes an observant eye. You have to constantly scan the field to look for opponents. If you don’t pay close attention, you can get eliminated quickly or miss your chance to eliminate your opponents. Like the ability to be outgoing, this is not a make or break quality. However, it is something extra to think about when determining if paintball is right for your child.  

How Competitive Are They?

Has your child tried other sports before? How competitive were they? Paintball is a sport that is easy to lose yourself in your competitive nature. If your opponent catches you by surprise, it is easy to think of it as unfair and get upset. If you do decide to let your child play, it is a good idea to let them know that it is just a game and that getting eliminated is not the end of the world. AC Paintball also provides refs for each game to help ensure that the games stay fair.  

Try It Out At AC Paintball Near Atlantic City!

If you are still a bit unsure and want to let your child try in a friendly more controlled environment, AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is the place to do so. Our goal is to help our players have fun and enjoy their paintball experience. If you have any other questions or concerns, talk to one of our staff members and we will do our best to help you.

If your child tries paintball and decides they don’t like it, there are plenty of other activities to participate both on-site or in the area. On-site we have an emu farm your child can visit or they can just hang out and watch their friends play paintball. AC Paintball is also just a short drive to the beach, boardwalk, and dozens of other Atlantic City activities.

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