• Best Team Tips and Strategies For an AC Paintball Woodsball Game

    While most AC Paintball games utilize the same basic gameplay principles, every AC Paintball game is different. The people you play with, what game you choose to play, the weather and even the AC Paintball field you choose to play on can significantly change the game. For instance, woodsball is very different from speedball. You play on a larger field, utilize different types of bunkers, and play on different terrain. Therefore, it makes sense to use different techniques and strategies.

    By learning how to adapt to each game, you can improve your skills as a paintball player. Then you can help lead your AC Paintball team to more victories.

    Know Your Team and Choose Positions Carefully

    The best way to start any AC Paintball game is by getting to know your team. Figure out what each player’s skills are and put them in positions they can excel at. If you already know most of your team, this task is fairly easy to accomplish. However, if you are playing with many new people you may need to figure out a way to do this quickly so you can get on with your AC Paintball game.

    One way you can try to accomplish this is by asking your teammates what they would like to do. You can also ask them what their best skill is and place them in positions accordingly. If they have good aim and are good at hiding, make them a sniper. If they are a fast runner, put them at the front of the group. If they are good at adapting to different situations, put them somewhere in the middle.  

    Plan Out Movements Ahead of Time

    Once you have your team in positions, figure out how your team will move. AC Paintball’s wooded fields are large, so it makes sense to spread out and utilize the space. It is also a good idea to stay off the main paths as this can make your team an easy target for ambushes from your opponents.

    Once your AC Paintball game starts, having your front runners continually push to advance on your enemy is a good way to gain the upper hand. Have your snipers go to strategic areas where you think they will be useful. Have the middlemen spread out and in a place where they can easily and safely communicate between the frontmen and backmen. Finally, make sure the backmen are in a place where they can help aid or defend those in front of them.

    Have A Backup Plan or Reactive Strategy

    There is no guarantee that your original plan will work. If one of your teammates makes a mistake or if your opponents use a strategy that gives them the upper hand, your team needs to know how to react. If your team doesn’t know where to go or what to do, there is a good chance your AC Paintball opponents will start eliminating players quickly. To avoid this, make sure your team formulates a reactive plan before your AC Paintball game begins. Then make sure each player knows what they are supposed to do in various situations.

    Focus On Teamwork

    Your ability to work together as a team can be even more important for an AC Paintball woodsball game than it is for a speedball game. In speedball, the teams and fields are usually small. This makes it easy to communicate and allows you to think a bit more individually. In an AC Paintball woodsball game, however, you have a larger field and more people. This makes it more of a group effort to win the game.

    During an AC Paintball game, it is important to stay quiet. If you are constantly yelling, your opponents will know where you are and be able to eliminate you more easily. Communicating in a large field while being quiet is a fairly difficult task, so make sure you have a communication plan ahead of time. You can use Walkie-Talkies, hand signals, or designate specific players to communicate messages between players. Knowing how to work together well with your teammates will improve your chances of winning your AC Paintball game.

  • Converting Your Friends to Paintball From Another Sport

    If you have recently become interested in paintball, you may be looking to get some of your other friends interested in paintball as well. This way you always have a group to count on and visit AC Paintball in southern New Jersey with. The friends you are trying to convert may have never played paintball before. However, they may have accumulated other athletic skills from other sports they have played. This AC Paintball blog will help you help them accustom themselves to the paintball world and adapt their old skills to a new game.

    Figure Out Similarities Between Paintball and Their Sport

    If your friends have never played before, the best place to start is by explaining a bit about paintball to them. Let them know what you learned your first few times playing.

    Then try and help them understand the game. Think about the sport they already play and see if there are any similarities that transfer well to paintball. For instance, in volleyball players watch where a hitter is facing to judge where they will hit the ball. This same principle can be applied to paintball when aiming and trying to avoid getting hit. Another example is sports like soccer, football, and basketball. You need to be aware of where each player is on the court. This is also true in paintball.

    Show Them How Paintball Can Help Them

    While you may find many similarities that translate from their sport to paintball, you may also find multiple differences. It might take a little while to adjust to these differences, but you and your friends will gain new skills that you will find helpful for other sports and daily activities.

    For example, paintball is a game that involves a lot of strategizing and fast decision making. You have to think about the layout of the AC Paintball field, where all of the players are, and your goal. Then you have to make the right choices so you can reach your goal and win the AC Paintball game. Therefore, the decision-making and planning skills you use in paintball can translate into other sports and real life to help you achieve your goals.

    This is just one instance of how practicing paintball at AC Paintball can help you in life and with your daily pursuits. The more you play, the more skills you will learn. Teaching your friends about what they can gain from playing paintball will motivate them to join you.

    Show Them Why You Love Paintball

    There are instances where friends are very different from in other, but in most cases, you became friends because you have a lot in common. Therefore, if there is something you love about paintball, there is a good chance that that aspect will interest your friend too.

    While you are playing with your friend at AC Paintball, be sure to highlight the reasons you love paintball. Your passion may rub off on them so they learn to love the sport too.

    Let Them Play a Position That Involves Skills They Already Have

    In many cases, people learn to love doing activities they are good at. If you put your friend in a position that they can excel in, it improves the chances of them enjoying paintball. Think back to what similarities you found between paintball and the other sports you and your friends have played. If you think the skills your friend already has will translate well to a certain paintball position, start them out in that role. Having your teammates in roles they are good at will also help you win your AC Paintball game.

    Give Them Your Best Tips

    If you have been playing at AC Paintball for a while, you have likely learned what does work and what does not work. You may have a variety of tips and tricks you can share with your friend. If you do share these tips with your friend, you will likely improve their confidence as a player so they can play better. When they play better, they will likely have more fun and want to join you on your next AC Paintball adventure.

    Make Sure You Take Them To a Place With a Friendly Atmosphere

    There are many places you can take your friend to play paintball. If you want them to have fun, you should choose a field with a friendly atmosphere. A friendly atmosphere is one of the main goals AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey strives for. If you would like to schedule a game, you can do so through our website here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/ or by calling 609-561-3883.

  • The Importance of Learning to Shoot Off-Handed

    If you want to be the best paintball player you can be, it is important to always look for new ways to improve and get better. From beginner to the average player, you should work on mastering skills such as aiming, strategizing, moving around, and being stealthy. Once you have a good grip on these skills, however, you can start to practice and learn more tricky skills. One skill that many AC Paintball players find useful is the ability to shoot with both hands.

    When you are just starting out on your paintball journey, using your dominant hand helps more easily and quickly adjust to the game. However, once you play at AC Paintball for a while, you may begin to realize that using the same hand all the time gets difficult in certain situations. Soon enough, you may decide you want to train your non-dominant hand to do everything your dominant hand can do with the same ease and ability.  If this is your case, AC Paintball is here to help!

    Shoot Faster and More Consistently

    You’ve likely gotten good at shooting and aiming quickly and consistently with your dominant hand. Unfortunately, if a certain situation calls for you to try and shoot with your non-dominant hand, you may be shaky and take a few extra seconds to aim. If you are up against a skillful player at AC Paintball, those few extra seconds can lead to you getting eliminated without getting a shot off at your opponent. On the other hand, if you are talented with both hands, you can easily adapt to the situation and help ensure you eliminate your target before they eliminate you.

    Stay Covered

    If you are right-handed, it is easy to shoot from the right side of the bunker while staying mostly covered. However, if you can only use your right hand and have to shoot from the left side of the bunker, you will have to expose more of your body in doing so. Then you give your AC Paintball opponent a bigger target and chance elimination. Having the ability to use your left hand in this type of situation will allow you to accurately target your opponent while still staying mostly covered. Then you have a better chance of staying in your AC Paintball game.

    Keep Arms Getting Tired

    If you are your paintball group plays a lot of intense games, your arms can get pretty tired by the end of your AC Paintball session. This fact is especially true if you are only good at using one arm. When you learn to use both hands, you can switch back and forth so your arm doesn’t get tired as quickly.

    Think More Efficiently

    Think about the last time you tried to use your non-dominant hand for daily activities that your dominant hand does with ease. You likely had to concentrate a lot more and may have been a bit shaky.

    Now imagine an AC Paintball game in southern New Jersey if you have to concentrate that hard to use your non-dominant hand. Thinking about using your non-dominant hand properly will likely be the only thing you will be able to concentrate on. You may end up neglecting other things you should be focusing on such as field awareness and strategy. Brain power is yet another reason why it is important to learn to use your non-dominant hand.

    Practice Using Your Left Hand In Your Free Time

    It may take a little while to get used to using your non-dominant hand. You have to train your brain to judge distance with that hand and how to make certain movements. The best way to do this is to just practice doing everyday tasks with your non-dominant hand. You can try eating, throwing things, challenging yourself to complete different movements and more. Then, once you get good at everyday tasks, you can test yourself by practicing with an actual marker at AC Paintball near Atlantic City, New Jersey.

    Become a More Effective Player

    Overall, learning how to use and shoot with your non-dominant hand expands your abilities. This makes you a more effective player. However, this is just one way you can improve your paintball skills. You can find more ways to improve your game by reading AC Paintball’s blogs: https://acpaintball.com/blog/.

  • 9 Paintball Tips For Kids

    paintball birthday eventPaintball isn’t just for adults. Kids can be talented and skilled players too. At AC Paintball in southern New Jersey, our player age limit is 10 and up. We also host many children’s birthday parties throughout the year. Whether you or your child has been invited to an AC Paintball party or has just become interested in paintball, AC Paintball has some great tips for you.

    Dress Appropriately

    When you play paintball, it is important that you dress appropriately. Before you even leave your home, you will want to make sure you have an appropriate outfit for your day at AC Paintball. Make sure your clothing is easy to move in. You may also want to consider some padding to soften the blow when you get hit by a paintball. You will also need footwear that is easy to run in. You will be doing plenty of running during your day at AC Paintball.

    Don’t forget to check the weather forecast as well. If it rains you may want dry clothing to change into afterward. Being prepared for the weather will help you be comfortable so you can play better.

    Check Your Gear and Equipment

    Once you choose your gear at AC Paintball, you will want to check your gear. Make sure your mask is securely on your face, but not too tight. Make sure any padding you are using is secure as well. Bringing gloves can help you grip your gun and also protect your hands.

    You will also want to test your marker to make sure it is functioning properly. Testing it will also help you determine where a paintball will go when you shoot it and allow you to adjust your aim. Just make sure you are testing your marker in a safe area of the AC Paintball field and not aiming at anyone without protective gear.

    Warm Up

    You may be eager to jump right into your AC Paintball game, but it is important to warm up first. Stretch and jog a few laps before the game starts to help make sure you don’t hurt yourself. Also, make sure you have a healthy snack for fuel and drink enough water to stay hydrated.

    Be Aware of Your Surroundings

    When playing paintball, it is important to be aware of your surroundings. By being aware of your surroundings, you can more easily sneak up on your opponent’s and avoid getting hit. You should both look around and listen for movement. When looking, try to keep your vision lower to the ground, about knee level. This will improve your chances of spotting an opponent as some may be crawling on the ground. Then listen for rustling foliage, footsteps or people talking.

    The more aware you are of your surroundings, the more time you have to react and create a plan to avoid harm or surprise your opponents.

    Communicate, But Know When To Be Quiet

    Paintball is a team sport. If your team struggles to communicate about plans of action, it can be difficult to win the AC Paintball game. Your team should have a plan before going into the game. Then, if you have to adjust that plan based on your opponent’s plan, you should tell your teammates what you plan on doing. Then you can figure out how to pull off this plan together.

    However, it is also important to be quiet. If you yell across the AC Paintball field to your teammates, you will give away your position on the field as well as your plan. Instead, you can use hand signals, Walkie-Talkies, codewords, and other communication techniques. If the timing isn’t right, stay completely quiet.

    new jersey speedball paintball fieldKnow How To Use the Bunkers

    There are many bunkers available to use around all of AC Paintball fields. If you think strategically, you can use them to your advantage. Before the game figure out how you can use the bunkers to get from one place to another safely.

    Also, know how to shoot at someone from behind a bunker without getting hit back. Try to keep as much of your body behind the bunker as possible, and only poke your head out from behind for a few seconds at a time. This will decrease your chances of getting hit.

    Don’t Be Afraid, Take Some Chances

    If you are new to paintball, the game can seem pretty intimidating. Paintballs fly at you at high speeds, and everything is fast-paced. Don’t be afraid, though. Yes, getting hit with a paintball may sting quite a bit, but it will heal and you will get more used to the impact. You may be tempted to play things safe at first and that is okay, but you may find that you can be more successful when you take more chances. Keep trying and trust in your abilities and you will improve.

    Don’t Tire Yourself Out Too Quickly

    It can be easy to get excited about playing paintball with your friends and family. You may want to run as fast as you can and shoot as much as you can right away. This can tire you out quickly, though. AC Paintball sessions are 4 hours long and your equipment will begin to feel heavy if you use all of your energy too early. Pace yourself and take a few breaks to help ensure you still have some energy by the end of your AC Paintball session.

    Be Friendly and Have Fun!

    Finally, the most important tip is to have fun! Your day at AC Paintball should be an exciting and enjoyable experience. Try to relax, be yourself, and make some good memories with your friends and family.

  • Renting vs. Buying Your Paintball Equipment

    The equipment you choose in paintball can make a big difference in how well you play the game. Different equipment models work better for different games and for different players. There are many choices out there when it comes to equipment, but one of the first decisions you need to make is how you are going to get your equipment. Do you want to rent your equipment or buy your own equipment?

    AC Paintball’s Equipment

    AC Paintball in southern New Jersey offers all of the paintball equipment you need for rent. We offer two different markers. This includes the Tippman Custom 98 Marker and the Valken V-Tac SW-1 Marker. You can rent either of these guns for $10. We also offer goggles, tanks, and pod belts. You can view them here: https://acpaintball.com/paintball-rental-equipment/.

    Knowing What You Want

    To help you decide if you want to rent or buy, you should first figure out what you want. If you don’t know what you want, you can narrow down your choices by simply renting one of AC Paintball’s rentals. This will allow you to get a feel for a marker and determine what you do want in a gun. If you like AC Paintball’s rental guns and eventually want to get one for yourself, you can get the same or a similar model.

    If you do know exactly what you want and are looking for specific features, you can make your decision based on if AC Paintball’s guns offer what you are looking for. If they do have features you are looking for, it may be easier to rent your marker. If it does not, you can look into buying the marker that is right for you.  You can learn more about AC Paintball’s marker models here: https://acpaintball.com/2016/04/28/tippmann-custom-marker-vs-valken-marker/.

    How Often You Play

    Another aspect that can help you determine whether you rather buy a marker or rent from AC Paintball is how often you plan on playing. If you only play at AC Paintball a few times per year, it is more cost effective to rent your equipment. However, if you play often, buying your own gun may provide more benefits. If you want to make the most cost-effective choice, research the equipment you want and compare the price to how often you play at AC Paintball.

    If you do play at AC Paintball often and are looking for even more savings, consider joining our AC Paintball Club. Members enjoy discounts on paintball cases as well as 10% off of field admissions (not applicable with qualified group discounts).

    Moving and Storing Your Equipment

    You will also need to consider what it will take to move the equipment around and store it. If you have a lot of your own equipment, it can take up a lot of space. Do you have room at home where you can keep your paintball organized or will you have to rent a storage unit and pick it up before your AC Paintball trips? If you choose to buy your own equipment, this is something you will want to plan for.

    Meanwhile, if you rent from AC Paintball, the equipment is already there and ready for you. You just have to focus on wearing the right clothing and maybe bringing some snacks, a towel, and sunscreen.

    Making a Decision

    If you have considered all of the topics above and still can’t make a decision, AC Paintball is here to help. Overall, if you are new to the game and don’t know how often you will play or what kind of gun you want, you are best off renting for now. Once you figure out what your needs are, it will be easier to make a decision.

    On the other hand, if you do decide to buy your own marker, make sure you can use it at the facility where you plan on playing. If you plan on playing at AC Paintball the limit is 280fps and the marker cannot be fully automatic. If you have any questions, please search AC Paintball’s website or ask a member of our staff.

  • Small Group Paintball vs. Large Group Paintball

    summer paintball bachelor partyPaintball is a very adaptable game. As long as you aren’t playing an official tournament, you can pretty much change the rules, game, and winning conditions however you want. You can also adapt the game based on the number of players you have.

    An AC Paintball game can change a lot based on the number of players. Therefore, you will want to choose how many people you choose to invite carefully. Here are some comparisons to help you decide if you rather play with a small group or a large group.


    Every trip to AC Paintball in southern New Jersey takes some level of planning. You need to figure out what days everyone is free, figure out how everyone is getting there, and make sure everyone knows how to prepare for the trip. The more people you have in your group, the more difficult this task will become.

    If you are good at organizing trips and enjoy it, you can easily consider hosting a large group trip to AC Paintball. If organizing is not your forte, however, you may want to find someone who is willing to help you or just stick to small group games.

    Evening Out the Teams

    Another part of planning is making sure the teams are even. It is a good idea to figure out the skill level of each member of your party and divide up the players so each team is evenly matched. This will help make your AC Paintball game more fun for everyone.

    There are positives and negatives for both group sizes in this aspect. A group of four can be difficult to make even if one player has a lot of experience and the other three don’t. However, if two people are experienced, it is simple to put one experienced member on each team. On the other hand, a large group can be difficult to divide evenly because it is hard to judge every single player’s skill level beforehand.  However, you have a better chance of randomly placing skilled players on both teams.

    Game  Length and Speed

    The number of players can also affect the speed of the game. The more people that have to be eliminated, the longer your game will take. Keep in mind that longer games can be fun for those still playing, but can get boring for those who have been eliminated early in the game. Also, long games can be more fun, but also more tiring. Be sure to choose the right AC Paintball field and game type to keep your games at an appropriate length.


    DSC06655Your strategy will also be affected based on how large your team is. Take movement, as an example. If you have a lot of players, you can travel in groups so that teammates can help protect one another. However, if you have a small team, it is probably safer for each player to travel individually to cover more ground.

    Larger teams also mean you have more opponents to eliminate. Your AC Paintball game can quickly become a game of numbers. A team of two doesn’t have much chance of winning against a team of six. Therefore, you may want to use a strategy that works to eliminate as many opponents as quickly as possible.


    Communication is also part of the strategy and you should keep this in mind. If you have a large group, you should come up with a system that makes it easier for everyone to communicate with each other. If even one person doesn’t get the message, it can mess up the rest of your game plan.

    With a small group, you have fewer people to worry about getting the message to, but it can also be more difficult to communicate at long distances. Unlike large groups, you don’t have as many players who can drop what they are doing to focus on spreading a message to the other teammates.  Be sure to keep this in mind when choosing the size of your group and what AC Paintball field you choose.

    Book Your AC Paintball Game Now!

    Whether you decide to play with a small group or a large group, AC Paintball would be happy to host your game. Once you have your group organized, you can schedule your game here: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/. We look forward to seeing you and your group soon!

  • Tips for Detecting Opponents in Your Area

    DSC06586Playing offense in a paintball game is exciting. You get credit for taking out opponents and you get to be in the middle of the action. While it is easy to focus on the exciting offensive part, it is also important to play defensively as well.

    You should always be on guard. It only takes a second or two for your opponent to pull the trigger, hit you, and eliminate you from the game. So, what is the best way to help make sure you stay in your AC Paintball game? Detecting opponents near you. If you can see danger before you encounter it, you can avoid it. To help you do so, AC Paintball in southern New Jersey has compiled this list of tips.


    While most players, at AC Paintball, will try to stay as quiet as possible, it is difficult to stay completely silent. Leaves make noise when moved or stepped on. Some clothing can be noisy when your opponents move. Your opponents will also need to communicate with each other. With this in mind, your ears can be a great tool to keep you protected and in the game.

    In your free time, practice listening. Research ways you can improve your skills and test yourself to see if you can determine what direction sounds are coming from. Before you know it, you will be ready for your next AC Paintball game.

    Scan the AC Paintball Field

    Think about a hunting or herding dog. They have to stay alert and pay attention to many things at once. They are trained to carefully scan their surrounds to look for movement in the area. You can use the same technique to help you be successful in your next AC Paintball game.

    When scanning, be sure to pay attention to how much time you have to do so and where you are when you do so. If you get caught up in scanning the field for too long, you may not notice your opponents sneaking up on you. Stopping on a path out in the open to scan the field will also leave you vulnerable. Be sure you find a safe place to watch before scanning the field and know how much time you have to spare.  

    Keep Your Vision Low

    paintball-1282164_960_720Not everyone stays standing during an AC Paintball game. They crouch behind bunkers, crawl on the ground, and even lay flat at certain times. This means that keeping your focus low will improve your chances of catching movement. Just be sure that you don’t get tunnel vision and keep looking down. You should be aware of all of your surroundings.

    Watch the Ref or Marshall

    Many referees and marshalls are trained to go toward where they predict firing will occur. This helps them judge the situation better. If you see a ref walking toward you and you are not aware of any opponents in the area, you will want to take a second look around. You may also want to consider trying to safely move out of the area or preparing to react and fire back quickly in case your opponent misses their shot.

    Have a Teammate Help Keep Watch

    You can only look in one general direction at a time. Depending on the type of mask you are using, your range of vision may be narrowed even more. This means that it can be helpful to have a second pair of eyes to help you watch out for your opponents at AC Paintball.

    Traveling near one or two of your teammates can improve your chances of spotting opponents and allow you to watch out for one another. Just don’t travel in groups that are too large. Doing so makes your team an easier target.

    Be Ready To React

    Finally, you need to be ready to react. If you notice an opponent in your area, you have two options. You can fight and try to shoot at them or you can run and try to get away. Every situation will be different, so practicing making quick decisions will be beneficial to you during your next game. You can learn more tips and tricks for decision making by checking out AC Paintball’s blog on our website.

  • 7 Ways to Practice and Improve Your Paintball Game At Home

    paintball-girl-1748134_960_720If you want to be a great paintball player, you need to practice. If you are an experienced player, you may still want to practice your skills on days you can’t make it out to AC Paintball in southern New Jersey to practice your skills. If you are a beginner, you may want to improve your skills before you play more experienced players at AC Paintball. No matter what your reasoning, there are multiple ways you can improve your skills at home, even if you can’t make it to AC Paintball.

    Set Up a Target Practice (If You Have Space and Equipment)

    Aiming is one of the most important aspects of paintball. If you can’t hit your target, they will likely hit you. If you have a large yard and some equipment, you can set up some target practice. Just make sure there are no restrictions where you live and make sure your family, friends, and pets stay out of your way and are safe.

    Try to hit your target with just one shot. This will help you make sure you hit your opponents out before they eliminate you and help you save ammo so you can play for a longer period of time at AC Paintball.

    Practice Snap Shooting

    One common way that experienced players practice when they can’t make it to AC Paintball, is snap shooting. Practice popping out from behind a bunker, shooting, then snapping back behind the bunker to hide. Be sure to learn the proper technique. Doing so will help you have a low profile for your opponents to hit you when you pop out.

    Use a Mirror to Practice Your Stance and Movement

    Using a mirror can help you practice your snap shooting as well as a variety of other aspects of paintball. If you have a large mirror and a large obstacle you can watch yourself and figure out how to improve.

    Some other aspects you can practice include posture and movement. Believe it or not, having the right posture and movement can greatly improve your game. Check out this AC Paintball blog for tips on shooting posture and movement, https://acpaintball.com/2017/08/16/ac-paintballs-tips-for-shooting/.

    Improve Your Physical Fitness

    If you and your friends are having lots of fun, you can spend the whole day at AC Paintball. With this in mind, you need to be in good shape and have good endurance, especially if you are playing on one of AC Paintball’s larger fields.

    While at home do plenty of cardio and endurance exercises like jogging, sprinting, suicides, and more. Once you improve your endurance, you can add padding or carry weights to make your exercises more like an AC Paintball experience.

    Practice Using Your Opposite Hand

    One useful skill to have when playing at AC Paintball is the ability to use both hands. This ability allows you to accurately shoot no matter where you are positioned. While at home, you can practice using your opposite hand for everyday tasks such as eating, writing, opening doors, and more. Once you get talented with this ability, you will become a more valuable player.

    meditation-1287207_960_720Practice Focusing and Visualizing

    There are ways you can practice your paintball skills without even having to move. Visualization is a popular technique both amateur and professional athletes use to improve their game and skills.

    Find a quiet place and visualize various parts of a paintball game. You can imagine yourself playing different positions, see various situations, and think about how to handle the adrenaline and various obstacles. If you know how to solve a problem beforehand, you will know exactly what to do during a game. Visualization can help improve your confidence and improve your focus during your AC Paintball game.

    Research Tips, Tricks, and Strategies

    Whether you are an amateur or a professional, there is always something new you can learn about paintball. When you have free time, it is a good idea to research various tips and tricks. This can improve your paintball knowledge and wisdom. Some people may think sports are all physical abilities and skills, but a large part of sports, including paintball, is actually strategizing and using your knowledge.

    Some good ways to learn more about paintball is to read AC Paintball’s blog and other articles. You can do so here, https://acpaintball.com/blog/. You can also watch videos or talk to other players and staff at AC Paintball in Williamstown, New Jersey. The more you learn, the better player you will become.

  • Tips to Help You Predict Your Opponent’s Plans

    paintball-1961040_960_720What is one of the best ways to gain the upper hand on your opponents? If you can predict what they are planning ahead of time, you can figure out a way to turn the game in your favor. You can avoid their ambushes, you can corner them, you can stop their runner before they capture the flag, and much more.

    Strategizing is a large part of paintball. If you can outthink your opponents, you can greatly improve your chances of winning. If you want to learn some tips and tricks to figure out what your opponents are planning, AC Paintball in southern New Jersey is here to help.

    Think About What You Would Do In Their Situation

    Put yourself in your opponent’s shoes. If you were in the same situation as they are, think about what you would do. Many times, what you would do is also what they are thinking about doing. Once you have an idea of what moves they may pull, or what strategy they will use, you can figure out how to reverse their plan to work in your favor.

    For instance, if they see that you are waiting for them to come out from behind a bunker, they may decide to just stay behind the bunker so they are safe. However, you can gain the upper hand by signaling a teammate to go around behind so that the opponent is surrounded.

    Pay Attention to What They Do In Other Games

    People have habits, even when it comes to sports. Chances are if you notice a player doing something multiple times in one AC Paintball game, they will continue to do the same in other games. Use this information to your advantage.

    For instance, if you are playing on one of AC Paintball’s wooded course and you can’t find them during the game, they may think they found a good hiding spot. They may continue to use that same spot until it stops working for them. If you can figure out where that spot is and surround them, you can force them to change their plans and put them on the run.

    Watch Them From A Safe Place

    Sometimes when you are moving around and constantly watching your back, you don’t have the focus or mind frame to try and figure out what your opponents are planning. If you are playing on one of AC Paintballs speedball fields, you may not be able to find a safe place to stop for a minute and observe. However, if you are playing on one of AC Paintball’s larger woodsball fields, you may have time to do so.

    1024px-thumbnailObserve things like their body language, how fast they are moving, and what direction they are moving. Do your best to figure out what they are doing. If you can easily eliminate them and you feel it is the best option, do so. If not, communicate with the rest of your team so they can decide what the next step should be. Just be careful not to stay in the same spot for too long. If one of your opponents is watching you, they may also be forming a plan to surround and eliminate you.

    Watch the AC Paintball Game Marshall

    An AC Paintball game marshall’s job is to fairly judge the game. This means getting closer to the action to get a better view. Knowing this can actually help you during your AC Paintball game. AC Paintball refs have seen many games and know how to observe patterns. They are fairly accurate at predicting when someone is going to fire. Therefore, if you watch the marshall, you may be able to tell what your opponents are up to. If a marshall comes near you during a game and you don’t notice opponents in the area, you may want to take a second look around.

    Stay On Your Toes and Be Ready To Adapt

    If your opponents put you in a tricky situation, you need to be ready to adapt. What you predict their actions will be, will not always turn out to be 100% accurate. Sometimes they will take the upper hand and put you on the run. However, you can combat this type of issue by improving your ability to think on your feet and adapt. The better you get at this skill, the better your chances will be of staying in the game.

    Capitalize on Unexpected Advantages

    Don’t be afraid to capitalize on unexpected advantages. While you want to keep the game honest and fair, you will also want to give your team the advantage whenever you can. Luck and chance are part of the game. If you don’t take advantage of certain situations, you may not give your team the game turning point they are looking for. Taking chances can be the difference between a win and a loss. However, if you are still concerned about unfair tricks, discuss the rules with everyone before your AC Paintball game. This way everyone can be on the same page.

  • Halloween Twists to Add to Your October Paintball Party

    raven-988218_960_720Halloween is just around the corner. If you are planning on booking a party at AC Paintball sometime soon, you may want to consider adding a Halloween theme to make things a bit more interesting. There are multiple ways you can make your AC Paintball party a bit more festive. All it takes is a bit of research for ideas, a little initiative to make it happen, and some good friends to make your party fun.

    To help you get started planning, AC Paintball in southern New Jersey has compiled this list of spooky and fun ways you can incorporate a Halloween theme into your paintball game.


    Halloween is a time to dress up as one of your favorite characters. You can do the same for your AC Paintball game. You can dress up as zombies, ghosts, monsters or almost anything you want. Doing so can help add some authenticity to a scenario game or just make things more entertaining.

    There are a few aspects you will want to take into consideration when choosing your costume. Paintball is a game that requires a lot of movement. Whatever you decide to wear, you should be able to move around easily. Before leaving for AC Paintball be sure to test that you can run, jump, crouch, and move your arms in all directions. Pay attention to footwear as well. Sneakers are often the best option. Checking the weather and preparing appropriately will also be helpful.


    A large part of your AC Paintball experience is choosing which type of game you want to play. There are multiple basic games to play and even more ways to tweak them. For instance, if you wanted to make capture-the-flag more Halloween themed, you could use a witches broomstick instead of a flag.

    You could also create your own game based on trick-or-treating where you go around collecting candy or tokens and try to collect as much as you can before getting eliminated. Whoever collects the most wins. You could even set up a scenario paintball game based on your favorite Halloween or horror movie. Just get together with your friends and brainstorm some ideas. You are sure to come up with something great!


    female paintball playerOne way to make any AC Paintball more exciting is to give awards to your guests. Awards give people something to play for. It also gives them something to take home with them to remember your party. They will likely show it to their friends later and tell them all about the fun they had. It is a simple way to make your party a little more special and memorable. 

    With some brainstorming, you can think of some great Halloween-themed award titles. For instance, you can make a “Count” Dracula award for the person who eliminates the most opponents or has the highest kill “count.” Since werewolves are typically loud and howl at the moon, you could make a werewolf award for the best communicator on the field. A ghost award would be a great title for the best hider or the player who is the best at avoiding getting hit.


    After a few intense games at AC Paintball, your guests are going to want some snacks to refuel and gain more energy for more games. While it is easy to go crazy with the sweets at Halloween time, be sure to prepare some healthy foods. Oranges or tangerines can pose as small pumpkins with a bit of imagination. Grapes can be turned into eyeballs. You can also add stickers or paper cutouts to bags filled with various snacks.

    Once you cover healthy snacks, you can add some tastier and less healthy snacks as a reward. You can use a Halloween cookie cutter to make cookies or rice crispy treats. You can cover cupcakes, pretzels, or other goodies with black, orange, and purple sprinkles.

    Schedule an AC Paintball Game Now!

    Once you have a plan, the final step is to book or confirm your party date and time. If you have any ideas you are unsure about, contact AC Paintball in southern New Jersey to ask one of our staff members any questions you may have. To schedule a game, follow this link: https://acpaintball.com/schedule-paintball-game/.