• Tips for a Hostile Takeover Paintball Game

    There are a variety of different Paintball game types you can play at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey. One of these games is called Hostile Takeover. Hostile Takeover is a type of attack-and-defend game. Unlike defend-the-castle, however, it involves multiple targets instead of just one. These targets are usually certain areas or bunkers.

    During the game, each AC Paintball team tries to take control of these territories. Each target is assigned a certain amount of points. Whichever team controls the territory at the end of the game, earns the points assigned to that target. Whichever team collects the most points wins the game. Hostile Takeover can seem more complicated than other types of paintball games. With this in mind, AC Paintball has compiled these tips and strategies for you.

    Plan Ahead

    Every paintball game should begin with a good plan. If you neglect to plan, you may end up scrambling at the beginning of the game. Meanwhile, your opponents may be gaining an advantage and making it more difficult for you to win the game. Start every AC Paintball game with a plan, but also be ready to adapt that plan as needed.

    Choosing Roles

    Part of your planning should include who is in charge of what roles. Some people should be in charge of defending the targets you already control. For this role, choose players who are very observant with good aim. Other players will be in charge of gaining new targets. For this role, you should choose your fastest and stealthiest players. It is also a good idea to have some flexible middlemen who can adapt and change roles as needed.

    Have Heavier Defense For Your Highest Point Territory

    Having the most points at the end of the game is what gains you victory. With this in mind, gaining and keeping high point territories will help you win. Therefore, you should place your best defense at your highest point targets.

    Spread Your Team Out

    However, you should also think about the location of each target. Both teams may try to focus targets near the middle of the AC Paintball field. Meanwhile, territories near the corners or sides of the AC Paintball field may not see as much action and will be easier to keep.

    It may work best for you to have your team spread out and collect small territories first. Then focus on high point important targets toward the end of the game. It’s important to take all variables into consideration when formulating a strategy.

    Pay Attention

    There is a lot of information to pay attention to in a Hostile Takeover game. First of all, you have to pay attention to the basics of every paintball game. You have to try to eliminate while not being eliminated yourself.

    On top of this, you will also want to pay attention to who controls which forts. This will affect your strategy throughout the game. For instance, if there isn’t much time left and your team doesn’t control many targets, you will want to focus on the high point targets.


    It’s nearly impossible to pay attention to all of the game factors on your own. With this in mind, communicating with your team becomes very important. Your AC Paintball team needs to be able to communicate quickly, quietly, and effectively.

    One way to accomplish this is to have one or two players in charge of communication. Alternatively, you can create a system for spreading important information amongst your team. Hand signals and Walker-Talkies are also helpful.

    Think Fast and Adjust to Your Opponent

    When you are in a Hostile Takeover AC Paintball game, you are on the clock and need to think fast. Once you receive new information from a teammate you need to adjust your strategy to gain more control over the game.

    With this in mind, it is helpful to have backup plans prepared at the beginning of the game. This way everyone knows what each other will do in certain events and knows how they should react.

  • Tips for Dealing with Conflict on the Paintball Field

    Everyone at AC Paintball is different. Although we are all bonded by an interest in paintball, we have different strengths, different skill levels, different styles, and most of all, different styles of thinking. With this in mind, there is always a chance, however small, that you will end up in conflict with another player. You may eventually meet players that you don’t agree with and end up in an argument.

    These types of situations can be stressful. It can be difficult trying to navigate a disagreement. However, it is not impossible. To help you get through any conflict you may encounter at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey, we have compiled this list of tips below.

    Don’t Respond Angrily

    Don’t fight fire with fire. If you do, everyone will get burnt. You’ve likely heard this saying countless times before. That is because it holds true in a majority of cases. If you disagree with another AC Paintball player, one of the worst ways you can respond is with anger. It will only make the other player angrier. It can be difficult to stay calm when you feel you have been wronged, but if you can manage to do so, the outcome of the conflict will be much better.

    Try to Understand

    Along with avoiding anger, you should also avoid demanding compliance. Just because you think something should be done a certain way, doesn’t mean everyone else agrees. Instead, try to listen and understand the situation from their point of view.

    Try to Find A Compromise

    Once you understand where the other player is coming from, try to figure out a compromise where you can both get what you want, at least partially. Be flexible and willing to negotiate. However, it’s still important to stand up for yourself. Try to find the right balance between the two.

    Kill Them With Kindness

    Another possible tactic is to kill them with kindness. Express to the other AC Paintball player that you don’t want to fight and that you want to resolve the issue as simply as possible. Apologize if you feel it will help. Kindness tends to be contagious. With a little luck, you can end up solving the issue with as little stress as possible.

    Get Help from Others

    If you and the other player can’t find a way to work things out on your own, look to other players for an outsiders opinion. Try to choose someone who doesn’t have connections with either of you. When you are upset, your emotions can cloud your thinking. An outsider who isn’t emotionally attached can give you a more logical solution to your problem.

    If all else fails, you can also go to an AC Paintball referee. They have judged dozens to hundreds of games and may have experienced a similar issue in the past. They can provide an official ruling or at least use their expertise to try to help you work through the problem.

    Let It Go

    Finally, don’t let the conflict ruin your day. Playing paintball at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is supposed to be a fun experience. Our goal is to provide thrilling, safe, and friendly fun to your friends and family.

    Although some issue just can’t be avoided, try to recognize that the issues won’t last forever. You can find a way to work through it. Try to ignore them if you feel the conflict is not worth it. If that doesn’t work, you can move to the other end of the Paintball field or move to a completely different AC Paintball field. Few people enjoy fighting with others, but once the problem has resolved don’t forget to give yourself credit for making it through a tough situation.

  • 5 Reasons Why Encouraging Sports Like Paintball Is Important

    While some may argue that sports are not an essential life activity, there are countless benefits of playing a sport like paintball. Many schools do not prioritize their sports teams, but there are many important lessons you can learn from paintball and other sports that you can’t learn in school. Below are just five reasons why encouraging sports is important.

    Life Lessons

    There are countless useful skills and knowledge you can learn from playing paintball at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey. This includes seeking your passion, finding your place, decision making, independence, leadership skills, and much more.

    These lessons make paintball players better overall people in their day-to-day lives. They help players become someone their peers can respect and be inspired by. To learn more about the life lessons paintball can teach you, check out this AC Paintball blog: https://acpaintball.com/2016/10/31/life-lessons-values-and-skills-you-can-learn-from-paintball/.

    Health Benefits

    When you are healthy, you feel better and are more energetic. Paintball is a highly active sport. You are almost always on the move and may have to dodge, jump, or even crawl from time to time. An AC Paintball game can really get your heart going. If you play often enough, you can strengthen your heart. When your heart is strong, you are less likely to develop diseases related to the heart and can live longer.

    Playing paintball on a regular basis can also help you develop muscles. You can get a full body workout. Running around strengthens your legs while carrying your marker strengthens your arms. Other various paintball activities can also help you strengthen your core.

    Mental Benefits

    Not only does paintball strengthen your body, but it strengthens your mind as well. If you want to win an AC Paintball game, you need a good strategy. Formulating plans and trying to solve problems before they even occur can strengthen your brain and make you smarter. These problem-solving skills are very useful to have in your daily life and highly appreciated in the workplace.

    Along with problem-solving skills, paintball also teaches players how to make decisions quickly. Sometimes you have to make a decision in only seconds and the decision you make will determine if you stay in the AC Paintball game or not. Making tough decisions in high-pressure situations is yet another useful skill you can use in your daily life and in the workplace.

    Build Relationships

    It’s important to have people in your life. You need to have people to count on when you’re in need and to have people who lead you into new opportunities. Playing paintball can help you accomplish this. Bringing your friends and family to AC Paintball is a great way to strengthen your bonds. Being on the same team teaches you to rely on one another while being on opposing teams teaches you how to balance competition and relationships.

    Playing at AC Paintball regularly can also help you network. It allows you to meet new people who share your interest in paintball. This common interest can help you start a conversation. Then once you become better friends you can start to learn new things from each other. Who knows, they could end up introducing you to a new opportunity or you can introduce them to one of your other interests. Before you know it, you could become best friends.

    Builds Confidence and Respect

    Confidence is an important trait to have. It allows to perform better and helps you gain respect. You need confidence to push yourself and achieve your goals. Paintball can help you gain this confidence. While you may not be too confident about jumping into paintball, if you stick with it you can show yourself what you are capable of.

    Many people are anxious about playing paintball when they first start out. It is an intense and extreme sport. However, the more you practice and keep trying, the more you will improve. As mentioned before, over time you will learn and develop many life skills. Developing these skills can make you more competent. The more you know how to do, the more confident you will be. You will learn that you can overcome the life challenges you face and continue to grow.

    Schedule and AC Paintball Game!

    If you want to challenge yourself and grow through paintball, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is a great place to start! You can schedule a game through our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. We hope to see you soon!

  • 5 Reasons to Choose Speedball

    One of the first choices you will have to make once you arrive at AC Paintball is what game you want to play. The two main types of games are speedball and woodsball. Some also consider scenario games as another category. Each one of these game types has even more variations from capture-the-flag to defend-the-castle. You have plenty of choices to suit your preferences. However, first, you need to choose between speedball and woodsball.

    Many experienced players already know their preferences, but if you are new to paintball you may not know which game is right for you. AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is here to help you decide with five reasons to choose speedball. If these reasons don’t convince you, you may be more of a woodsball player.

    Classic Game Type

    When you are first starting out with anything, it is a good idea to start out with the basics. This allows you to get used to new ways of thinking or moving. Speedball is the classic version of paintball. Speedball is the format used for professional tournaments and is what most people imagine when they think of paintball.

    AC Paintball offers two different speedball courses for you to choose from: the Hyperball Field and the Speedball Tournament Field. The Hyperball Field is AC Paintball’s smallest and fastest field. The Speedball Tournament Field meets tournament standards and includes a wide variety of bunkers.

    Quick Games

    One of the main differences between speedball and woodsball is the length of the games. Speedball games are typically over fairly quickly while woodsball games last much longer. This is because speedball fields, as well as teams, are typically small. Most speedball teams are comprised of about 4 or 5 players per team.

    When games are quick, you can get more games in. This gives you a better opportunity to try out different teams and game styles. It also provides more chances for breaks to rehydrate, refuel, and to get more ammo. Woodsball games do not provide quite as many of these opportunities.

    More Interaction

    Speedball also involves more interaction. With smaller fields, you are bound to run into your opponents more often. This also means getting involved in more action. If you are a thrill-seeker and want to get your adrenaline pumping, you will likely end up preferring speedball.

    Level of interaction is one of the main reasons experienced paintball players prefer speedball to woodsball. While both games involve plenty of interaction, speedball interactions are more frequent. In woodsball, there is more time to plan and strategize between interactions. It also involves more patience as many times you have to wait for opponents to come to you. In speedball, the field is so small, it is easier to quickly get to your opponent and target them.

    Stay Out of the Woods

    Some people enjoy being in the woods, while others do not. Being surrounded by nature can help you relax, but when playing paintball, it is more difficult terrain. Speedball fields are more artificial and therefore, have even terrain. You don’t have to worry too much about where and how you step. In woodsball, you have to be more careful to watch out for fallen sticks and other debris.

    Wooded fields also mean more bugs. While you can experience bug issues on both fields, you are more likely to run into bugs in a wooded field. Therefore, it is a good idea to bring some bug spray with you on your trip to AC Paintball in southern New Jersey.

    You Are Wearing Bright Colors

    Another factor that can help you determine if you want to play speedball or woodsball is what you wear to AC Paintball. When playing woodsball, players wearing camouflage have the advantage of blending in with the terrain. If you are wearing bright colors in the woods, you will stand out and become a target more often. Therefore, if you wear bright colors to AC Paintball, you may fare better on the speedball field where everyone can easily be seen.

  • Paintball Basics

    Before you become a master of anything, you have to understand the basics. While every sport, including paintball, has intricate skills, tricks, and strategies you can learn, it’s important to get the basics down first.

    Whether you are new to paintball, or just want to get back to the basics, AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is here to help with these basic tips to help you simplify the game. By keeping things simple, you can help improve your focus and your game.


    Before you even leave for AC Paintball, you should start preparing for your game. The better you prepare, the easier your day at AC Paintball will be. You can check out some of these helpful AC Paintball blogs to help you prepare.

    When you eat right, wear the right clothing, and bring the right extra items, you can be more comfortable and focused on your AC Paintball game. When you are more comfortable and focused, you will be more successful.

    Go Into Every AC Paintball Game With a Plan

    If you run into your AC Paintball game without a plan, you will likely end up overwhelmed. There are a lot of different aspects to decide including, where to position yourself, what your goal is, and who to shoot at. This is a lot to figure out on the fly, so you should try to plan before your AC Paintball game begins.

    This is actually something your team should plan out together. Coordinate where each person will go and what their role will be. If everyone is playing alone and making their own decisions, it can be difficult to gain an advantage over your opponents. However, if you work together, you can formulate a strategy that makes your team much more powerful.

    Always Test Your Equipment

    Once you have properly prepared f and formulated a plan, you have one last task to perform before your AC Paintball game begins. This task is to test your equipment. Make sure your marker is working properly, your mask is on tight and that you have enough ammo. This will help make sure you don’t run into any problems once the game begins.

    Trying out your marker can also help you aim better during the game. If your gun doesn’t fire perfectly straight, you can adjust and improve your accuracy so that you can eliminate more opponents.

    Take Time to Aim

    Half of an AC Paintball game is trying to eliminate your opponents. To do so you have to hit them with a paintball which means you need good aim. While time is of the essence, in many cases you will be more successful if you take a few extra seconds to aim rather than just firing in your target’s general direction.

    It can also be tempting to use the spray-and-pray method, but this is not always the best option. While it increases your chances of hitting your opponents, it also wastes more ammo. However, if you get ambushed by the other team, the spray-and-pray method can be helpful. Use your best judgment to determine if it is appropriate to use.

    Keep a Low Profile

    The other half of an AC Paintball game is avoiding getting hit so you can stay in the game and eliminate your opponents. The best way to accomplish this is to keep a low profile. The smaller the target you become for your opponents, the more difficult it will be for them to eliminate you. Use the bunkers often and try to keep as much of your body covered as possible. If you try to shoot from behind a bunker, only stick your head out for a second or two. You will also want to keep your arms tucked behind the bunker.

    Keep Moving

    Another way to avoid elimination is to keep moving. If you stay in the same place for too long, you give your opponent’s the opportunity to surround you. It is also more difficult to hit a target on the move than it is to hit a target that is standing still. You may also find it helpful to run in a zig-zag pattern to make it more difficult for your opponents to judge where you will be at a certain time.


    As mentioned before, your AC Paintball team will be a lot more successful if they work together. This means your team needs to communicate often. Make sure everyone knows where they are going and what they are supposed to do. If any part of your team’s strategy changes, it is also important to keep everyone informed. There are many ways to communicate on the field. You can use code words, hand signals, Walkie-Talkies, or have an assigned communicator in charge of delivering messages.

    You will also want to consider stealth when thinking about communication. You don’t want to be yelling across the field all the time. This gives away your position and gives your opponents an advantage.

    Play Safely and Have Fun!

    Paintball is an intense sport. Therefore, you will want to take a little extra care to make sure you and your AC Paintball group don’t get hurt. Be sure to follow the rules, listen to the ref, and, as stated before, make sure all of your equipment is working properly.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun. A day at AC Paintball should not be stressful. AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey, is a place to have fun, and enjoy the day with your friends, family, or group. While people are sure to get competitive in their drive to win, it is important not to ruin anyone’s day in the process. Be friendly and show good sportsmanship. Doing so will help make your day at AC Paintball a memorable one.

  • Paintball Dodging Tips

    In most AC Paintball games, once you get hit, you are out of the game. With this in mind, dodging becomes a very useful skill. If your opponent is close to you and they have a good gun, it can be nearly impossible to dodge a paintball. However, if you are playing on one of AC Paintball’s wooded fields and are spread out, you have a better chance to dodge a shot that is fired toward you. Therefore, it is important to know how to do so. Below are seven tips that can help you dodge paintballs so you can stay in the AC Paintball game.

    Read Your Opponent

    Start avoiding getting hit before any shots are even fired. Pay close attention to the field. If you notice an opponent aiming at you, watch where they are facing. Then move away from where they are facing. This process will happen fast. It only takes a few seconds to aim and fire so it is important to think faster and stay ahead of your opponent.

    Run In a Zig-Zag Pattern

    If possible, start to dodge before your AC Paintball opponent even gets their finger on the trigger. Run away if you can. As you do, dart back and forth with a zig-zag motion if possible. When you run in a straight line, your opponent may be able to predict where you will be in a few seconds and aim for that spot. However, if you run in an uneven pattern, it will be more difficult to do so.

    Stay Near a Bunker

    You may also find it helpful to stay near a bunker. This way, if you get caught in a tough situation, you can simply dive behind the bunker to take cover. Just make sure you still know where all of your opponents are. You don’t want one to sneak up on you.

    Another useful tactic is to take a walk around the AC Paintball field before your game starts. This will let give you an idea where all of the bunkers are. If you study the layout carefully, you may even see a path of bunkers that you can strategically use to get from one side of the AC Paintball field to the other safely.

    Don’t Always Dodge In the Same Direction

    If your opponent is very observant and strategic, they may start to notice patterns in the way you play. Maybe you always play the same position, maybe you are favoring a certain bunker, or maybe you always dodge the same way.

    When your opponent learns your tendencies, they can use them against you. Therefore, you should try and change up your strategy, playing style, and how you dodge from game to game. Unpredictability can be a valuable attribute during an intense AC Paintball game.

    Don’t Take Too Long to Get Up

    In certain situations, you may dive onto the ground to dodge a paintball. If this happens, it is important to get back up quickly. If you stay on the ground for too long, your opponents can surround you and eliminate you.

    Rolling as you dive is one of the best ways to dodge while allowing you a way to get back up quickly. Do some research and learn proper techniques so you don’t get hurt. Try to land on a part of your body with more fat and muscle to help cushion your fall.

    Practice Moving Speed

    In most cases, the biggest factor that will determine if you safely dodge a paintball or not is how fast you are able to move. If you plan on playing at AC Paintball regularly, it is a good idea to work on your reflexes and reaction speed. In a paintball game, every second matters. If you can move even just a few inches farther in a second, it can help you dodge a shot and stay in the AC Paintball game.

    Practice Dodging at AC Paintball

    The best way to improve your dodging skills, as well as all of your other skills, is to just play. The more you do, the better you will get. To schedule a game at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey, visit our website. Alternatively, you can call 609-561-3883. Happy paintballing!

  • Offensive Tips for Paintball

    In any sport, there are who main parts of the game; there is offense and there is defense. Offense focuses on achieving a goal so your team can win the game, while defense focuses on stopping the opponent from achieving their goal. In this AC Paintball blog, you will find some useful offensive tips that can help you and your team win your AC Paintball game. If you are interested in defensive tips instead, check out this AC Paintball blog: “Defensive Tips for Paintball.”

    Choose Your Equipment and Outfit Wisely

    The first step to playing offense effectively is to choose the right equipment. In many cases, playing offense involves a lot of running. With this in mind, it is important to choose light-weight equipment. Lightweight equipment may not have the same power as other guns, but having heavier equipment will weigh you down and impede your ability to run.

    You will also want to choose light clothing for the same reason. It is also a good idea to make sure your clothing doesn’t make much noise as you run. This will help you be stealthy if you have to sneak somewhere to capture a flag or surprise an opponent.

    Divide and Conquer, Use Flanking

    Next, you will want to start thinking about strategy. One popular strategy for playing offense is divide and conquer. If your entire team stays together, it becomes easy for your opponents to simply shoot at your group and start eliminating players. On the other hand, if you split up, your opponents have to find you first and can only take out a few at a time, if any at all.

    Flanking is another useful tactic you can use. It involves splitting up and surrounding your AC Paintball opponent on either side. By using flanking you can catch your opponents off guard and disorient their focus so you can close in around them.

    Set Up Ambushes

    Ambushing is another popular tactic you can use while playing offense at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey. Ambushing involves you and a few of your teammates hiding in an area and waiting for an opponent to come by. Then when they do come by, you come out from hiding and go all out to eliminate them.

    Ambushes are a good way to eliminate dangerous opponents and to induce a bit of fear in the other team. However, ambushes do make a lot of noise. Therefore, you should make sure to only use them at an appropriate time.

    Hit and Run

    If you are playing offense, you will be doing a lot of shooting at your opponents. Firing your marker will grab the attention of everyone in the area. When this happens, there is a good likelihood that your opponents will start firing back at you.

    If you stick around, you could likely be hit and eliminated from the game. Therefore, it is a good idea to run away after you have fired your gun. As you do so, try to run in a zig-zag pattern. If you run in a straight line, it will be easier for your opponents to predict your position and hit you when they fire back.

    Don’t Just Use the Spray and Pray Method

    Firing rapidly looks really fun, but it’s not the best tactic for playing offense. It typically only works as a last defensive resort when you get ambushed. The spray and pray shooting method wastes paintballs and gives away your position. In most cases, you are better off taking the extra time to aim and just fire one shot, or a few more if you happen to miss. This is especially true for snipers whose job is to stay hidden and take out important opponents.

    Take Chances

    In defense, playing it safe is usually a good idea, but when you play offense, taking chances is a better strategy. While you still want to make smart choices, taking risky chances is often how AC Paintball games are won. As Wayne Gretzky once said, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.”

    You are in a race against your opponents to accomplish your goal. This means you have to act fast. Be sure to have a plan going into your AC PAintball game and try to get a head start against your opponents. After that, if you see a chance to give your team the upper hand or win the game, take it. Just make sure there is not a large chance of your plan backfiring and putting your team in a difficult spot. Good luck and have fun!

  • Become a Better Athlete By Trying New Sports

    As an athlete, you should always strive to improve your skills. The best and most common way to accomplish this is by practicing the skills your sport requires the most. However, once you have a good base set of skills, expanding your horizon and trying other sports can help take your skills even further. By using your current skills in a different way and gaining new skills you can become a better overall athlete. Below you will find just a few ways that trying a different sport can improve your skills in your favorite sport.

    Learn New Physical Skills

    If you only play one sport, you likely practice the same movements over and over again. This will help build up the muscles and improve the muscle memory of the body parts you use the most. This is a good technique, but trying another sport and building up other muscles can make you stronger all around. When you are stronger all around, you can do more and become a more valuable player.

    Playing paintball at AC Paintball is a great way to improve your overall physical fitness. Paintball requires a lot of endurance, strength, and movement so you are sure to learn something new and useful.

    Learn New Mental Skills

    Not only does playing different sports boost your physical skills, but it boosts your mental skills as well. When you perform the same drills over and over again, your brain starts to get used to the same thing and you don’t have to think as much. However, games are more unpredictable and require more thought. You need to keep your mind sharp if you want to outwit your opponents. Trying other sports is a great way to accomplish this. You are not used to the actions so you have to problem solve and figure out the best way to accomplish your goals. This keeps your brain healthy.

    Visiting AC Paintball is also a great way to boost your mental health. Paintball is a highly strategic game that requires planning and thought if you want to be successful. You have to get into your opponent’s heads and figure out how to gain the upper hand.

    Challenge Yourself, Get Inspired, and Build Your Confidence

    While you love your sport and are enjoy playing it often, there may be times when it gets boring. You may lose your drive from time to time. When this happens, trying a new sport is a great way to challenge yourself.

    As mentioned before, trying a new sport gives you different challenges and allows you to think in different ways. You can learn a lesson in one sport that translates well to another. These new lessons can inspire you and give you new interest in your sport. Overcoming the challenges will also give you more confidence which will translate to you playing better.

    Individual vs. Team Sports

    In sports such as golf, gymnastics, and swimming a single individual can be the entire team. In sports such as soccer, volleyball, basketball, and hockey you need 6 or more players working together to play the game. Trying a sport with a different type of team can also offer a new perspective.

    When you play in a team, you learn to focus on communication and supporting your teammates. You also have to figure out what position to put each player in to succeed. On the other hand, when you play an individual sport, you learn to stand on your own and handle more responsibilities. If you make a mistake, no one else is there to make up for your mistake. Paintball can help you practice with this idea as you can play individually, in a small team, or in a team with as many as 100 people.  

    Visit AC Paintball to Try Paintball!

    Want to try out paintball and see what it can teach you! AC Paintball in southern New Jersey would be happy to host your game! You can schedule a game here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call 609-561-3883. We look forward to helping you improve your overall skills as an athlete and providing you with a fun learning experience.

  • Extra Items to Bring to a Paintball Game

    When it comes to paintball, the more prepared you are, the easier your AC Paintball experience will go and the more comfortable you will be. There are a variety of crucial items to remember such as proper clothing and footwear, your paintball equipment, and your waiver. However, there are also many items you can bring that aren’t absolutely necessary, but would be helpful to bring. To help you improve your AC Paintball experience, we have created this list of other helpful items to bring.

    Spray Bottle and Towel

    Whether the day is bright and sunny or cloudy and rainy, a spray bottle and a towel can be helpful. If it is hot, you will likely sweat a lot. The spray bottle can provide a refreshing mist to cool you down while the towel will help you dry off. Keeping your hands dry can help you grip your paintball marker better and keeping your mask dry will help make sure you can see well to play. On a rainy day, it is especially important to keep everything as dry as possible.

    Cooler and Refreshments

    It is crucial to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated while playing paintball. Having a cooler can help make sure your drinks stay nice and cold, which will make for a more refreshing drink after playing in the hot sun. You may also want to keep some healthy snacks in the cooler so you can keep up your energy as well.

    First Aid Kit

    You may also want to bring along a small first aid kit. If you happen to get any scrapes, bruises or welts, you can treat them so they don’t get worse. You can also add some ibuprofen to help relieve your muscles after running around AC Paintball’s fields near Atlantic City, New Jersey.


    As stated before, it is important to keep yourself and your equipment dry when it rains. One of the best ways to keep yourself dry is with a poncho. It may make being stealthy a bit more difficult if you are playing woodsball, but it will block and protect your clothing from getting covered in paint.

    Bug Spray

    If you decide to play in one of AC Paintball’s wooded fields, there is a chance of encountering bugs. Bugs and bug bites can be annoying and distracting. By bringing along some bug spray, you can help keep bugs away so you can better focus on your game.


    If you choose a hot and sunny day for your AC Paintball game, it is very important to protect your skin. Your muscles will likely be aching after a long paintball session, you don’t need sunburn to make things worse. Remember to reapply the sunscreen every once and a while during your AC Paintball session as well.


    Gripping a paintball gun with bare hand can make your hands hurt after a while. It may also be difficult to keep a good grip. If you don’t want to have this problem, bring along some gloves when you come to AC Paintball. Your hands will thank you later.

    Extra Clothing

    The sport is called paintball. You will get covered in paint during your AC Paintball game. Therefore, it is a good idea to bring along extra clothing to change into once your game is over. Bring an extra top, bottoms, socks, and underwear. This way you can be more comfortable and not get paint all over your car.


    AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is a great place to make memories with your friends and family. The best way to capture these memories is by bringing along a camera to take a few pictures during your visit. Then you can print out your photos and place them around your home or you can just post them on social media to show your friends and family what you have been up to.

  • Is Paintball For My Child?

    Paintball is an intense sport that isn’t for everyone. Whether your child wants to play on their own or was invited to an AC Paintball party, it is important to think about if they can handle playing. You don’t want them to run into any issues, get hurt, or get into a conflict with the other players. Below are seven questions you can ask yourself to help you determine if paintball is right for your child.

    Are They Old Enough To Play?

    The first thing you will want to check is whether or not your child is old enough. At AC Paintball our age limit is ten and up. It is also worth noting that minors will need their safety waiver signed by a parent, guardian, or temporary guardian with legal responsibility for the child.

    Do They Take Well To New Experiences?

    Next, you will want to think about how your child typically reacts to new experiences. Do they take to them like a duck in water or are they more on the skittish side? As stated before, paintball is an intense sport. If your child gets intimidated by new experiences, playing at AC Paintball may be too much for them.

    Think about other intense experiences they have tried. Have they ridden roller coasters or enjoyed a fireworks show? Were they okay with it? Thinking about past experiences is one of the best ways to determine if your child will be okay with paintball.

    Are They Outgoing?

    Not only is paintball highly stimulating, but it also requires a great deal of communication. Teammates have to constantly talk to each other and communicate their plans. If your child is more on the shy side, they may struggle with this aspect, but it is not a make-or-break quality. If your child is shy, playing paintball may help them learn to be more outgoing.

    Do They Get Hurt Easily?

    During a game, paintballs fly at players at high speeds. Getting hit with a paintball does sting, especially if your muscle tissue is weak where you get hit. A paintball can also bruise the skin or cause welts. Some children are more tolerant of getting hit than others. Talk to your child and make sure they understand everything involved.

    If you and your child decide to go forward with the paintball game, there are some extra measures you can take to help prevent your child from getting hurt. Have them wear extra padding or layers of clothing and make sure all of their equipment is fitted properly.

    Can They Understand and Follow the Rules?

    Following the rules is very important in ensuring your child and the rest of the party does not get hurt. Ask yourself if your child is a good listener and if they can follow the rules. Before they arrive at AC Paintball, make it clear to them that it is important to listen to the AC Paintball staff and refs. This will help make sure their day goes well without issues.

    Are They Observant?

    Playing paintball also takes an observant eye. You have to constantly scan the field to look for opponents. If you don’t pay close attention, you can get eliminated quickly or miss your chance to eliminate your opponents. Like the ability to be outgoing, this is not a make or break quality. However, it is something extra to think about when determining if paintball is right for your child.  

    How Competitive Are They?

    Has your child tried other sports before? How competitive were they? Paintball is a sport that is easy to lose yourself in your competitive nature. If your opponent catches you by surprise, it is easy to think of it as unfair and get upset. If you do decide to let your child play, it is a good idea to let them know that it is just a game and that getting eliminated is not the end of the world. AC Paintball also provides refs for each game to help ensure that the games stay fair.  

    Try It Out At AC Paintball Near Atlantic City!

    If you are still a bit unsure and want to let your child try in a friendly more controlled environment, AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is the place to do so. Our goal is to help our players have fun and enjoy their paintball experience. If you have any other questions or concerns, talk to one of our staff members and we will do our best to help you.

    If your child tries paintball and decides they don’t like it, there are plenty of other activities to participate both on-site or in the area. On-site we have an emu farm your child can visit or they can just hang out and watch their friends play paintball. AC Paintball is also just a short drive to the beach, boardwalk, and dozens of other Atlantic City activities.