• Small Group Paintball vs. Large Group Paintball

    summer paintball bachelor partyPaintball is a very adaptable game. As long as you aren’t playing an official tournament, you can pretty much change the rules, game, and winning conditions however you want. You can also adapt the game based on the number of players you have.

    An AC Paintball game can change a lot based on the number of players. Therefore, you will want to choose how many people you choose to invite carefully. Here are some comparisons to help you decide if you rather play with a small group or a large group.


    Every trip to AC Paintball in southern New Jersey takes some level of planning. You need to figure out what days everyone is free, figure out how everyone is getting there, and make sure everyone knows how to prepare for the trip. The more people you have in your group, the more difficult this task will become.

    If you are good at organizing trips and enjoy it, you can easily consider hosting a large group trip to AC Paintball. If organizing is not your forte, however, you may want to find someone who is willing to help you or just stick to small group games.

    Evening Out the Teams

    Another part of planning is making sure the teams are even. It is a good idea to figure out the skill level of each member of your party and divide up the players so each team is evenly matched. This will help make your AC Paintball game more fun for everyone.

    There are positives and negatives for both group sizes in this aspect. A group of four can be difficult to make even if one player has a lot of experience and the other three don’t. However, if two people are experienced, it is simple to put one experienced member on each team. On the other hand, a large group can be difficult to divide evenly because it is hard to judge every single player’s skill level beforehand.  However, you have a better chance of randomly placing skilled players on both teams.

    Game  Length and Speed

    The number of players can also affect the speed of the game. The more people that have to be eliminated, the longer your game will take. Keep in mind that longer games can be fun for those still playing, but can get boring for those who have been eliminated early in the game. Also, long games can be more fun, but also more tiring. Be sure to choose the right AC Paintball field and game type to keep your games at an appropriate length.


    DSC06655Your strategy will also be affected based on how large your team is. Take movement, as an example. If you have a lot of players, you can travel in groups so that teammates can help protect one another. However, if you have a small team, it is probably safer for each player to travel individually to cover more ground.

    Larger teams also mean you have more opponents to eliminate. Your AC Paintball game can quickly become a game of numbers. A team of two doesn’t have much chance of winning against a team of six. Therefore, you may want to use a strategy that works to eliminate as many opponents as quickly as possible.


    Communication is also part of the strategy and you should keep this in mind. If you have a large group, you should come up with a system that makes it easier for everyone to communicate with each other. If even one person doesn’t get the message, it can mess up the rest of your game plan.

    With a small group, you have fewer people to worry about getting the message to, but it can also be more difficult to communicate at long distances. Unlike large groups, you don’t have as many players who can drop what they are doing to focus on spreading a message to the other teammates.  Be sure to keep this in mind when choosing the size of your group and what AC Paintball field you choose.

    Book Your AC Paintball Game Now!

    Whether you decide to play with a small group or a large group, AC Paintball would be happy to host your game. Once you have your group organized, you can schedule your game here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. We look forward to seeing you and your group soon!

  • Important Aspects That Affect the Outcome of a Paintball Game

    concept-1868728_960_720Everyone wants to win their AC Paintball game, but there are many elements that can affect your ability to do so. Each game will turn out differently. This is what makes paintball so interesting.

    While every little detail may affect your AC Paintball game in some way, some elements of the game will have more of an effect than others. By focusing on the larger aspects first, you can greatly improve your team’s chances at achieving victory. To help you think about what details you want to focus on, AC Paintball in southern New Jersey has compiled this list of some of the most important aspects to think about.


    The first step to success for almost anything is forming a well thought out plan. If you don’t know what you are doing, you will likely end up standing or wandering around while your opponents are busy eliminating you and the rest of your team. AC Paintball has a blog full of strategy tips and tricks that you can visit here: https://acpaintball.com/blog/. These blogs will help you organize your team and form a winning strategy.

    Combine Skill Levels

    Every paintball player on your team will have different skills. You may have professionals and beginners and then every experience level in between. If you bring a large group to AC Paintball, you will want to try and divide the skill levels evenly across your teams to keep the game fun and fair.

    While a single good player will make a difference during your AC Paintball game, a team is typically only as good as the team’s combined skill level. This is why it is important to support your teammates and help them improve their skills as well. If you notice a team member that could use some tips, help them out in a friendly and sportsmanlike manner.  


    Paintball is a sport where you need information to be successful. The better your team can communicate and stay on the same page, the better you will do.

    Some of AC Paintball’s fields are large. Therefore, communicating can get tricky. Before your game, make sure all of your teammates know the plan and how your team plans for communicating. Make sure they know what various code words and hand signals mean. You may also find it helpful to use Walkie-Talkies.


    Ego08One of the most important choices you will make before your AC Paintball game even starts is what equipment you are going to use. If you have a low-quality marker or goggles, you may struggle to defend yourself and eliminate opponents.

    AC Paintball offers two quality guns to rent. These are the Tippmann 98 Custom and the Valken V-Tac SW-1 Marker. These are reliable guns that are fairly even with features. To choose the right equipment, think about what you have to do during the game and what equipment features will help you accomplish your goals. You can check out AC Paintball’s blog for more tips.

    Team’s Ability to Adapt

    As stated before, every AC Paintball game is different. Over time, you will face different opponents, play different positions, and experience different elements. You might be surprised at how much the weather can affect your game. When the game changes for any reason, you need to be able to adapt and change your strategy. You need to constantly stay on your toes and be ready to think of plans to tackle new challenges. If your team can master this skill, you will become a more difficult team to beat.

    The Drive To Win

    Even if you have a great strategy and everything else listed above, you need the drive to win. If you want something bad enough, typically you will be able to find a way to get it. If your team seems to be lacking drive, but you still want to win, find a way to inspire them. You could promise to buy ice cream if you win, play some pump up songs, or just give a great speech. When you inspire people, they will play better and have more success.

    If this blog has inspired you to test or improve your paintball skills, why not schedule a game? You can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/paintball-rental-equipment/.

  • Aspects to Consider When Creating a Strategy for an AC Paintball Game

    board-2449726_960_720If you need help creating a strategy for your next paintball game, AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is here to help with this list of aspects you will want to take into account. Once you know what you are up against, you can more easily choose the best course of action.

    Your Team

    The first aspect you should consider is your team. Figure out what your team can bring to the table. Here are some questions you will want to find answers to.

    How many members are on the team?

    If you only have a few members, you may want to play more on the safe side as each player means more to the team. However, if you have a large team, you can be more daring and plan ambushes.

    What is each player’s skill level?

    Before you start your AC Paintball game, ask your teammates how experienced they are. One good strategy is to pair off more experienced players with less experienced players. This way you always have someone at each position who can lead the others. This tactic helps create balance on your team and help avoid having weak areas.

    What are your strengths?

    When you are planning a strategy, you may want to ask everyone what their strengths are and what they can bring to the team. Knowing this will help with choosing positions. For instance, if someone is a fast runner, you may want to place them as a Frontman. If they are an accurate shooter, a sniper may be the best position. Knowing your team’s overall strengths can also help you gain an advantage over your opponents.

    What are your weaknesses?

    Just as important as knowing your strengths is knowing your weaknesses. Determining this can allow you to plan to avoid problems that you may run into due to that weakness. For instance, if your team lacks speed, you can travel in larger groups to help protect each other and stay in the AC Paintball game.  

    Your Opponents

    Gauge Your Opponents

    While you may not be able to ask your opponent’s the same questions that you ask your team, you can try to gauge them based on what you already know. If you know a certain opponent is going to carry their team, you may want to create a plan to try and eliminate them early in the game.

    Even if you do not know your opponents well, you can watch them during your AC Paintball game and determine who you may want to target. Be sure to set up a communication system with your team to inform each other of changed plans and strategies.

    Try to Predict Their Strategy

    If you get an idea of what your opponents’ strategy will be, you can figure out ways to counteract their plan. Think about what your plan would be if you were facing your team. If you can prevent them from gaining an advantage, you can improve your team’s chances of being victorious.

    The Field

    10658860_496608440479653_4244368542241473132_oBunker Positioning

    AC Paintball’s bunker set up is not arbitrary. Each bunker position is carefully thought out and can be part of your winning strategy. Before your AC Paintball game, you should take a walk around the field and try to notice how the bunkers work together. You can even create a strategy to move safely across the field.


    Once you know where the bunkers are and what your teammates’ strengths are, you can figure out how your team should be positioned on the field. You will want your team to cover the field well, but still be safe from elimination.

    One common strategy teams use at AC Paintball is splitting into three groups. One team travels up the left side of the field, another travels up the right, and the other group goes up the middle. However, if there is a path up the middle you may want your center group to travel a bit off the path to avoid becoming an easy target.

    Game Type

    Goal of the Game

    Finally, you will want to consider the goals of the game. Are you trying to capture a flag, eliminate opponents, or defend a specific player? The strategy will can change drastically based on what you have to do to win the AC Paintball game.

    If you are playing speedball, you may shoot more often to ensure you eliminate your opponents quickly. On the other hand, if you are playing capture-the-flag you will likely focus less on eliminating opponents and more on capturing your opponent’s flag while also defending your own. Once you know you know what your team needs to accomplish to win the game, you can choose your strategy wisely to ensure you accomplish your goals.

  • Best Strategies for Speedball

    new jersey speedball paintball fieldOne of the most popular games, if not the most popular game at AC Paintball is Speedball. We offer two speedball courses in southern New Jersey. The first is the Speedball Tournament Field which meets tournament standards, and various types of bunkers. The other is the Hyperball Field which is AC Paintball’s smallest field which makes for fast and intense games.

    Once you pick a field, you need to start strategizing. Every game is different depending on what field you choose, what game you choose, the layout of the field, and the players. You need to take all of these aspects into consideration when creating a plan. However, there are some basic strategies that apply to most speedball games. So, check out AC Paintball’s tips below!

    Make a Plan

    When you start making a plan, you will want to walk around AC Paintball’s field and pay attention to the layout of the bunkers. Figure out what each player will be in charge of and choose a path of bunkers each player can move to. Make a strategy for early in the game, mid game, and late game.  You may also want to create a backup plan.  This way you won’t run into each other or increase the chance of running into other issues.

    When everyone knows what they are in charge of and can follow a specific plan, you will increase your chances of winning the game. There is potential that you will need to make adjustments based on what your opponents do. As long as you communicate those changes, you can still be successful.

    Start Eliminating Early

    paintball-1282159_960_720AC Paintball’s speedball games move fast. You need to take action early in the game if you want to gain the upper hand against your opponents. To accomplish this, you will want to start eliminating as soon as possible. As soon as the game starts, try to catch your opponents off guard. Many of them may be focused on getting to their planned location.  However, if your team focuses on elimination instead, you may be able to decrease your opponent’s numbers. This can give you an advantage for the rest of the game.

    You may want to use your back players to focus on this task. That way the frontman and other players can focus on strategizing and moving up the field. This can also work as cover fire so your frontman can move safely up the field.

    Protect Important Players

    Since AC Paintball’s speedball fields are smaller, you have a better chance of getting hit. Therefore, you will want to watch your teammates back more often. If you have a specific player trying to pull off a risky move, make sure they have someone to follow them up the field as cover.

    Teamwork is an important part of paintball. If your team can work together and communicate, you will increase your chance of achieving victory. Your team’s ability to coordinate with each other can be the difference between winning and losing.


    Compared to most woodsball or scenario games, speedball involves more shooting. You will need to shoot often to both defend yourself and take out as many opponents as you can. Be sure you have enough supply of paintballs before starting a speedball game. If you join AC Paintball’s membership program you can save on every case of paintballs (2000 balls) you purchase.

    Another helpful shooting technique it to snap shoot from behind the bunkers. Stay behind your bunker and use it to take cover. When you notice a good chance to shoot, quickly poke your head out, aim, and fire. Then immediately take cover again. This will help you stay protected, but allow you to eliminate players.


    Not only will you want to shoot often, but you will want to move around often as well. If you stay in the same place for too long, you risk the chance of getting surrounded and eliminated. This is why it is important to plan a path ahead of time. Hop from bunker to bunker when you can do so safely.

    If you are ready to book a speedball game at AC Paintball, you can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also check out our blog for more tips and helpful information: https://acpaintball.com/blog/.

  • AC Paintball Strategies for Rainy Days

    leaf-93163_960_720Even if you tell the rain to stay away on the day of your AC Paintball game, it doesn’t always listen. When this happens, you have to figure out how to adjust your game so you can help lead your team to victory. If you are fairly new to paintball, this task can seem overwhelming, especially if you haven’t mastered playing on a sunny day.

    Unless you have serious concerns, though, a little rain shouldn’t keep you from playing. By doing some research beforehand, the rain can actually help level the playing field for beginners playing against more experienced players. If you need some tips for adjusting your strategy for a rainy day in southern New Jersey, AC Paintball is here to help!

    Wear the Right Clothing

    Believe it or not, choosing the right clothes is part of strategizing. When you choose the right clothing and equipment, you can have an advantage over those who fail to plan. For rainy days you will want shoes that provide good traction. Sneakers are a popular choice. You may also want to wear something that will not soak up water, like a poncho or rain jacket. Check out the blog post below for more tips on preparing for a rainy day at AC Paintball.

    Planning for Playing Paintball in the Rain

    Move Slowly

    AC Paintball cares about our customers and their safety. With this in mind, you will want to take extra care when moving about the field. The ground gets slippery when wet, especially in spots with paint splatters. If you follow the clothing tips above, you should have a decent advantage over those who fail to prepare.

    Mobility is a key factor to success in paintball. If you can move around well, you can sneak up on opponents and dive behind bunkers more easily. Also, be aware that you may slide when diving behind a bunker. You don’t want to misjudge your momentum and get hurt or hit by an opponent. If you can learn to adjust to the terrain well, you will gain an advantage over many of the other players.

    Get Closer to Your Opponents

    When the rain gets on or inside your mask, it can be difficult to see. Getting water in your gun will also change how the paintballs leave your barrel and fly. Both of these factors will affect your ability to hit your target. The best way to ensure accuracy is to get closer to your opponent. This way you can see them better and the paintball will have less time to be affected by the elements. Also, be prepared for the rain to make a more intense, yet comical game.

    Stay Close to Your Team

    paintball-1449870_960_720Not only will you want to stay close to your opponents, but you will want to stay close to your team as well. On at sunny day at AC Paintball, some players prefer to spread out so they can cover more ground. However, when it rains, takes more time to get to your teammates if they need backup. Therefore, it is smart to stay close when it rains so you can keep an eye out for each other. Just don’t stand so close that you become an easier target for opponents.

    Use Bunkers More Often

    When it is a sunny day at AC Paintball, it is advantageous to move around more. If you don’t move around it is easier for opponents to take you out. However, in the rain moving around provides more chances to get hurt. While you don’t want to avoid moving at all, you may choose to move around less than usual. Be patient and let your opponents move towards you. When they come into view they will have to adjust their aim to hit you while you can adjust ahead of time and hit them first.

    Stay Confident

    Finally, stay confident. Many AC Paintball players do not care for rainy paintball because it is more difficult to move, see, and aim. The key is not to let the weather discourage you. If you let the rain be a problem, it will be. However, if you stay positive and welcome the challenge, you will find it much easier to succeed.

  • AC Paintball Tips for a Center Flag Game

    paintball-2220450_960_720If you are getting tired of playing normal capture-the-flag at AC Paintball, why not try a different flag game. Center flag is a separate version of capture-the-flag that that puts a twist on a classic game and ups the ante. In a center flag game, there is only one flag that separate teams compete for. You can play center flag push and try to get the flag onto the other team’s home base, or you can just try to bring it back to your home base.

    Whichever version you decide to play, a center flag game is a great way to start your AC Paintball session. You can get your blood pumping and get in the right mindset for four hours of paintball in southern New Jersey.

    Put the Fasted Runners In Charge of the Flag

    The first step to a successful center flag game is planning strategies and positions. Since the goal of the game is to be the first to get the flag, you should focus on the runners first. Figure out who the fastest runners on the team are and put them in charge of the flag. If you can’t figure out verbally who is the fastest, have a small race before you start. Your runner should be daring and willing to take risks as well. If no one on your team is willing to take a chance and run into a heavy fire zone, you likely won’t win the game.

    If you are the runner, you can’t waste any time. When AC Paintball’s referee starts the game, get as close to the flag as you can. In center flag possession is key. The team that typically wins is the team who gets to the flag first. After you nab the flag, be ready to become a target. If by chance, no one notices you grab the flag, try to keep it hidden.

    Be Sure To Give Runners Plenty of Back-Up

    A runner won’t make it very far without backup. You should assign a majority of your team as middlemen so they can help protect the flag holder. People who like to shoot a lot are excellent for this position. Shooting often will help keep your opponents away so your runner can make it to the base. If you are playing center flag push, you will want to get a good amount of your players in the opponent’s zone. Otherwise, you will want to keep a majority in your home zone.

    Use Best Shooters as Snipers

    hiddenshotFinally, you will want to use your best shooters as snipers. The sniper should keep hidden and silent for most of the game. They are in charge of taking out important opponents, such as a runner with a flag. You don’t want to shoot at every opponent that comes your way; focus on key opponents. If an opponent doesn’t notice you, you can be the last defense to keep the opponents from winning.


    Since two or more teams are fighting for one flag, your AC Paintball center flag game will be more intense than a capture-the-flag game. There is typically a lot more interaction with the other team. You have to move fast but watch your step. Use the bunkers often to keep yourself safe, but don’t stay at the same place for too long.

    Traveling in groups of two or three works best as it provides backup, but doesn’t make your group a huge target.  You need to make fast decisions and be very aware. Be sure to bring plenty of ammo to protect yourself, your team, and to eliminate opponents. If you need more ammo, you can purchase more at our facility. If you sign up for an AC Paintball membership, you can save on paintball case purchases.

    Be Tricky and Create Distractions

    Another way to win your AC Paintball game is to get a little bit tricky. Try to confuse your opponent by passing the flag between teammates and not letting them know who has it. Have some teammates yell confusing messages such as “I got the flag” every once in a while. This can lead your opponents on the wrong track you the real flag holder and move more freely. If you keep your opponents guessing, you can better your chances of winning the game.