• 5 Ways Paintball Can Benefit Students

    When it comes to sports, there are a variety of benefits you can gain from practicing and playing them, especially for students. This includes paintball. Paintball is a sport that can improve your health, brain, personal skills, and more. It is a complex yet extremely fun game. It will get your heart pounding, your blood flowing, and your brain thinking. 

    Below you will find five benefits that paintball can provide for students. Then, if paintball sounds like something you would like to try, you can schedule a game at AC Paintball in Atlantic City, New Jersey. 

    Brainpower and Critical Thinking

    A student’s main goal is to expand their mind and improve their brain function. This includes skills such as problem-solving, decision making, and formulating plans. Paintball involves all of these skills and gives you a chance to flex your brain muscles in a fun and exciting environment. 

    Before your AC Paintball game even begins, you will need to formulate a plan. If this plan doesn’t work out, you will need to do some problem-solving and decision making to help your team gain an advantage so they can win. You will also need to do so quickly. If you take too much time, your opponent can take advantage of the situation and win before you have much of a chance. With all of this in mind, it can help students think more quickly, learn to solve problems and become better test-takers. 

    On top of this, all of the running and activity increases blood flow to the brain. This allows the brain to make more connections which in turn improves your overall brain power. 

    Stay Healthy

    Reading and studying are important skills. However, if you spend too much time sitting around while doing so, it can take a toll on your health.  Playing paintball at AC Paintball regularly provides you with a chance to do something healthy while you take a break from your studies. 

    Between running, crouching, jumping, crawling, carrying your marker and more, paintball will provide you with a full-body workout. If you are new to paintball you may be sore for a little bit, but once you get used to the activities, paintball will help keep you healthy and fit. 

    Personal Skills

    Paintball is a team sport. This means you need to know how to get along with and work with others if you want to be successful. This is also an essential skill for school as well as the real world. AC Paintball is a great place to practice these skills because there is a variety of different people to play with and you get to do something you enjoy rather than working on a project you don’t have much interest in. 

    At AC Paintball in southern New Jersey, we keep the focus on friendly play. It is a great place to make friends and to interact with new people. After a few games, you are sure to build your social and personal skills. 


    When it comes to being successful in school and in real life, you need confidence. You need to know that you have the ability to accomplish your goals if you continue to work at them. 

    Confidence is a common struggle for many students. However, playing paintball can help students gain confidence. Most players aren’t the best when they first start out, yet if they keep practicing they continue to improve and get better. When students see themselves succeed in paintball, it can show them that they can be successful at school too if they are willing to work hard. 


    If you want to be successful at school and life, you also need a certain level of discipline. You need to know how to follow the rules and how to control yourself even when things don’t go your way. 

    Paintball requires the same discipline. You need to follow the rules of the game and you need to learn to let it go if things don’t go the way you want them to. However, again, at AC Paintball you are in a fun and enjoyable environment which can make learning to do so a bit easier. Then you can transfer your skills to school so you can be successful in both areas. 

    Schedule a Game at AC Paintball Today!

    If you are a student and want to reap the benefits of playing paintball, schedule a game at AC Paintball in Atlantic City, New Jersey today. You can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon. 

  • Ways Paintball Can Build Character and Help You Grow as a Person

    Sports are an important part of our society. While paintball may seem like just a fun game, it also has an ability to teach us and help us grow. When you are on a paintball team, you are part of something bigger than yourself. Everything you do can affect the rest of your team. This responsibility can push you to be a more remarkable person. Read on to learn more, then schedule a game at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey so you can work on your skills. 

    Working With Others

    Being able to work well with others is an important life skill. There are many times in life where you may have to work in a group. Sometimes you know the people well, and other times you don’t. Sometimes you get along with your teammates well and other times you don’t. Paintball is the same way and is a great way to practice your social skills and ability to work well with others. 

    During an AC Paintball game, you will have to rely on your team as well as back up your teammates. This is a great way to learn to trust others and take responsibility for yourself. 

    Keep Healthy

    When you are healthy, you will feel better and when you feel better, you will feel happier in general. Playing paintball at AC Paintball on a regular basis can help you accomplish this. Between running, carrying a marker, jumping, crouching, squatting, and more, paintball will give you a full-body workout. It’s sure to keep your heart healthy and your muscles strong. 

    Thinking Quickly

    In life, you will have to make countless decisions. With some, you will have the time to carefully think things through and weigh your options. With others, you will only have a few seconds. Paintball can help you learn to make good decisions quickly. Games are fast-paced and the decisions you make can either help your team immensely or get you eliminated from the game. Playing games at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is a great way to simulate the pressure of real-life situations and learn to make quick decisions. 


    Life isn’t always easy, and neither is paintball. However, if you learn to persevere, things will get better. Things don’t always go the way you want them to during an AC Paintball game. Your opponents may have a great lead, but that doesn’t mean that you should just give up. If you come up with a plan and keep pushing forward, you may be able to find a way to turn the game around. The same is true in life. By learning to persevere in AC Paintball games, you can learn to persevere in life and be more successful. 

    Learn to Let Go  

    Part of persevering is learning to get-go. Even if you try your hardest, things may not turn out how you want them to. If you dwell on them, the disappointment can ruin other games and opportunities for you. However, if you learn from them and leave your disappointment in the past, you can grow. This skill is difficult to master, but once you learn to let go, you can become more successful. 

    Stress Relief

    Paintball can also help you relieve stress in a healthy way. All of the running involved can help you burn off negative energy and being out in nature can help relax you. Having fun with your friends and family will also help you feel better, so schedule a game at AC Paintball today! You can do so through AC Paintball’s website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon! 

  • Reasons Why Paintball Should Become More Popular

    If you want to play a sport, there are many different ones to choose from. Some sports are more popular than others. For instance, soccer, basketball, and football can be found at a majority of schools across the country.

    However, some sports such as paintball can be difficult to find a place to play. If you live in the southern New Jersey area, AC Paintball will happily host your next paintball game. There are many benefits of paintball and many reasons it should become more popular. Here are just a few.

    It’s Not As Dangerous as Most People Think

    One of the biggest reasons why paintball isn’t more popular is because people see it as dangerous. Many people just see players firing paintballs at other players at high speeds and think there is more of a likelihood of someone getting hurt.

    However, sports like soccer, basketball, and football host more serious injuries than paintball. You may get some bruises or welts more often in paintball, but you can help prevent this with padding. You will also bruise less once you build up your muscle tissue.


    Paintball is one of the most active sports. During an AC Paintball game, you can expect to do lots of running along with crawling, crouching, jumping, and more. On top of that, you will be carrying a gun the entire time.

    Playing paintball at AC Paintball will give you a full body workout. It will get your heart beating all while building your muscles. If you are looking to get or stay healthy, paintball can help.

    Good Stress Reliever

    Not only will paintball help you stay healthy physically, but it will help you stay mentally fit as well. Playing games at AC Paintball is a great way to relieve stress. All of the physical activity allows you to get your energy out while being outside helps you forget your troubles and relax.

    Teaches a Lot of Useful Skills

    One of the greatest benefits of all sports is that they teach athletes valuable skills that they can use both in their sport and in their everyday lives.

    In paintball, some of these skills include planning, decision-making, perseverance, teamwork, sportsmanship and many more. Check out AC Paintball’s blog to learn more about what lessons paintball can teach you: https://acpaintball.com/2016/10/31/life-lessons-values-and-skills-you-can-learn.

    Good For Team-Building

    Paintball is also a fantastic team-building activity that most teams and companies don’t think about. If you have a group of people you want to help bond, paintball is a useful and fun way to do so. While you can just choose a common activity like building a tower, creating some sort of project, or playing a simple game, paintball has a lot more to offer.

    To win an AC Paintball team, your entire team needs to work together. For instance, if someone is under fire, the other players need to step in and help defend them. This teaches teammates to both depend on and defend each other. This also helps teach your group how each individual thinks, what each person’s strengths are, and how the entire team can work together to be successful.

    Make Friends

    Everyone wants friends and sports are a great way to make friends. There are plenty of things to talk about as there is a lot of action during a game. This is especially true for paintball.

    If everyone is playing the same sport, you also know that you have at least one thing in common. You can start a conversation about paintball and soon learn you have many other things in common as well. Before you know it you become friends. This fact, combined with the team-building aspects of paintball, you can make plenty of friends fairly quickly.

    Make Paintball More Popular

    If you agree that paintball should be more popular, why not schedule a game at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey. Bring your friends! To schedule an AC Paintball game, visit this link: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call AC Paintball at 609-561-3883.

  • 5 Reasons Why Encouraging Sports Like Paintball Is Important

    While some may argue that sports are not an essential life activity, there are countless benefits of playing a sport like paintball. Many schools do not prioritize their sports teams, but there are many important lessons you can learn from paintball and other sports that you can’t learn in school. Below are just five reasons why encouraging sports is important.

    Life Lessons

    There are countless useful skills and knowledge you can learn from playing paintball at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey. This includes seeking your passion, finding your place, decision making, independence, leadership skills, and much more.

    These lessons make paintball players better overall people in their day-to-day lives. They help players become someone their peers can respect and be inspired by. To learn more about the life lessons paintball can teach you, check out this AC Paintball blog: https://acpaintball.com/2016/10/31/life-lessons-values-and-skills-you-can-learn-from-paintball/.

    Health Benefits

    When you are healthy, you feel better and are more energetic. Paintball is a highly active sport. You are almost always on the move and may have to dodge, jump, or even crawl from time to time. An AC Paintball game can really get your heart going. If you play often enough, you can strengthen your heart. When your heart is strong, you are less likely to develop diseases related to the heart and can live longer.

    Playing paintball on a regular basis can also help you develop muscles. You can get a full body workout. Running around strengthens your legs while carrying your marker strengthens your arms. Other various paintball activities can also help you strengthen your core.

    Mental Benefits

    Not only does paintball strengthen your body, but it strengthens your mind as well. If you want to win an AC Paintball game, you need a good strategy. Formulating plans and trying to solve problems before they even occur can strengthen your brain and make you smarter. These problem-solving skills are very useful to have in your daily life and highly appreciated in the workplace.

    Along with problem-solving skills, paintball also teaches players how to make decisions quickly. Sometimes you have to make a decision in only seconds and the decision you make will determine if you stay in the AC Paintball game or not. Making tough decisions in high-pressure situations is yet another useful skill you can use in your daily life and in the workplace.

    Build Relationships

    It’s important to have people in your life. You need to have people to count on when you’re in need and to have people who lead you into new opportunities. Playing paintball can help you accomplish this. Bringing your friends and family to AC Paintball is a great way to strengthen your bonds. Being on the same team teaches you to rely on one another while being on opposing teams teaches you how to balance competition and relationships.

    Playing at AC Paintball regularly can also help you network. It allows you to meet new people who share your interest in paintball. This common interest can help you start a conversation. Then once you become better friends you can start to learn new things from each other. Who knows, they could end up introducing you to a new opportunity or you can introduce them to one of your other interests. Before you know it, you could become best friends.

    Builds Confidence and Respect

    Confidence is an important trait to have. It allows to perform better and helps you gain respect. You need confidence to push yourself and achieve your goals. Paintball can help you gain this confidence. While you may not be too confident about jumping into paintball, if you stick with it you can show yourself what you are capable of.

    Many people are anxious about playing paintball when they first start out. It is an intense and extreme sport. However, the more you practice and keep trying, the more you will improve. As mentioned before, over time you will learn and develop many life skills. Developing these skills can make you more competent. The more you know how to do, the more confident you will be. You will learn that you can overcome the life challenges you face and continue to grow.

    Schedule and AC Paintball Game!

    If you want to challenge yourself and grow through paintball, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is a great place to start! You can schedule a game through our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. We hope to see you soon!

  • 5 Mental Benefits of Paintball

    There are countless reasons to play paintball at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey. It’s fun, you can play with your friends, it helps you stay healthy, it helps you build muscle mass, and much much more. The list goes on. However, one of the greatest benefits of playing paintball is the ability to improve your mental health.

    Most people tend to focus on the physical aspects of paintball, but the mental benefits are just as important, if not more important. Below you will find just five ways that paintball can help you improve your cognitive abilities. After a while, you may even notice that what you gain through paintball will benefit you in your day-to-day life as well.


    If you don’t go into your AC Paintball game with a plan, you may not do as well as you expect. It is difficult to get a group of people to cooperate. The best way to give your team a good chance of winning is to create a plan before the AC Paintball game begins.

    To accomplish this, you have to think hard. You have to try and figure out what your opponents to do, figure out how to organize your team based on their skills, and overall figure out how to accomplish the goal of the game. This is not an easy task. You may not be good at this at first, but the more you do it, the better you will get. Then you can use your planning and strategy skills to plan your week, trips, events, etc. Planning and organizing is a valuable skill in the real world.

    Following Instructions

    When you’re not the one creating the plans, you at least have to be able to follow them. Taking instructions is another important real-world skill. Your boss, your coaches, your family members, your doctor, etc. will all give you instructions at some point in your life. If you don’t follow through, you will likely make them upset.

    Paintball is a great way to learn how to take and follow instructions. Your team leader will tell you where to go, what your role is, and who you will work with. Learning how to listen and take instructions from your team captain is very similar following instructions in the real world. Therefore, practicing these skills at your next AC Paintball game can prove to be a valuable experience.

    Decision Making

    Paintball is not all simply following instructions. There will be many instances when you will have to make decisions on your own based on the situation. In most cases, you will have to make these situations quickly. If you don’t it may mean elimination from the game. This can be stressful, but it is a great way to learn to make important decisions quickly under pressure. It can also train your brain to think more quickly in general.

    If you have trouble making decisions from time to time, playing paintball is a great way to practice. There are countless decisions to make during a paintball game. This includes when to shoot, where to move, where to hide,  when to help teammates, and more. The more you play, the more you will learn what works and what doesn’t. Eventually, you will become more confident in your decisions and may find it easier to do so in your daily life.

    Social Skills

    Paintball is a social sport. While you can play one on one, in most cases, you will likely play on a team of two or more. This means you have to be able to work with others if you hope to win your AC Paintball game. There are a variety of different personalities you may end up playing with or against and no matter who you are with, you will need to find a way to make your situation work. This is yet another important everyday skill.

    At some point, you will likely be put on a team with people you don’t know that well and will have to figure out how to accomplish a variety of tasks with them. Playing paintball is a great way to practice your social skills in a place where being successful is not quite as crucial as some of the other real-world challenges you may face.

    Relieve Stress and Anxiety

    Life gets stressful. Whether you are a student, parent, have a job, or more than one of these options, you likely have stress. It is important to take time to relax and relieve this stress from time to time. Playing paintball at AC Paintball is one way to do this. Running around the field and shooting paintballs at opponents allows you to release pent-up energy. Being out in nature also allows helps you relax and feel a bit more at peace. With less stress, you will feel happier and healthier and you will lead a better life.

    Schedule and AC Paintball Game Now!

    Ready to experience the mental benefits of playing paintball? Then schedule a game at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey now! You can do so throughout website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. Alternatively, you can call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you!

  • Top 7 Reasons to Play Paintball

    Many people all over the world love to play paintball and there are countless reasons why. The positive aspects of paintball outweigh any negatives. It is a fun and thrilling sport that makes you feel alive! If you are looking for something new to try in the Atlantic City, New Jersey area, why not schedule a visit to AC Paintball? You can bring your best friends and favorite family members to enjoy a day of friendly competition and amusement.

    Try Something Different

    Many kids and adults choose to play sports commonly found in schools such as soccer, basketball, football, volleyball, etc. If you tell someone you play one of these sports you will likely get a response such as “Me too!”, or a nonchalant “That’s cool.” However, if you are able to say “I play paintball!” you are more likely to spark attention because that isn’t something people hear every day.

    Paintball is growing in popularity. However, there are still many people who have never played. Why not be one of the first of your friends to try paintball? Then get all of your friends and family involved too! AC Paintball is the perfect venue to attempt your first paintball game. It offers a fun and friendly atmosphere for all to enjoy!

    Stay Fit and Healthy

    When you play paintball at AC Paintball, you get a full body workout. Between running across the field, dodging and ducking behind bunkers, and jumping out of the way, you are sure to get your heart racing and burn some calories. If you play long enough, you will also find yourself gaining some muscles.

    Bonus tip: Be sure to bring the right snacks and plenty of water so you have the energy you need to play. Check out this AC Paintball blog for more healthy eating tips: https://acpaintball.com/2016/09/27/what-to-eat-before-and-after-a-paintball-game/.

    Alleviate Stress

    Day to day life can get pretty stressful these days. It is difficult to balance work, school, daily chores, a family life, and a social life. It is important to take some time for yourself to relax or just blow off steam. Playing paintball at AC Paintball is a great way to do so. The exercise and competition help you take out your aggression in a safe way. Playing outdoors also has a healing nature that can help you relax.

    Make Friends

    Playing paintball is a great way to make friends. It is a team sport that teaches players to communicate with and rely on one another for support. Whether you are trying to challenge yourself to be more social or if you’re a social butterfly looking to meet new people, AC Paintball is the place to do so.

    Gain Valuable Life Skills and Lessons

    On top of all of the benefits above, paintball also has plenty of valuable life skills and lessons. By creating game plans with your team you learn how to strategize. By being put in various intense moments you learn how to make decisions quickly and be courageous. You also learn communication skills through figuring out how to send important messages across the AC Paintball field.

    These are just some of the most common lessons. You will learn a lot more by playing and enjoying the experience on your own.

    It’s Fun!

    One of the biggest reasons to play paintball is simply because it is fun! AC Paintball offers six different fields to play on, there are a variety of different games you can play, and different people to play with. It’s difficult to get bored when there are so many different ways to play. On top of this, a little friendly competition is sure to make things more interesting. You are sure to have plenty of laughs and maybe a few snappy quips here and there.

    Make Great Memories

    Finally, AC Paintball is a great place to make memories. While you can spend your weekend doing yard work or home improvement projects, you will likely find that playing paintball with your family and friends is a much more valuable use of your time. You will end up with memories that last a lifetime.

  • Life Lessons, Values and Skills You Can Learn from Paintball

    graffiti-1450798_960_720Playing paintball at AC Paintball provides a variety of benefits. Not only does it keep you healthy and fit, but it can teach you important life lessons as well. Some people may think it’s just a sport or game. It’s actually a chance to learn and develop important life skills. When playing paintball at AC Paintball, you learn many valuable lessons all while having fun. Paintball can provide you with endless life lessons to apply both on and off the field.

    Seek Your Passion

    Happiness is something that everyone searches for. One of the best ways to find it is through finding a passion and sharing it with those you care about. Paintball may already be your passion or you may be seeking a new passion. Either way, organizing an AC Paintball event can provide hours of fun and excitement to share. To schedule a game, follow this link: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. Finding your passion in life can help provide happiness and make life worth living.

    Teamwork and Respect

    One life skill every person should have is knowing how to work in a team and respect each member. A majority of jobs require employees to work with others on various projects. Playing paintball at AC Paintball can help you develop the personal skills to be a team player. Depending on what game you play, you have to plan with your teammates how to defeat your opponent. You have to respect each other’s ideas and contribute positively to the game. In paintball, players learn to watch each other’s backs and trust others to watch theirs.

    Independence and Decision Making

    paintball-1278898_960_720Paintball doesn’t just teach you teamwork, but how to be independent as well. There are times when you will be alone on the AC Paintball field. If an opponent interferes with the plan, you won’t be able to discuss solutions with your team. You have to strategize and make a decision on your own. There are times in life where you may find yourself in a similar situation. There is not always someone there to give you advice or tell you what to do. Playing paintball can build your decision-making skills and help you learn to be independent.

    Good Sportsmanship and Leadership

    In most games, there is typically only one winner or one winning team. If you win, it is easy to celebrate and gloat. You become focused on how great you are and forget that everyone else is watching. If you play more than one game at AC Paintball, you may not win every single game. When you don’t win, you get a glimpse of what it is like to be on the other side. Through this experience, you may become a better winner. Good sportsmanship is an important quality to have. It leads you to become a better leader and role model.

    Self-Control and Self-Discipline

    Humans are prone to falling into habits and just doing what we want to do. In some aspects, we lack self-control and discipline. Playing at AC Paintball can help add some structure to your life and help you learn to control yourself. For instance, you may want to get in shape, but continually put off exercise. Paintball helps force you to get off the couch and get moving. If you schedule weekly games with your friends, you will have a reason to start exercising. Your friends will count on you to be there and you won’t want to let them down. You will also have to learn to follow directions and focus when there are many distractions.

    Know Your Limits

    paintball-1282159_960_720If you never challenge yourself, you will never know what you are capable of. Paintball is a sport that allows you to test yourself both physically and mentally. In paintball, you have to run, squat, dodge, and crouch for long periods of time. Each time you push yourself harder and learn what you can handle. Paintball also calls for you to be aware and listen for opponents. You have to think on your feet and make good decisions. Paintball helps you strengthen your mind and awareness.

    Letting Go of Mistakes

    Everyone makes mistakes, but some people are harder on themselves when they make mistakes. It is important to learn that it is okay to make mistakes, as long as you learn from them. With so many different aspects to focus one, it is easy to make a simple mistake. You may be mad at yourself at first, but the more you make mistakes, the better you will learn to let it go. You will also learn from your mistakes and become a better player. In everyday life, if you focus on your mistakes, you may miss out on other opportunities. Paintball will teach you to shake it off and move onto the next task.

    Patience and Persevere

    One of the greatest life values paintball can teach you is perseverance. Life doesn’t always give you what you want right away. Sometimes you have to fight for your dreams. When you first start playing paintball at AC Paintball, it may be intimidating. You may play against skilled opponents while you are just beginning you learn the ropes. If you stick with it, though, you may become one of the better players. You just need to practice, have patience and persevere. This lesson will also help you in everyday life when you are trying to obtain your goals and reach your dreams.

  • AC Paintball Helps Relieve Stress

    stress-704402_960_720Life gets demanding at times. Between work, school, and family, we have numerous responsibilities to keep us busy. When you’re constantly busy, stress builds up and causes a variety of problems. It can lead to tiredness, headaches, bad habits and more.

    It is important to take some time for yourself to de-stress. One way to do this is by playing paintball at AC Paintball in Williamstown, New Jersey. Paintball has a variety of health benefits that can help you relieve stress.  Playing paintball at AC Paintball can help you feel both happier and healthier in a variety of ways.

    Adrenaline Rush

    Playing paintball at AC Paintball gets your adrenaline going. You have to constantly be on your guard and ready to act quickly. Paintball is an exciting action packed sport. There are a variety of benefits that come from an adrenaline rush.

    When you get an adrenaline rush, you are typically focused on only one goal. This goal can become so overwhelming that you forget about everything else going on in your life. You are focused on the here and now. When you don’t have dozens of responsibilities on your mind, you are free to relax and have fun.

    Adrenaline also caused deep breathing. Breathing deep gets more oxygen to your brain and cells which calm you and make you feel healthier. Overall, paintball allows a safe environment where you can release your anger and frustrations.  


    Paintball is a sport where you are constantly on the move. You have to run away from enemies, squat behind bunkers, and dodge paintballs. Playing paintball at AC Paintball is one the best ways to exercise while having fun. Regular exercise keeps you healthy and allows you to de-stress.

    When you exercise, your body produces endorphins. Endorphins are neurotransmitters that make you feel good. The more you exercise, the better you will feel. Just remember not to push yourself too far. If you want to play paintball to exercise, consider buying an AC Paintball membership.



    When you have so many responsibilities, it can feel like you lack control. Your days may be planned out for you from start to end. There may be a lack of excitement and freedom. Your responsibilities don’t care how you feel or what you want to do. They just want your attention. When you make time for yourself, you can gain back some of that freedom.

    Playing paintball at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is an exciting hobby that can give you the freedom you are looking for. Although you still have a responsibility to your team, you can make your own choices. You can move where you want to move and use your own strategies. There is also a sense of unpredictability as you never know when your opponents will appear.

    If you choose one of AC Paintball’s wooded fields you may also find yourself alone in nature. Nature also has healing qualities that can help you de-stress. Overall, paintball can give you a sense of control.

    Support System

    When life gets hard, it is important to have a good support system. You need someone to talk to and someone to give you advice. Venting your problems can help you release built up stress.  If you don’t already have a good support system, paintball can help you make new friends. When you regularly play at AC Paintball, you may begin to recognize people and start to talk to them. Before you know it you can make yourself some new friends.

    Paintball is a sport that requires players to support each other. When you see a teammate stuck in an ambush, you try to help them. When you need help, your teammates will support you. This concept can help you feel useful and important. When you help someone or eliminate a threatening opponent, you can feel like a hero. Paintball can boost your confidence so that you can face the obstacles that cause stress.