• How to Plan a Killer Bachelor Party in Atlantic City

    Looking to throw a killer bachelor party in Atlantic City? Keep your ultimate goal in mind: a good time for the groom. You’ll need to consider three things when planning this: details, money, and activities.atlantic city bachelor party


    Take care of all the planning and details to ensure things run smoothly. It’s cool to ask the groom for his input, but you should take care of the majority of planning. Go over the guest list with him and keep track of RSVP’s. Plan your schedule in advance and make any reservations early. Ideally, you’ll plan to have the party several weeks before the wedding to allow for adequate recovery. Holding the event the night before the wedding is not a good idea. Be sure to plan in some downtime as well, especially if it’s a multi-day event.


    Don’t assume every guest has a ton of cash to burn. Check with all the guys before you book anything crazy extravagant. If the guys are a bit more frugal, look for affordable things to do. That being said, the groom should pay for nothing, so make sure everyone is okay with splitting his part of the tab.


    With a diverse selection of activities and attractions, Atlantic City can provide the ultimate bachelor party experience. The best bachelor parties are not entirely made up of drunken nights and strippers, even if that’s what it’s like in the movies. Plus, as many Atlantic City bachelor parties are multi-day events, you’ll need something to do during daylight hours.

    The first thing you should do when planning stuff to do is to think of the groom’s interests. Does he like to chill? Plan a beach day. Is he into entertainment? Check out a comedy show or go to a concert. Does he love action and excitement? Take him to play paintball.do ac paintball

    On another note, not every groom is interested in strippers, so don’t force this on him if it’s not his thing. With all the other fun things to do in Atlantic City, strip clubs are definitely not a bachelor party requirement. If the groom is having a good time, you’ll know you’ve planned a killer bachelor party. A quality best man will make sure he has a great time but still makes it to his wedding day safe and sound.

  • Biggest Day in Paintball: Paintball World Cup

    Photo Courtesy PSP

    Photo Courtesy PSP

    AC Paintball is closed Saturday for the holiday, but don’t worry because there will still be plenty of action in the world of paintball this weekend. The 2014 PSP World Cup will take place October 9-12 in Chicago, Illinois. 380 paintball teams from all over the world will compete in what is said to be paintball’s biggest day of the year.

    Professional and amateur paintball players will compete on ten identical fields and in four Divisions. Amateur teams will play with five shooters in seven matches. Professional teams will play with seven shooters until one team hits seven points.

    The World Cup is the biggest and the last competition of the year for the PSP league. Small competitions have taken place all year in California, Maryland, Chicago, and Dallas.

    All teams will play capture the flag style. In case you are unfamiliar with the rules, teams will enter the field from opposite sides and try to shoot the opposing players while avoiding getting hit themselves. The ultimate goal is to obtain the flag located in the center of the field and return it to their starting position.

    You can check out the field layout and bunkers in the picture of above. Looks like the fields have a good amount of snake bunkers (small and low to the ground) and Doritos (tall and triangular), which should make for fast and intense games.

    You can get in on the action by watching the live webcast this weekend provided by PBA. You can access the stream at paintballaccesslive.com for $19.95.

    The webcast will also offer a live episode of The Breakdown, a paintball news series with hosts Matty Marshall and Todd Martinez created by PBA.

    The episode will feature interviews with selected players who will discuss their paintball season, thoughts on the field layout, and tactics for the big game. The hosts and players will also talk about Fantasy Paintball picks and drills to try on the field.

    In an informal poll on PBNation, fans made their picks for teams most likely to win the World Cup. Top choices were Edmonton Impact from Canada, Moscow Art Chaos from Russia and LA Ironmen. Other fan favorites were Tampa Bay Damage, Houston Heat, and San Antonio Xfactor. Trailing behind was Baltimore Revo, Omaha Vicious, and Upton 187 Crew.
    The next few days will be big in the world of paintball. What teams do you think will beat the competition? What are you thoughts on the field design? Let us know in the comments!

  • New Paintball App Could Provide Radar, Communications, and More

    In a world where there are apps being developed for all kinds of purposes, paintball is no exception. The Overwatch app is currently being developed for use on the paintball field with some pretty cool features, including the ability to track players and live chat with teammates. The app’s website suggests mounting your smartphone on your marker or attaching to your wrist with a wristband to use the app during gameplay.

    Photo Courtesy Overwatchapp.com

    Photo Courtesy Overwatchapp.com

    Here’s a full list of features from the app’s website:

    • Radar: Track you enemies’ and teammates’ every move in real-time with GPS integration
    • Chat: Stay in constant contact with your team on the battlefield with live voice chat
    • Perks: Dish out in-game perks to give your team the ultimate edge
    • Command Center: Control your team (and the chaos on the field) from any remote location

    Could this app become mainstream on the paintball field? It seems like it could come in handy during big scenario games or for fast-paced team maneuvers. Of course, full team integration of the app would be needed to make it worthwhile.

    You wouldn’t need to waste time figuring out if it’s an enemy or teammate approaching, because the app would tell you right away. You could also more easily communicate with teammates to plan ambushes and attacks.

    However, does this take the excitement out of the game? This app may make paintball too similar to a video game. Isn’t half the fun exploring the field and finding opponents on your own, instead of through a phone screen?

    The app was, in fact, inspired by video games. It seems the developers are trying to combine video games with real-life play.

    According to the website, “Inspired by classic first-person shooter video games, Overwatch is the next generation of interactive gaming. Using Overwatch, all the technology you’ve come to love from combat and first-person shooter video games is available in real life – right on your smartphone. Overwatch isn’t just another smartphone game; it’s a tactical utility to enhance airsoft, paintball and first-person shooter gameplay. It’s not just game time. It’s game time. For real.”

    Another thing to consider is the risk of your smartphone being hit and potentially damaged. You would need to invest in a high quality protective phone case to keep it safe.

    Do you think this app could take off in the paintball world? Will paintball still be fun if you already know where your opponents are at all times? Let us know in the comments.

  • Forest Paintball Fields, Hyperball, and Speedball in Southern New Jersey

    AC Paintball offers five unique fields with a range of obstacles and game possibilities. Our goal is for you to have a day jam-packed with fun. You can choose to spend your day playing on one field or travel to multiple fields–all packages come with complimentary transportation between fields. Plus, we change up the design of each field several times a year, so you’ll never get bored. With multiple field options, we can accommodate all sorts of groups and games.

    Here’s more info on each field, so you can choose the best for the type for the group you have or the game you want. No matter which you choose, you’ll always have action and excitement with AC Paintball!

    Red Dawn Woods Field

    • Forest field
    • Medium size
    • Standard play
    • 40-100 players

    The Red Dawn Woods Field is our basic paintball field. It’s great for simple, standard, quick games. It’s located right by our entrance for easy access. This field is ideal for beginners.

    Black Ops Pentagon Woods Field

    • Forest field
    • Large size
    • Capture the flag
    • 40-100+ players

    The Pentagon is our most popular field. At the center of this forest field is a pentagon of military drop tank bunkers.  Attack or defend the pentagon to win in for your team! If you have a big group or want to be involved in a large paintball game, this is where you do it. Ideal if you want a longer game full of running and hiding.

    pentagon paintball field

    Blue Thunder Woods Field

    • Forest Field
    • Large size
    • Standard play or capture the flag
    • 40-100+ players

    The Blue Thunder Woods field is a large forest field with two base camps of military-style tents. Obstacles and bunkers are scattered in the 150 yards between each camp. This forest field is perfect for capture the flag games.

    White DMZ Woods Field

    • Forest field
    • Medium size
    • Standard play
    • 40-100 players

    White DMZ is our “up-and-coming” field. This forest field is currently designed to fit medium size games but in the future will feature some of our most intense and impressive obstacles.

    Speedball Tournament Field

    • Open field
    • Small size
    • Tournament style
    • 5-40 players

    Our speedball field is a tournament-standardized field perfect for high-action, strategic games. You’ll use more balls on a speedball field than forest field, but games will probably take much less time. This open field is filled with obstacles and bunkers for protection and concealment. Some obstacles include air bunkers, drop tank carrier military bunkers, giant spools, and barrels.

    new jersey speedball paintball field

    Hyperball Field

    • Open field
    • Small size
    • Tournament style
    • 2-40 players

    The hyperball field is similar to the speedball field, except smaller. If you’re looking for the ultimate in paintball action, this is it! Play on the hyperball field for a short, high-intensity game. Stand, kneel, or lie behind bunkers to avoid being shot while you take out the other team. It’s small enough that it’s possible to locate any player on the field at a given time. You can even play 1-on-1! Hyperball is much more fast-paced than a traditional paintball forest field. You will need quick reflexes and quality teamwork.  Some obstacles on this field are corrugated plastic pipes, large wooden spools, barrels, and a large center bunker.

    new jersey hyperball paintball field

  • 10 Rules of Paintball Etiquette

    texture1Paintball players generally have a high standard of sportsmanship. Everyone has the same goal: an action-packed day of friendly competition. Respect the players, respect the game, and you’ll have a great time. Here are some general paintball etiquette rules to abide by:

    1.  Safety first

    Set your marker to shoot at a maximum velocity of 300 fps as required by law (At ACP we have a strict limit of 280 fps and we use pre-game velocity check technology). Anything higher can cause welts and broken skin. It’s a good idea to double check your marker’s velocity is at a safe limit before each game, even if you recently adjusted it.

    2. Keep your mask on

    Never remove your mask on the field for any reason. If you see that someone has lost their mask on the field, don’t shoot. Yell “blind man” so other players are aware. Always use barrel plugs after play and keep your mask on until all barrel plugs are in place.

    3. Don’t be a jerk

    Always respect your teammates and opponents. No pushing, shoving, or any physical contact at all. Don’t bonus ball just for amusement. It only takes one solid hit for a player to be out. Shooting players multiple times unnecessarily is an easy way to discourage beginners from coming back.

    4. Remember paintball is a team sport

    Don’t act like you own the field; give everyone a chance to get in on the action. Solid teamwork will win you more games than a focus on individual glory.

    5. Mind your fire

    Never blind fire. If you can’t see what you’re shooting at, don’t shoot. You could accidentally hit the refs or local wildlife.

    6. Never shoot point blank

    Paintballs can hurt at close range, even with protective gear! Allow opponents the opportunity to surrender if you have a clear shot within a range of 10 ft. If the player doesn’t surrender, aim for a shoe, gear, or padded area.

    7. Don’t cheat

    When you’re hit, you’re hit. Don’t wipe paint off and keep playing; this is considered cheating. Hits a quarter size or bigger on anything you carry (gear, mask, marker, hopper, etc.) count. If you’re unsure if you’re hit, signal for a ref or yell “paint check.”

    8. Clear the field when you’re hit

    Raise your arms and marker so other players know you’ve been hit. Quickly make your way to a safe zone to avoid being caught in crossfire. Never fire after you’ve been hit.

    9. Respect the ref

    The referee’s ruling is the final word. Signal for the ref to judge if there are any disputes during play. The ref can eject you from the game for breaking any rules of the field.

    10. Be a good sport

    We know it’s a competition and you want to win. Strategize the heck out of the game, but don’t get too aggressive to the point that you risk injury. Congratulate the winners with a “good game” even if you’re unhappy you lost.

  • How to Start or Join a College Paintball Club


    College is the perfect time to join a paintball club. Whether you’ve been playing since you were a kid or are looking to try something new, paintball can be a great way to get involved on campus. You’ll stay active, have fun, and make a ton of friends at your school. There’s never a dull moment when you’re playing paintball!

    Joining a Collegiate Paintball Team or Club

    Look on your university’s website, post in your school’s Facebook groups, or ask around to find out if your school has a paintball team or club. Contact the captain/president to find out how you can get involved.

    Do they hold tryouts or can anyone join? Do they accept new members any time during the semester or only during the start? If not, ask if you can come check out a practice or tournament and let them know you’re interesting in joining as soon as you can.

    Even if you can’t play right away, there are probably other ways you can get involved. Maybe they need an equipment guy or help on the business end of the team, like balancing the budget. If they are an established club, they probably hold events you could go to during the semester to get to know the players better. The wait will also give you time to improve your paintball game. Check out a local paintball field during walk-on hours and play to develop your skills.


    Starting a Collegiate Paintball Team or Club

    If your school doesn’t have a paintball team, why not start one? This will be a much larger time commitment than joining an established team, so make sure you’re ready. Starting a paintball team from scratch is a lot like starting a business, so you’ll definitely gain some valuable skills and experience.

    You’ll want to pay attention to a few main areas to make your team successful: organization, leadership, recruitment, finances, and marketing. Doing all of this alone can be difficult, so find other students who are willing to help. A core group of people who are interesting in leading the paintball initiative together will be more likely to succeed. Your team members don’t necessarily need to be friends or people you already know. One of your goals should be to meet new friends and bring people together who have a common interest. Put up flyers around campus or post in university Facebook groups to find other students that want to grow paintball at your school.

    Check with your school for specifics, but generally starting a club is easy: you’ll first need a list of 5-10 students interested in joining the club. Fill out the proper paperwork and maybe give a brief presentation about your club, and you are good to go.

    Once you are officially recognized by your university as a club or team, you can start playing in collegiate paintball tournaments. Now that you have a better idea of how to join or create a paintball team, get to it! Then get out on the field and have some fun.

  • Should Paintball Guns Be Used to Scare Off Deer?

    An Ohio councilman has proposed an alternative use for paintball guns–to control stray deer that wander onto private property, according to ABC News Cleveland.  Avon Lake councilman David Kos is hoping to pass a proposal allowing residents to shoot deer with paintball guns as a creative solution to keep an overpopulation of deer out of places they are not wanted.

    “It can safely remove a deer without approaching it, from a distance, and strike that deer with a force, not to kill it, but to get it off your property,” Kos said.


    Residents report sighting eight to ten and sometimes even twenty deer on their property each night that are not deterred by deer repellent or other methods. The overpopulation of deer are problematic mainly because they consume plants and shrubs from personal gardens.

    Kos believes paintballs will not significantly injure the deer or damage any personal property caught in the crossfire. His proposal requires residents to apply for a paintball gun permit to shoot the deer.

    “This will give the vast majority of the population of Avon Lake that does not have access to hire a bow hunter or use archery equipment the ability to safely remove that deer from their property,” Kos said.

    Is this an innovative solution or is it a mistake to use paintball guns off the field? It may be safer for the animals because they are less likely to be injured or killed by a paintball than by archery equipment.

    But will it really work? The town may just end up with and overpopulation of multi-colored deer.  Another concern is that this solution may cause a desensitization to paintball guns and a relaxed attitude when using them. Not to mention, the risk of children or other people who could be accidentally caught in the crossfire.

    Paintball guns are extremely safe when used with common sense and protective gear. Without masks and proper equipment, the risk of injury from paintball guns is much higher.

    What do you think? Let us know in the comments.

  • Plan Your Special Event with AC Paintball

    paintball birthday

    If you want your next party or special event to be filled with action and excitement in a safe environment, plan it with AC Paintball!

    We offer party and event services for every occasion. Let us make your next event fun, safe, and even educational if needed. We can work with you to accommodate and plan all sorts of parties and special events.

    We can accommodate groups of all sizes by offering a variety of field types, obstacles, and games. Our smaller hyperball and speedball fields are perfect for tournament style games of 5-20 players per team. Our forests fields are perfect for larger groups of 40 to hundreds.

    We offer a indoor clubhouse for your group to hang out, serve cake, eat snacks, and take breaks in between games. The guest of honor (birthday boy or girl, bachelor or bachelorette, boss, event planner etc.) plays free in groups of 10 or more. The guest of honor will also receive a “full access pass” which entitles them to unlimited field play for one year.

    Let AC Paintball make your event a memorable and exciting experience for your guests aged 10+. We offer:

    • Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties
    • Birthday Parties
    • Corporate Outings and Team-Building Events
    • Group Events (church groups, sports teams, college groups etc.)
    • Police and Military Squads
    • And More!

    Party Packages:

    Morning Party: $29.95 per person

    Play as long as you like between 9 a.m.  to 12 noon.

    Day Flex Party: $39.95 per person

    Play as long as you like between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m.

    Our party packages include rental gear for every player, private referee, on-site transportation, unlimited air, 100 tournament grade paintballs

    Please note that we do not allow alcohol or visibly intoxicated persons on premises for safety reasons. Save the alcohol for after the game. You’ll want everyone to be safe and fully aware of the action.

    Schedule your paintball event today!

  • Paintball Safety Tips

    paintball safety tips

    If you always use common sense when playing paintball and handling equipment and you should stay perfectly safe throughout the experience. But here are a few safety reminders you may have never thought of.  Follow these tips to keep paintball a safe and fun game for everyone involved.

    Paintball Guns

    Act as if every gun is loaded! Never look down the barrel to find out if it is loaded. Keep your barrel plug in place until everyone is wearing a safety mask and you are ready to play. Don’t point your gun at anything you wouldn’t want to shoot at.


    Don’t put anything but approved paintballs into your gun. Don’t underestimate the power of your paintballs; make sure to shoot far away from fragile objects and structures. Be aware that paintballs can leave stains on some building and fence surfaces.

    Paintball Gear

    Always wear protective gear and safety masks and check your equipment for cracks or damage before gameplay. Wear long pants and long-sleeve shirts underneath your gear for optimal protection. The most important safety rule: Don’t remove your mask during gameplay for any reason! The worst injuries occur because someone removed their mask at the wrong time.

    During Gameplay

    Never play paintball under the influence of alcohol or drugs. you’ll want to be fully coherent to keep up with the action! Never shoot at anyone who is not wearing proper goggles and protective gear. Allow opposing players to surrender if they are within twenty feet and you have a clear shot on them. This is a general courtesy because paintballs tend to hurt more at closer range. Shoot your gun at a maximum velocity of 300 feet per second. Anything higher can cause welts and broken skin.

    After Gameplay

    Don’t remove your safety mask until all barrel plugs are in place. Store your gun in a locked place if possible, unloaded and de-gassed. Keep it out of the sun because CO2 expands in heat. Consult with a professional if your gun needs major repairs.

  • 5 Tips to Improve Your Paintball Game

    There are simsideshotple ways to improve your paintball game without spending tons of money or time. Whether you’re a beginner or seasoned paintball player, use the following tips to increase the chances of winning your next paintball game.

    1. Choose the Proper Equipment

    Make sure you choose the proper equipment for your height and body type. If it is too bulky or heavy for you to carry, it will drag you down on the field. If it is too lightweight, it might not provide enough coverage.

    2. Practice Aiming Off the Field

    Even if you can’t practice shooting targets at home, you can still perfect your aim. Wear your mask and tape a laser pointer to the barrel of the paintball gun marker. The laser pointer will help you estimate where the paintball would hit if you fired. Walk or run around as you would in a real game and practice aiming at targets. Aim the laser at a target in your house or backyard. Practice keeping the laser pointed at the target as you walk, jog, and run. You will develop a steady aim as you practice.

    3. Increase the Firing Rate of Your Gun

    If your gun seems to be firing too slowly, it is possible to increase the firing rate. Use your middle and index fingers to pull the trigger slowly at first, then gradually pull faster and faster. This technique is called “walking the trigger.”

    4. Walk the Field and Strategize

    Walk around the field before game play to get a feel for it. Learn the angles, bunkers, and places to hide. If your teammates are with you, use this time to think of an appropriate strategy for this field. A good strategy can win against a superior team with poor organization.

    5. Focus on Teamwork

    Remember, paintball is a team sport. Solid teamwork and communication will win you more games than a focus on individual glory. Shout or use radios to let your teammates know where opposing players are and to coordinate attacks. Always cover your teammates when they need to reload so they won’t get hit in the meantime.