The Importance of Learning to Shoot Off-Handed

If you want to be the best paintball player you can be, it is important to always look for new ways to improve and get better. From beginner to the average player, you should work on mastering skills such as aiming, strategizing, moving around, and being stealthy. Once you have a good grip on these skills, however, you can start to practice and learn more tricky skills. One skill that many AC Paintball players find useful is the ability to shoot with both hands.

When you are just starting out on your paintball journey, using your dominant hand helps more easily and quickly adjust to the game. However, once you play at AC Paintball for a while, you may begin to realize that using the same hand all the time gets difficult in certain situations. Soon enough, you may decide you want to train your non-dominant hand to do everything your dominant hand can do with the same ease and ability.  If this is your case, AC Paintball is here to help!

Shoot Faster and More Consistently

You’ve likely gotten good at shooting and aiming quickly and consistently with your dominant hand. Unfortunately, if a certain situation calls for you to try and shoot with your non-dominant hand, you may be shaky and take a few extra seconds to aim. If you are up against a skillful player at AC Paintball, those few extra seconds can lead to you getting eliminated without getting a shot off at your opponent. On the other hand, if you are talented with both hands, you can easily adapt to the situation and help ensure you eliminate your target before they eliminate you.

Stay Covered

If you are right-handed, it is easy to shoot from the right side of the bunker while staying mostly covered. However, if you can only use your right hand and have to shoot from the left side of the bunker, you will have to expose more of your body in doing so. Then you give your AC Paintball opponent a bigger target and chance elimination. Having the ability to use your left hand in this type of situation will allow you to accurately target your opponent while still staying mostly covered. Then you have a better chance of staying in your AC Paintball game.

Keep Arms Getting Tired

If you are your paintball group plays a lot of intense games, your arms can get pretty tired by the end of your AC Paintball session. This fact is especially true if you are only good at using one arm. When you learn to use both hands, you can switch back and forth so your arm doesn’t get tired as quickly.

Think More Efficiently

Think about the last time you tried to use your non-dominant hand for daily activities that your dominant hand does with ease. You likely had to concentrate a lot more and may have been a bit shaky.

Now imagine an AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey if you have to concentrate that hard to use your non-dominant hand. Thinking about using your non-dominant hand properly will likely be the only thing you will be able to concentrate on. You may end up neglecting other things you should be focusing on such as field awareness and strategy. Brain power is yet another reason why it is important to learn to use your non-dominant hand.

Practice Using Your Left Hand In Your Free Time

It may take a little while to get used to using your non-dominant hand. You have to train your brain to judge distance with that hand and how to make certain movements. The best way to do this is to just practice doing everyday tasks with your non-dominant hand. You can try eating, throwing things, challenging yourself to complete different movements and more. Then, once you get good at everyday tasks, you can test yourself by practicing with an actual marker at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Become a More Effective Player

Overall, learning how to use and shoot with your non-dominant hand expands your abilities. This makes you a more effective player. However, this is just one way you can improve your paintball skills. You can find more ways to improve your game by reading AC Paintball’s blogs:

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