• 7 Tips For Practicing Paintball at AC Paintball

    No matter what sport you play, every athlete needs to practice. Practice provides you with a chance to make mistakes and learn new techniques without the pressure of an actual game. However, when you practice, you should still push yourself and use effective drills so you can improve faster. To help you do so, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is here with some tips and advice. The harder and more often you practice, the faster you will improve. 

    Research Ways To Improve

    There are a variety of ways you can improve your skills. Paintball is a complex sport that requires you to be talented in a variety of areas. Before you arrive at AC Paintball it is a good idea to decide what skills you want to work on and research drills you can use to accomplish your goals. By doing so, you can use your time both efficiently and effectively. 

    Practice Both Alone and With Others

    When it comes to paintball, there are some skills that you should practice alone and others that you need to practice with a team. For instance, aiming, muscle power, and posture are all things you should work on individually. Meanwhile, strategy, communication, and positioning are tactics that require group chemistry. By working both alone and with others on your skills, you can become a better AC Paintball player overall. 

    Treat Practice Like A Real Game

    While practice generally doesn’t involve the same pressure as a game, treating your practice as a real game can help put you in the right mindset. It is good to have fun at practice. However, if you goof around too much, you won’t get everything you can out of your AC Paintball practice. 

    Try New Techniques

    In paintball, there is always something new to learn and practice is the time to try it out. Whether you have a new gun, new strategy, or a new trick, practice is the time to work on it. Players rarely perform complicated tricks perfectly the first few times they attempt it. It is not the best idea to attempt a trick you have never tried before during a game. However, if you continue to work on it in practice, you can get good enough to nail your new trick at your next AC Paintball game.  

    Work On Details that Affect Your Game

    Sometimes in practice, we can fall into the trap of simply performing the same routine of drills over and over again. When this happens, you stay good at the skills you are already good at. However, you don’t improve on the skills you don’t work on. 

    During your AC Paintball game, it is a good idea to analyze and pay attention to aspects that you need to work on. Once you know this, you can figure out how to improve those skills so you can improve your overall game. For instance, if you get tired quickly, you may need to work on your strength and stamina. If you miss your target too often, work on aiming and focus. By improving your worse skills, you can become a more consistent paintball player. 

    Don’t Get Discouraged

    If you aren’t excelling with new trick and techniques quickly, it can be easy to get discouraged. However, if you stop, you will never get better. Find something to keep you motivated and simply keep practicing. You will eventually get better and become an asset to your AC Paintball team. 

    Have Fun

    Finally, it is most important to have fun. Having fun will motivate you to continue improving and playing the game. Make sure you are practicing with people you get along with and focus on how good you can become. 

    If you are ready to schedule an AC Paintball session so you can practice with your friends or family, visit AC Paintball’s website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. You can also call us at 609-561-3883. We look forward to seeing you at our Williamstown, New Jersey location.

  • Best Paintball Games For Beginners

    When you visit AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey there are a variety of games you can play. If you heard a list of all the different ways you can play paintball, you might get overwhelmed. On top of that, learning all the rules and techniques can make things even more complicated. That is why it is a good idea to start out with a simple game if you are a beginner.

    If you are looking for a simple game to start out with, AC Paintball is here to help. Below you will find five different paintball games that are great for beginners. Keeping it simple allows you to learn the basics of paintball before you get into complicated rules.


    Speedball is one of the most common and simple game types for paintball. It is the style used in paintball tournaments and the style most people think of when they think of paintball. The rules are fairly simple. If you get hit with a paintball, you are out of the game. Then whichever team’s player is left remaining at the end, wins the game.

    AC Paintball’s Speedball tournament field is the best place for a speedball game. It meets tournament standards and has a variety of different bunkers. It is a great spot to learn how to play paintball for the first time.


    Capture-the-Flag is slightly more complicated than speedball, but it is also a common game people have played, even if it wasn’t in a paintball setting. The elimination rules are the same as speedball unless you choose to get creative and change the rules. However, there is an extra factor in this game. Your team has to claim a flag set up in the middle of the AC Paintball field and make it back to your home base safely to win the game.

    AC Paintball’s Black Ops Pentagon Woods field, Blue Thunder Woods field or Ultimate Battlezone field are the best choices for a Capture-the-Flag game.


    Center-Flag-Push is just like Capture-the-Flag, but with a twist. Instead of bringing the flag back to your home base, you have to take the flag to your opponent’s home base instead. The rules are simple to remember, but the goal is more difficult to meet.

    When you play Capture-the-Flag, you are coming back to an area where your teammates will defend you.  However, in Center-Flag-Push, you have to go into your opponents’ area where you will become a target. If you want more of a challenge after getting a game or two under your belt, this is a good game to move on to.  


    Defend-the-Castle also has the same elimination rules as speedball, but instead of being scattered across the AC Paintball field, the action is focused on one specific area. In this game, one team must defend the fort or castle while the other team tries to attack it. If the defenders eliminate all of the attacks, then the castle is saved and the defenders win. On the other hand, if the attackers eliminate all of the defenders, then the attack was successful and that team wins.

    AC Paintball’s Black Ops Pentagon field is one of the best field choices for a Defend-the-Castle game type as the focus of the field is a pentagon of military drop tank bunkers.

    Games with Medics

    If you bring a group to AC Paintball that has both beginners and experienced players, you will likely want to look for ways to even the playing field. Otherwise, the experienced players will eliminate the beginners quickly and the game won’t be as fun for everyone.

    One way to even the playing field is to play a game with medics. Medics can be used in almost any type of paintball game. Medics can “heal” players who have been hit by their opponent. This way players don’t have to leave the game. Instead, they just stay in the place where they got hit and wait for a medic. Using medics is a great way to make sure everyone gets a chance to play despite their skill level.

    Schedule a Game at AC Paintball Now!

    Ready to try out your first paintball game? Schedule a session at AC Paintball now! You can do so on AC Paintball’s website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. Alternatively, you can call 609-561-3883. We hope to see you soon!

  • 5 Reasons Why Encouraging Sports Like Paintball Is Important

    While some may argue that sports are not an essential life activity, there are countless benefits of playing a sport like paintball. Many schools do not prioritize their sports teams, but there are many important lessons you can learn from paintball and other sports that you can’t learn in school. Below are just five reasons why encouraging sports is important.

    Life Lessons

    There are countless useful skills and knowledge you can learn from playing paintball at AC Paintball in southern New Jersey. This includes seeking your passion, finding your place, decision making, independence, leadership skills, and much more.

    These lessons make paintball players better overall people in their day-to-day lives. They help players become someone their peers can respect and be inspired by. To learn more about the life lessons paintball can teach you, check out this AC Paintball blog: https://acpaintball.com/2016/10/31/life-lessons-values-and-skills-you-can-learn-from-paintball/.

    Health Benefits

    When you are healthy, you feel better and are more energetic. Paintball is a highly active sport. You are almost always on the move and may have to dodge, jump, or even crawl from time to time. An AC Paintball game can really get your heart going. If you play often enough, you can strengthen your heart. When your heart is strong, you are less likely to develop diseases related to the heart and can live longer.

    Playing paintball on a regular basis can also help you develop muscles. You can get a full body workout. Running around strengthens your legs while carrying your marker strengthens your arms. Other various paintball activities can also help you strengthen your core.

    Mental Benefits

    Not only does paintball strengthen your body, but it strengthens your mind as well. If you want to win an AC Paintball game, you need a good strategy. Formulating plans and trying to solve problems before they even occur can strengthen your brain and make you smarter. These problem-solving skills are very useful to have in your daily life and highly appreciated in the workplace.

    Along with problem-solving skills, paintball also teaches players how to make decisions quickly. Sometimes you have to make a decision in only seconds and the decision you make will determine if you stay in the AC Paintball game or not. Making tough decisions in high-pressure situations is yet another useful skill you can use in your daily life and in the workplace.

    Build Relationships

    It’s important to have people in your life. You need to have people to count on when you’re in need and to have people who lead you into new opportunities. Playing paintball can help you accomplish this. Bringing your friends and family to AC Paintball is a great way to strengthen your bonds. Being on the same team teaches you to rely on one another while being on opposing teams teaches you how to balance competition and relationships.

    Playing at AC Paintball regularly can also help you network. It allows you to meet new people who share your interest in paintball. This common interest can help you start a conversation. Then once you become better friends you can start to learn new things from each other. Who knows, they could end up introducing you to a new opportunity or you can introduce them to one of your other interests. Before you know it, you could become best friends.

    Builds Confidence and Respect

    Confidence is an important trait to have. It allows to perform better and helps you gain respect. You need confidence to push yourself and achieve your goals. Paintball can help you gain this confidence. While you may not be too confident about jumping into paintball, if you stick with it you can show yourself what you are capable of.

    Many people are anxious about playing paintball when they first start out. It is an intense and extreme sport. However, the more you practice and keep trying, the more you will improve. As mentioned before, over time you will learn and develop many life skills. Developing these skills can make you more competent. The more you know how to do, the more confident you will be. You will learn that you can overcome the life challenges you face and continue to grow.

    Schedule and AC Paintball Game!

    If you want to challenge yourself and grow through paintball, AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey is a great place to start! You can schedule a game through our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. We hope to see you soon!

  • Common Misconceptions about Paintball

    close-eyes-1879094_960_720Most sports and hobbies come with a variety of expectations about the activities themselves and the people who participate in that activity.  While some of these expectations may be true, others are merely misconceptions. Paintball is no exception. There are multiple stereotypes surrounding paintball.

    AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is here to contest these misconceptions. Below are some common beliefs about paintball and its players that are either completely false or not entirely true.

    It’s Dangerous and Violent

    With paintball markers closely resembling guns, some may be quick to associate paintball with danger and violence. However, paintball actually has few reported injuries compared to other popular sports such as soccer, basketball, hockey, and football.

    While guns may fire paintballs quickly, it is rare for players to endure a serious injury. With the use of some padding, players can soften the blow and help protect themselves from bruises. Even without padding, players can build up their resistance to bruises by strengthening their muscle tissue.

    AC Paintball also has many rules and regulations in place to help ensure the safety of our players. Referees provided by AC Paintball will also help ensure that all players are following these rules.

    It Is a Male Dominated Sport

    When picturing a paintball player, many people may likely picture a male first. In fact, many extreme sports are typically thought of as being male-dominated. However, this is not the case. While a large percentage of paintball players may be males, female interest is growing quickly.

    Both males and females can be skilled players and many talented female players visit AC Paintball on a daily basis. We have also hosted many bachelorette parties for thrill-seeking bridal parties. Being a girl should never stop you from playing paintball if it is something you are interested in, so don’t let anyone stop you if it is something you want to give a try.

    Having Cool Gear or Lack of Padding Makes You a Pro

    Paintball gear can get expensive. With that in mind, some may think that the cooler the gear you have, the more likely you are to be a pro. This is not always the case. Some people buy fancy equipment just because they want to. The look of the gear may just be an important aspect to them.

    paintball-2220450_960_720Others are happy just to rent their equipment, but this does not mean they aren’t good players. Just because a player rents gear from AC Paintball, doesn’t mean they won’t be the toughest opponent you have ever faced. You have to stay on your toes and be ready for anything.  Just like you can’t judge a book by its cover, you shouldn’t judge a player based on their gear.

    Experienced Players Hate Beginners

    While there may always be a few experienced players who prefer to play only with other professional players, most experienced players are happy to help out beginners. Most players would be happy to provide tips and tricks to players who are just starting out. Helping others makes players feel useful and is a good way to make friends. At AC Paintball we all share a common interest in paintball and are happy to help interest in the sport grow and thrive.

    You Have to Stick with an Archetype

    When it comes to sports, many athletes are put into specific positions and trained to specialize in that position. They may end up playing that position for most of their lives. It doesn’t have to be that way though. At AC Paintball we encourage to try different positions, games, and equipment. You don’t have to stick to always playing speedball and being a Backman with a Tippman 98 just because that is what you did the first time.

    Trying various equipment, games, and positions at the beginning will help you find what you like most and what you are best at. Even if you have been playing for a while, changing things up can help you improve in other areas. By getting other perspectives, you can learn how to better support your team. If you’re ready to try something new, schedule a game at AC Paintball now!

  • Making Paintball Your Hobby

    Everyone needs a hobby. If you want something relaxing you can try knitting or drawing, but if you want something more thrilling, you should try paintball. Choosing paintball as a hobby is a great way to get exercise, improve your mind, and have fun all at the same time. It strengthens you in various ways and can teach you some valuable life lessons. So if you are in the market for a new hobby, why not schedule a game at AC Paintball in Williamstown, New Jersey. You can bring your friends or family along as well.

    paintball-21021_960_720If you are considering paintball as a hobby, you may have plenty of questions. There are many aspects to consider. AC Paintball is here to help. After years of operation, we have heard many stories and opinions. From this experience, we can help you learn what to expect.

    Cost Expectations

    Paintball requires plenty of gear. You need a marker, ammo, power supply, a helmet, and optional padding. Markers can vary depending on the age, quality, and features. An average decent paintball gun will cost you around $100 – $300. Beyond that, you may want to consider attachments to improve the accuracy, speed, and distance of your marker.

    A helmet will cost you about $50 – $150. The cost of ammo will vary depending on quality and quantity. If you are a heavy shooter, you will need more ammo. You will also want to think about maintenance to keep your equipment in nice condition.

    If you are unsure about putting out the money before you know how much you like paintball, you can rent your equipment. View AC Paintball’s equipment and prices here: https://acpaintball.com/paintball-rental-equipment/. Frequent players should consider signing up for AC Paintball’s membership. Members can save with a discount on paintballs.

    Time Expectations

    With paintball, you can play as little or as often as you like. If you are busy, you can just play in your free time. On the other hand, diehard players may want to consider joining a league or playing weekly. If you are planning a special paintball event or want to play on a specific AC Paintball field, be sure to check availability and make a reservation.

    paintball-1278895_960_720Physical Expectations

    One of the first aspects beginners note is that getting hit with a paintball hurts. You can soften the blow with padding, but if you play often enough, you will get used to it. The more you strengthen your muscles, the more tolerant you will become.

    Another common worry is injuries. Paintball is a physical sport with plenty of activity and high-speed objects. However, paintball is actually safer than many other sports. Paintball records fewer injuries on average than sports like hockey, football, and basketball. AC Paintball also ensures safety by checking our equipment often. We also supply referees to supervise our fields.

    Social Expectations

    If you are looking for a hobby where you can make friends, paintball is a perfect choice. Communication is an important aspect of the game. You will talk to a variety of different people throughout each AC Paintball game. Sooner or later, you are bound to make a friend, especially when you share an interest in paintball. With all the action, cool gear, and strategy, you are sure to have plenty to talk about as well.

    Paintball can be fun for any type of personality. Extroverts will love having so many people to talk to and learn from. On the other hand, paintball can help introverts become more social. Even if constant interactions are not your thing, you can choose to play a more secluded position such as a sniper. You can be more social without getting overwhelmed.

  • Different AC Paintball Bunkers and How to Use Them

    Paintball would be a different game without bunkers. You wouldn’t have to think about hiding or plan your movements strategically. It would just be a big open field with players shooting at each other. The setup and layout of bunkers on the AC Paintball field can help determine what game you should play. Bunkers come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. Each one has different uses, advantages, and disadvantages.

    10658860_496608440479653_4244368542241473132_oAt AC Paintball we put thought into the layout of our fields. We carefully select and place each bunker where it can be most useful. Studying the layout of the field before the game will help you create a plan of action. You can choose which path you want to take and where your snipers should hide out. Use the bunkers strategically and you can improve your chances of winning.

    Cylinders and Trees

    AC Paintball’s cylinders are tall and narrow. This is one of the most common types of bunkers. They can be found at almost any paintball facility in southern New Jersey. Cylinders are good for keeping you covered in a straight standing position. They are tall so that you don’t have to worry about attacks from above. You can peek and shoot out to the side and then quickly take cover again.

    You do have to worry about your side and back, though. This is why most cylinders are placed near the back or outer edge. When placed in the middle, your opponents can easily flank you from the back and sides.

    Lay-down Cylinders and Military Drop Tank Bunkers

    Lay-down cylinders are long and the low to the ground.  AC Paintball typically uses this type of bunker along the fence or in the middle as a divider. This allows players to easily crawl from one place to another.  Since most players focus their point-of-view slightly higher, this is a stealthy way to move around.  You may even be able to move onto your opponent’s side without getting caught. However, if someone does spot you from above, you will become an easy target.


    hiddenshotYou can find both large and small spools on our Williamstown fields. They provide excellent cover as they are both tall and wide. You can safely stand behind tall spools or kneel behind short ones. Their rounded edges make them easy to peek around without exposing yourself too much. They are a useful tool when playing a game with checkpoints.


    Another common bunker is the barrel. You can usually find them in sets of two or three at AC Paintball. They share a similar shape with cylinders, but they are shorter and wider. You can safely couch behind one to hide from fire and pop up to shoot at your opponents. Be careful with this approach, though, you leave your entire top half exposed at the back and side. If you aren’t paying close attention, an opponent can take you out in an instant.


    Cones are one of AC Paintball’s smallest bunkers. Thus, they are usually not a player’s first choice when looking for shelter. Yet, they are useful for bunker-hopping. They can offer good protection when crouching as they are wide at the bottom. When standing, they are also easy to peak around.


    Many paintball fields in New Jersey have their own unique bunkers. We have a pentagon made of military drop tank bunkers that are stacked together. This is the largest bunker you will find at AC Paintball. Unlike other bunkers, it can shelter a group of people.  You can safely stand within it or crouch to look out the opening between the stacked drop tank bunkers. It is a useful shelter for defend-the-castle or hostage games.

  • Paintball Advice for Newbies

    paintball birthdayYour first paintball game is likely to be an exciting and fun experience. Whether you’re hitting the field for a work event, bachelor party, celebration, or just want to give it a try, you are in for a great time. Often new players ask us for helpful information or insider tips before their first game. While you can probably learn a lot more simply from experience on the field, here are a few key pieces of information every newbie should know:

    1. Don’t Be Fearful of the Paintball

    Never be afraid of the paintball. Getting shot for the first time is more shocking than painful. It hurts a lot less than expected, especially when wearing layers and pads. Remember that distance is a key factor as well and many shots are fired from far away. After the initial sting, adrenaline and excitement from the game will take over and you won’t even notice (if you are very worried about it, you can check out this blog for more details and advice: “Does it Hurt to Get Hit with a Paintball?

    It’s important to not let fear of the paintball keep you hidden in one spot the entire game. You will be very bored and probably still get hit regardless. Take a chance and make a move! Even if you get shot, you will have a lot more fun while doing so.

    2. Never Remove Goggles While on the Field

    I’ve got to get real for a second and give you some very important safety advice: Never remove your mask until you are in the safety zone. After the game, wait until all barrel plugs are in place. Getting shot in the face at a close range can be very painful and potentially dangerous. This is the number one cause of all paintball injuries. Do not ignore this advice and risk serious injury.

    3. Don’t Call Yourself “Out” Before You’re Sure

    Sometimes the paintball that hits you will bounce. The good news: you aren’t out unless it breaks and you have noticeable paint stain (generally the size of a quarter at most fields). If you feel yourself get hit, look to make sure the paintball actually broke before you call yourself out. Call over a referee for a paint check if you are unsure or can’t see the spot that it hit you. However, if you are covered in paint because a paintball broke near you (but not on you) you are still considered in the game at most fields.

    sideshot4. Remember the Objective of Each Game

    Pay attention to the rules and objective of the game because these can differ by type. Generally, woodsball is played capture the flag style and you’ll need to defend or rescue a flag while shooting other with paint and avoiding the shot yourself. This is probably the style you will play during your first game. However, there are many other game variations and special rules that may be played. Just make sure to follow along and remember the objective of the specific game.

    5. Make Sure to Have Fun

    Always remember to have fun! That is the primary reason everyone showed up to the field. Sure, paintball is competitive and you want to win, but don’t get so caught up in the strategy that forget to have fun. Don’t be so focused on your fears or anxiety of getting hit that you forget why you came. Also, if you are worried about looking like a newbie, don’t sweat it. Everyone is a newbie at some point! Take risks during your first game and you will learn, gain experience, and won’t be a newbie next time around.

    Be sure to check out our other blog posts for more paintball advice and tips!

  • Paintball Strategy Tips for Beginners

    texture5Everyone is a paintball newbie at some point. There are many things that players can only learn from experience on the field. However, just because you are just starting out doesn’t mean you should always have to lose! I want to share some key pieces of paintball strategy advice to speed up your learning process. New players should not have to be at a disadvantage when facing more experienced players. Put these strategy tips into practice and surprise your teammates and opposing players!

    1. Don’t Give Away Your Position Too Soon

    Always evaluate the risk of giving away your position before you shoot. As soon as you fire, expect every nearby player to immediately spot you and shoot back. Paintball guns can be pretty loud! It’s worth it if you think you have a pretty good chance of shooting someone out.

    You don’t want to waste paint or risk revealing your position by firing at opponents that are too far away or covered. Stay quiet and work with teammates to move into a better position to increase your chances of actually shooting out the other player.

    Another reason to shoot at a nearby opponent is to cause a distraction so that a teammate can safely move into a new position. Your attempted shot may also keep that opponent in that position so that they become vulnerable. Teamwork is the name of the game!  Though you might get shot out in the process, your teammate is now in a much better position to eventually shoot that opponent out.

    2. Look for Opponents But Don’t Let Them See You

    You have a huge advantage if you spot a hidden player before they see you. Remember to scan the field quickly and quietly to search for opposing players. You will learn how to do this quicker and quicker with experience. Do not look down too long or become unconscious of your surroundings. It only takes a second for someone to notice you when you look away and then you may be quickly ambushed by the other team! Even if another player does spot you first, staying aware of the space around you will allow you some time to react and run or seek cover.

    3. Hide in Spaces with Good Coverage

    Seek out hiding spots with good coverage so that you never expose more of your body than you have to. Those that have played on the field previously may have an advantage when it comes to familiarity with the field. New players should always walk around the field before gameplay to look for good spots if the rules allow.

    When moving out of cover to scan the field, be careful not to reveal too much of your body. Nearby opponents are more likely to notice your full body than just your head and arms.

    Another smart strategic move is to frequently change up the ways you move out of position. If you suspect that an opponent has spotted you, don’t attack directly from your current position. Change it up and run around the bunker to shoot from the opposite side if opportunity allows. Surprising the other players by popping up from an unexpected position may be enough to give you the upper hand.

    dualsideshot4. Communicate and Use Teamwork

    Paintball is first and foremost a team sport and working together can make or break a game. Even highly skilled players can be bested by beginners that have superior communication. Talk before the game to establish some type of strategy or plan. Figure out who should defend certain parts of the field and where each player should hide. Even the simplest of plans can help you team work together more efficiently.

    During the game, communication can help your team execute plans. Let your nearby teammates know if you spot an opposing player or if you want to ambush someone. If you’re ready to make a run for it, let your teammates know so they can provide coverage for you. Tell your team when you shoot someone out so they can keep track of how many players are left.

    Sharing this collective knowledge is what puts your team ahead and helps you win. However, make sure to keep it discreet and quiet so that the other team does not overhear.

    5. Don’t Make Yourself Vulnerable to an Ambush

    Playing it safe and hanging back too much won’t result in a very fun game. However, moving too quickly or rashly can expose you to unnecessary ambushes and cause you to get shot out early. The worst case scenario is a wall of paint immediately fired in your direction. Even if you aren’t fired at instantly, you will probably be spotted by everyone on the opposite team. They will soon plan an ambush or drive you into poor position. If this does happen, be sure to yell for your teammates. Maybe they can help you out of the position or provide covering fire.

    A better idea is to take a few moments to think of a plan. Don’t play it too safe, but don’t move too recklessly either. Make a conscious decisions about your position and always try to think ahead. This is something that you will develop with experience, but at least staying aware of the possibilities during your first game will help you avoid the worst case scenarios.

  • Does it Hurt to Get Hit With a Paintball?

    If you are about to play paintball for the first time, AC Paintball welcomes you to this exciting game of strategy, action, and adventure. Feel free to browse our blog posts for tips and tricks on gear, strategy, equipment, and more. This post will look at the most popular question paintball newbies ask us: Does it hurt to get shot?

    The answer is not as bad as you might think, so don’t allow fear of potential pain prevent you from trying paintball for the first time. Yes, getting hit with a paintball on the bare skin of a sensitive body part at a high speed, close range, and direct angle would certainly hurt quite a bit. However, in reality that is most often not the way it happens. With protective clothing and a safe range, most times you will only feel a strong thump on your body. There are many other precautions and safety measures paintball players can take to avoid and minimize pain.

    green paintballs

    How to Reduce Pain When Playing Paintball

    1. Wear Layers of Clothing

    Wear loose fitting clothing and as many layers as the weather will allow. Sweatshirts, sweatpants, and camouflage jackets are all great choices if it is cool enough outside. The thick cloth will absorb much of the impact and the paint will actually break less often. As you continue to play paintball regularly, it is a great idea to invest in specialized clothing that provides padding and extra protection in vital areas.

    During the summer or in hotter climates this is obviously more difficult to do. However, try to wear at least a light a thin long sleeve shirt and light pants, plus gloves and goggles (check out our collection of high-quality rental gear if you don’t have your own). Even just one protective layer is ideal over bare skin.

    2. Protect Sensitive Spots

    The most sensitive areas to get hit are the hands, neck, top of head, and thighs. Always wear paintball gloves with padding and armor on the back to protect the hands if you are worried about pain. Find gloves that are comfortable and allow for flexibility as you will need to operate the marker quickly during games. The top of the head is vulnerable to shots when you are crawling toward an opponent, so make sure to have cover during this time. Your neck should be protected with almost any type of mask, but be careful when looking upwards as this will probably expose the neck.

    Direct shots hurt more than angled shots, but it is obviously difficult to control the direction from which an opponent shoots you. Just keep this in mind and try to deflect a shot from the side if at all possible.

    3. Follow Safety Rules

    Each field will have their own safety rules to be explained before play, but they are generally some variation of the following. To be eliminated, a player must be directly hit on any part of their body, gear, or equipment. The paintball must break and leave a mark about the size of a quarter. When you are hit, yell “I’m hit” or “I’m out” to avoid duplicate hits. Hold your arms and marker in the air as you walk off the field so opponents know that’s where you are headed. If you aren’t sure if a hit counts as an out, yell “paint check” and a referee will come over and let you know.

    4. Agree on the Surrender Rule

    The surrender rule is in place generally to allow beginning players to get the hang of the game without the fear of being bombarded and shot painfully by more experienced players. The surrender rule allows players the option to surrender if an opponent has a direct shot on them within 10 to 15 feet. The opponent should yell “surrender,” “point blank,” or “freeze” to let the player know they can shoot them at a close range. The player should comply verbally or simply raise their hands to avoid being hit. If the player refuses and attempts to run or shoot, they will probably take a painful shot. However, it’s good sportsmanship to fire at the foot when in close range to minimize pain.

    5. Keep a Strategic Position
    Communicate and work with your team to avoid being bombarded by shots. One mistake rookies often make it forgetting that paintball is a team sport and not individual. Never run into the middle of the field blindly without any plan because this will overexpose yourself to the other team. It’s better to be strategic and develop a plan that involves cover from your teammates, a tree, bunker, or obstacle. Try to have an idea of where your opponents are at all times as well.

    Position is very important in paintball. Get caught in a vulnerable position and you can get shot more times in a few seconds than a few hours time in a strategic position. Remember that there is safety in numbers and acting with teammates instead of alone greatly reduces your chances of getting shot.

    “Paintballs green” by Makkonen – Self-photographed. Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons – http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Paintballs_green.jpg#/media/File:Paintballs_green.jpg

  • 6 Steps to Getting Started in Paintball

    texture5Paintball has come a long way as a hobby and a sport. Just a few years ago, it wasn’t uncommon to drive multiple hours to play. And it took days of planning to make sure everyone got enough paint and air for that one day. Before rental equipment was popular, all players had to invest in their own or borrow some from a friend.

    In many areas of the US, paintball has now become a mainstream activity and getting started has never been easier. Fields have popped up all over the country and vendors have become much more widespread. The equipment has improved tenfold as well. No more forever fogged up maks or plastic pump markers. Now players have a plethora of gear to choose from and can improve and customize it as they advance skill level.

    That being said, it may not be completely obvious how to get started in paintball if you’ve never played before and don’t have a friend in the sport to show you the ropes. Read on for the steps you should take to get started playing paintball.

    pentagon_smaller1. Find a Nearby Field

    Do a quick google search for paintball fields in your area. In the case of several options, read some reviews and figure out which is more welcoming to beginners. Find out when “walk on” hours are, or the hours that anybody is welcome to drop by and play. If you have a few friends who would like to try out the sport as well, that’s great! Bring them along too. If not, you’ll meet plenty of friends on the field.

    2. Rent Equipment

    Don’t go out and buy full gear before you’ve tried the sport out. It can be a sizeable investment, so you first want to make sure it’s something you really enjoy. The good news is, most paintball fields offer complete equipment rentals included with the price of admission. Do a little research on the field beforehand to confirm this. Ideally, you’ll just show up and be completely outfitted with a mask, other safety equipment, a marker (gun), air, and paint. No advance planning or investments required!

    3. Do a Little Research Beforehand

    While you won’t need to buy or bring anything with you the first time you play, it helps to be a bit familiar with the game. Find out what type of fields and play styles the facility offers and read up on them. The most common is woodsball and capture the flag. If you’ve ever played capture the flag as a kid, you basically already know how to play that style. Just imagine shooting other players with paint instead of tagging them out!

    Find out if the facility recommends a specific type of clothing. It’s a good idea to at least wear long sleeves and long pants, depending on the weather. Check out some paintball etiquette and safety tips as well.

    4. Buy Equipment

    paintball birthdaySo, you’ve survived your first game and can’t wait to play again. The competition, adrenaline rush, strategy, teamwork–it’s all in your ballpark. It’s time to buy your own equipment when you plan to start playing fairly regularly. The options for markers (paintball guns) are endless and it can be a bit overwhelming to choose your first purchase.

    The best thing to do is choose a simple and durable stock marker that you can customize down the line (Tippman A5/X7 or 98 are good starting points). Consider investing in a good mask for your first purchase. These can be pricey, but are very important to safety and comfort. A quality, durable mask will be comfortable, vent better, and last a long time.

    5. Don’t Make Marker Upgrades Just Yet

    Once you make your first purchase, you’ll probably be itching to make upgrades and modifications based on recommendations from other players (magazine attachments, response and e-triggers, barrels, grips, sights… the options are endless).  Don’t commit to any changes just yet. First you’ll want to get more experience playing. Take your new marker out on the field as it was originally designed and get a feel for it to figure out what you like and don’t like.

    Every player is different and this will become clear with the customizations you choose. For example, you buddy may swear by the distance upgrades he’s made to his marker, but you find that you prefer accuracy. Your choice modifications will also depend on the game type you prefer (woodsball, speedball, military, ect.) which also takes time to figure out.

    6. Find an Online Community

    You’ll probably have a ton of questions about getting started and how to improve your game. Check out some message boards (PB Nation, Tippmann forum, Reddit) for a great source of unbiased knowledge. Ask questions about gear, upgrades, safety, experiences, or anything else you’re interested in learning about. This community is actually full of players who are looking to share their knowledge to get more people excited about the sport.