• Tips to Bring Intermediate Players Up to a Professional Level

    At AC Paintball in near Atlantic City, New Jersey we welcome players of all levels of experience. Whether you are a beginner or a professional, you are sure to enjoy playing on one of our six unique fields. We enjoy watching our players have fun and improve their skills. We have witnessed many players go from beginners to intermediate players and some even to a pro-level. If this is something you are looking to accomplish, check out these tips from AC Paintball. 

    Invest In Your Own Marker and Gear

    If you are just a beginner, it doesn’t make much sense to buy your own equipment. If you end up not liking paintball, you waste your money. When you are a beginner, it makes more sense to rent equipment from AC Paintball. 

    However, if you are intermediate and have been playing for a significant amount of time, you may want to invest in equipment that is better suited to you. Maybe you enjoy playing a certain position and want to have a marker that can improve your performance. If you are an intermediate player looking to step up your game, getting better gear is a good first step. 

    Learn How Properly Maintain Your Gear

    If you are going to get your own gear, it only makes sense that you learn how to properly maintain it. At AC Paintball we maintain all of the rental gear, so that is something you don’t have to worry about. However, if you invest your money in higher-quality equipment, you will want it to last as long as possible. This way, you can get your money’s worth. With this in mind, you should do some research or have a professional teach you how to care for your marker and other equipment. 

    Learn Advanced Tricks

    On top of improving your gear, you can also improve your own skills. You can learn some more advanced tricks that most beginners can’t do. This includes skills such as shooting with both hands or shooting different trick shots. The more things you know how to do, the more valuable player you become. However, it is also important to do these things well. Be sure to work on consistency before the number of skills.

    Know How To Adjust

    You never know that the weather will be like the day you visit AC Paintball in southern New Jersey. The weather can significantly impact your game. For instance, the sun can wear you out faster, wind can affect your aim, and rain can make it slipperier and difficult to see. A true professional paintball player knows how to adjust their game to various circumstances so be sure to work on this skill. 

    Resolve Bad Habits

    Almost every athlete has some bad habits early on in their sports career. They may have poor timing, poor posture, not know how to position themselves, etc. If you still have any bad habits as a paintball player, be sure to resolve them so your game can improve. Work on skills such as pulling the trigger at the right time, posture, aiming, positioning, and decision-making. 

    Build Endurance

    Paintball is an intense sport that can wear you out quickly. If you are new to paintball and get worn out quickly, this can affect your playing ability late game. If the AC Paintball game is neck and neck, you don’t want to lose simply because you don’t have the energy. Therefore, it makes sense to work on your cardio and endurance so you can be at your best throughout the entire game. 

    Create New Strategies 

    Many beginners stick to basic strategies. It allows them to improve basic skills so they can keep up with everyone else. However, if you are playing against seasoned professionals, you are going to have to step up your strategy. If you can learn to be tricky and outplay your opponents mentally, you will become more successful overall. 

    Learn How to Be a Good Leader

    Finally, most professional paintball players know how to be a good leader. They know how to be a good team player, they set a good example and are someone other players can look up to. If you want to be recognized as a professional, become one of the most respectable players on the AC Paintball field. 

    Become a Pro By Practicing at AC Paintball

    Ready to become a professional? Visit AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey to work on your skills. You can schedule a visit here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/ or by calling 609-561-3883.

  • Tips and Strategies for a Bomb-the-Base AC Paintball Game

    Among the many different games you can play during your trip to AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is bomb-the-base. Bomb-the-base is a fun game that takes capture-the-flag and twists it into a new game. Instead of trying to capture a flag, each team starts off with a “bomb” and has to take it to a specific location. This position can be a neutral territory if you wish or somewhere within the opposing team’s base. 

    This type of twist calls for a somewhat different strategy as well as different skills. To help you make the right choices for your bomb-the-base AC Paintball game, check out these helpful tips below. 

    Choose Fast Teammates

    One of the first things you have to do before you start your AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey is to choose your teams. If you are a captain, you are going to want to choose some of the fastest players. While in some games you may want to focus on having accurate shooters first, in bomb-the-base it is critical to have someone you can get to your opponent’s base quickly and without getting hit. Once you have a couple of good runners, then you can focus on accurate shooters for defensive purposes. 

    Choose a Fast Acting Strategy but Don’t Forget Defense

    In an AC Paintball bomb-the-base game, the team that usually wins is the one with the best fast-acting strategy. You need to gain an advantage on your opponents before they gain the advantage. With this in mind, it is important to choose your strategy carefully. Your goal is to get your runner to the opponent’s base safely in the shortest time possible. Your strategy may vary based on your team’s skills/ but it is important to stay focused on this goal so you can accomplish it. 

    It is also important to note that while creating a fast-acting offensive strategy is important, you should not forget about defense either. If you forget about defense, your opponents are almost sure to reach your base before you reach theirs. While a great offense can consistently win games, poor defense can also lose the game.

    Make Sure Every Player Knows their Role

    In every AC Paintball game, it is important that every single player knows their role. This is especially true in bomb-the-base. For instance, if a single player playing defense is supposed to cover a certain area, but wanders off, they leave that area open for opponents to sneak in. Then, before you know it, your opponents can win. Before your AC Paintball game begins, make sure everyone knows where they are supposed to go and what they are supposed to do. 

    Make Quick Decisions

    As mentioned above, the fastest-acting team generally wins an AC Paintball bomb-the-base game. Along with a good strategy, you also need to make quick decisions well. If your original strategy isn’t working gas planned, you will need to come up with plan B quickly. It is a good idea to have a plan B discussed before your game even begins. That way each player knows what to do and your team can adapt seamlessly. 

    Use Some Decoys

    One of the best strategies in an AC Paintball game is decoys and deception. For a bomb-the-base game, you can have certain players pretend to have the “bomb” to distract your opponents from the real “bomb carrier.” You may even want to have your best player be the decoy as your opponents will likely assume that the best player will carry the “bomb.” You will also want to try to think of other deceptions to try to throw your opponents off their game even more. 

    Schedule a Game

    Ready to schedule an AC Paintball game so you can play bomb-the-base? You can do so on our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. Alternatively, you can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon! 

  • 5 Tips to Improve Your Cardio and Boost Your Endurance for Paintball

    Paintball is a physical sport. Between running around, crouching, carrying your marker, crawling and more, you can get worn out pretty quickly. With this in mind, you should work on your cardio so you can boost your endurance and be more successful. AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is here to help you do so with these five tips.

    Perform High-intensity Workouts at Frequent Intervals

    Cardio is all about getting your heart beating. Exercise helps lower your resting heart rate as well as blood pressure, which allows it to work more efficiently. When your heart is working efficiently, it doesn’t have to work as hard, which also means that you can be active for a longer period of time without getting tired. Thus, you improve your endurance. 

    Performing high-intensity workouts at frequent intervals is one of the best ways to strengthen your heart. Push yourself for a few minutes, then take a break with a more simple workout like jogging. Then push yourself again. A good place to start is by doing about 4-5 intense workouts. As your endurance increases, increase the intensity by exercising for a longer period of time. Also, don’t forget to stretch, warm-up, and cool down. 

    Add Some Resistance and Strength Training

    When people think of cardio, they often think of exercises such as running, jump roping, and other agility exercises. However, doing some strength and resistance exercises will also benefit you for your next AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey. You can lift weights, use resistance bands, use a medicine ball or just work on holding certain positions. 

    As mentioned above, you should start off by doing a few sets of intense exercises with less intense breaks in between and gradually push yourself more and more. With strength and resistance training, you can do so by adding more sets, more repetitions, or more resistance. 


    Plyometrics is yet another type of exercise that can help you boost your cardio. It involves explosive movements that work your muscles by quickly lengthening and shortening them. It gets your blood pumping while improving your power and speed. 

    This can be extremely useful during an AC Paintball game as it involves many quick movements that call for a lot of strength and power. The longer you can endure these types of movements, the better you can perform during your next AC Paintball game. 

    Mix Up Your Workout

    If you want to play paintball regularly, one goal you will want to focus on is building your overall strength and endurance. While some sports use certain body parts more often, paintball is a sport where you use every part of your body. With this in mind, it is a good idea to mix up your workouts. Don’t use the same routine for every day of the week. Instead, mix it up. This will help you in the long run as you improve your overall cardio and endurance. 

    Stay Motivated and Track Your Progress

    Finally, it is important to stay motivated. If you can stay motivated, you will continue to improve and become the best paintball player you can be. One way to stay motivated it to track your progress. When it comes to cardio and exercise, it can be difficult to see how far you’ve come. Yet if you set measurable goals and track your progress, it can help you be inspired to keep going. 

    When it comes to cardio you can track how much your heart rate has dropped, how long you can run without getting tired, or how many repetitions you can do of a certain exercise. If you keep up the hard work, before you know it you may find yourself surpassing your goals. 

    Test Your Cardio at AC Paintball

    Ready to test your cardio at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey? Schedule a game here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/ or call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon! 

  • What Makes a Paintball Player Great?

    When it comes to hobbies, passions, or jobs, everyone wants to be great. They want to be good at what they do so that they can feel a sense of purpose and belonging. If paintball is one of your passions, you likely want to be one of the best players on your AC Paintball team, but what makes a paintball player great? What makes other players look up to and respect another paintball player? There are many different aspects that contribute to the making of a great paintball player. Here a just a few. 


    To do any sort of task well, you need a certain amount of skill. For instance, if you want to play paintball well, you need good aim and timing so you can hit your targets. Most people aren’t the best shots the first time they play at AC Paintball, but if you keep practicing, you will get better. Then, before you know it you will be one of the best on your AC Paintball team. 

    To practice, you can visit AC Paintball regularly or you can just practice your aim at home with your own marker if you have one, or even by simply throwing a ball at a target. Pretty much anything that involves aiming and timing, can help you improve your paintball skills. Being skilled at specific tasks is at the base of any person who is considered great in their profession. 


    During an AC Paintball game in Atlantic City, NJ, having the right equipment is important. The quality of your equipment can affect your overall game. For instance, if you are playing a sniper and your marker doesn’t shoot far accurately, then you will likely struggle to hit your targets. 

    While good skills, such as knowing how to adjust your aim, can make up for poor equipment, having quality equipment from the start can help you be more successful overall. Check out this AC Paintball blog to help you learn what to look for in a paintball marker: https://acpaintball.com/2017/12/18/choosing-a-paintball-marker-that-complements-your-style/. You can find this and many other helpful blogs on AC Paintball’s website. 


    On top of skills and equipment, a great paintball player also has brains. They know how to get into their opponents’ heads and create a plan for success. They know how to make a tentative plan, but also how to make smart decisions to change the plan if things don’t go exactly as expected. 

    In many AC Paintball games, the team that wins is the one that has the best strategy. Therefore, you may find it advantageous to study up on good paintball strategies. You can find may strategy tips and tricks throughout AC Paintball’s blogs. Here is just one you may find helpful: https://acpaintball.com/2017/08/23/aspects-to-consider-when-creating-a-strategy-for-an-ac-paintball-game/


    You could have plenty of skill, the best equipment, and the best strategy, but if you don’t have a positive attitude your game will suffer. Paintball is a team sport. If the team can’t work together, it will be difficult for them to win the AC Paintball game. With this in mind, it is important that you come to AC Paintball in a good mood and ready to support your team. Figure out what gets you positively pumped up and do it before you arrive. 

    Strength and Endurance

    Finally, a great player needs strength and endurance. Paintball is a very physical sport and AC Paintball sessions are 3-4 hours long. If you tire yourself out in the first few games, you won’t be as useful to your team in the later games. With this in mind, if you want to play paintball regularly and you want to be a great player, you should continue to work on your endurance and your strength. 

    You can find many blogs throughout AC Paintball’s website to help you build up your muscles and increase your endurance. Here is just one: https://acpaintball.com/2019/06/09/how-to-build-up-your-core-muscles-for-paintball/.

    Put Yourself to the Test at AC Paintball in Atlantic City

    Are you ready to see just how great of a paintball player you can be? Schedule a game at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey now! You can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call AC Paintball at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon!

  • Ways to Get Pumped Up for Your Paintball Game

    When you feel better, you perform better. That’s just how it goes. The more driven you are, the more successful you will be. When you play a game at AC Paintball in Atlantic City, New Jersey, you want to go in excited and ready to win. You also want the rest of your team to be on the same page. To help you prepare for your next AC Paintball game, we have compiled this list of seven ways to get both yourself and your team pumped up. 

    Get Good Rest the Night Before

    If you want to be energetic, you need to get good sleep. Be sure to go to bed early the night before your AC Paintball game so you can get enough rest. Most people require 7-9 hours of sleep to perform their best. Find something to help you relax the night before such as drinking tea, taking a bath, or simply watching a movie. Warmth and low energy activities will help you calm down before bed. When you get good sleep,  you will wake up full of energy and ready to play your best. 

    Eat a Good Breakfast

    Once you wake up, you will want to have a good breakfast. This will also help ensure you have enough energy to play well. If you aren’t sure what to eat, check out this AC Paintball blog: https://acpaintball.com/2016/09/27/what-to-eat-before-and-after-a-paintball-game/. You may also want to bring some snacks to refuel between AC Paintball games. 


    Just as important as food, you will also want to drink plenty of water. Doing so will help your body function properly so you can play at your maximum potential. Staying hydrated is crucial, especially on a hot day in southern New Jersey. Be sure to bring a water bottle with you to AC Paintball. 

    Find the Perfect Playlist

    Music has a significant effect on your mood. If you need to boost your mental excitement, create the perfect playlist to listen to on your way to AC Paintball. Good pump-up songs are energetic, have a fast-moving beat, and inspiring lyrics. If you want to get the rest of your team pumped up as well, have them listen to your playlist with you. You can even let them request songs to help you build your playlist. This way everyone gets to listen to a song they like. 

    Warm Up Your Muscles

    Once you get to AC Paintball, you will want to warm up your muscles. This way, you can help avoid injuries during your game. Be sure to stretch as well as doing light activities such as jogging. Taking a jog around the AC Paintball field can also help you get an idea of what to expect. You can figure out where are the bunkers are and form a tentative strategy. 

    Strategize with Your Teammates

    Having a great plan for success can also help you get pumped up. If you don’t have a plan you have to waste time figuring out where to go and what to do. When you know this information beforehand, you can simply put your plan into action. You will get things done faster, which will motivate you to go even further. With this in mind, it is a good idea to strategize with your teammates before your AC Paintball game. 

    Have a Positive Attitude

    Finally, it is important to have a positive attitude. Being optimistic helps you achieve your goals faster. If something gets in your way, you just need a new solution or a new perspective. Once you find it, you will be well on your way to winning your AC Paintball game in Atlantic City, New Jersey. 

  • Adjusting Your AC Paintball Game to the Number of Players

    Every single AC Paintball game is different. That is one of the elements that make playing so much fun. You never know what to expect. There are many different aspects that can affect the outcome of an AC Paintball game. This includes weather, which field you choose, what game you play, who’s playing, and more. 

    With this in mind, it is good to know how to adjust to each of these elements so you can have more success during your game. One of the biggest elements is the number of players. Check out these tips below to learn how to adjust your game based on team size. 

    Field Choice

    One of the first decisions you will have to make after arriving at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is what field your group is going to play on. We have six different fields to choose from. Some are large, and some are smaller. 

    Large Team

    If you have a large team of about 20 people or more, you will want to choose a larger field. AC Paintball’s larger fields include the Blue Thunder Woods Field and the Black Ops Pentagon Woods Field. Even if your group has 100 people, AC Paintball can accommodate you. 

    Medium Team

    Medium-sized teams of 5-20 people are easy to accommodate. You can choose just about any field. If you choose a large field, the game just may take a bit longer. On the other hand, if you choose a smaller field, you will have a more intense game as players will run into each other fairly quickly. Choose a field that best suits the pace you want your AC Paintball game to be. 

    Small Team

    If you have a small team of about 5 people or less, one of AC Paintball’s smallest fields might be your best option. This includes the Hyperball Field and the Speedball Tournament field. Even if you have a small group, you may be able to join other groups at AC Paintball to make for a longer, more interesting game. 


    The next aspect to think about positions or roles. The number of people you have in charge of certain things will affect the outcome of your game. 

    Large Team

    If you have a large group, you have a lot of people to work with. This means instead of having one or two people in charge of specific responsibilities, you can group people off. A good basic plan for a large team is to have a couple of frontmen or runners, a handful of snipers and then have a majority of your team play middleman/cavalry or backmen. Be sure to have a handful of people in charge of communication as well. This will help your team be more successful. 

    It is worth noting that having large groups of people traveling together makes a larger target for your opponents. However, you still may want teammates nearby to back you up. Traveling in groups of two or three might be your best bet. 

    Medium Team

    For a medium team, you can keep about the same ratios. However, you may not have quite enough people to travel in groups. Based on what game you play, decide if it would be more helpful to travel in small groups or alone. In a medium-sized group, it is a good idea to have about 2-3 people in charge of communication. When all of your team is on the same page, you can be more successful. 

    Small Team

    In a small team, you can’t really group people to be in charge of certain things. It is generally better for each person to simply seek out opponents and defend themselves on their own. This isn’t to say that teammates shouldn’t back each other up. Small teams just generally have quicker interactions that don’t call for a large overall strategy as large team games do. 


    Finally, you will need to adjust your strategy. The game you decide to play will also affect this, but the size of your team will give you a general idea of who you have to work with. 

    Large Team

    Larger teams generally involve more strategizing as you have many people and you need to get them all to work together if you want to win the AC paintball game. Some strategies you may want to consider include ambushes, sacrificing players to help achieve your higher goal, and keeping most of your team on the outer edges of the field rather than the center. 

    Medium Team

    Medium team strategies can be very similar to large teams, however, you may not want to sacrifice players for the good of the team as often. Communication is important to keep tabs on how many teammates are still in the game. Knowing this can help you adjust your strategy accordingly.

    Small Team

    Finally, with small teams, keeping your teammates in the game is generally important as a single player can make more of a difference. Therefore, you will likely not want to sacrifice any players for the good of the team. Instead, you will want to back each other up so your team can gain the advantage. 

    Schedule an AC Paintball Game Now!

    Ready to book a game at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey? You can schedule a game through our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you soon!

  • 5 Reasons to Choose AC Paintball’s Speedball Tournament Field

    If you are looking for a place to play paintball in southern New Jersey, AC Paintball is one of your best options. We have six different fields to choose from and offer a friendly environment where you can have fun with your friends and family. Each field is unique so you can choose the field best suited to your paintball preferences. One of our fields is the Speedball Tournament Field. Below you will find five reasons to choose AC Paintball’s Speedball Tournament Field. 

    You Want to Practice For a Tournament

    If you are a professional paintball player or are practicing to be, AC Paintball’s Speedball Tournament Field is the best choice for you. When it comes to any sport, one of the best ways to practice for a game is to pretend that it is a real game. This means setting up how you would in a real game, using the same rules, and duplicating the environment as closely as possible. Choosing the Speedball Tournament Field can help you accomplish this because it meets tournament standards. 

    You Prefer a Highly Strategic Game

    AC Paintball’s Speedball Tournament field is highly strategic in nature. Although it is not our smallest field, it is one of the smallest. This makes for a fast-paced game where you have to stay on your toes if you want to win. The bunkers are also laid out carefully. It is worth your time to take a walk around the field before the game starts and think about how you can jump from one bunker to the other. Doing so will improve your chances of winning your AC Paintball game in Williamstown, New Jersey. 

    You Have a Medium Size Team

    atlantic city paintball bachelor partyThe Speedball Tournament Field is the perfect size for a medium team. While our Hyperball Field is best for small teams and the woodsball fields are best for large teams, many players come to AC Paintball with a medium-sized group of about 4-10 people. The Speedball course is large enough to accommodate slightly larger teams yet small enough to keep your game going. This makes it the perfect field for you and your friends to play on. 

    You Prefer Speedball to Woodsball 

    When you come to AC Paintball one of the first choices you have to make is whether you want to play Speedball or Woodsball. Speedball is played on a more artificial field, is fast-paced, and is what most of the professionals play. Woodsball is played on a more natural field and is slower to play as the field is large. If you prefer Speedball, AC Paintball’s Speedball Tournament Field may be your best choice. 

    Test Your Skills With a Variety of Bunkers

    If you want some variety in your game, the Speedball Tournament Field has a variety of bunkers. It offers air bunkers, drop tank carrier military bunkers, giant spools, barrels, and more. Each bunker type calls for a slightly different strategy and positioning. You may be good adjusting to some, but not others. AC Paintball’s Speedball Tournament Field gives you the option to stick with bunkers you know well or to challenge yourself and improve with other bunkers. Either way, your game is sure to be exciting and keep you on your guard. 

    Contact AC Paintball Near Atlantic City, New Jersey Now!

    Ready to practice your skills on AC Paintball’s Speedball Tournament Field or one of our other fields near Atlantic City, New Jersey? Schedule a game now! You can do so on our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call AC Paintball at 609-561-3883.  We look forward to seeing you soon!

  • 7 Tips For Practicing Paintball at AC Paintball

    No matter what sport you play, every athlete needs to practice. Practice provides you with a chance to make mistakes and learn new techniques without the pressure of an actual game. However, when you practice, you should still push yourself and use effective drills so you can improve faster. To help you do so, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is here with some tips and advice. The harder and more often you practice, the faster you will improve. 

    Research Ways To Improve

    There are a variety of ways you can improve your skills. Paintball is a complex sport that requires you to be talented in a variety of areas. Before you arrive at AC Paintball it is a good idea to decide what skills you want to work on and research drills you can use to accomplish your goals. By doing so, you can use your time both efficiently and effectively. 

    Practice Both Alone and With Others

    When it comes to paintball, there are some skills that you should practice alone and others that you need to practice with a team. For instance, aiming, muscle power, and posture are all things you should work on individually. Meanwhile, strategy, communication, and positioning are tactics that require group chemistry. By working both alone and with others on your skills, you can become a better AC Paintball player overall. 

    Treat Practice Like A Real Game

    While practice generally doesn’t involve the same pressure as a game, treating your practice as a real game can help put you in the right mindset. It is good to have fun at practice. However, if you goof around too much, you won’t get everything you can out of your AC Paintball practice. 

    Try New Techniques

    In paintball, there is always something new to learn and practice is the time to try it out. Whether you have a new gun, new strategy, or a new trick, practice is the time to work on it. Players rarely perform complicated tricks perfectly the first few times they attempt it. It is not the best idea to attempt a trick you have never tried before during a game. However, if you continue to work on it in practice, you can get good enough to nail your new trick at your next AC Paintball game.  

    Work On Details that Affect Your Game

    Sometimes in practice, we can fall into the trap of simply performing the same routine of drills over and over again. When this happens, you stay good at the skills you are already good at. However, you don’t improve on the skills you don’t work on. 

    During your AC Paintball game, it is a good idea to analyze and pay attention to aspects that you need to work on. Once you know this, you can figure out how to improve those skills so you can improve your overall game. For instance, if you get tired quickly, you may need to work on your strength and stamina. If you miss your target too often, work on aiming and focus. By improving your worse skills, you can become a more consistent paintball player. 

    Don’t Get Discouraged

    If you aren’t excelling with new trick and techniques quickly, it can be easy to get discouraged. However, if you stop, you will never get better. Find something to keep you motivated and simply keep practicing. You will eventually get better and become an asset to your AC Paintball team. 

    Have Fun

    Finally, it is most important to have fun. Having fun will motivate you to continue improving and playing the game. Make sure you are practicing with people you get along with and focus on how good you can become. 

    If you are ready to schedule an AC Paintball session so you can practice with your friends or family, visit AC Paintball’s website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you at our Williamstown, New Jersey location.

  • Small Field Vs. Large Field: How to Adjust Your Game

    pentagon paintball field

    AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey has six different paintball field for you to choose from. Some are large and some are small. Some are wooded and some are artificial. Depending on which AC Paintball field you choose to play on, it is important to understand how to adapt your game. Below you will find some tips to help you do so.

    Number of Players

    The first thing you should consider when you arrive at AC Paintball is how many people are playing. If you have a large group, you should choose a large field such as AC Paintball’s Blue Thunder Woods field or the Ultimate Battle Zone Field. On the other hand, if you have a small group, you should choose a smaller field such as AC Paintball’s Hyperball Field or Speedball Tournament Field.

    Length of Game

    The number of players and field you choose will also affect the length of your AC Paintball game. If you play on a small field, you can expect your game to be short, unless you create rules that allow the game to go on longer. If you choose a large field, the game will last longer. It is important to think about how long you want the game to last and adjust your game appropriately. Think about how experienced your group is and how much stamina they have to help you determine how to adjust your AC Paintball game.


    new jersey hyperball paintball field

    The size of the field you play should also affect the equipment you choose. For instance, if you are playing on a large AC Paintball field, you will want to choose a marker that can shoot far accurately. On the other hand, you want a gun that can shoot rapidly for a game on a small field. If you plan on using one of AC Paintball’s rental guns, check out this blog to help you figure out which marker to choose: https://acpaintball.com/2016/04/28/tippmann-custom-marker-vs-valken-marker/.

    Speed of Play

    As mentioned above, small fields make for short games and large fields make for long games. This is mostly because of the speed of play. On a small AC Paintball field, you are closer to your opponents and therefore can eliminate them more quickly. There are few places to hide. On a large AC Paintball field, everyone is more spread out. This means that you have to find your opponents before you get a chance to eliminate them and caused the game to run more slowly.

    The speed of play is also something to consider when determining the details of your AC Paintball game. If you want excitement and lot’s of action, choose a small field. If you want a more thoughtful and strategic game, choose a large field.


    Most of AC Paintball’s large fields are wooded while most of the smaller ones are more artificial. This means that if you choose a large field, you will have to pay closer attention to where you step. How often you move and the length of your stride will also be affected. On a small field, you should move more often and take shorter strides as you can’t move as far. On a large AC Paintball field, you will likely move less often, but take longer strides as you do.


    south jersey paintball fields

    Your strategy will also change based on field size. With a small field, the game is quick. You don’t have time to pull off complicated plans. The faster you can dwindle your opponents’ numbers, the more likely you are to win your game. On a large field, however, you can be more strategic. You have more time to make plans to ambush your opponents or come up with an unexpected plan to take the game out of nowhere.


    Yet another aspect that will change is communication. On a small AC Paintball field, people can likely see you anyway. You don’t have to worry about giving away your position, so you can likely yell whatever message you are trying to communicate. On a large field, however, you will likely be hiding and not able to yell as often. It is a good idea to designate a communicator for your team. You can also use hand signals or Walkie-Talkies.

    Schedule an AC Paintball Game!

    Ready to see how good you are at adapting your paintball game? Schedule and AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey today! You can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call AC Paintball at 609-561-3883. See you soon!

  • Things Every AC Paintball Player Should Know

    Every hobby, sport, and activity has a certain level of basic knowledge that every participant should know. They are the very first things you learn when you decide to try something new. In paintball, there are many facts and skills to learn before you even play your first game. To help you figure out what you need to know, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey has compiled this guide.

    What to Wear and Bring

    Before you even leave for AC Paintball, you need to know what to wear and what to bring. Playing paintball can take a lot out of you, so it is important to be prepared.

    In general, you will want to wear light, comfortable clothing and sneakers. You will want to bring healthy snacks, water, and a towel to dry off. If you would like more ideas of what to bring to make your AC Paintball experience more enjoyable, check out our more detailed blogs below.

    The better you prepare, the better your AC Paintball experience will be.


    The first thing you should know once you do arrive at AC Paintball are the rules. Every sport has a set of rules to help ensure safety and fairness for its players. Paintball has many basic rules as well as additional rules that change based on what game you decide to play. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the referee before your AC Paintball game begins.

    AC Paintball also has rules specific to our facility. You can review them here: https://acpaintball.com/ac-paintball-rules-and-regulations/. Following these rules will help ensure safety and fun for all players.

    How To Use and Maintain Equipment

    Once you know the rules, you need to learn how to use your equipment. This means putting your mask on properly, loading your paintball marker, and shooting your marker. This information will be explained before your game by a knowledgable member of the AC Paintball staff. Be sure to pay close attention.

    If you decide to buy your own paintball marker, you will also have to learn how to maintain it. This way it will work properly and last longer. You should know how to clean it and replace parts. You should be able to find this information in the owner’s manual. If you don’t have the manual, take it to a professional for help.


    Every sport has its own lingo. To an outsider it may seem like the players are speaking an entirely different language. For instance, to the average person “Dorito” is a chip, but to a paintball player, it can also mean a triangular bunker. Another example is the “dead box” which refers to the area where eliminated players are sent.

    If you don’t know the lingo, the game can seem confusing. By brushing up on the slang before your AC Paintball game, you can more easily understand the messages the other players are trying to convey.

    Basic Strategies

    You don’t want to get into your AC Paintball game and just stand there. You want to have some idea of what to do so you aren’t the first player eliminated. Therefore, it is a good idea to do some research or ask experienced players for advice. Here are some basic tips most AC Paintball players know:

    • Keep moving.
    • Stay quiet.
    • Keep a low profile.
    • Use the bunkers.
    • Avoid paths.
    • Take time to aim (unless if you are being ambushed).
    • Keep your view low when scanning the field.

    There are plenty of strategies to learn. The more you play at AC Paintball the more you will learn and the better you will get.

    How To Communicate

    Finally, you should know how to communicate. Paintball is a team sport. This means that each person has to work together to pull off a greater plan. This can be difficult to do in paintball as the field is large, but you want to be quiet so you don’t give away positions. The best way to get around this is to plan well before your AC Paintball game starts, come up with hand signals, and designate a messenger. By employing these tactics, you will likely be more successful during your AC Paintball game.

    Ready to Employ These Tactics? Schedule and AC Paintball Game Now!

    If you’ve done all your research and are ready to get on the AC Paintball field, schedule a game now! You can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. We look forward to seeing you soon!