Choosing Roles for Your Paintball Team

One of the first steps you should take when planning your game at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is to choose positions. Based on personality and skills, different players may be better suited for different positions. Therefore, AC Paintball has created this guide to help you and your teammates select your positions.


Frontman/Pointman/Scout Unit

Frontmen start at the head of the line and typically see the most action. Their main goal is usually to complete the team’s objective. They also find and warn the following players of traps, and create a trail for the rest of the team to follow. At the beginning of the game, they set out to evaluate the other team’s plans and figure out the best strategy to win. A pointman should be aware that they will likely be the first to encounter traps and ambushes.

Frontman Qualities:

  • Good Leader
  • Fast
  • Takes Chances
  • Likes Danger
  • Quiet



The infantry is a large line of players that follow the frontmen. Their main goal is to annihilate the enemy. They get to shoot the most, create ambushes and set traps. If the frontmen are eliminated, the infantry also takes their place. The majority of your team should make up the infantry. If you have a large infantry, you can eliminate a large portion of the enemy making it easier for the rest of your team. The infantry is the driving force of the battle.

Infantry Qualities:

  • Good team player
  • Ambitious
  • Precise shooters
  • Stealthy
  • Intimidating


Mid Player/Floater/Roamer

The mid player takes care of the field between the frontmen and the backman. Floaters can have many different responsibilities. It all depends on the type of game and what happens during it. Their main duty is to communicate information between the frontmen and the rest of the team. As the game goes on, mid players also take the places of players who have been eliminated. This is a good position for players who are good at many skills. When you have many different skills, you can fill in for almost any player that may need to be replaced. A roamer should prepare for a lot of running, crouching, diving, etc.

Mid Player Qualities:

  • Good Communicator
  • Has good endurance
  • Smart
  • Adaptive
  • Flexible 




The backman follows up the rest of their team and is mainly responsible for the cover fire. If you are playing a territorial game, it is the rear’s responsibility to protect the flag or area. In any game, the rear protects the forward and mid players when they need to retreat. To keep the opposing team from moving in, the backman should expect to use a lot of paint. A backman is also responsible for informing their team of the opponent’s status. When selecting the backman for your team, you can choose one or multiple players. It all depends on the type of strategy you wish to use.

Backman Qualities:

  • Can shoot from various ranges
  • Like shooting a lot.
  • Protective
  • Watchful
  • Aware


Sniper Unit

If you have a small team, the backman can also be the sniper, but if you have a larger team, you can designate a sniper. Rather than just shooting anyone, the sniper focuses more on eliminating key players. It is important for the sniper to have the best view of the entire field. Therefore, a sniper should find the most advantageous place for shooting. They may want to stay back on the field or find and elevated area to observe the entire field. A sniper does not move as much as the other players and can carry more paintballs to take out their targets.

Sniper Qualities:

  • Can shoot from various ranges
  • Precise
  • Watchful
  • Thoughtful
  • Strategic


Once you decide on your team’s positions, you are ready to book a game at AC Paintball. Located in southern New Jersey, AC paintball offers five different fields for your friends and family to play on. Whether you are a beginner or a pro, AC Paintball is an enjoyable place to have fun with your friends and family. If you would like to book a game, follow this link:

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