• Tips to Bring Intermediate Players Up to a Professional Level

    At AC Paintball in near Atlantic City, New Jersey we welcome players of all levels of experience. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you are sure to enjoy playing on one of our six unique fields. We enjoy watching our players have fun and improve their skills. We have witnessed many players go from beginners to intermediate players and some even to a pro-level. If this is something you are looking to accomplish, check out these tips from AC Paintball. 

    Invest In Your Own Marker and Gear

    If you are just a beginner, it doesn’t make much sense to buy your own equipment. If you end up not liking paintball, you waste your money. When you are a beginner, it makes more sense to rent equipment from AC Paintball. 

    However, if you are intermediate and have been playing for a significant amount of time, you may want to invest in equipment that is better suited to you. Maybe you enjoy playing a certain position and want to have a marker that can improve your performance. If you are an intermediate player looking to step up your game, getting better gear is a good first step. 

    Learn How Properly Maintain Your Gear

    If you are going to get your own gear, it only makes sense that you learn how to properly maintain it. At AC Paintball we maintain all of the rental gear, so that is something you don’t have to worry about. However, if you invest your money in higher-quality equipment, you will want it to last as long as possible. This way, you can get your money’s worth. With this in mind, you should do some research or have a professional teach you how to care for your marker and other equipment. 

    Learn Advanced Tricks

    On top of improving your gear, you can also improve your own skills. You can learn some more advanced tricks that most beginners can’t do. This includes skills such as shooting with both hands or shooting different trick shots. The more things you know how to do, the more valuable player you become. However, it is also important to do these things well. Be sure to work on consistency before the number of skills.

    Know How To Adjust

    You never know that the weather will be like the day you visit AC Paintball in southern New Jersey. The weather can significantly impact your game. For instance, the sun can wear you out faster, wind can affect your aim, and rain can make it slipperier and difficult to see. A true professional paintball player knows how to adjust their game to various circumstances so be sure to work on this skill. 

    Resolve Bad Habits

    Almost every athlete has some bad habits early on in their sports career. They may have poor timing, poor posture, not know how to position themselves, etc. If you still have any bad habits as a paintball player, be sure to resolve them so your game can improve. Work on skills such as pulling the trigger at the right time, posture, aiming, positioning, and decision-making. 

    Build Endurance

    Paintball is an intense sport that can wear you out quickly. If you are new to paintball and get worn out quickly, this can affect your playing ability late game. If the AC Paintball game is neck and neck, you don’t want to lose simply because you don’t have the energy. Therefore, it makes sense to work on your cardio and endurance so you can be at your best throughout the entire game. 

    Create New Strategies 

    Many beginners stick to basic strategies. It allows them to improve basic skills so they can keep up with everyone else. However, if you are playing against seasoned professionals, you are going to have to step up your strategy. If you can learn to be tricky and outplay your opponents mentally, you will become more successful overall. 

    Learn How to Be a Good Leader

    Finally, most professional paintball players know how to be a good leader. They know how to be a good team player, they set a good example and are someone other players can look up to. If you want to be recognized as a professional, become one of the most respectable players on the AC Paintball field. 

    Become a Pro By Practicing at AC Paintball

    Ready to become a professional? Visit AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey to work on your skills. You can schedule a visit here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/ or by calling 609-561-3883.

  • 5 Ways Paintball Can Benefit Students

    When it comes to sports, there are a variety of benefits you can gain from practicing and playing them, especially for students. This includes paintball. Paintball is a sport that can improve your health, brain, personal skills, and more. It is a complex yet extremely fun game. It will get your heart pounding, your blood flowing, and your brain thinking. 

    Below you will find five benefits that paintball can provide for students. Then, if paintball sounds like something you would like to try, you can schedule a game at AC Paintball in Atlantic City, New Jersey. 

    Brainpower and Critical Thinking

    A student’s main goal is to expand their mind and improve their brain function. This includes skills such as problem-solving, decision making, and formulating plans. Paintball involves all of these skills and gives you a chance to flex your brain muscles in a fun and exciting environment. 

    Before your AC Paintball game even begins, you will need to formulate a plan. If this plan doesn’t work out, you will need to do some problem-solving and decision making to help your team gain an advantage so they can win. You will also need to do so quickly. If you take too much time, your opponent can take advantage of the situation and win before you have much of a chance. With all of this in mind, it can help students think more quickly, learn to solve problems and become better test-takers. 

    On top of this, all of the running and activity increases blood flow to the brain. This allows the brain to make more connections which in turn improves your overall brain power. 

    Stay Healthy

    Reading and studying are important skills. However, if you spend too much time sitting around while doing so, it can take a toll on your health.  Playing paintball at AC Paintball regularly provides you with a chance to do something healthy while you take a break from your studies. 

    Between running, crouching, jumping, crawling, carrying your marker and more, paintball will provide you with a full-body workout. If you are new to paintball you may be sore for a little bit, but once you get used to the activities, paintball will help keep you healthy and fit. 

    Personal Skills

    Paintball is a team sport. This means you need to know how to get along with and work with others if you want to be successful. This is also an essential skill for school as well as the real world. AC Paintball is a great place to practice these skills because there is a variety of different people to play with and you get to do something you enjoy rather than working on a project you don’t have much interest in. 

    At AC Paintball in southern New Jersey, we keep the focus on friendly play. It is a great place to make friends and to interact with new people. After a few games, you are sure to build your social and personal skills. 


    When it comes to being successful in school and in real life, you need confidence. You need to know that you have the ability to accomplish your goals if you continue to work at them. 

    Confidence is a common struggle for many students. However, playing paintball can help students gain confidence. Most players aren’t the best when they first start out, yet if they keep practicing they continue to improve and get better. When students see themselves succeed in paintball, it can show them that they can be successful at school too if they are willing to work hard. 


    If you want to be successful at school and life, you also need a certain level of discipline. You need to know how to follow the rules and how to control yourself even when things don’t go your way. 

    Paintball requires the same discipline. You need to follow the rules of the game and you need to learn to let it go if things don’t go the way you want them to. However, again, at AC Paintball you are in a fun and enjoyable environment which can make learning to do so a bit easier. Then you can transfer your skills to school so you can be successful in both areas. 

    Schedule a Game at AC Paintball Today!

    If you are a student and want to reap the benefits of playing paintball, schedule a game at AC Paintball in Atlantic City, New Jersey today. You can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon. 

  • Steps for Setting Your Paintball Goals and Achieving Them

    “If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you.” -Les Brown

    Whether you have been playing paintball at AC Paintball for a while, or you are just starting out, you can always find ways to improve yourself. Maybe you want to work on your aim, or maybe you want to work on making smarter choices. Either way, regularly reflecting on your skills and analyzing areas that need improvement can help make you a better paintball player in the long run. Once you know what you want to work on, then you can start working on improving them with these helpful steps from AC Paintball in southern New Jersey.

    Set a Goal

    The first step to getting better is to set a measurable goal. Having a measurable goal will give you something to focus on and help you determine whether or not you are improving as much as you want to. It also helps to make multiple easily-reachable goals rather than one large goal. If you just have one large goal, it can seem overwhelming. It can make you want to give up more often because you are so far from your goal. On the other hand, if you have many small progressing goals, achieving each one will motivate you to reach for your next goal.

    Many times when people want to improve on a skill, they forget to make a goal. Then they end up practicing without knowing where they are going. This can lead to losing focus and eventually giving up on improving your skills. When you have a goal, you can continually determine if you are progressing as quickly as you want. Then, if you aren’t meeting your goal, you can make changes to your technique and practicing so you can start reaching your goals.

    Formulate a Plan

    The next step is to figure out how you can reach your goal. Create a detailed plan about what tasks you are going to complete or practice so your skills can improve. Write your plan down your plan somewhere easily accessible so you know exactly what you have to do. Make sure your plan is specific. You don’t want to show up to the gym or AC Paintball and not know where to begin.

    Here are some questions you can ask yourself to help create a plan.

    • What drills will improve the skills I want to improve?
    • Do I need any special tools to perform these drills?
    • Do I need to go somewhere specific, like AC Paintball, to perform these drills?
    • Do I need help from someone or do I need to hire a trainer?
    • How often will I need to practice these drills to achieve the results I want.
    • What methods do the professionals use?
    • Are there any ideas or tips on the internet that you could study?
    • What can I change if this plan doesn’t achieve the results I want?
    • How can I stay motivated?



    Finally, it is time to put your plan into action. Get out there and start improving yourself. You might be a bit overwhelmed or hesitant to start, but you just have to push yourself to take that first step. Once you get going, you will likely get in the zone and want to keep going. 

    The more you practice, the better you will become. If you build up your muscles, you will increase your endurance and other abilities. If you work on strengthening your mind, you will improve your decision-making skills and paintball intelligence. After a while, you will see yourself start to be more successful in your AC Paintball games. You will see yourself reach your goals, and then you can continue to make new ones.

    Continue to Look For Ways to Improve

    No matter how good of an AC Paintball player you are, there will always be some way for you to improve. You can always become stronger, faster, more accurate, and more valuable to your team.

    Just don’t push yourself too hard and remember to track your progress so you can look back and see how far you have come. Instead of always getting caught up in your next goal, take some time to reflect all you have accomplished. You can even reward yourself with a fun outing or a new paintball marker. The important thing is that you have fun and stay inspired. If you are not enjoying what you’re doing, then why are you doing it?