• Tips for Building a Successful Paintball Team

    ac paintball ready to rollCreating a paintball team is a great way to socialize on a regular basis. Not only does it keep you healthy, but it keeps you happy as well. If you’re thinking about creating your own paintball team, there are a variety of aspects to think about. If the task seems overwhelming, fear not, because AC Paintball is here to help. With these helpful tips, you can build a successful paintball team and have fun with your friends.

    Finding Teammates

    The first step to creating a paintball team is to gather teammates. Usually, when you decide you want to build a paintball team, you may just have a friend or two ready to join you. If this is the case, you will have to do some recruiting to build your team.

    When adding people, try to find players that already have or are willing to buy their own equipment. This shows commitment to your team. If you are thinking about adding someone new to paintball, they can rent AC Paintball’s equipment to give it a try. This way they won’t be wasting money if they decide not to play.

    You will also want to make sure that everyone plays well together. Before you invite them to join your team, give them a test run. See if they have good chemistry and mesh with the rest of your team. It is a good idea to add people with a variety of different skills. You will want a good mix of different playing styles to balance your team. This way you will always have someone to call on when you need a specific skill to carry out your plans and win the game.

    Organizing Your Team

    sideshotNext, you will need to organize your team. You need to decide what your group is going to be about and what your goals are. Do you want to compete professionally or are you just looking to have fun? After that, you will need to create a schedule. Find out when everyone is available. Then figure out what dates and times will allow the majority of your team to attend. Have some substitute players ready on call in case some of your teammates can’t make it. You may also want to consider making team shirts or uniforms.

    Choosing Roles and Responsibilities

    Your team will also have to choose roles and responsibilities. Try playing a few games at AC Paintball to assess everyone’s skills. Once you learn what everyone is good at, start assigning roles. Fast runners make good frontmen. Accurate shooters make good snipers. Players who are heavy-shooters make good backmen and defensive players. Well-rounded players make for a good infantry. You may also want to think about what strategies are best to use with the players you have.


    Once your team is organized and have their positions, you can practice at AC Paintball. Practice is the best way to specialize in your position and learn to work with your new teammates. The ability to communicate well and work with your team is a valuable skill in paintball. If you know what to expect from one another, you will better know how to adjust your game to each situation.

    Another good way to bring your team closer is to get together outside of AC Paintball. There are plenty of fun places to go in southern New Jersey. You can go out to eat, try a different sport, or just hang out at someone’s house. The more you get to know one another, the more you will learn to trust each other. The more you practice with each other, the more successful you will become.

  • Adapting Your Paintball Game to the Weather

    field-1825871_960_720There are many variables that may affect your paintball game. Your health, your focus, and other players can all change how well you play. The weather is also an important aspect to consider. AC Paintball is located in southern New Jersey, which means the weather changes often. If you are planning to play at our facility, you will definitely want to check the weather beforehand. Then you will want to plan for your game accordingly with these tips.



    The first way you will need to prepare is deciding what to wear. This step is important to ensure that you are comfortable and safe while playing on AC Paintball’s fields. Consider the temperature when deciding how much length and how many layers you will need. In the fall you will want long sleeves and maybe a few layers. This will also give you more protection when getting hit so it doesn’t hurt as much. Yet, you will not want so many layers that it is difficult to move.

    When summer comes around you will want to wear shorts and a T-shirt. If you are new to paintball, however, you may want to consider longer, but light material so you have some more cover. Padding can also be helpful.


    For rainy days, consider a poncho or full rain gear to keep dry. Playing in wet clothing isn’t the most comfortable. You may also want to bring extra clothing to change into on rainy days. You will also want shoes with good traction to prevent slipping and falling. For the most part, clothing is a matter of preference, but you will want to make sure you are prepared.



    If you pick a rainy day at AC Paintball, you will want to keep everything as dry as possible. You will need to keep the inside of the marker completely dry. If water gets into the gun, it could ruin the accuracy, velocity, and range. Wrapping cling wrap around the barrel may help if your marker doesn’t have a lot of porting. Make sure the gun is dry before applying. You should also carefully dry your equipment between each game.

    In the rain, you should opt for a hopper with a lid rather than one with speed feed. However, if your marker does not have one you can improvise my making a cover out of the bag your paintballs came in. Be sure to inspect your marker for any other gaps or openings that water can get into. Some openings are there for a reason, though, so use your common sense when covering your marker. Having a roll of cloth hockey tape or vinyl electrical tape on hand is a good idea. You can add some under the grips of your marker to make sure it is sealed.


    When the air is humid, you should be ready for your goggles to fog up. If it’s not too humid you may only have to deal with some light condensation on the outside of your mask. However, in bad conditions, water will build up on the inside and make difficult to see. The best thing you can do to prevent this issue it to make sure your mask fits properly. You will also want to make sure it is properly sealed. Many AC Paintball players also use a coating of anti-fog solution, or a goggle fan to help fight fogging.


    You will also need to keep your ammunition dry. Paintballs begin to dissolve in water. It only takes a single drop to cause the paintball to soften. If one gets too wet it will lose its shape and become useless. The change of shape will affect how the paintball leaves the gun and flies through the air. Putting wet paintballs in your gun can also cause damage to the parts. Be sure to keep your ammo covered on rainy days at AC Paintball.


    When you play in the southern New Jersey heat, be sure to be ready for the sun to take a lot out of you. Try to pace yourself and conserve some energy at the beginning of your AC Paintball session. This way you will still have energy for your last game. The cold can also take energy from you and make it difficult to focus. Try to put a song in your head or use a mantra to keep yourself going.

    The rain will make it slippery and make it tricky to quickly take cover. Be careful and move more slowly so you don’t fall or slide past your bunker. It is comical to watch your opponents slip and slide, but remember to focus on your own footing. Playing in the rain is not necessarily a disadvantage; you just have to change your play and plan each move.


    Finally, you need to learn to use the elements to your advantage. If you play with experienced players, you may notice them getting closer to their target. This is because paintball markers are less accurate in the rain. You should follow their example, reduce your shooting distance to improve your precision. You may also want to buy some extra ammo from AC Paintball to ensure you don’t run out. Try not to get too frustrated and just play to your best ability.

  • AC Paintball Health Tips

    apple-2391_960_720While playing paintball is a great way to build your muscles and stay healthy, you need to back it up with other healthy habits. You need to take care of yourself before, during, and after a game, so that you don’t get hurt. At AC Paintball in southern New Jersey, we want our players to be happy and healthy. We support safe paintball and offer these tips to keep you and team energized.

    Drink Plenty of Water

    Summers in Williamstown, New Jersey can get hot. While you’re running around AC Paintball’s field, you will continually lose water through sweat. Losing even a small percentage of your body’s weight in fluid can significantly affect your game. Proper hydration will keep you running longer and feeling better.

    You need to hydrate before, during, and after each game. One to two hours before playing, you should drink a bottle of water. Right before the game, you should drink another half bottle of water. During your AC Paintball game, you should drink a half bottle of water every 15 minutes or so. After the game, be sure replenish any additional water you lost throughout the day.

    Eat Healthy Foods

    Along with drinking enough, you need to make sure to eat the right foods. Foods with protein will give you the energy you need to play multiple AC Paintball games. Whole grains will keep you feeling full longer so you can concentrate on the game rather than your stomach growling. Fruits and vegetables will give your body the nutrients it needs to function properly. Yogurt is a good source of calcium that helps your muscles. Fish or sushi will keep your eyes and brain functioning to the best of their ability.

    Wear Appropriate Clothing and Footwear

    Before you leave your New Jersey home, you will want to make sure you have proper clothing and footwear. The best clothing to wear is something that is easy to move in. You don’t want your outfit to be so tight you can’t move or so loose that you get your sleeve caught on something. Something light weight will make it easier to perform to the best of your ability.

    feet-1840619_960_720Be sure to check the weather before coming to AC Paintball and prepare appropriately. In summer, wear breathable clothing and be sure to bring sunscreen. In cooler temperature wear a few layers. You may also want to consider some padding to avoid injuries. Sneakers are the best and most appropriate choice for footwear.

    Have a Proper Warm Up and Cool Down

    The average AC Paintball game gives you a full body workout. Between running, crouching, squatting and more, you work more muscles than the average sport. With this in mind, you need to make sure your muscles are warmed up so you don’t get hurt. Before your game jog a few laps and do some dynamic stretches. This includes knee-highs, butt kicks, grapevines, etc. If you still feel stiff, try adding some static stretches.

    Just as important as a warm-up is a cool down. A cool down allows your body to gradually return to a resting state. After an intense game, your blood and heart will be racing. If you sit down and do nothing too fast, you may get dizzy and feel sick. A proper cool down includes jogging, dynamic stretching, and static stretching.

    Follow Safety Rules

    Paintball can be dangerous if you don’t follow safety rules. You should keep your helmet/safety gear on at all times and always keep your gun pointed low. Don’t be too reckless during play. Dangerous moves are not worth the injury.

    At AC Paintball, your safety is our priority. To view our official rules and regulations, please follow this link: https://acpaintball.com/ac-paintball-rules-and-regulations/. If you would like to schedule a game, you can do so here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/.

  • Making Paintball Your Hobby

    Everyone needs a hobby. If you want something relaxing you can try knitting or drawing, but if you want something more thrilling, you should try paintball. Choosing paintball as a hobby is a great way to get exercise, improve your mind, and have fun all at the same time. It strengthens you in various ways and can teach you some valuable life lessons. So if you are in the market for a new hobby, why not schedule a game at AC Paintball in Williamstown, New Jersey. You can bring your friends or family along as well.

    paintball-21021_960_720If you are considering paintball as a hobby, you may have plenty of questions. There are many aspects to consider. AC Paintball is here to help. After years of operation, we have heard many stories and opinions. From this experience, we can help you learn what to expect.

    Cost Expectations

    Paintball requires plenty of gear. You need a marker, ammo, power supply, a helmet, and optional padding. Markers can vary depending on the age, quality, and features. An average decent paintball gun will cost you around $100 – $300. Beyond that, you may want to consider attachments to improve the accuracy, speed, and distance of your marker.

    A helmet will cost you about $50 – $150. The cost of ammo will vary depending on quality and quantity. If you are a heavy shooter, you will need more ammo. You will also want to think about maintenance to keep your equipment in nice condition.

    If you are unsure about putting out the money before you know how much you like paintball, you can rent your equipment. View AC Paintball’s equipment and prices here: https://acpaintball.com/paintball-rental-equipment/. Frequent players should consider signing up for AC Paintball’s membership. Members can save with a discount on paintballs.

    Time Expectations

    With paintball, you can play as little or as often as you like. If you are busy, you can just play in your free time. On the other hand, diehard players may want to consider joining a league or playing weekly. If you are planning a special paintball event or want to play on a specific AC Paintball field, be sure to check availability and make a reservation.

    paintball-1278895_960_720Physical Expectations

    One of the first aspects beginners note is that getting hit with a paintball hurts. You can soften the blow with padding, but if you play often enough, you will get used to it. The more you strengthen your muscles, the more tolerant you will become.

    Another common worry is injuries. Paintball is a physical sport with plenty of activity and high-speed objects. However, paintball is actually safer than many other sports. Paintball records fewer injuries on average than sports like hockey, football, and basketball. AC Paintball also ensures safety by checking our equipment often. We also supply referees to supervise our fields.

    Social Expectations

    If you are looking for a hobby where you can make friends, paintball is a perfect choice. Communication is an important aspect of the game. You will talk to a variety of different people throughout each AC Paintball game. Sooner or later, you are bound to make a friend, especially when you share an interest in paintball. With all the action, cool gear, and strategy, you are sure to have plenty to talk about as well.

    Paintball can be fun for any type of personality. Extroverts will love having so many people to talk to and learn from. On the other hand, paintball can help introverts become more social. Even if constant interactions are not your thing, you can choose to play a more secluded position such as a sniper. You can be more social without getting overwhelmed.

  • Choosing a Marker for Woodsball

    pump paintball gunYour choice of paintball marker can make or break your game. Whether you are buying your own gun or renting one from AC Paintball, there are many aspects to consider. There are price, quality, accessories, features, and more. You will also want to consider what game and position you are going to play. If you play a lot of woodsball, you will want to choose a marker that complements the natural terrain.


    One of the most important details you will want to look at for in a Woodsball marker is distance. The further it can fly accurately, the better. Unlike AC Paintball’s speedball fields, the wooded fields are larger. When you enter combat, you are typically further away from your target.

    Both AC Paintball rentals have an effective range of 150+ feet. Most players find this range satisfactory for playing on our wooded field. If you want to increase your personal gun’s distance, you can buy specialized equipment. By changing the velocity and rotation of the paintball, you can get them to fly further.


    You will also want to look at accuracy. You have plenty of trees, bunkers, and brush to shoot around. If your shot flies off to the side, you will miss your mark. Your opponent will be alerted and start to shoot at you. Then you may be eliminated and become unable to help your team. An accurate marker will keep you in the game and make you feel like a champ when you hit every target.

    The Tippmann Custom 98 Marker and Valken V-Tac SW-1 are fairly matched in accuracy when firing single shots. If you want to improve your accuracy, though, a longer barrel will help.

    Rapid Fire Speed

    Your marker doesn’t just have to fire accurately, it has to fire rapid shots accurately. While this feature is more important in speedball, it can also be important in a woodsball game. If you are playing a backman or get caught in an ambush, you may need to lay down a lot of paint. Sometimes rapid fire is your only defense.

    The Valken V-Tac SW-1is more accurate when firing many shots. The Tippman has more of a recoil. When a marker has a recoil, you will have to readjust your aim more after each shot.

    valken paintball gunWeight

    Playing on a larger AC Paintball field means more running. Your level of activity is something to condiser when choosing a gun for woodsball. If you are playing a frontman or runner, you will run constantly. Having a light-weight gun will weigh you down less so you can run longer and faster. If you are playing a sniper or backman, you can get away with a slightly heavier marker. The Valken V-Tac SW-1 is smaller and lighter than the Tippman Tippmann Custom 98.


    Speedball uses more man-made structures while woodsball uses a more natural setting. This means you will encounter more elements. Southern New Jersey weather can be unpredictable, so you need to prepare for anything. You will want to choose a durable gun that can withstand water, dirt, and extreme temperatures.

    The Tippmann Custom 98 Marker is known for its durability. If you are renting from AC Paintball and tend to be rough with your marker, the Tippman is your best choice.


    Don’t forget to think about aesthetics when choosing your paintball gun. Bright and colorful designs look cool, but they will not help you while playing in wooded fields. They will make you stand out and easier to spot. Try to stick to dark colors or camouflage. This will help you stay hidden. AC Paintball’s rentals are both plain black. To learn more about rental equipment, follow this link: https://acpaintball.com/paintball-rental-equipment/.

  • Tips for Playing a Backman

    paintball-1961038_960_720The backmen play an important role in any AC Paintball game. They are the main defenders for both your team and any relics your opponent may be trying to capture. As with many sports, the quality of your paintball team’s defense can make or break your chances at success. When you play a backman, you need to be ready to support your team. Thus, you should know what to focus on and make sure to practice your skills.

    Focus on Defense

    As an AC Paintball backman you are in charge of protecting both your team and any important relics. When playing capture-the-flag, defend-the-castle or VIP, you will want to pay close attention to your post. You shouldn’t be wandering off to do other aspects. Learn how to scan the field and look for movement in the distance. Being watchful is a crucial skill for a backman. Even if there are periods without action, you need to stay focused on your goals. It only takes a few seconds for your other team’s runner to hit you or steal the flag.

    Protect Your Teammates

    Even if you are not playing capture-the-flag, you need to be able to protect your teammates. As they move up the field you need to be ready to provide backup for them. If they get stuck in an ambush, you may be their only chance of getting out without getting eliminated. You should create distractions and draw the enemy’s attention. This way your teammates can move across the field unnoticed.

    Practicing your shooting skill is also important. You will need to be able to shoot accurately to be able to defend your team. It is also helpful to learn to shoot with both hands. This way you can shoot from either side of a bunker and still keep most of your body protected. If you lack space to practice at home, consider buying an AC Paintball membership.

    Choose the Right Equipment

    Equipment choice is an important aspect for any paintball position. Your marker should complement your skills and responsibilities. As a backman, you will want to choose a gun that can fire quickly and accurately. If you plan on renting your equipment from AC Paintball, the Valken V-Tac SW-1 may be your best choice. It has less recoil than the Tippman model which will help when rapidly firing many shots. You will also want a harness or backpack so you have means for carrying extra ammunition.


    Prepare to Use a Lot of Paint

    When you plan to be a backman at AC Paintball, you need to prepare to use lots of paint. You need to protect the flag or your teammates at all costs. At times you may need to use the spray-and-pray shooting method to ward off the enemy. Out of all the positions, you will need the most paint. AC Paintball offers 500 paintballs for $19.95 or 2000 for $65.42. Players who buy membership can get a discount on these prices.

    Communicate Well

    You have one of the best views of the field. While you only have to look in one direction to see the entire field, other players have to watch their back. You can be helpful by watching your team’s back for them. If you know where they are and see trouble near them, warn them. Update them about the movements of the enemy.

    You are also in charge of telling the roamer when to take over for the front man. Walkie-talkies are one of the best ways to communicate. You can also use code words, or body signals when your teammates are close enough to see and hear you. Be sure to devise a communication strategy before playing at AC Paintball.

    Learn To Be a Leader

    Many teams like to put their most experienced player at the back as a captain. If you are a leader, you need to be able to make good decisions. Research strategies and learn how to outsmart your opponents. You may want to focus on movement. Know where to position both yourself and your teammates so that you can overwhelm the enemy. Learning to be a good backman will assist you in leading your team to victory.


  • How to Effectively Cool Down After an AC Paintball Game

    silhouette-1788908_960_720What is your routine after playing an intense game at AC Paintball? How do you return your body to a restful state? A cool down is an important part of any paintball game that is sometimes overlooked by players. After playing a tiring game of paintball, it is tempting to just sit down on a bench and try to catch your breath. Yet, taking a few extra minutes to gradually return your body to a restful state is healthier.

    If you don’t know how to effectively calm down after a game, it is time to learn. AC Paintball is here to help.

    Importance of a Cool-Down


    A proper cool down benefits your body in a variety of ways. It gives your heart a chance to adjust to the level of exercise. When playing at AC Paintball your heart rate rises. Between the excitement and exercise, it may beat anywhere from 75-200 bpm (beats per minute). The number will vary depending on your health and age. The average resting heart rate is 60-100 bpm. If you go from a high rate to a low rate too quickly, you may experience dizziness due to the reduced level of work.

    Blood Circulation

    A gradual cool down also helps keep your blood circulating. As you play, your muscles use nutrients and oxygen. These nutrients will need to be replenished so you can continue to play more AC Paintball games. Your body transports more nutrients to your muscles through your blood stream. Therefore, it is important to keep your blood circulating after exercise.


    When you use your muscles to exercise, they become warm. This is the ideal time to stretch them because it is easier for the muscles to be moved around. Stretching your muscles regularly will improve your range of motion. The more flexible you are, the better you can move during your next AC Paintball game.

    Easy Exercise

    Start your cool down routine with some easy exercise. Make sure that the level of activity is somewhere between intense and resting. Jogging in place or taking a few laps around an AC Paintball field is one of the best options. You can also try some dynamic stretches that gently move your body. Gradually slow down your pace and don’t forget to breathe.

    jog-1005897_960_720Static Stretching

    Once you lower your heart rate, you will want to do some static stretches. This will keep your muscles from getting stiff. Unlike dynamic stretches, your body stays in one place while you hold a certain position. Stretch everything! Paintball uses your whole body, so make sure your stretching routine is through. You may want to put some extra focus on your legs, back, and shoulders as they are usually worked the most.

    Try to hold each stretch for 20 – 30 seconds, but don’t strain yourself too much. Pushing yourself too hard risks injury. Again, don’t forget to breathe.


    As you breathe and sweat, your body loses water. When you are finished playing, you will need to replenish your fluid and electrolyte deficit. You don’t want to get dehydrated. Water is your best option, but some athletes also use sports drinks or even chocolate milk. Don’t drink too much all at once. Be sure to consistently drink enough over the next two days after your AC Paintball visit, though.


    Finally, you need to recover the energy and nutrients your body used to help you play. After the game, find your favorite southern New Jersey restaurant and order something healthy. Something packed with protein will help replenish your energy and keep your muscles strong. This includes beef, chicken, and fish/sushi. Other healthy options include whole-grains, fruits, vegetables, yogurt, and nuts/seeds.

    With proper care and attention, your body will be ready to go again, so you can play another game at AC Paintball!

  • Improving Your Reaction Time

    You’re playing an intense game of woodsball when your eyes meet your opponent’s. You both know what is about to happen, but you don’t know what the outcome will be, yet. That all depends on who has a better reaction time. In this situation, the fastest trigger finger wins. If you’re equally matched, you may both be eliminated. Reaction time is an important skill when playing at AC Paintball. You need to train your reflexes to beat your opponents and avoid getting hit.

    So how do you improve your reaction time? There are a variety of drills, hobbies, and skills you can practice.

    rubiks-cube-157058_960_720Improve Your Mental Speed

    The reaction process starts in your brain. First, your brain gathers information through your senses. You make look for movement on the AC Paintball field, or listen for markers firing. Then it will analyze the facts. You realize you are in danger of elimination. Finally, it sends signals to the rest of your body to help you navigate the situation. You run away or shoot to defend yourself. The stronger and healthier your brain is, the faster this process takes place.


    Training your brain with different daily challenges will improve your thinking speed. Regularly doing crosswords, Sudoku, Rubik’s cubes, etc. can enhance your cognitive abilities. While exercising keeps your body in shape, solving problems will keep your brain healthy.

    Video Games

    Some video games may also help. Classic games like Frogger, Pong, or Pinball can train your brain to focus on many moving pieces at once. Strategy-based games and shooter games also train you to be alert and ready to take action. While using these training tactics, you can track your progress with a reaction test. There are many apps and websites out there that can help you gauge your abilities.

    Improve Your Agility

    Once you get your brain up to speed, you need to make sure your body is ready to do the work. Now is the time to combine your mental skills with some physical challenges. Choose drills that require coordination and specific instructions. This will help you prepare for anything when playing on an AC Paintball field.

    Ball Drills

    Ball drills are a great way to learn to adjust to your surroundings. Grab a partner and play a game of catch. Have the partner vary the speed and direction so that you never know what kind of throw is coming. You will have to judge where the ball is going quickly and adjust your position accordingly. Once you get good with that, mix it up. Find a wall and stand facing it. Have your partner stand behind you and throw the ball at the wall. Once again, you will try to catch the ball.  However, it will be more difficult because you cannot see which way your partner is facing.


    Clock and Foot Movement Drills

    Playing paintball puts your entire body to work. Not only do you need to be coordinated enough to aim your marker, but you need to be able to know how to move your feet as well. Try doing some stepping drills that prompt you to keep specific rhythms with your feet. You can use a stepping stool, jump rope, ladder, or even play Dance Dance Revolution. Just choose a specific pattern and keep practicing.

    Another drill you can try is setting up four objects around you. Place each one a few feet in front of you at the front, back, and sides. Have an AC Paintball buddy give you different random directions for each object. For instance, pick up the object in from of you, step on the object to your left, or do three spins at the object behind you. Once you get good, you can make the directions more creative. You can make up code words for each direction to make you think more. This drill will help you practice interpreting, analyzing, and executing.

    Practice Awareness and Try to Predict Your Opponents Moves

    Even if you don’t have the best reaction speed, there are other ways to get ready to defend yourself. One of those options is practicing awareness. Minimize distractions and prioritize your goals. Listen closely for your AC Paintball opponents. If you hear something you can prepare to aim or dodge ahead of time. Once you play for a while, you will begin to notice your opponent’s tendencies. Then you will be able to predict their actions and learn to counteract their moves.

    Schedule a Game at AC Paintball

    Now is the time to put all your skills together. Plan a game at AC Paintball’s facility in Williamstown, New Jersey. The more you play, the better you will get. Every game you play will build your knowledge and skills. You can schedule a game here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/.

  • Tips for Playing a Frontman at AC Paintball

    paintballFrontmen, also known as pointmen, are an important component to any AC Paintball game. They are the leaders who charge ahead and scope out ambushes, targets, etc. If you want your team to be successful, you need to learn how to be a capable player. After all, a team is only as good as its weakest player. Every player should know their position, practice, and prepare appropriately. Check out these tips, then put your skills to the test at our facility in Williamstown, New Jersey.

    Plan Your Strategy Ahead of Time

    The start of the game is not the time to be figuring out a plan, especially for frontmen. You need to plan a strategy beforehand. When the game starts the runner should be aggressive and move onto the opponent’s side quickly. You need to complete your objectives and learn important information for your team. Use AC Paintball’s bunkers or trees for protection as you work your way across the field.

    Be Daring, but Patient

    As an AC Paintball frontman, you need to find the right balance between being bold and being patient. You need to be willing to take chances, so you can complete your objectives. At the same time, you need to have some patience. If you don’t take some time to analyze the situation, you may get caught off guard. You won’t be much help to your team if you get eliminated from the game. You also can’t be afraid to get hit.

    Be Aware and Ready to Run

    Since you are ahead of the rest of your team, you need to be aware. You don’t have anyone in front of you to warn you of ambushes, snipers, and traps. You need to listen carefully and be ready to run. If you hear firing you need to have quick reflexes to get out of the way.

    When not playing on AC Paintball’s fields, you should condition your body. Lift weights and stretch thoroughly so you have the strength and flexibility to squat, crouch, and dodge. You should also practice cardio and balance to help you run faster.

    Communicate Well With Your Team

    No matter what sport you are playing, every team needs a good communication system. Whether you use walkie-talkies or hand signals, you need some way to tell your team your plans. As a frontman, you need to warn the midfield and backfield about the other team’s positioning. When they know important facts ahead of time, they can prepare to take out dangerous opponents. They can also better protect you and each other.

    paintball-1282158_960_720Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Backup

    Almost everyone wants to be a hero. If you win the game for your team you can expect praise and glory. Yet, you don’t want to become a show-off. Other players want to feel useful too. Even if you are the best player on your team, don’t be afraid to ask for backup. Another player just might save you from elimination.

    Carry a Light Gun

    Every AC Paintball player needs to choose their marker wisely. Every gun has different features that work well with different players and positions. As a frontman, you will want to choose a light gun. Since you are a player that is always on the move, you can’t have extra attachments weighing you down. You can also plan on not needing as many paintballs as the average player.

    Be a Good Leader

    Frontmen are usually one of the most experienced players. They need to be intelligent and know how to predict the other team’s moves. You need to know what to expect and how to strategize. Pointman may be the captain or just a fast runner, but no matter what they need to support their team. They need to be good leaders. Encouraging your teammates gives them purpose. When people have a specific role to play, they tend to have more fun and perform better.


  • Different AC Paintball Bunkers and How to Use Them

    Paintball would be a different game without bunkers. You wouldn’t have to think about hiding or plan your movements strategically. It would just be a big open field with players shooting at each other. The setup and layout of bunkers on the AC Paintball field can help determine what game you should play. Bunkers come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. Each one has different uses, advantages, and disadvantages.

    10658860_496608440479653_4244368542241473132_oAt AC Paintball we put thought into the layout of our fields. We carefully select and place each bunker where it can be most useful. Studying the layout of the field before the game will help you create a plan of action. You can choose which path you want to take and where your snipers should hide out. Use the bunkers strategically and you can improve your chances of winning.

    Cylinders and Trees

    AC Paintball’s cylinders are tall and narrow. This is one of the most common types of bunkers. They can be found at almost any paintball facility in southern New Jersey. Cylinders are good for keeping you covered in a straight standing position. They are tall so that you don’t have to worry about attacks from above. You can peek and shoot out to the side and then quickly take cover again.

    You do have to worry about your side and back, though. This is why most cylinders are placed near the back or outer edge. When placed in the middle, your opponents can easily flank you from the back and sides.

    Lay-down Cylinders and Military Drop Tank Bunkers

    Lay-down cylinders are long and the low to the ground.  AC Paintball typically uses this type of bunker along the fence or in the middle as a divider. This allows players to easily crawl from one place to another.  Since most players focus their point-of-view slightly higher, this is a stealthy way to move around.  You may even be able to move onto your opponent’s side without getting caught. However, if someone does spot you from above, you will become an easy target.


    hiddenshotYou can find both large and small spools on our Williamstown fields. They provide excellent cover as they are both tall and wide. You can safely stand behind tall spools or kneel behind short ones. Their rounded edges make them easy to peek around without exposing yourself too much. They are a useful tool when playing a game with checkpoints.


    Another common bunker is the barrel. You can usually find them in sets of two or three at AC Paintball. They share a similar shape with cylinders, but they are shorter and wider. You can safely couch behind one to hide from fire and pop up to shoot at your opponents. Be careful with this approach, though, you leave your entire top half exposed at the back and side. If you aren’t paying close attention, an opponent can take you out in an instant.


    Cones are one of AC Paintball’s smallest bunkers. Thus, they are usually not a player’s first choice when looking for shelter. Yet, they are useful for bunker-hopping. They can offer good protection when crouching as they are wide at the bottom. When standing, they are also easy to peak around.


    Many paintball fields in New Jersey have their own unique bunkers. We have a pentagon made of military drop tank bunkers that are stacked together. This is the largest bunker you will find at AC Paintball. Unlike other bunkers, it can shelter a group of people.  You can safely stand within it or crouch to look out the opening between the stacked drop tank bunkers. It is a useful shelter for defend-the-castle or hostage games.