• Paintball Basics

    Before you become a master of anything, you have to understand the basics. While every sport, including paintball, has intricate skills, tricks, and strategies you can learn, it’s important to get the basics down first.

    Whether you are new to paintball, or just want to get back to the basics, AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is here to help with these basic tips to help you simplify the game. By keeping things simple, you can help improve your focus and your game.


    Before you even leave for AC Paintball, you should start preparing for your game. The better you prepare, the easier your day at AC Paintball will be. You can check out some of these helpful AC Paintball blogs to help you prepare.

    When you eat right, wear the right clothing, and bring the right extra items, you can be more comfortable and focused on your AC Paintball game. When you are more comfortable and focused, you will be more successful.

    Go Into Every AC Paintball Game With a Plan

    If you run into your AC Paintball game without a plan, you will likely end up overwhelmed. There are a lot of different aspects to decide including, where to position yourself, what your goal is, and who to shoot at. This is a lot to figure out on the fly, so you should try to plan before your AC Paintball game begins.

    This is actually something your team should plan out together. Coordinate where each person will go and what their role will be. If everyone is playing alone and making their own decisions, it can be difficult to gain an advantage over your opponents. However, if you work together, you can formulate a strategy that makes your team much more powerful.

    Always Test Your Equipment

    Once you have properly prepared f and formulated a plan, you have one last task to perform before your AC Paintball game begins. This task is to test your equipment. Make sure your marker is working properly, your mask is on tight and that you have enough ammo. This will help make sure you don’t run into any problems once the game begins.

    Trying out your marker can also help you aim better during the game. If your gun doesn’t fire perfectly straight, you can adjust and improve your accuracy so that you can eliminate more opponents.

    Take Time to Aim

    Half of an AC Paintball game is trying to eliminate your opponents. To do so you have to hit them with a paintball which means you need good aim. While time is of the essence, in many cases you will be more successful if you take a few extra seconds to aim rather than just firing in your target’s general direction.

    It can also be tempting to use the spray-and-pray method, but this is not always the best option. While it increases your chances of hitting your opponents, it also wastes more ammo. However, if you get ambushed by the other team, the spray-and-pray method can be helpful. Use your best judgment to determine if it is appropriate to use.

    Keep a Low Profile

    The other half of an AC Paintball game is avoiding getting hit so you can stay in the game and eliminate your opponents. The best way to accomplish this is to keep a low profile. The smaller the target you become for your opponents, the more difficult it will be for them to eliminate you. Use the bunkers often and try to keep as much of your body covered as possible. If you try to shoot from behind a bunker, only stick your head out for a second or two. You will also want to keep your arms tucked behind the bunker.

    Keep Moving

    Another way to avoid elimination is to keep moving. If you stay in the same place for too long, you give your opponent’s the opportunity to surround you. It is also more difficult to hit a target on the move than it is to hit a target that is standing still. You may also find it helpful to run in a zig-zag pattern to make it more difficult for your opponents to judge where you will be at a certain time.


    As mentioned before, your AC Paintball team will be a lot more successful if they work together. This means your team needs to communicate often. Make sure everyone knows where they are going and what they are supposed to do. If any part of your team’s strategy changes, it is also important to keep everyone informed. There are many ways to communicate on the field. You can use code words, hand signals, Walkie-Talkies, or have an assigned communicator in charge of delivering messages.

    You will also want to consider stealth when thinking about communication. You don’t want to be yelling across the field all the time. This gives away your position and gives your opponents an advantage.

    Play Safely and Have Fun!

    Paintball is an intense sport. Therefore, you will want to take a little extra care to make sure you and your AC Paintball group don’t get hurt. Be sure to follow the rules, listen to the ref, and, as stated before, make sure all of your equipment is working properly.

    Finally, and most importantly, have fun. A day at AC Paintball should not be stressful. AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey, is a place to have fun, and enjoy the day with your friends, family, or group. While people are sure to get competitive in their drive to win, it is important not to ruin anyone’s day in the process. Be friendly and show good sportsmanship. Doing so will help make your day at AC Paintball a memorable one.

  • Paintball Advice for Newbies

    paintball birthdayYour first paintball game is likely to be an exciting and fun experience. Whether you’re hitting the field for a work event, bachelor party, celebration, or just want to give it a try, you are in for a great time. Often new players ask us for helpful information or insider tips before their first game. While you can probably learn a lot more simply from experience on the field, here are a few key pieces of information every newbie should know:

    1. Don’t Be Fearful of the Paintball

    Never be afraid of the paintball. Getting shot for the first time is more shocking than painful. It hurts a lot less than expected, especially when wearing layers and pads. Remember that distance is a key factor as well and many shots are fired from far away. After the initial sting, adrenaline and excitement from the game will take over and you won’t even notice (if you are very worried about it, you can check out this blog for more details and advice: “Does it Hurt to Get Hit with a Paintball?

    It’s important to not let fear of the paintball keep you hidden in one spot the entire game. You will be very bored and probably still get hit regardless. Take a chance and make a move! Even if you get shot, you will have a lot more fun while doing so.

    2. Never Remove Goggles While on the Field

    I’ve got to get real for a second and give you some very important safety advice: Never remove your mask until you are in the safety zone. After the game, wait until all barrel plugs are in place. Getting shot in the face at a close range can be very painful and potentially dangerous. This is the number one cause of all paintball injuries. Do not ignore this advice and risk serious injury.

    3. Don’t Call Yourself “Out” Before You’re Sure

    Sometimes the paintball that hits you will bounce. The good news: you aren’t out unless it breaks and you have noticeable paint stain (generally the size of a quarter at most fields). If you feel yourself get hit, look to make sure the paintball actually broke before you call yourself out. Call over a referee for a paint check if you are unsure or can’t see the spot that it hit you. However, if you are covered in paint because a paintball broke near you (but not on you) you are still considered in the game at most fields.

    sideshot4. Remember the Objective of Each Game

    Pay attention to the rules and objective of the game because these can differ by type. Generally, woodsball is played capture the flag style and you’ll need to defend or rescue a flag while shooting other with paint and avoiding the shot yourself. This is probably the style you will play during your first game. However, there are many other game variations and special rules that may be played. Just make sure to follow along and remember the objective of the specific game.

    5. Make Sure to Have Fun

    Always remember to have fun! That is the primary reason everyone showed up to the field. Sure, paintball is competitive and you want to win, but don’t get so caught up in the strategy that forget to have fun. Don’t be so focused on your fears or anxiety of getting hit that you forget why you came. Also, if you are worried about looking like a newbie, don’t sweat it. Everyone is a newbie at some point! Take risks during your first game and you will learn, gain experience, and won’t be a newbie next time around.

    Be sure to check out our other blog posts for more paintball advice and tips!

  • Paintball Strategy Tips for Beginners

    texture5Everyone is a paintball newbie at some point. There are many things that players can only learn from experience on the field. However, just because you are just starting out doesn’t mean you should always have to lose! I want to share some key pieces of paintball strategy advice to speed up your learning process. New players should not have to be at a disadvantage when facing more experienced players. Put these strategy tips into practice and surprise your teammates and opposing players!

    1. Don’t Give Away Your Position Too Soon

    Always evaluate the risk of giving away your position before you shoot. As soon as you fire, expect every nearby player to immediately spot you and shoot back. Paintball guns can be pretty loud! It’s worth it if you think you have a pretty good chance of shooting someone out.

    You don’t want to waste paint or risk revealing your position by firing at opponents that are too far away or covered. Stay quiet and work with teammates to move into a better position to increase your chances of actually shooting out the other player.

    Another reason to shoot at a nearby opponent is to cause a distraction so that a teammate can safely move into a new position. Your attempted shot may also keep that opponent in that position so that they become vulnerable. Teamwork is the name of the game!  Though you might get shot out in the process, your teammate is now in a much better position to eventually shoot that opponent out.

    2. Look for Opponents But Don’t Let Them See You

    You have a huge advantage if you spot a hidden player before they see you. Remember to scan the field quickly and quietly to search for opposing players. You will learn how to do this quicker and quicker with experience. Do not look down too long or become unconscious of your surroundings. It only takes a second for someone to notice you when you look away and then you may be quickly ambushed by the other team! Even if another player does spot you first, staying aware of the space around you will allow you some time to react and run or seek cover.

    3. Hide in Spaces with Good Coverage

    Seek out hiding spots with good coverage so that you never expose more of your body than you have to. Those that have played on the field previously may have an advantage when it comes to familiarity with the field. New players should always walk around the field before gameplay to look for good spots if the rules allow.

    When moving out of cover to scan the field, be careful not to reveal too much of your body. Nearby opponents are more likely to notice your full body than just your head and arms.

    Another smart strategic move is to frequently change up the ways you move out of position. If you suspect that an opponent has spotted you, don’t attack directly from your current position. Change it up and run around the bunker to shoot from the opposite side if opportunity allows. Surprising the other players by popping up from an unexpected position may be enough to give you the upper hand.

    dualsideshot4. Communicate and Use Teamwork

    Paintball is first and foremost a team sport and working together can make or break a game. Even highly skilled players can be bested by beginners that have superior communication. Talk before the game to establish some type of strategy or plan. Figure out who should defend certain parts of the field and where each player should hide. Even the simplest of plans can help you team work together more efficiently.

    During the game, communication can help your team execute plans. Let your nearby teammates know if you spot an opposing player or if you want to ambush someone. If you’re ready to make a run for it, let your teammates know so they can provide coverage for you. Tell your team when you shoot someone out so they can keep track of how many players are left.

    Sharing this collective knowledge is what puts your team ahead and helps you win. However, make sure to keep it discreet and quiet so that the other team does not overhear.

    5. Don’t Make Yourself Vulnerable to an Ambush

    Playing it safe and hanging back too much won’t result in a very fun game. However, moving too quickly or rashly can expose you to unnecessary ambushes and cause you to get shot out early. The worst case scenario is a wall of paint immediately fired in your direction. Even if you aren’t fired at instantly, you will probably be spotted by everyone on the opposite team. They will soon plan an ambush or drive you into poor position. If this does happen, be sure to yell for your teammates. Maybe they can help you out of the position or provide covering fire.

    A better idea is to take a few moments to think of a plan. Don’t play it too safe, but don’t move too recklessly either. Make a conscious decisions about your position and always try to think ahead. This is something that you will develop with experience, but at least staying aware of the possibilities during your first game will help you avoid the worst case scenarios.

  • Does it Hurt to Get Hit With a Paintball?

    If you are about to play paintball for the first time, AC Paintball welcomes you to this exciting game of strategy, action, and adventure. Feel free to browse our blog posts for tips and tricks on gear, strategy, equipment, and more. This post will look at the most popular question paintball newbies ask us: Does it hurt to get shot?

    The answer is not as bad as you might think, so don’t allow fear of potential pain prevent you from trying paintball for the first time. Yes, getting hit with a paintball on the bare skin of a sensitive body part at a high speed, close range, and direct angle would certainly hurt quite a bit. However, in reality that is most often not the way it happens. With protective clothing and a safe range, most times you will only feel a strong thump on your body. There are many other precautions and safety measures paintball players can take to avoid and minimize pain.

    green paintballs

    How to Reduce Pain When Playing Paintball

    1. Wear Layers of Clothing

    Wear loose fitting clothing and as many layers as the weather will allow. Sweatshirts, sweatpants, and camouflage jackets are all great choices if it is cool enough outside. The thick cloth will absorb much of the impact and the paint will actually break less often. As you continue to play paintball regularly, it is a great idea to invest in specialized clothing that provides padding and extra protection in vital areas.

    During the summer or in hotter climates this is obviously more difficult to do. However, try to wear at least a light a thin long sleeve shirt and light pants, plus gloves and goggles (check out our collection of high-quality rental gear if you don’t have your own). Even just one protective layer is ideal over bare skin.

    2. Protect Sensitive Spots

    The most sensitive areas to get hit are the hands, neck, top of head, and thighs. Always wear paintball gloves with padding and armor on the back to protect the hands if you are worried about pain. Find gloves that are comfortable and allow for flexibility as you will need to operate the marker quickly during games. The top of the head is vulnerable to shots when you are crawling toward an opponent, so make sure to have cover during this time. Your neck should be protected with almost any type of mask, but be careful when looking upwards as this will probably expose the neck.

    Direct shots hurt more than angled shots, but it is obviously difficult to control the direction from which an opponent shoots you. Just keep this in mind and try to deflect a shot from the side if at all possible.

    3. Follow Safety Rules

    Each field will have their own safety rules to be explained before play, but they are generally some variation of the following. To be eliminated, a player must be directly hit on any part of their body, gear, or equipment. The paintball must break and leave a mark about the size of a quarter. When you are hit, yell “I’m hit” or “I’m out” to avoid duplicate hits. Hold your arms and marker in the air as you walk off the field so opponents know that’s where you are headed. If you aren’t sure if a hit counts as an out, yell “paint check” and a referee will come over and let you know.

    4. Agree on the Surrender Rule

    The surrender rule is in place generally to allow beginning players to get the hang of the game without the fear of being bombarded and shot painfully by more experienced players. The surrender rule allows players the option to surrender if an opponent has a direct shot on them within 10 to 15 feet. The opponent should yell “surrender,” “point blank,” or “freeze” to let the player know they can shoot them at a close range. The player should comply verbally or simply raise their hands to avoid being hit. If the player refuses and attempts to run or shoot, they will probably take a painful shot. However, it’s good sportsmanship to fire at the foot when in close range to minimize pain.

    5. Keep a Strategic Position
    Communicate and work with your team to avoid being bombarded by shots. One mistake rookies often make it forgetting that paintball is a team sport and not individual. Never run into the middle of the field blindly without any plan because this will overexpose yourself to the other team. It’s better to be strategic and develop a plan that involves cover from your teammates, a tree, bunker, or obstacle. Try to have an idea of where your opponents are at all times as well.

    Position is very important in paintball. Get caught in a vulnerable position and you can get shot more times in a few seconds than a few hours time in a strategic position. Remember that there is safety in numbers and acting with teammates instead of alone greatly reduces your chances of getting shot.

    “Paintballs green” by Makkonen – Self-photographed. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons – http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Paintballs_green.jpg#/media/File:Paintballs_green.jpg